Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-07-11 Thread Hongdiep
I always thought Nimrod is a better name.

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-28 Thread evacchi
> New Indented Modula-3.

oh I _like_ that! 

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-28 Thread Libman
[Some people 
say](\(journalism\)#Anonymous_sources) it 
stands for:

New [Indented]( 

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-27 Thread bpr
> It's a pity that the Americans somehow managed to transform the concept of 
> Nimrod from a God to an Idiot

You don't know your Bible, nor your Bugs Bunny. What happened is no great 
mystery. Nimrod was a king, described as "a mighty hunter before the Lord". 
Bugs Bunny uses the name sarcastically to his nemesis, the hunter Elmer Fudd.

I liked the name Nimrod better, but that ship has sailed. Maybe Nim 2.0 can get 
renamed back 

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-27 Thread Arrrrrrrrr
Nimrod was a bible-tier name, but i must acknowledge nim saves me two 
keystrokes every time.

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-27 Thread jacmoe
It's a pity that the Americans somehow managed to transform the concept of 
Nimrod from a God to an Idiot 

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-24 Thread v3ss0n
I always thought Nimrod is a better name. Whenever i saw Nimrod word , somwhere 
in movies/news/forums/reddit , i immediately think about nim-lang and comes to 

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-23 Thread jacmoe
It looks like spam because God did put the actual question in the topic title.

The fix is to ask it again in the forum post body, and maybe elaborate a bit.


Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-12 Thread Libman
> When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

Officially as of [version 

// Or [a day later in 

> [](

Looks like """ Nim **_rod_** """ shrank a bit in GitHub popularity rank and 
advanced on StackOverflow compared to their [last quarterly 

Both of those indicators (but especially StackOverflow) are a bad way to 
measure programming language popularity. We expect Nim to enter TIOBE Top 100 
within about a year. Rome wasn't built in a day...

In RedMonk's defense regarding still using the old language name (I love 
playing "devil's advocate"): it's in their interest "to discourage upstart 
programming languages from changing their names every five minutes to get 
attention" (mock meta parody quotes). Maybe waiting X years to change the name 
is understandable, for reasonable values of X...

> That looks a lot like spam.

No, it's a valid point about RedMonk's report published a few days ago still 
using the old language name, which might also be affecting accuracy of those 
popularity ratings.


(Can't get image embedding working. RST is the dumbest syntax ever, makes even 
markdown look good in comparison, mumble mumble mumble...)

Re: When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-10 Thread moigagoo
That looks a lot like spam.

When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?

2017-06-10 Thread god