Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2019-09-22 Thread GordonBGood
To anyone trying to do this currently for Linux **or** Windows (I am using 
Windows), here are the steps as of 22-September-2019:

  1. Install 
[emscripten]( for 
your platform including Windows.
  2. Thanks to [@yglukhov](, we know we 
have to cross-compile to linux to make it work, especially for Windows, which 
was what I was missing. This can be used by putting the following "nim.cfg" 
file into your project directory:

@if emscripten:
cc = clang
@if windows:
clang.exe = "emcc.bat"
clang.linkerexe = "emcc.bat"
 clang.exe = "emcc"
clang.linkerexe = "emcc"
os = linux
cpu = i386
@if asmjs:
passC = "-s WASM=0"
passL = "-s WASM=0"


3\. Call the nim compiler with the following for compilation to wasm: 

nim c -d:emscripten -d:release -d:danger -o:./index.html 


or the following for compilation to asm.js: 

nim c -d:emscripten -d:asmjs -d:release -d:danger -o:./index.html 


  1. The output file extension can be ".html" for a pre-canned emscripten 
standard web page with the console output embedded or with a ".js" file 
extension for a file that can be run with node.
  2. From these, one can work out how to build a custom HTML document file to 
embed the project complete with custom JavaScript to handling the data to/from 
between wasm and the HTML DOM.

Use of wasm is generally at least a little faster than the use of even asm.js, 
but for many applications it may not be of "killer speed" considering that 
JavaScript engines such as Chrome's V8 already Just In Time (JIT) optimize "hot 
spots" in the code quite efficiently.

I haven't tried it yet but plan to but one of the most important reasons to use 
wasm instead of JavaScript or asm.js output is that one can do single web page 
multi-threading within the same page with shared data by using the new 
experimental feature that [can be enabled in Chrome since version 
70]( (now up to 
version 77), if not other web browsers, (especially Firefox?). Finally, we 
should be able to make proper web page use of multi-threading and all the cores 
we have available even in smartphones!

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2019-07-14 Thread GordonBGood
I doubt I have a program error as it won't compile "Hello World". The problem 
is likely with the Windows implementation, as I've seen referenced before. The 
thing is that Emscripten works fine from C/C++ code, so it seems the Nim is 
doing something when compiling in a Windows terminal.

I have MSYS2, so I can try running in that terminal. My machine is running out 
of System space, so I would prefer not to have to install WSL Linux, which I'm 
sure would work.

I don't think there is anything major wrong, Nim just needs some compiler 
options set to handle output to Emscripten.

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2019-07-12 Thread gemath
Due to the changes in emscripten you mentioned, my own WASM example code now 
compiles and runs fine with the following simple nim.cfg:

@if emscripten:
   cc = clang
   clang.exe = "emcc"
   clang.linkerexe = "emcc"
   cpu = i386


and this command line:

`nim c -d:emscripten -d:release -d:danger -o:.html .nim`

For ASM.js output,

-t:"-s WASM=0" -l:"-s WASM=0"


is inserted into the command line. I'm running Nim 0.20 and emscripten 1.38.38 
on Linux 64bit, so your problem might be specific to Windows or to your code.

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2019-07-11 Thread GordonBGood
@rpowers:, or anyone that has tried using Nim and Emscripten to generate asm.js 
and/or WebAssembly lately.

I am using the following on Windows:

  1. Nim latest release version 0.20.0
  2. Emscripten version 1.38.37 installed successfully on Windows 10 build 
1903, tested to successfully be able to generate both asm.js and WebAssembly 
output from C source files.

I am sure that the referenced Nim capabilities used to work, but I am having 
problems with latest versions on Windows, as follows:

  1. I used the "nim.cfg" file as specified above changing the "emcc"'s to 
"emcc.bat"'s for Windows but there seem to have been some changes over the year 
or two: Now, setting ASM_JS=1 doesn't seem to do anything and one uses WASM=1 
for WebAssembly and WASM=0 for asm.js output.
  2. The include flags -Iemscripten and -Lemscripten now seem to be implicit 
and there aren't any differences whether these are set or not.
  3. There now doesn't seem to be any need to reference the "BINARYEN_METHOD" 
interpreter as WebAssembly is built into all major browsers other than the 
obsolete Internet Explorer.

I have called emsdk_env.bat in the terminal window to initialize to the 
expected environment (using some outdated versions of python, java, and node) 
and have run the emcmdprompt.bat file to be sure this is done in the terminal, 
which then allowed C files to be compiled with Emscripten successfully.

I found and fixed one issue where the  header file was not being found in 
the /sys/ sub directory so a copied it one level up and that error went away.

Now, the new version of Nim seems to be missing a couple of declarations 
necessary to make emcc happy; the error messages are as follows: 

Error: execution of an external compiler program 'emcc.bat -c -w -s WASM=0 
-Iemscripten  -IC:\nim-0.20.0\lib -I"D:\Haskell Stuff\NimEmscripten\src" -o 
C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c' failed with exit 
code: 1

C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c:176:8: error: 
implicit declaration of function '_fileno' is
invalid in C99 [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
T1_ = _fileno(stdin);
C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c:176:8: note: did 
you mean 'fileno'?
C:\emsdk\fastcomp\emscripten\system\include\libc\stdio.h:135:5: note: 
'fileno' declared here
int fileno(FILE *);
C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c:177:2: error: 
implicit declaration of function '_setmode' is invalid in C99 
_setmode(T1_, _O_BINARY);
C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c:177:16: error: use 
of undeclared identifier '_O_BINARY'
_setmode(T1_, _O_BINARY);
C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c:181:16: error: use 
of undeclared identifier '_O_BINARY'
_setmode(T2_, _O_BINARY);
C:\Users\Gordon\nimcache\NimEmscripten_d\stdlib_io.nim.c:185:16: error: use 
of undeclared identifier '_O_BINARY'
_setmode(T3_, _O_BINARY);
5 errors generated.
shared:ERROR: compiler frontend failed to generate LLVM bitcode, halting


Looking at the Nim generated C code, these are valid error messages with the 
functions and _O_BINARY value not declared in the headers.

Am I doing something wrong or should an issue be filed?

The "native" JavaScript backend works, but I would like to compare the speed of 
outputting asm.js and WebAssembly. I have hand patched the "native' JavaScript 
file to find that one can get some perhaps 20% speed improvement by using the 
asm.js ">>> 0" and "| 0" constructs to force unsigned integer and signed 
integer (from double), respectively, and would like to see if the emscripten 
asm.js output shows the same gain, and also how much better the WebAssembly 
speed is if any, although I already know that it should be about 35% better 
speed from testing output from C using WebAssembly Studio (Beta) (tested on 
Chrome) and is up to about another twice as fast when using array pointer in 
Microsoft Edge 44.18362.1.0 than with Chrome due to better optimization of the 
pointer operations. Firefox is close to the same speed as Chrome (version 75) 
but perhaps 10% faster. Maximum native speed for this algorithm is about twice 
again as fast as Microsoft Edge.

I just want to see Nim be able to take advantage of this for web use.

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2018-03-20 Thread Lando
To complete the picture: the generated HTML file should be run with emrun 

To learn about GC behaviour in WASM, probably any Nim code for testing the GC 
(like the one from [here]( could be run in 
the browser. If someone already had some in-process code/method for e.g. 
detecting memory leaks for a 32-bit target, I would be interested.

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2018-03-20 Thread rpowers
@yglukhov Thanks, that makes sense, I can just call GC_step at the start of 
each emscripten_set_main_loop callback. By the way, thanks for writing jsbind, 
it has been very helpful! 

@mashingan I copied most of the nim.cfg from here: 
[]( Then 
follow the Emscripten installation instructions: 
 (be sure to source ./ in the console before using the Nim 

To compile, run something like nim c -d:emscripten -d:wasm -d:release 
-o:main-wasm.html main.nim and it will just.. work. If I have time, I'll put 
together a simple example repo.

FYI, I could only get it to work on Linux (or Windows Linux), the Windows 
command prompt had some issues.

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2018-03-19 Thread yglukhov
Reference counting is not done for the references kept on stack. That means 
that the GC could potentially kill a living object in some situations. In order 
to avoid that I disable the GC, and call it (e.g. GC_step) in the bottom of the 

Re: Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?

2018-03-19 Thread mashingan
Sorry if it's not answering your question, but could you share the exact 
example on how to compile to emscripten ?

I know there's a thread about compiling to emscripten but it would be nice you 
could share it too.