Re: Documentation colour theme

2016-08-21 Thread flyx
The text I quoted said _consider_. Not _do not use black_. The author 
considered it and decided to use both black and dark gray text (see the text in 
the margin and the footer?).

Re: Documentation colour theme

2016-08-21 Thread exhu
@flyx, and this page from practicaltypography uses black on white :)

Re: Documentation colour theme

2016-08-21 Thread sky_khan
@flyx The page you referenced uses full black text on full white background.

So, what is so wrong with black, again ?


Re: Documentation colour theme

2016-08-21 Thread flyx
Another opinion on text color from 

> But con­sider mak­ing body text on screen dark gray rather than black. 
> Screens have more se­vere con­trast than pa­per, and thus are more tir­ing to 
> read at full con­trast. This is be­cause screens pro­duce color by emit­ting 
> light di­rectly, whereas pa­per pro­duces color by ab­sorb­ing and 
> re­flect­ing am­bi­ent light.

I would also prefer text color to be a bit darker. But black is overkill.

Documentation colour theme

2016-08-21 Thread exhu
Glad that the project has advanced so much the last time I used it. Now to get 
grasp on it I went to read the docs. Please, do not take offense as i find Nim 
to be the best documented open source project out there, but change the text 
color to black, because light gray is eye-soar to read on white. It's 
especially bad on consumer laptops nowadays with trashy lcd displays (devices 
cheaper than 2k USD prevailing in my region).

BTW, absolutely happy that I could regenerate it via koch by adjusting 
config/nimdoc.cfg body css!
