Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-09-04 Thread LeuGim
> Please note the biggest problem of inheritance-based interfaces: you cannot 
> add one to a type already in existence when you define the interface

Certainly you cannot; that is the point - not interfaces state, what types 
satisfy (implement) them, but the other way round, types state, what they 
implement, and interfaces can only restrict, what types can state that (say, 
providing signatures for required procs); not satisfying the interface's 
restrictions results not in rejecting for the type to be considered as being of 
that interface, but in a compile-time error. E.g., supposing concepts-syntax 
for interfaces:

  I = interface x
  T = distinct int implements I
# p(t: T) = discard

This should result in a compile-time error, unless the last line is uncommented.

And at the same time

  I = interface x
  T = distinct int
proc p(t: T) = discard
echo T is I  # -> false

, because `T` here is not intended to be `I`.

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-09-04 Thread LeuGim
> two interfaces or concepts requiring a routine of the same name and arguments 
> either have to share it

  A = concept x
p x
  B = concept x
q x
  C = distinct int
  D = distinct int
proc p(v: C) = discard
proc q(v: D) = discard
proc r(v: A) = echo "r for A"
proc r(v: B) = echo "r for B"
  c = 5.C
  d = 7.D
r c # -> r for A
r d # -> r for B

They do not share it. May be I did not understand you correctly...

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-09-04 Thread Udiknedormin
Well, for me the BEST "interfaces" would be explicit, namespaced concepts, 
actually (hello, Rust!). Please note the biggest problem of inheritance-based 
interfaces: you cannot add one to a type already in existence when you define 
the interface. Also, both interfaces and Nim's concepts are, let's say, 
duck-signatured, meaning two interfaces or concepts requiring a routine of the 
same name and arguments either have to share it or, if return type or 
attributes are in conflict, cannot be fulfilled for the same type.

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-31 Thread Lando
> These are two models, inheritance and type classes, which are different 
> answers to the same problem. I can see no good reason to provide both in the 
> same language..

I see one difference: with concepts the type match is an implicit one, the 
person creating the matching concrete type doesn't even have to now that the 
concept exists. With inheritance, it is explicit: the creator of a derived type 
explicitly mentions the base type in the type definition. This implies that he 
is aware of the semantics that cannot be checked by a compiler. A concept match 
checks that, e.g., a certain proc is defined for the matched type. The creator 
of that proc never promised that this proc will actually do what we think it 

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-29 Thread LeuGim
> this language claims to be rather minimalistic

does it?

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-29 Thread Udiknedormin
It seems to me that concepts' vtables make methods obsolete. These are two 
models, inheritance and type classes, which are different answers to the same 
problem. I can see no good reason to provide both in the same language if this 
language claims to be rather minimalistic. Also, vtables give more elasticity 
as the same type can implement many vertical concepts/protocols.

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-29 Thread Lando
> At least Nim would have to instantiate all methods that could be called at 
> runtime.

I see. Calculating the minimal set of necessary method instances at compile 
time looks hard-to-impossible to me though, at least with multiple-dispatch 

> I think there were suggestions about removing methods from the language, but 
> I'm not aware what the result was.

AFAIK, araq favors making methods single-dispatch (only the first parameter 
determines the method instance called at runtime). Should make fixing this 

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-29 Thread Lando
Thx for your answers guys.

@def: Does that mean that in order to make methods work with generics, Nim 
would have to be able to instantiate methods for generic parameters after 
dynamic dispatch (at runtime)?

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-28 Thread def
That's obviously supposed to work and it's a bug when using methods in 
combination with generics. Without generics it works fine:

Console* = ref object of RootObj
ViewportConsole* = ref object of Console

method draw*(self: Console, engine: string) =
echo "Ignoring a Console..."

method draw*(self: ViewportConsole, engine: string) =
echo "Drawing a ViewportConsole on ", engine, "..."

var consoles: seq[Console] = @[]

for console in consoles:
console.draw("blah blah")

I will open a bug report.

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-28 Thread Lando
Probably an [object 
variant]( Or maybe 
wait until concepts are implemented.

Re: Bug with generic methods?

2017-08-28 Thread Lando
That's because of the sequence. If you would store the objects in two separate 
sequences for _Console_ and _ViewportConsole_ instead, you would get the 
expected result. Apparently, _var consoles: seq[Console]_ sets the runtime type 
of the elements to **exactly** _Console_.