Re: Getting fields of an object type at compile time?

2019-12-04 Thread Vindaar
You might want something like this:

import macros

type Foo = object
  a: int
  b: string

macro getFields(x: typed): untyped =
  let impl = getImpl(x)
  let objFields = impl[2][2] # 2 is nnkObjectTy, 2 2 is nnkRecList
  expectKind objFields, nnkRecList
  result = nnkBracket.newTree()
  for f in objFields:
expectKind f, nnkIdentDefs
result.add nnkPar.newTree(newLit f[0].strVal, newLit f[1].strVal)

for (fieldName, typeName) in getFields(Foo):
  echo "Field: ", fieldName, " with type name ", typeName


It returns a bracket of (field name, type name) tuples. Both as strings, since 
you can't mix strings with types in a tuple. For more complicated objects you'd 
have to recurse on the fields with complex types of course.

Re: Getting fields of an object type at compile time?

2019-12-04 Thread SolitudeSF

Re: Getting fields of an object type at compile time?

2019-12-04 Thread pmags
@SolitudeSF \-- My understanding is `fieldPairs` only works on instances of a 
type, not on the`` typedesc`` itself.

`fieldPairs(Foo)` yields a type mismatch.

Re: Getting memory address of object into string

2019-11-07 Thread drkameleon
Thanks a lot!

This worked beautifully:



Re: Getting memory address of object into string

2019-11-07 Thread mratsim
Note that it's fine to use them for logging or debugging but otherwise the GC 
can and will move those ref addresses in memory for cycle detection purposes if 
you have a cyclic type (unless you compile with pure refcounting with no cycle 
detection or you tag your cyclic type acyclic).

Re: Getting memory address of object into string

2019-11-07 Thread mikra
I sometimes use $cast[int](addr(x)). If you like it hex just transform the 
integer into a hex string... 

Re: Getting memory address of object into string

2019-11-07 Thread drkameleon
I still have issues...

I have some ref objects and trying to get the hex address of the objects using 
repr(addr(x)) but when trying to echo the value the output is ... whitespace(!).

Is it possible that it has sth to do with my configuration and/or compilation 
options? I cannot explain it otherwise...

Re: Getting memory address of object into string

2019-10-26 Thread Lachu
echo obj.addr.repr


Or repr(addr(obj))

Or similar 

Re: Getting Unix-Style file permissions

2019-10-10 Thread jxy
go does the translation too, 

65  func (m FileMode) String() string {
66  const str = "dalTLDpSugct?"
67  var buf [32]byte // Mode is uint32.
68  w := 0
69  for i, c := range str {
70  if m&(1<

Re: Getting Unix-Style file permissions

2019-10-05 Thread cnuzzi
Ok, I'm getting the idea that there is no way to retrieve the permissions 
string as it is seen in "ls -l" without doing some processing on it. I recently 
wrote a program in Go and I was able to get it via file.Mode() from the os 
module, so I thought it would be the same in Nim. I'll try the ideas above. 
Thank you all for your help.

Re: Getting Unix-Style file permissions

2019-10-03 Thread cblake
It may also depend on how "standard" the desired string is whether @jasper's 
solution is enough for @cnuzzi. Usually, the setuid, setgid, sticky bits have 
some `'s'` or `'t'` substitutions for the `'x'`, and capitialized `[ST]` if one 
of those bits is set but the corresponding execute permission is missing. I 
think Unix standardization efforts were disintegrating by the time they were 
getting around to this level of the userspace utilities.

So, @jasper may need to use something like this (from 
 search for `proc fmtPerm`): 

import posix
proc fmtPerm*(m: Mode, s=""): string =
  ## Call with ``.st_mode`` of some ``Stat`` to get rwxr-x..; ``s`` is 
  ## separator string such as a space or a comma to enhance readabilty.
  let m = m.uint and 4095
  const rwx = ["---", "--x", "-w-", "-wx", "r--", "r-x", "rw-", "rwx" ]
  result = rwx[(m shr 6) and 7] & s & rwx[(m shr 3) and 7] & s & rwx[m and 
  let o = s.len
  if (m and 0o4000) != 0 and (m and 0o100) != 0: result[2]   = 's' 
  if (m and 0o4000) != 0 and (m and 0o100) == 0: result[2]   = 'S' 
  if (m and 0o2000) != 0 and (m and 0o010) != 0: result[5+o] = 's' 
  if (m and 0o2000) != 0 and (m and 0o010) == 0: result[5+o] = 'S' 
  if (m and 0o1000) != 0 and (m and 0o001) != 0: result[8+o] = 't' 
  if (m and 0o1000) != 0 and (m and 0o001) == 0: result[8+o] = 'T' 


I didn't see any direct code to do this formatting in `posix`, but you surely 
would `import posix` to get `Mode`. That code just uses the raw low 12 bits, 
but those are actually pretty standard.

Re: Getting Unix-Style file permissions

2019-10-02 Thread Araq
Or use the posix.nim module for this.

Re: Getting Unix-Style file permissions

2019-10-02 Thread jasper
Just check that set for each permission and add the corresponding character, it 
should map 1-1.

proc posixRepr(file: string): string =
  let info = getFileInfo(file, followSymlink = false)
  result.add([pcFile: '-', 'l', pcDir: 'd', 'l'][info.kind])
  for i, fp in [fpUserRead, fpUserWrite, fpUserExec, fpGroupRead, 
fpGroupExec, fpOthersRead, fpOthersWrite, fpOthersExec]:
result.add(if fp in info.permissions: "rwx"[i mod 3] else: '-')


Re: Getting a strange error with file streams

2019-10-01 Thread Araq
Also watch out, you use `test` and `result` inconsistently. (There is no need 
for `test`.)

Re: Getting a strange error with file streams

2019-10-01 Thread dotheda
Ah, I'm an idiot. Thank you.

Re: Getting a strange error with file streams

2019-09-30 Thread Stefan_Salewski
Compiler message is very clear. There is only proc setPosition(s: Stream; pos: 
int) which takes an non optional int as second parameter. So call 
file.setPosition() is invalid. I have no idea what you wants to do exactly, 
maybe you assume that there is a default parameter to setPosition()? There is 
none in this case, so maybe use file.setPosition(0). See 

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-26 Thread mratsim
We're still waiting for your B-Trees implementation to have SortedTable in the 
standard lib ;)

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-25 Thread squattingmonk
> So indeed iterating over the keys and stopping after first one makes sense, I 
> think there is no function to retrieve the first added element. And I think I 
> can remember someone asking how to get the n-th. added element, conclusion 
> was to use a loop similar as you do.

Thanks, Stefan. I'd though I was just being silly and missing something 
obvious. Good to know this is a reasonable solution.

> use 
> iterator pairs[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): (A, B)
> Run
> and break-out after first (does "... in insertion order." kind of implies 
> FIFO?) element.

Hi, lucian. That's what I did in the code sample I provided, but I used the 
`keys` iterator instead of `pairs`.

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-25 Thread Araq
Ok, yeah, we have no api for that.

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-25 Thread lucian

iterator pairs[A, B](t: OrderedTable[A, B]): (A, B)


and break-out after first (does "... in insertion order." kind of implies 
FIFO?) element.

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-25 Thread squattingmonk
I'm not trying to get sorted items, just the first item added (hence why I used 
an OrderedTable).

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-25 Thread Stefan_Salewski
>From your last code sample, I think I understand that you want to retrieve the 
>table entry, that was added first to table. So indeed iterating over the keys 
>and stopping after first one makes sense, I think there is no function to 
>retrieve the first added element. And I think I can remember someone asking 
>how to get the n-th. added element, conclusion was to use a loop similar as 
>you do.

Re: Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order

2019-06-25 Thread Araq
I don't understand the question: An OrderedTable keeps the insertion order, 
it's not a "SortedTable" (which the stdlib still lacks)

Re: Getting rid of{.locks: .}

2019-05-15 Thread mratsim
When assigning functions to a variable I strongly suggest you to force the 
nimcall or closure convention like this:

var fn0 = proc (x: int): void {.nimcall.} = echo(x)


Similar to 

I agree, that's a big weakness of Nim higher order functions.

Re: Getting rid of{.locks: .}

2019-05-15 Thread trtt
Sorry, I can't because I restructured my code yesterday. I tried to create an 
example today based on my memory but it passed the compiler. I'm pretty sure 
that I used the exact same parameter list for all cases. When I run into a new 
sample I will try to post it here.

Re: Getting rid of{.locks: .}

2019-05-14 Thread leorize
You can ignore `{.locks.}` pragma. It's only important when you use the `locks` 
module and/or the [guard 
 It's one of the most misleading thing in the error message, where it bears 
zero significance.

Same as with the `{.closure.}` pragma, a lot of times it's not the problem, but 
the differences in proc signature (param list) is.

Can you provide a reproducible sample of your erroring code?

Re: Getting rid of{.locks: .}

2019-05-14 Thread trtt
And now the closure thing:

... gn.nim(93, 20) Error: type mismatch: got 
... but expected one of:
... proc (...){.closure.}


The parameter looks like this: p: ProcType where ProcType is:

type ProcType = proc(a: int, ...): void


This doesn't make any sense.

Re: Getting CommentStmt from TypeDef AST

2019-04-23 Thread siddydv28
Wonder game play this online 

Re: Getting printable variable identifier

2019-03-28 Thread Stefan_Salewski
The delayed answers may indicate that it is hard to see what you really intent.

Of course there is no special id field present for all data types in Nim -- for 
a plain int with bytesize 4 or 8 that field would double storage consumption 
and decrease computing performance. For real objects we may have used an id 
field, but why should one. And for your custom objects you can add whatever 
field you desire.

Note that in computers nearly all instances of data types have addresses in 
memory, so you may use them for your is:

proc main =
  var a: int
  var b: ref int = new int
  echo cast[int](a.addr)
  echo cast[int](b.addr)



Re: Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object

2018-12-29 Thread zevv
Thanks for pointing me to that thread, that explains some of the details I did 
not yet grasp.

For now I'm good with a bit of redesign: I store a ref to object with some proc 
pointers for that specific type in each node. If this is solvable with a macro 
I can save a pointer per object though, which would be nice.

Re: Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object

2018-12-29 Thread Stefan_Salewski
That is indeed too difficult for me to answer. Mr Felsing once suggested to use 
a proc in combination with methods to solve a similar issue, see


I hope some of the smart devs can answer your question -- maybe after the 

Re: Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object

2018-12-29 Thread zevv
Here's an extract of my code.

My issue is with the `proc `$`(s: SNodeAny): string =` function.

Basically, it is just a long list of `if` statements (could be a `case` as 
well, doesn't matter) to check if the object is of some type, and then apply 
the `$` operator on the casted type. I feel this could be replaced by a two 
line macro or template, but for this I need to be able to deduce the original 
type of the passed SNode before I can cast and apply the `$` operator.

My real code now includes 4 of these kind of functions where I need to check 
for every possible node kind, cast it, and apply some kind of generic function 
to it.

import strutils

  IPv4Address = distinct string
  IPv6Address = distinct string
  MacAddress = distinct string
  Interval = distinct float
  # ... many more distinct types

  SNodeAny = ref object of Rootobj
id: string
parent: SNodeAny
  SNodeGroup = ref object of SNodeAny
children: seq[SNodeAny]
  SNodeParam = ref object of SNodeAny
  SNode[T] = ref object of SNodeParam
val: T

proc newSNode[T](id: string, val: T): SNodeAny =
  SNode[T](id: id, val: val).SNodeAny

proc newSNodeGroup(id: string, children: openarray[SNodeAny]): SNodeAny =
  var s = SNodeGroup(id: id)
  for c in children.items:
s.children.add c
c.parent = result
  return s

proc `$`(v: IPv4Address): string = v.string
proc `$`(v: IPv6Address): string = v.string
proc `$`(v: MacAddress): string = v.string
proc `$`(v: Interval): string = $ v.float

proc `$`(s: SNodeAny): string =
  if s of SNode[bool]:
result = $ s.SNode[:bool].val
  if s of SNode[int]:
result = $ s.SNode[:int].val
  if s of SNode[IPv4Address]:
result = $ s.SNode[:IPv4Address].val
  if s of SNode[IPv6Address]:
result = $ s.SNode[:IPv6Address].val
  if s of SNode[MacAddress]:
result = $ s.SNode[:MacAddress].val
  if s of SNode[Interval]:
result = $ s.SNode[:Interval].val
  # many more of those

proc dump(s: SNodeAny, depth: int = 0) =
  var l = repeat(" ", depth)
  if s of SNodeParam:
l.add "=" & $ s
  echo l
  if s of SNodeGroup:
for c in s.SNodeGroup.children.items:
  dump(c, depth+1)

var s = newSNodeGroup("system", [
  newSNodeGroup("identification", [
newSNode("name", "device 123"),
newSNode("location", "rack J2"),
newSNode("weight", 42.1),
newSNode("enabled", true),
newSNode("address", IPv4Address("")),



Re: Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object

2018-12-29 Thread zevv
Sorry Stefan, my original question was indeed lacking background info of what I 
am actually trying to achieve.

I'm trying to port a data model which was originally implemented in Lua to Nim. 
This consists of a tree of nodes, of which the leaves are heterogenous 
containers for a relatively large number of types. (tens, and growing)

My first implementation used object hierarchies, but I ran unto problems caused 
by mixing generics and multimethods. Araq explained that combining those is 
currently not a good idea, so I am looking for a way to drop the methods. Using 
object variants turned out to be cumbersome, so I am now back for a second try 
using object inheritance.

This basically works now, but I find myself writing long case statements 
handling all the possible object types in a few places, so I am looking to 
generalize things to avoid code repetition.

I will try to compile a compact example of my current implementation for 

Re: Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object

2018-12-29 Thread Stefan_Salewski
I am not sure what the result of your test() should be and for what you will 
use that result.

You can use type(x) to get the static base type of an object and name from 
typetraits module to get the typename: Following code works, but I don't know 
if it can help you:

  A = ref object of RootObj
  B = ref object of A
i: int

var b = new B

var s = newSeq[A]()

s.add(new A)
s.add(new B)

echo s[0] of A
echo s[0] of B
echo s[1] of A
echo s[1] of B

var x: type(s[1])

assert x is A # it is not B!

import typetraits

echo type(s[1]).name
echo type(x).name


$ ./t


Re: Getting a NimSym from an nkIdent?

2018-02-18 Thread StasB
That works. Thank you! I think I'm starting to get the picture of how it works. 
Speaking of the VM, is there an approved way to instantiate and use it at 
runtime, or does it involve mucking about with the compiler source code?

Re: Getting a NimSym from an nkIdent?

2018-02-18 Thread Araq
The VM is not allowed to perform symbol lookups. If you pass `someProc` to a 
`typed` macro parameter you should be able to inspect the symbol(s) though.

Re: Getting ambiguous call on $(range) and idk why

2018-01-01 Thread Udiknedormin
I think I had a similar problem a similar problem with printing some time 
ago... Anyway: use BiggestUInt instead of uint64. It has better semantics and 
could be platform-adjusted, e.g. we could add uint128 if there was a platform 
which natively supports it and the BiggestInt would then be uint128.

Re: Getting ambiguous call on $(range) and idk why

2017-12-31 Thread monster
@cdome The distinct helped, but was not enough. It seems Nim has problems 
deciding how to convert an "uint" to a string, so I also needed to specify 
"proc $(uint)":

const MAX_THREADS* = 64
const MAX_TOPICS* = 1048576

const MAX_PROCESSES* = int(4294967296'i64 div int64(MAX_THREADS * 

  ThreadID* = distinct range[0'u8..uint8(MAX_THREADS-1)]
## Thread ID, within process.
  ProcessID* = distinct range[0'u16..uint16(MAX_PROCESSES-1)]
## Process ID of thread.
  TopicID* = distinct range[0'u32..uint32(MAX_TOPICS-1)]
## TopicID, within thread.

proc `$` *(i: uint): string {.inline.} =

proc `==` *(a, b: ThreadID): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$` *(id: ThreadID): string {.borrow.}
proc `==` *(a, b: ProcessID): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$` *(id: ProcessID): string {.borrow.}
proc `==` *(a, b: TopicID): bool {.borrow.}
proc `$` *(id: TopicID): string {.borrow.}

  QueueID* = distinct uint32
## The complete queue ID, containing the process ID, thread ID and 
topic ID.

proc tid*(queue: QueueID): ThreadID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
  ## Dummy simplified impl!

proc pid*(queue: QueueID): ProcessID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
  ## Dummy simplified impl!

proc cid*(queue: QueueID): TopicID {.inline, noSideEffect.} =
  ## Dummy simplified impl!

proc `$` *(queue: QueueID): string =
  ## String representation of a QueueID.
  $pid(queue) & "." & $tid(queue) & "." & $cid(queue)

Re: Getting ambiguous call on $(range) and idk why

2017-12-31 Thread cdome
IMO, you to need to make ThreadID, ProcessID and TopicID a distinct types.

  ThreadID* = distinct range[0..MAX_THREADS-1] ## Thread ID, within process.
  ProcessID* = distinct range[0..MAX_PROCESSES-1] ## Process ID of thread.
  TopicID* = distinct range[0..MAX_TOPICS-1] ## TopicID, within thread.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-29 Thread def_pri_pub
I put the source of the header in it's own .nim file so my users wouldn't have 
to add a \--cincludes: option at the compilation step.

I do find it odd that import had different behavior on Linux vs. OS X in 
regards to this, and it effected a return value.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-29 Thread xomachine
I don't think that it is a bug. The **import** keyword is designed to be used 
with Nim symbols, not with directly emitted C code. It might be just a side 
effect that your code with **import** worked.

Probably, it will be a better solution to use the _header_ pragma instead of 
including whole header into the Nim source.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-29 Thread def_pri_pub
Well, I got the unit tests run without any segfaults (on OS X).

On a whim, I decided to change the import stb_image_header line (in 
stb_image.nim) to use the include statement instead; it worked. Is this a bug I 
should report?

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-27 Thread xomachine
First four cuchars of data may be looking like a regular pointer address. Have 
you performed a comparsion between first bytes of data(actual data, not a 
pointer) from the working test and bytes in this invalid pointer? It is not 
very likely but the data might be dereferenced somehow in the generated code.

As long as Nim directly translates to C before compilation, it would be useful 
to compare the generated C code from nimcache directory in both of the working 
mini-wrapper and the failing test to collect more clues.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-27 Thread def_pri_pub
Alright, I tried that and it does echo out a pointer address (e.g. 0xFFff08b7e).

Where this is getting kind of weird for me is that I have this raytracer that 
I'm working on that uses stb_image.h as well and it able to load an image on OS 
X without throwing a seg fault. The code for the mini-wrapper is here: 

The only major difference is that the wrapper in the ray tracer doesn't have 
the header file embedded directly in a .nim file, though that shouldn't matter.

I am really perplexed by this.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-26 Thread xomachine
This behaviour is very odd indeed. The pointer received from the function is 
not **nil**, but it is not valid though. Is it possible situation if the 
stbi_load function would return the actual cuchar(s) instead of the pointer? 
You might also want to check the numeric representation of the returned pointer 
using the following code: 

echo cast[pointer](data).repr

It should not fail even when the pointer is invalid.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-26 Thread def_pri_pub
It shouldn't be an issue with the test suite. I added this line right after the 
let data = stbi_load(... call

echo x
echo y
echo channels_in_file
echo data.repr

And it gave me this output:

Traceback (most recent call last)
SEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)

I find this very odd because the return parameters are fine, but the actual 
returned value is not.

Re: Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X

2016-12-25 Thread xomachine
It seems like that the original _sbti_load()_ function from the library just 
returns NULL instead of actual pointer. You may can check it using the _repr_ 

echo data.repr

As far as I can see, the _sbti_load()_ function receives a file name so may be 
the issue is in the test suite, in the test file names declarations. You can 
also investigate the problem by inspecting produced C files in the _nimcache_ 

Re: Getting captures from PEGS match

2016-09-12 Thread woggy
Makes sense. I originally thought I could have a varying number of capture 
groups depending on what is in the string.


Re: Getting captures from PEGS match

2016-09-12 Thread flyx
> This will work if I use @["", ""] instead, but I don't see why I have to?

Because `match` takes an `openarray[string]` for `matches`. It means that the 
proc works with both an array and a seq. And an array cannot be extended.

Since the number of matches in your PEG is statically known, it simply does not 
make sense to use a seq. Just use an array instead:

var matches: array[0..1, string]

Re: Getting type of generic instantiation in pragma macro

2016-08-22 Thread mora
Your usecase (giving warning messages on copies) looks awesome. May I suggest 
to do it in the compiler? (I remember something like assign and fastassign in 
the compiler.) The compiler can be changed in the future to be smarter (which 
would make your code outdated), you might not get closure copies, and if the 
compiler supported this, then it could be shown in your favorite editor with 

Re: Getting type of generic instantiation in pragma macro

2016-08-21 Thread Tarmean
I updated the code above to be somewhat more reliable. There are some very 
weird edge cases and I am not sure how to handle them yet. For instance:

  a = ("foo", "bar")
  b = a
  c = a[0]
  (d, e) = a

copies in every case.

  x = "foo"
  y = "foo"
  a = (x, y)
  b = a
  c = a0]
  (d, e) = a

Copies during the construction of the tuple but only shallow copies after that. 
Is there some blog post that explains how nim decides whether or not to copy 
and is that information accessible to macros?

Re: Getting

2016-08-08 Thread sky_khan
wow i guess advertisers getting more sneaky day by day

Re: Getting

2016-08-08 Thread kinjo
found the fix 

Re: Getting

2016-08-07 Thread kinjo
i'm having this error on my computer. Driver Power State Failure