How to speed up unit test execution?

2019-01-12 Thread novikov
Currently each file takes about 0.3 sec to execute. There're going to be 
hundreds of them. The subset of Nim I use is OOP-like with many small files. 
How can I speed up unit test execution?

Here is a gif to demonstrate the speed: 

Object last values not visible in finalizer

2019-01-09 Thread novikov
Is there a way to check the state of a **ref object** before it is demolished 
by the garbage collector?

  A = ref object
count: int

proc finalize(o: A) =
  echo "count: " & $o.count # shows "count: 0" instead of "count: 555"

var a = A(count: 555)
new(a, finalize)

a = nil


Re: Is this bug still valid in fieldPairs iterator?

2019-01-09 Thread novikov
Thanks for reply! I`ll use it then.

Is this bug still valid in fieldPairs iterator?

2019-01-09 Thread novikov
Trying to iterate over keys and values of a tuple. In the documentations I find 
such a notice

"The current implementation also has a bug that affects symbol binding in the 
loop body."


Does this still hold true? Can this feature be used?

How to invoke finalizer?

2019-01-06 Thread novikov
Trying to count procedure calls at the time a mock object gets destroyed. But I 
cannot get any simple code running. Please explain the syntax of finalizers for 
**ref** types.

  A = ref object

proc finalizer(a: A) =
  echo "-"

proc foo(): A =
  var a {.global.}: A = A()
  new(a, finalizer)
  return a

var a = foo()


Re: inserting one template inside another

2019-01-06 Thread novikov
I managed to achieve this combination of two AST trees using the quote feature.


The only thing I dislike is how the result variable of the surrounding function 
travels inside the quote block. But they say it has been already fixed last 
summer (for macros).


The activity of AST stitching resembles to me DOM manipulation in JS. 

Re: inserting one template inside another

2019-01-05 Thread novikov
Sorry I failed to describe my problem an a sufficient way. I was trying to 
concatenate templates so that a variable defined in one of them is visible in 
the other one. But without being visible that calls the resulting combined 
template. You are right I have much to learn yet.

Re: inserting one template inside another

2019-01-05 Thread novikov
Thank you for a useful advice. I create a mock of a procedure. I load module 
file, get a procedure AST out of it. Then I try to replace its body with assert 

assert(a == values.a)
assert(b == values.b)


where a and b are arguments of the procedure

inserting one template inside another

2019-01-04 Thread novikov
I generate two AST's using two different templates. Replacing one node of the 
fist tree with the whole second tree woks fine. How can I define a variable in 
the first template and use it in the second?

template first(): untiped =
  var n = 1
  echo "this very line gets replaced with code from another template"

template second(): untiped =
  n = 2 # <-- undefined


Working with macros without using templates is an exhausting affair. A couple 
lines of code produces a giant tree.

I can't use one single template because I can't iterate over passed arguments. 
So I've come up with such a solution: to generate tees separately and then 
merge them into one. 

Re: TDD reference project

2019-01-03 Thread novikov
Writing a mocking library. 
Hopefully it will be able to mock itself at least.

Re: "Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts

2019-01-03 Thread novikov
I'm trying Nim for the first time, four days to be precise.

I had a couple of moments when I did not understand compiler messages. I did 
not know which places in my code to look at. With some luck I found good 
suggestions on the Internet. If I hadn't found these solutions I wouldn't be 
using Nim now. It's because when everything is new in a language one is not 
sure and not ready to spend hours thinking about the roots of a problem.

The first issue was about name conflicts of modules residing in different 
folders inside src (resolved with foo.nimble file in each sub-folder). The 
second issue was about import statement. I was constantly forgetting to import 
not only the module I use directly but also the modules for return values if I 
happened to use them.

I'm missing cross references in the Docs 
([]( There are some, but I 
suppose it could be more of them. An example from PHP documentation with a 
**See also** section 

Some functions in Nim Docks have very short description.

To create projects with Nim I want to stick with the official package manager. 
I like Nimble for its simple config. It's not that convoluted as Webpack 
config. But I have not discovered how to use it for importing macros from my 
other projects. So videos demonstrating Nimble capabilities are in demand.

The language itself is very easy to adopt. I just use the part of it I 
understand. With time new parts are added. It is very good. You don't have to 
know much (read large chunks of documentation) to start using Nim.

Good modern documentation features are online code 
walk-throughs([]( and fiddlers 
([]( where you can share code 
snippets and run them in a browser.

Best practices of meta-programming

2019-01-03 Thread novikov
What are the best practices of meta-programming? And what are anti-patterns?

So far I could find:

  * provide debugging info
  * check AST node type before doing anything with it

How to nimble test nested foldes?

2019-01-02 Thread novikov
Is it possible to configure **nimble** somehow so that it runs tests in nested 
folders as well? 

Re: Happy New Year! Version 0.19.2 released!

2019-01-01 Thread novikov
**choosenim** supplies 0.19.0


import statement suggestion

2019-01-01 Thread novikov
Not sure if it's correct to place suggestions... But if collective imports from 
a directory could be nested it were more consistent in my opinion.


As of Nim 0.19.0

  mocknim/[ # <-- it works
module/[ # <-- it doesn't word


Re: TDD reference project

2018-12-31 Thread novikov
Thank you for quick response. I looked into the resources you provided. I 
suppose another version of JUnit is not just not idiomatic for Nim. I've tried 
a little meta-programming from the book. It goes surprisingly easy although not 
much information on the Internet. This activity is like modifying some XML. 
I'll try to create a macro that mocks a proc of a module. This will allow 
checking passed parameters and return values which is sufficient to me.

TDD reference project

2018-12-31 Thread novikov
Looking for a correct way to set up my project to apply TDD. I need a test 
runner, mocking framework and coverage report to do this properly. Some things 
I have already figured out but it takes a lot of time that I'd be happy to 
spend writing application code.

**Is there an example project out there with 100% code coverage?**

I try to move my project from C to some modern programming language. The 
project has unit tests in C. But creating mocks manually is tedious and slows 
development down. 

At work I use PHP 7.2 and PHPUnit framework which is a great tool. I had an 
idea that something like this should exist for Nim or D.