Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2017-01-11 Thread jibal
@Krux02 That sounds like a good idea; certainly something worth looking into.

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2017-01-10 Thread Krux02
I wonder if it is possible to automatically wrap rust libraries, to make them 
usable in Nim. What I mean is something like this:

rustimport myRustLib


with myRustLib being a pure rust library. No glue code should be required to be 
written manually. With C that is not possible, because C does not have modules. 
For C one has transform the header to a Nim equivalent for a clean module, or 
one can just exploit the fact that Nim compiles to C and emit calls to the 
include and the C function calls. c2nim is a tool that can help a lot for the 
process to translate the C header, but it is something that cannot be 
implemented 100% correct, and therefore there will always be manual written 
wrappers. But Rust does not have this disadvantage, there are clean modules and 
maybe a compiler plugin can give you all the information you would need to 
generate the required Nim wrapper code 100% reliable and 100% automated.

This would really help to take an advantage of the always growing Rust 

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2017-01-09 Thread jibal
"If the implementation pendantically avoided Rust's unsafe feature"

This isn't doable. Following Rust's ownership and lifetime rules requires 
explicit annotations ... they can't be inferred by the compiler, or else the 
Rust compiler would already be doing that.

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2017-01-01 Thread bpr
I've been using Rust for a bit lately, and I rather like it. However, compiling 
Rust is painfully slow, even for the smallish things I'm doing. Until it's very 
fast, I think compiling to Rust is an awful idea for Nim. Nim's quick compiler 
is a big benefit IMO.

I rather disagree with @Krux02; the LLVM backend (which must be what @Krux02 
refers to) is developed independently by @arnetheduck and I doubt that Araq 
spends much time on it yet at all. However, looking at D, the LLVM backed 
compiler is the one that generates the fastest code, and I hope that maybe one 
day we'll see the same from the Nim LLVM backend.

Rust is not just **advertised** better than Nim. They announced a date for Rust 
1.0, and explained what it means, and they've been pretty good about holding to 
it and then having new releases every six weeks. That's impressive. I prefer 
Nim as a language, but I believe that the future for Rust looks more assured 
than that for Nim.

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-31 Thread Veritas
I've been thinking about this more, so I have a few more thoughts.

Rust's compile-time memory safety guarantees are _the_ feature to beat. I've 
spent a large part of 2016 exploring Rust, and I hate it, but, the compile-time 
memory safety is such a compelling feature, I'll suffer through it and keep 
using it. Even [Swift is planning something Rust-like in 

Would there be any advantage implementing a Nim backend in Rust maintaining all 
of Nim's features? I'll argue "yes". If the implementation pendantically 
avoided Rust's [unsafe]( feature, 
one could guarantee (at least in as much as Rust can make such gurantees) that 
if their code compiled, their code would be memory-safe. That's worth it, in my 
opinion. I do have to admit, however, that I don't know to what extent Nim 
already provides such gurantees.

It would introduce a number of unfortunate disadvantages. To name two: Probably 
less performance than the C backend, and very slow compile times.

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-31 Thread Veritas
I think a Rust backend for Nim would be quite interesting. In my experience, 
I've found Rust is more like C than any other language, so I'm quite sure it 
would be possible.

There is already a C to Rust translator named 
[Corrode]( It would be an interesting 
experiment to compile one's Nim code to C, then use Corrode to translate the C 
code to Rust. I suspect, however, that would simply implement the Nim garbage 
collector in Rust, rather than leverage Rust's borrow-checker, ownership, and 
lifetime features.

I suspect, if the stewards of Nim every wanted to add a Rust-like borrow 
checker to Nim, using Rust as a backend could potentially be part of the 

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-30 Thread Libman
Hmm, double-posting forum bug - 

(I self-deleted the dupe.)

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-30 Thread Libman
The reason you're "hearing so much about Rust" is that they are less shy about 
hype marketing 
 (and, ironically, they go irate when they come across evangelists for a 
competing language 
[(ex)]( Yes, many 
people are very religious about their choice of programming language - 
including myself. ;)

I don't see how Nim would benefit from a Rust _backend_. The C backend serves 
almost the entirely of Nim's purpose. From what I understand, the C++ backend 
makes it a bit easier to build wrappers around C++ libraries, but isn't really 
a necessity. When it comes to good libraries, I'd guesstimate that C probably 
has about 85% market share, with 14% of good libraries being C++ only (rather 
than OO wrappers around C), and 1% "other" (with Fortran still being ahead of 
Rust). IPFS's libp2p being implemented in Go is a strange exception, but they 
[will eventually write an implementation in 

(One exception is the JS backend, which is categorically different. It still 
needs a lot of work to reach its potential (with more libraries that work in 
both in-browser and outside-the-browser contexts, leveraging things like 
[BrowserFS](, etc), and it may not be a good 
choice for most people anymore if/when 
[wasm]( matures.)

Back when Rust's Mid-level Intermediate Representation (MIR) [was 
announced](, I've inquired on 
IRC [(log)]( 
about the possibility of a unified library ecosystem between Nim and other 
similar languages - that is a very interesting discussion IMHO, but a very 
different idea from a "backend".

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-30 Thread Krux02
As far as I know, you can always disable the safety belt of Rust when you need 
to. It is already required to interface C from rust. I personally am not the 
fan of the feature that Nim can compile to any language in the world. I think 
that a lot of work to implement, and even more work to maintain. The C backend 
is a very common way to implement a new language, and reusing a lot of 
knowledge about the language C. C++ backend is just because it is easy to 
support. EcmaScript is important, because WebAssembly is simply not there yet, 
and it could take a while before it really is suitable. All other backends are 
in my opinion a distraction from getting the important stuff fixed to get Nim 
to a stable version 1. Every backend that is not one of the mentioned backends 
should get lowest priority.

Re: Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-30 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
What is the point? You can't use the tools that rust provides to handle memory 
with safety, arguably the only reason to use rust over nim.

Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?

2016-12-30 Thread runvnc
I have a feeling it is actually not possible because of the borrowing stuff 
somehow. But I keep hearing so much about Rust.. it seems so many C or C++ 
programmers are becoming Rust evangelicals. It also seems like they are still 
either deliberately making it difficult to handle normal tasks in Rust or they 
just don't know how to make a clean syntax or streamlined system.

So I have finally accepted that I will have to learn Rust eventually. But just 
in case there could be hope down the line I am asking this question. Thanks.