Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-04 Thread DTxplorer
Thank you for the clarification. Sorry I didn't see you removed the autoloaded 
.gdns file.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-04 Thread endragor
Who cares how many files it creates? Only what you use (import) gets compiled. 
C++ and D bindings have to generate the same number of classes.

"The settings need so much steps" \- not sure what this refers to. If you have 
Nim and Godot you basically only have to install nake and set GODOT_BIN 
environment variable. Compare that to any other bindings.

The decisive question is how it affects your productivity. Nim is not harder to 
write than GDScript and it's easier to maintain in the long term due to static 
typing, plus it has plenty of powerful features that you can make use of, while 
GDScript is dead simple. So it **can** replace GDScript and it's a win for a 
large project.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-03 Thread DTxplorer
That binding bloats Godot project much more than the C++ and D bindings, it's 

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-03 Thread DTxplorer
Nake tells my GODOT_BIN path is "invalid". 

 GODOT_BIN path: /home/drit0/Programmes/Godot3.0/godot-master/bin

But it is not true, I'm pretty sure it is the exact path of Godot.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-02 Thread Tiberium
DTxplorer: don't worry, nothing bad

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-01 Thread DTxplorer
Hi Tiberium.

I installed godot-nim using "nimble install godot" command succesfully but with 
this warning.

Warning: File 'apigen.nim' inside package 'godot' is outside of the 
permitted namespace, should be inside a directory named 'godot' but is in a 
directory named 'apigen' instead. This will be an error in the future.

Maybe my error is related to this. Did you get this message ?

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-08-01 Thread Tiberium
DTxplorer, you need to install godot-nim package itself first 

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-31 Thread DTxplorer
I try to follow instructions from the project examples


but when I run 

 nake build 

nakefile.nim(5, 8) Error: cannot open 'godotapigen'

Tiberium, have you experienced that ?

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-31 Thread Tiberium
You can now use Godot-Nim with master branch of Godot (so newest version)

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread Tiberium
Author said that only one PR to godot engine left

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread DTxplorer
Unfortunately this binding needs a forked version of the engine. You must 
consider this binding as a W.I.P.

Anyway it's nice work and I hope this will be completed soon.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread Tiberium
>From the example: 

# Copyright 2017 Xored Software, Inc.

import strutils
import godot
import engine, label, resource_loader, packed_scene

gdobj FPSCounter of Label:
  var lastFPS: float32
  method ready*() =
  method process*(delta: float64) =
let fps = getFramesPerSecond()
if int(fps * 10) != int(lastFPS * 10):
  lastFPS = fps
  self.text = "FPS: " & formatFloat(fps, ffDecimal, 1)

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread DTxplorer
I wonder how the Nim particular OOP works with the Godot Engine and his huge 
inheritance tree. Maybe it does not matter... But anyway, this engine is 
gradually gaining popularity and it can help Nim language to be more spreaded.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2017-07-28 Thread Tiberium

Yay, proper GDNative bindings!!!

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2016-08-15 Thread Angluca
Maybe godot should use nim intead gdscript, Like nim!

Godot is a good game engine.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2016-08-15 Thread hcorion
Hey, that's cool! Has anybody started a binding for godot yet? Does someone 
want to start a git repo, maybe an official one? This guy: 
[]( seems 
to have started, but it was a year ago, before this whole push for these new 

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2016-08-14 Thread Libman
HELP?](" \--

> There currently is a lot of demand for additional languages, such as Java, 
> Haxe, Swift, Object Pascal, etc. **As Godot 2.2 will focus on new languages, 
> this a great time to help us develop and improve the binding API.** Of course 
> it may seem like a challenging effort.
> Officially, our supported languages for now will be GDScript, Mono, 
> VisualScript and C++. **If you want to help integrate another language, you 
> should first of all contact us** (see contact info at the bottom of the site 
> or use IRC: [#godotengine-devel on 
> Freenode](

I think Nim would be a perfect fit for Godot. Nim already has a focus on game 
programming, and I think some people involved in Nim are doing [3D immersive 
environments](, [scientific 
visualization](, etc. 
And Godot already has a preference for Pythonic syntax with 
 their default scripting language.

* * *

On a separate topic, I'd also like to quote this (from the same article):

> Truth is that Mono is very well made, has excellent, modern binding 
> extensions (the complete opposite to Java/JNI) and supports multi-threading 
> just fine. As a result, it should integrate smoothly into Godot. The only 
> reason **we did not want to go this route in the past was due to license 
> restrictions, but this ceased to be a problem a few months ago when Microsoft 
> acquired Xamarin and relicensed Mono under the MIT license**.

That's exactly what I was [talking 
about]( when 
(back in 2012) I 
 Araq to s/GPL/MIT/! :D 

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2016-06-30 Thread UnnoTed
cdunn2001, in the facebook post it says:

>   1. This new API is meant for statically typed languages that support 
> multi-threading, so no ruby, lua or python, etc.
>   2. Examples of this are languages such as Java, Pascal, Haxe, TypeScript, 
> Rust, Dart, Go, whatever.

Re: thounghs about Nim language in godot

2016-06-30 Thread cdunn2001
Nim isn't really designed as an embeddable language. It's good for "embedded 
systems", i.e. small microprocessors with small memory, but that's different. 
For performance (to avoid "waiting for Godot"), I'd look at Lua.

  * [](