[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 5f34b5: goaccess: 0.9.4 -> 1.0

2016-06-09 Thread Rok Garbas
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 5f34b5476b8132b5eee7873f2cc4777843bc4f85
  Author: Rok Garbas 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/tools/misc/goaccess/default.nix

  Log Message:
  goaccess: 0.9.4 -> 1.0

also there is no need for local variables

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 4c9686: firefox-bin: 47.0b9 -> 48.0b1, 48.0a2 -> 49.0a2

2016-06-09 Thread Rok Garbas
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 4c96860b5380e0ccb4df2b280286946416505c22
  Author: Rok Garbas 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/beta_sources.nix
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/default.nix

  Log Message:
  firefox-bin: 47.0b9 -> 48.0b1, 48.0a2 -> 49.0a2

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 511565: kibana: 4.4.1 -> 4.5.1

2016-06-09 Thread Rickard Nilsson
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 511565e996ff4eac7dc114eb39d6f81dba0e50bb
  Author: Rickard Nilsson 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/tools/misc/kibana/default.nix

  Log Message:
  kibana: 4.4.1 -> 4.5.1

  Commit: 9657844db241d915f60cd0aa64d6d1c17111a7d0
  Author: Rickard Nilsson 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/tools/misc/fluentd/Gemfile.lock
M pkgs/tools/misc/fluentd/default.nix
M pkgs/tools/misc/fluentd/gemset.nix

  Log Message:
  fluentd: 0.12.6 -> 0.14.0

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/c1cb5ca57e4b...9657844db241___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-dev] Where to start when nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade goes wrong

2016-06-09 Thread Evan Rowley
Hi Everyone,

I performed a nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade and after rebooting, was
not able to see my usual KDE session. There was no X session. I
selected a previous generation in gummiboot and was able to have my
KDE session back. What can I do about the upgraded components which
did not work? I could issue a nixos-rebuild switch --rollback, but
would the development community benefit from finding out what went
wrong? This is a very rudimentary and unsophisticated NixOS
installation. Aside from the failed upgrade, nothing out of the
ordinairy has been done to it.


{ config, pkgs, ... }:

  imports =
[ # Include the results of the hardware scan.

  # Use the gummiboot efi boot loader.
  boot.loader.gummiboot.enable = true;
  boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;

  networking.hostName = "ejr-e465"; # Define your hostname.
  networking.wireless.enable = true;  # Enables wireless support via

  # Select internationalisation properties.
  i18n = {
consoleFont = "Lat2-Terminus16";
consoleKeyMap = "us";
defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8";

  # Set your time zone.
  time.timeZone = "America/New_York";

  # List packages installed in system profile. To search by name, run:
  # $ nix-env -qaP | grep wget
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

  # List services that you want to enable:

  # Enable the OpenSSH daemon.
  # services.openssh.enable = true;

  # Enable CUPS to print documents.
  # services.printing.enable = true;

  # Enable the X11 windowing system.
  services.xserver.enable = true;
  services.xserver.layout = "us";
  #services.xserver.xkbOptions = "eurosign:e";

  # Enable the KDE Desktop Environment.
  services.xserver.displayManager.kdm.enable = true;
  services.xserver.desktopManager.kde4.enable = true;

  fonts = {
enableFontDir = true;
enableGhostscriptFonts = true;
fonts = with pkgs; [
  corefonts  # Micrsoft free fonts
  inconsolata  # monospaced

  users.extraUsers.ejr = {
name = "ejr";
group = "users";
uid = 1001;
createHome = true;
home = "/home/ejr";
useDefaultShell = true;
description = "Evan Johannes Rowley";
password = "password";
extraGroups = [

# release to be compatible with for stateful data such as databases.
  system.stateVersion = "16.03";

  system.autoUpgrade.enable = true;
  system.autoUpgrade.channel = https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-16.03;

 - EJR
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] wordpress

2016-06-09 Thread stewart mackenzie
Naa time critical nature, just decided to spin up an ubuntu virtualbox.

Ah I recognize the email address from the code you wrote :-)

It would seem it's very centered around deploying stock releases not
amenable for developing on wordpress. But I didn't get that far.

Is there a faster route?

On 10 Jun 2016 02:06, "Joachim Schiele"  wrote:
> got it working?
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] How to install RubyOnRails on nixos?

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Schiele
On 06.06.2016 10:51, Nicolas Petton wrote:
> hi,
> I'm trying to properly install rails on nixos.  I'm not interested in
> packaging an existing rails app, but rather to do rails development.
> I guess using rubygems is not the nixos way (and installing the rails
> gem globally won't work anyway).
> Any pointers?

have a look at the gitlab service in nixpkgs.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] wordpress

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Schiele
On 09.06.2016 12:06, stewart mackenzie wrote:
> Ah I see this: https://nixos.org/wiki/Wordpress
> I'll need to override the src of wordpress with my own version of wordpress.
got it working?

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] c1cb5c: oauth2_proxy module: fix manual build

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: c1cb5ca57e4b067afaa13fd93ed1392ec84c9da2
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M nixos/modules/services/security/oauth2_proxy.nix

  Log Message:
  oauth2_proxy module: fix manual build

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] f8a0f1: klavaro: 3.01 -> 3.02

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: f8a0f1ce686674fc53830e2a1c61c40f53df4571
  Author: mimadrid 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/games/klavaro/default.nix

  Log Message:
  klavaro: 3.01 -> 3.02

  Commit: 830c748ea43c470586052c8f67f948900926753a
  Author: mimadrid 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M lib/maintainers.nix
M pkgs/games/klavaro/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Add myself as maintainer

  Commit: 589082646a8b12c6dd6138f2fa49ccbe02107595
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M lib/maintainers.nix
M pkgs/games/klavaro/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16097 from mimadrid/update/klavaro-3.02

klavaro: 3.01 -> 3.02

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/902b6d569188...589082646a8b___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 0e262f: go: v1.5.3 -> v1.5.4

2016-06-09 Thread Rushmore Mushambi
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 0e262f52f30143e9f6fdc171fee69075934604e3
  Author: rushmorem 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/compilers/go/1.5.nix

  Log Message:
  go: v1.5.3 -> v1.5.4

  Commit: 2a258d13ade7533aa37bffcdd2ce0cea67309483
  Author: rushmorem 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  go: make 1.6 default

  Commit: 6e709b180e83c275f49ba0520e598509c2827abe
  Author: rushmorem 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/tools/system/storebrowse/default.nix

  Log Message:
  storebrowse: mark broken

`storebrowse` depends on https://code.google.com/archive/p/gosqlite/
which leads to gosqlite.googlecode.com/hg/sqlite which now 404s.

  Commit: 902b6d5691888b1eb4b74ef42c6c284a35f91772
  Author: Rushmore Mushambi 
  Date:   2016-06-10 (Fri, 10 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/compilers/go/1.5.nix
M pkgs/tools/system/storebrowse/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16093 from rushmorem/update-go

go: v1.5.3 -> v1.5.4

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/7bd515979c59...902b6d569188___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-dev] help with Travis builds

2016-06-09 Thread Azul
n00b here

Trying to sort out PR: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/15986

while "it works on my machine", travis barks out at me with:

so I looked into the travis builds to find out what they were doing, and
come up with this to replicate them locally.

This Vagrantfile fails with the same error as Travis

vbox_version = `VBoxManage --version`

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"
  config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "", nic_type:

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
 vb.memory = "3072"
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
 vb.customize [ "guestproperty", "set", :id,
"/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/--timesync-set-threshold", 1 ]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype1", "virtio"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--paravirtprovider", "kvm"] if
vbox_version.to_f >= 5.0
 vb.customize ["storagectl", :id, "--name", "SATAController",
"--hostiocache", "on"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus",
`#{RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ ? 'sysctl -n hw.ncpu' :

 vb.linked_clone = true if Vagrant::VERSION =~ /^1.8/
  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
groupadd nixbld
usermod -G nixbld vagrant
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential git
test -e /swapfile || ( dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=2048 &&
 mkswap /swapfile )
swapon /swapfile

  config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: <<-SHELL
 git clone https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git
 cd nixpkgs
./maintainers/scripts/travis-nox-review-pr.sh nix
./maintainers/scripts/travis-nox-review-pr.sh nox
./maintainers/scripts/travis-nox-review-pr.sh build

But this Vagrantfile builds my PR correctly

vbox_version = `VBoxManage --version`

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
  config.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64"
  config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "", nic_type:

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
 vb.memory = "3072"
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
 vb.customize [ "guestproperty", "set", :id,
"/VirtualBox/GuestAdd/VBoxService/--timesync-set-threshold", 1 ]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nictype1", "virtio"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--paravirtprovider", "kvm"] if
vbox_version.to_f >= 5.0
 vb.customize ["storagectl", :id, "--name", "SATAController",
"--hostiocache", "on"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--ioapic", "on"]
 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--cpus",
`#{RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /darwin/ ? 'sysctl -n hw.ncpu' :

 vb.linked_clone = true if Vagrant::VERSION =~ /^1.8/
  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
groupadd nixbld
usermod -G nixbld vagrant
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential git
test -e /swapfile || ( dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=2048 &&
 mkswap /swapfile )
swapon /swapfile || echo

  config.vm.provision "shell", privileged: false, inline: <<-SHELL
 git clone https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git
 cd nixpkgs
 git config --global user.email "m...@example.com"
 git config --global user.name "Your Name"

 git remote add Azulinho https://github.com/Azulinho/nixpkgs.git
 git fetch Azulinho
 git merge Azulinho/update_libgit2_to_v24
 export NIXPKGS=$PWD
./maintainers/scripts/travis-nox-review-pr.sh nix
./maintainers/scripts/travis-nox-review-pr.sh nox
. $HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/nix.sh
nix-build nixos/release.nix -A options --show-trace
nix-build pkgs/top-level/release.nix -A tarball --show-trace
nix-build $PWD -A python27Packages.pygit2
nix-build $PWD -A python35Packages.pygit2

Before I dig into reading about nox and getting into the grittier details,
does anyone has a hint for what could possibly be happening here?
happy to pay back with a merged PR

- azul
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Anthony Cowley

Peter Simons writes:

> Hi Anthony,
>  >> [What is] a concrete use case that works for you today but that
>  >> won't work after LTS-4 has been dropped?
>  >
>  > Someone who has a project that works with package versions in LTS-4,
>  > but hasn't yet been upgraded to LTS-5 or 6. They can simply refer to
>  > LTS-4 in their shell.nix for haskell packages.
> Oh, but you can absolutely do that! You can extend the set of available
> packages to your heart's content and you can compose package sets that
> provide any combination of versions as you please. The Haskell
> infrastructure in Nix gives you that ability.
>  >>> You are removing that opportunity because it hasn't been used yet.
>  >>
>  >> I don't intend to remove any "opportunities" here. All I want to remove
>  >> is some 850,000 lines of untested, unmaintained code from the Nixpkgs
>  >> repository. [...]
>  >
>  > If it's 850,000 lines of code, then that really seems like a Nix
>  > issue. If the point here is to declare bankruptcy and tell people to
>  > use stack which is able to refer to multiple versions of packages,
>  > then let's call it that.
> I have a hard time assigning meaning to vague terms like "removing
> opportunities" and "declaring bankruptcy" in a technical conversation. I
> am sorry, I just don't see how to these kind of things make a compelling
> argument for distributing old LTS releases in Nixpkgs.

I truly don't understand why this is hard for you to understand, so we are of a 
mind on this misunderstanding! There must be a language barrier or different 
understanding of what breaking version changes are between us.

>  > [A team using Nix today] can refer to LTS-5 in nixpkgs, and not need
>  > to make any changes to adopt LTS-6 until they are ready. I know that
>  > should a problem emerge with LTS-5, a project using stack has a good
>  > chance of benefiting from a new Stackage release. I know that after
>  > the changes you are making, the team using LTS-5 in nixpkgs will not
>  > have a working environment until they address any of the 5->6
>  > breaking changes.
> This is true only if we assume that the team depending on LTS-5 updates
> their copy of Nixpkgs to a version that breaks their code. But they
> don't have to. They can use a version of Nixpkgs that works for them
> until they're comfortable addressing the issues caused by an update.
> Also, these changes I'll be making show up only in the branch we dub
> "unstable". The release-16.03 branch, for example, has LTS-5 and will
> continue to have it until all eternity.
> You realize that Nix allows you to override the contents of the Nixpkgs
> version you're using without actually editing that version, right? You
> can stick to any given version of Nixpkgs, but if an update of, say
> libuuid, comes out that you'd like to have, then you can override only
> that particular package in configuration.nix or ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
> without ever touching Nixpkgs itself. This gives you a stable package
> plus selected, hand-picked updates. IMHO that is an awesome mechanism
> for stable deployments.

I think that telling users to stick to a single version of nixpkgs and take 
responsibility for cherry-picking individual security and bug fix commits to 
all Haskell and system libraries they depend on is the worst job a package 
management system can do while still calling itself a package manager. I do 
appreciate that you find such a setup appealing, so I'll say no more as this is 
solely your call.

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 7bd515: tinycc: fix paxmark call

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 7bd515979c59fa2b5786fba2fddbca9d56c04cb1
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/compilers/tinycc/default.nix

  Log Message:
  tinycc: fix paxmark call

I missed this due to testing on a checkout that didn't contain
the paxmark fix ...

nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Anthony,

 >> [What is] a concrete use case that works for you today but that
 >> won't work after LTS-4 has been dropped?
 > Someone who has a project that works with package versions in LTS-4,
 > but hasn't yet been upgraded to LTS-5 or 6. They can simply refer to
 > LTS-4 in their shell.nix for haskell packages.

Oh, but you can absolutely do that! You can extend the set of available
packages to your heart's content and you can compose package sets that
provide any combination of versions as you please. The Haskell
infrastructure in Nix gives you that ability.

 >>> You are removing that opportunity because it hasn't been used yet.
 >> I don't intend to remove any "opportunities" here. All I want to remove
 >> is some 850,000 lines of untested, unmaintained code from the Nixpkgs
 >> repository. [...]
 > If it's 850,000 lines of code, then that really seems like a Nix
 > issue. If the point here is to declare bankruptcy and tell people to
 > use stack which is able to refer to multiple versions of packages,
 > then let's call it that.

I have a hard time assigning meaning to vague terms like "removing
opportunities" and "declaring bankruptcy" in a technical conversation. I
am sorry, I just don't see how to these kind of things make a compelling
argument for distributing old LTS releases in Nixpkgs.

 > [A team using Nix today] can refer to LTS-5 in nixpkgs, and not need
 > to make any changes to adopt LTS-6 until they are ready. I know that
 > should a problem emerge with LTS-5, a project using stack has a good
 > chance of benefiting from a new Stackage release. I know that after
 > the changes you are making, the team using LTS-5 in nixpkgs will not
 > have a working environment until they address any of the 5->6
 > breaking changes.

This is true only if we assume that the team depending on LTS-5 updates
their copy of Nixpkgs to a version that breaks their code. But they
don't have to. They can use a version of Nixpkgs that works for them
until they're comfortable addressing the issues caused by an update.
Also, these changes I'll be making show up only in the branch we dub
"unstable". The release-16.03 branch, for example, has LTS-5 and will
continue to have it until all eternity.

You realize that Nix allows you to override the contents of the Nixpkgs
version you're using without actually editing that version, right? You
can stick to any given version of Nixpkgs, but if an update of, say
libuuid, comes out that you'd like to have, then you can override only
that particular package in configuration.nix or ~/.nixpkgs/config.nix
without ever touching Nixpkgs itself. This gives you a stable package
plus selected, hand-picked updates. IMHO that is an awesome mechanism
for stable deployments.

Best regards,

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 585997: Add module for oauth2_proxy

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 58599744ee9673d309d5e4d8415077c242545e8d
  Author: Jonathan Lange 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M nixos/modules/module-list.nix
A nixos/modules/services/security/oauth2_proxy.nix

  Log Message:
  Add module for oauth2_proxy

  Commit: e2e2840aa732048600bbdddc998191abf9a69fa8
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M nixos/modules/module-list.nix
A nixos/modules/services/security/oauth2_proxy.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #15283 from jml/oauth2proxy-moduleu

oauth2_proxy: create new module for service

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/3a4ff5fc7e91...e2e2840aa732___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] d77e65: firefox-bin: 45.0.2 -> 46.0.1

2016-06-09 Thread taku0
  Branch: refs/heads/release-16.03
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: d77e65360ea0e5d5c3bdebf5f0c7f24204303053
  Author: taku0 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/default.nix
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/generate_sources.rb
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/sources.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  firefox-bin: 45.0.2 -> 46.0.1

(cherry picked from commit 90f5be3133ed32aa1564d9bfc7fb89e95beccf79)

  Commit: cde6bb63c09ebce2da8656168a5b0ef3bd2d325b
  Author: taku0 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/default.nix

  Log Message:
  firefox-bin: fixed missing icon

(cherry picked from commit 07a83f226ea6608c9ff614b8bb41d898b21410c0)

  Commit: 6daa706c06d6a60ff07efde6520ff0e89d7effed
  Author: taku0 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/applications/networking/browsers/firefox-bin/sources.nix

  Log Message:
  firefox-bin: 46.0.1 -> 47.0

(cherry picked from commit 697437c8e7c49beec77dc853d051f06656d3439b)

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/4959bd75db62...6daa706c06d6___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] cf042a: hackage-packages.nix: update Haskell package set

2016-06-09 Thread Peter Simons
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: cf042ae750a9fe911addd6ffddea2c8c6fa45548
  Author: Peter Simons 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.0.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.1.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.2.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.3.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.4.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.5.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.6.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-0.7.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.0.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.1.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.10.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.11.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.12.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.13.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.14.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.15.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.2.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.4.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.5.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.7.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.8.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-1.9.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.0.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.1.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.10.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.11.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.12.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.13.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.14.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.15.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.16.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.17.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.18.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.19.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.2.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.20.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.21.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.22.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.3.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.4.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.5.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.6.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.7.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.8.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-2.9.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.0.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.1.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.10.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.11.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.12.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.13.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.14.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.15.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.16.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.17.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.18.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.19.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.2.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.20.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.21.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.22.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.3.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.4.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.5.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.6.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.7.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.8.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-3.9.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-4.0.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-4.1.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-4.2.nix
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-lts-5.0

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Anthony Cowley

Peter Simons writes:

> Hi Anthony,
>  > I draw a distinction between newer minor versions obsoleting old ones
>  > for purposes of bug fixes vs. for purposes of freezing packages.
> I am sorry, but I don't understand that distinction. In your original
> response you suggested that dropping old LTS major releases like LTS-4
> from Nixpkgs would reduce your ability to use Nix, i.e. it would make
> Nixpkgs less useful to you than it is today. I have a hard time seeing
> how what might be the case, so I wonder whether you'd mind explaining to
> me a concrete use case that works for you today but that won't work
> after LTS-4 has been dropped?

Someone who  has a project that works with package versions in LTS-4, but 
hasn't yet been upgraded to LTS-5 or 6. They can simply refer to LTS-4 in their 
shell.nix for haskell packages.

>  > The Stackage design is such that they *can* release bug fixes for
>  > older versions to help their users.
> Yes, I totally agree. Once Stackage starts releasing updates for older
> LTS versions, it's a completely different situation and then carrying
> around older LTS major releases would actually make sense.
>  > You are removing that opportunity because it hasn't been used yet.
> I don't intend to remove any "opportunities" here. All I want to remove
> is some 850,000 lines of untested, unmaintained code from the Nixpkgs
> repository. If there is a compelling use case for that code, then let's
> talk about it! At the moment, however, the cost / benefit ratio of
> keeping all those package sets around strikes me as bad, really, and I
> don't think we should keep distributing that code unless there's a real
> benefit to the effort.

If it's 850,000 lines of code, then that really seems like a Nix issue. If the 
point here is to declare bankruptcy and tell people to use stack which is able 
to refer to multiple versions of packages, then let's call it that.

>  > As companies adopt Stackage package sets, they will have applications
>  > in production that they, A) really want bug fixes for; and B) do not
>  > want to keep on the hackage treadmill by following new releases. If a
>  > bug is found in an LTS-5 package within the next few months, a stink
>  > will be raised.
> I think everyone agrees that we *want* LTS-5 updates to come out even
> after the release of LTS-6. Whether that is actually going to happen or
> not, however, is speculation and neither you nor me can possibly know.

I know that today a team using Nix can refer to LTS-5 in nixpkgs, and not need 
to make any changes to adopt LTS-6 until they are ready. I know that should a 
problem emerge with LTS-5, a project using stack has a good chance of 
benefiting from a new Stackage release. I know that after the changes you are 
making, the team using LTS-5 in nixpkgs will not have a working environment 
until they address any of the 5->6 breaking changes.

>  >> In Nix, we [freeze dependencies] by tagging a specific version of
>  >> Nixpkgs and sticking to that. Not only will that freeze the Haskell
>  >> dependencies, but it will also freeze all other dependencies, too.
>  >
>  > This is a big step backwards. You object that Stackage has not yet
>  > used their existing mechanism for releasing bug fixes for older
>  > Haskell libraries, and respond by promoting a mechanism that admits
>  > no bug fixes for any software at all.
> I have no idea what you are talking about. Nix offers a myriad of
> different ways to cherry pick updates into a stable version of the
> package set.

Here's a quote that perhaps states it more clearly, "In Nix, we can solve these 
things by tagging a specific version of Nixpkgs and sticking to that. Not only 
will that freeze the Haskell dependencies, but it will also freeze all other 
dependencies, too."

I saw on IRC that you use stack for some Haskell development and nixpkgs for 
other things, so I don't think there's much point in continuing this as it 
clarifies your intentions for the nixpkgs design. I have been using nix, and 
more recently nixpkgs, in place of stack, but if you are not then we simply 
have different goals and the issues I raise are not relevant.

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 32ff5b: krita: init at 3.0

2016-06-09 Thread Nikolay Amiantov
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 32ff5bbc3088ca9afff585898947ecf173ffb9a1
  Author: Nikolay Amiantov 
  Date:   2016-06-01 (Wed, 01 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/applications/graphics/krita/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  krita: init at 3.0

  Commit: 69e97f8a4524eb57633faf1c71ea1fc5da6c05ed
  Author: Nikolay Amiantov 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/applications/graphics/krita/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #15891 from abbradar/krita

krita: init at 3.0

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/e6fdc9f7f04c...69e97f8a4524___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 97d791: qt56: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1

2016-06-09 Thread Thomas Tuegel
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 97d791978cca24515409b53c9cc0cef28f972ea8
  Author: Nikolay Amiantov 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/fetchsrcs.sh
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/cmake-paths.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/compose-search-path.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/decrypt-ssl-traffic.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/default.nix
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-dbus.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-gl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-gtkstyle.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-libXcursor.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-openssl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-resolv.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/libressl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/mkspecs-libgl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/tzdir.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/xdg-config-dirs.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/srcs.nix

  Log Message:
  qt56: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1

  Commit: 7b84294bd94b66111c4360fa9036d6bf410a1207
  Author: Nikolay Amiantov 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:

  Log Message:
  tdesktop: fix with new Qt

  Commit: e6fdc9f7f04cb1eead940117e72da94fb5e0e125
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/fetchsrcs.sh
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/cmake-paths.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/compose-search-path.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/decrypt-ssl-traffic.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/default.nix
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-dbus.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-gl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-gtkstyle.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-libXcursor.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-openssl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/dlopen-resolv.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/libressl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/mkspecs-libgl.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/tzdir.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/xdg-config-dirs.patch
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/srcs.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16092 from abbradar/qt561

Qt: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/04ad2ebfb287...e6fdc9f7f04c___
nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Anthony,

 > I draw a distinction between newer minor versions obsoleting old ones
 > for purposes of bug fixes vs. for purposes of freezing packages.

I am sorry, but I don't understand that distinction. In your original
response you suggested that dropping old LTS major releases like LTS-4
from Nixpkgs would reduce your ability to use Nix, i.e. it would make
Nixpkgs less useful to you than it is today. I have a hard time seeing
how what might be the case, so I wonder whether you'd mind explaining to
me a concrete use case that works for you today but that won't work
after LTS-4 has been dropped?

 > The Stackage design is such that they *can* release bug fixes for
 > older versions to help their users.

Yes, I totally agree. Once Stackage starts releasing updates for older
LTS versions, it's a completely different situation and then carrying
around older LTS major releases would actually make sense.

 > You are removing that opportunity because it hasn't been used yet.

I don't intend to remove any "opportunities" here. All I want to remove
is some 850,000 lines of untested, unmaintained code from the Nixpkgs
repository. If there is a compelling use case for that code, then let's
talk about it! At the moment, however, the cost / benefit ratio of
keeping all those package sets around strikes me as bad, really, and I
don't think we should keep distributing that code unless there's a real
benefit to the effort.

 > As companies adopt Stackage package sets, they will have applications
 > in production that they, A) really want bug fixes for; and B) do not
 > want to keep on the hackage treadmill by following new releases. If a
 > bug is found in an LTS-5 package within the next few months, a stink
 > will be raised.

I think everyone agrees that we *want* LTS-5 updates to come out even
after the release of LTS-6. Whether that is actually going to happen or
not, however, is speculation and neither you nor me can possibly know.

 >> In Nix, we [freeze dependencies] by tagging a specific version of
 >> Nixpkgs and sticking to that. Not only will that freeze the Haskell
 >> dependencies, but it will also freeze all other dependencies, too.
 > This is a big step backwards. You object that Stackage has not yet
 > used their existing mechanism for releasing bug fixes for older
 > Haskell libraries, and respond by promoting a mechanism that admits
 > no bug fixes for any software at all.

I have no idea what you are talking about. Nix offers a myriad of
different ways to cherry pick updates into a stable version of the
package set.

Best regards,

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 4959bd: io: fix evaluation by adding maintainers.vrthra

2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
  Branch: refs/heads/release-16.03
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 4959bd75db62589691112f871b070b81382092a8
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M lib/maintainers.nix

  Log Message:
  io: fix evaluation by adding maintainers.vrthra

nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Tomasz Czyż


Deployment keys won't end up in nix store, I think they are deployed using
ssh just to /run/keys. They also will be removed after reboot as /run will
disappear, untill you set some other option.

Also there was a thread on this list few weeks ago when somebody posted
solution to preserve keys between reboots usint systemd jobs.

2016-06-09 17:57 GMT+01:00 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Kevin,
> Thanks for the extra info!
> I was wondering though, if the generated config files do end up in
> /nix/store anyway, does it even make a difference if I use the
> deployment.keys method? Or is there another way to have eg. a php script
> read from these keys without actually writing them out?
> Symfony uses yml files, WordPress uses php files, and so on.. Each project
> is defined as a service and I generate these files in my various let
> statements..
> Personally I don't mind these files sitting in /nix/store as I'm the only
> one with ssh access to these machines..
> Kind regards,
> Erik
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016, 17:16 Kevin Cox  wrote:
>> On 09/06/16 11:03, 4levels wrote:
>> > Hi Kevin,
>> >
>> > I'm very curious how you setup sensitive information using
>> deployment.keys
>> > This still seems like the best option to do this, but I failed to get
>> > it working..
>> >
>> > Could you be so kind to post a small example, showing how you define
>> > the keys and use them in functions that generate eg. a config file?
>> Here are two examples where I read the key out of a secret directory
>> (encrypted with git-crypt). Note that I don't generate any of my config
>> files, but that is theoretically possible.
>> deployment.keys.mesos.text = "root ${builtins.readFile
>> ../secret/mesos-secret}";
>> deployment.keys.sumologic.text = builtins.readFile ../secret/sumologic;
>> And this example is importing a nix expression. Note that I'm not using
>> deployment.keys so this is accessible to anyone (on the server) as it
>> lands in the Nix store IIUC.
>> networking.defaultMailServer = import ../secret/smtp.nix;

Tomasz Czyż
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] de8427: qt56.qtbase: propagate build inputs correctly

2016-06-09 Thread Thomas Tuegel
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: de842765bec692a5b1bf00063bc98406599d07b2
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/setup-hook.sh

  Log Message:
  qt56.qtbase: propagate build inputs correctly

  Commit: 98bb89b9d0265eeaa71538dba1783a383c24d97e
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/desktops/kde-5/frameworks-5.22/extra-cmake-modules/setup-hook.sh

  Log Message:
  kde5.extra-cmake-modules: propagate build inputs correctly

  Commit: aea0ff96deacacb256ee20f35866883af739aa78
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/applications/display-managers/sddm/default.nix

  Log Message:
  sddm: run phase hooks

  Commit: c608230a614b74eb6cf50b36269c28ddebc99d98
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/kde5.nix

  Log Message:
  nixos/kde5: include setup hook and icons with sddm theme

Fixes #16094.

  Commit: 04ad2ebfb28756c823b3070499740bd3e9cb147f
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M nixos/modules/services/x11/desktop-managers/kde5.nix
M pkgs/applications/display-managers/sddm/default.nix
M pkgs/desktops/kde-5/frameworks-5.22/extra-cmake-modules/setup-hook.sh
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/qtbase/setup-hook.sh

  Log Message:
  Merge branch 'kde-propagate'

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/09d63127de6e...04ad2ebfb287___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-dev] Broken nix database/store.

2016-06-09 Thread Layus


Due to a wrong manipulation when activating dir_index on my root 
partition, I have now plenty of live orphaned paths in my store (about 
5G) like this one:

|$ nix-store -q --referrers-closure 
$ nix-store --delete 
finding garbage collector roots... error: cannot delete path 
‘/nix/store/4zhkw0g564g3ljdpnn8j5krrsvcxildn-libXcomposite-0.4.4.tar.bz2’ since 
it is still alive 0 store paths deleted, 0.00 MiB freed $ nix-store 
--delete --ignore-liveness 
error: you are not allowed to ignore liveness 0 store paths deleted, 
0.00 MiB freed $ sudo nix-store --delete 
finding garbage collector roots... error: cannot delete path 
‘/nix/store/4zhkw0g564g3ljdpnn8j5krrsvcxildn-libXcomposite-0.4.4.tar.bz2’ since 
it is still alive 0 store paths deleted, 0.00 MiB freed $ sudo nix-store 
--delete --ignore-liveness 
finding garbage collector roots... deleting 
‘/nix/store/4zhkw0g564g3ljdpnn8j5krrsvcxildn-libXcomposite-0.4.4.tar.bz2’ deleting 
‘/nix/store/trash’ deleting unused links... note: currently hard linking 
saves 1754.97 MiB 1 store paths deleted, 0.27 MiB freed |

Is there some repair command to update liveness of paths ?

nix-store --verify --check-contents --repair finds nothing useful.

-- Layus.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the extra info!
I was wondering though, if the generated config files do end up in
/nix/store anyway, does it even make a difference if I use the
deployment.keys method? Or is there another way to have eg. a php script
read from these keys without actually writing them out?

Symfony uses yml files, WordPress uses php files, and so on.. Each project
is defined as a service and I generate these files in my various let

Personally I don't mind these files sitting in /nix/store as I'm the only
one with ssh access to these machines..

Kind regards,


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016, 17:16 Kevin Cox  wrote:

> On 09/06/16 11:03, 4levels wrote:
> > Hi Kevin,
> >
> > I'm very curious how you setup sensitive information using
> deployment.keys
> > This still seems like the best option to do this, but I failed to get
> > it working..
> >
> > Could you be so kind to post a small example, showing how you define
> > the keys and use them in functions that generate eg. a config file?
> Here are two examples where I read the key out of a secret directory
> (encrypted with git-crypt). Note that I don't generate any of my config
> files, but that is theoretically possible.
> deployment.keys.mesos.text = "root ${builtins.readFile
> ../secret/mesos-secret}";
> deployment.keys.sumologic.text = builtins.readFile ../secret/sumologic;
> And this example is importing a nix expression. Note that I'm not using
> deployment.keys so this is accessible to anyone (on the server) as it
> lands in the Nix store IIUC.
> networking.defaultMailServer = import ../secret/smtp.nix;
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 09d631: Revert "qt56: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1"

2016-06-09 Thread Thomas Tuegel
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 09d63127de6ed74be5947322f8af3b0c8b393374
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/fetchsrcs.sh
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/srcs.nix

  Log Message:
  Revert "qt56: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1"

This reverts commit 4d2cf4baaccf093a63b7e76793bffdc339f2379d.

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] Success: Hydra job nixpkgs:trunk:tarball on x86_64-linux

2016-06-09 Thread Hydra Build Daemon

The status of Hydra job ‘nixpkgs:trunk:tarball’ (on x86_64-linux) has changed 
from "Failed" to "Success".  For details, see


This may be due to 3 commits by Franz Pletz  or 
Thomas Tuegel .



The Hydra build daemon.
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 45d4d6: luaPackages.luaexpat: fix case of LUA_LDIR make fl...

2016-06-09 Thread Franz Pletz
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 45d4d6212274acd80cf2c6a8bcbca2ba1107d313
  Author: Franz Pletz 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/top-level/lua-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  luaPackages.luaexpat: fix case of LUA_LDIR make flag

  Commit: a0996c2c60faa1644a0f35b002a35d5f52ba7a37
  Author: Franz Pletz 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/libressl/2.3.nix

  Log Message:
  libressl: 2.3.4 -> 2.3.5

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/83c40ada7e23...a0996c2c60fa___
nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Anthony Cowley

Peter Simons writes:

> Hi Anthony,
>  > I know you didn't ask for feedback [...].
> I'm always happy to get feedback!
>  > If the top priority is receiving bug fixes, then keeping an LTS-4,
>  > LTS-5, LTS-6, etc. that tracks the most recent minor version makes
>  > sense.
> You seem to be saying that keeping an old major release like LTS-4
> around would somehow help us receive more bug fixes, but I can't see how
> that would be true. According to git://github.com/fpco/lts-haskell.git,
> the last time any LTS-4 update occurred was on 2016-01-18 -- almost half
> a year ago. Surely, there have been point updates that fix bugs between
> then and now, but LTS-4 does not seem to receive them, no? That is
> because no-one maintains LTS-4. Stackage has moved on to LTS-5, or
> rather: LTS-6 by now.
> So how exactly do we receive more bug fixes by distributing LTS-4?

I meant that just tracking the latest minor version gets you everything 
possible regarding bug fixes. This was by way of agreement with your point that 
newer minor releases obsolete older ones. I go on to draw a distinction between 
newer minor versions obsoleting old ones for purposes of bug fixes vs. for 
purposes of freezing packages.

>  > You say, "Stackage does not "maintain" any of its LTS releases," but
>  > the minor releases are precisely the offered maintenance.
> The thing is just that minor releases occur only for the latest major
> release. LTS-6 has minor release at the moment, but LTS-5, LTS-4, etc.
> do not! I agree that it would make sense to continue to distribute LTS-4
> if there were further minor releases to come out for that package set.
> But there won't be any. As far as Stackage is concerned, LTS-4 is dead.

The Stackage design is such that they *can* release bug fixes for older 
versions to help their users. You are removing that opportunity because it 
hasn't been used yet. Stackage is, relative to Haskell, very new. I think LTS-5 
is far more widely used than previous major releases, and therefore stands a 
much greater chance of seeing a bugfix release even now, after the advent of 

The use of this safety feature is correlated to adoption: as companies adopt 
Stackage package sets, they will have applications in production that they, A) 
really want bug fixes for; and B) do not want to keep on the hackage treadmill 
by following new releases. If a bug is found in an LTS-5 package within the 
next few months, a stink will be raised.

>  > Furthermore, there is no reason a new LTS-5 release can not be issued
>  > after the first release of LTS-6.
> Sure, this *could* happen and it would be great! Then we'd have a real
> long-term supported package set that would be worth-while to distribute.
>  > The cultural prominence of Stackage means that the need for security
>  > fixes to older versions can actually be promulgated because Stackage
>  > has users.
> I am sorry, but I have no idea what that sentence means.

It means that problems get publicity. When there are notable changes to package 
versions in Stackage (e.g. with aeson), there is a reddit discussion, posts on 
twitter, and chatter on IRC. This is the kind of herd immunity that Stackage 
provides: if one person finds a problem with a version of a library included in 
a Stackage package set, they can raise an alarm that is easy for everyone to 
interpret and address. Pre-Stackage, this rarely if ever happened because every 
application in production was running against a unique collection of versions 
that the cabal solver picked on an arbitrary day.

>  > For a modest application, specifying a particular Stackage release is
>  > a concise way of freezing Haskell dependencies.
> In Nix, we can solve these things by tagging a specific version of
> Nixpkgs and sticking to that. Not only will that freeze the Haskell
> dependencies, but it will also freeze all other dependencies, too.

This is a big step backwards. You object that Stackage has not yet used their 
existing mechanism for releasing bug fixes for older Haskell libraries, and 
respond by promoting a mechanism that admits no bug fixes for any software at 

>  > A typical Stackage definition is about 70KB.
> Huh? That's not what I am seeing in git://github.com/fpco/lts-haskell.git:
>$ ls -lh lts-6.2.yaml
>-rw-r--r-- 1 simons users 4.7M Jun  6 11:58 lts-6.2.yaml

Your data here is quite disingenuous: that file contains lists of github users, 
six hashes per package, a kind of reverse dependency information (users), and I 
do not know what else to aid with Stackage maintenance. If you are a Haskell 
programmer and wish to use Stackage versions, you do this,

$ curl https://www.stackage.org/lts-6.2/cabal.config > cabal.config
$ ls -lh cabal.config 
-rw-r--r--  1 acowley  staff69K Jun  8 20:22 cabal.config

Those are the versions of packages on hackage that constitute a Stackage 
release. nixpkgs will need additional data to address your point about offi

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Kevin Cox
On 09/06/16 11:03, 4levels wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
> I'm very curious how you setup sensitive information using deployment.keys
> This still seems like the best option to do this, but I failed to get
> it working..
> Could you be so kind to post a small example, showing how you define
> the keys and use them in functions that generate eg. a config file?

Here are two examples where I read the key out of a secret directory
(encrypted with git-crypt). Note that I don't generate any of my config
files, but that is theoretically possible.

deployment.keys.mesos.text = "root ${builtins.readFile
deployment.keys.sumologic.text = builtins.readFile ../secret/sumologic;

And this example is importing a nix expression. Note that I'm not using
deployment.keys so this is accessible to anyone (on the server) as it
lands in the Nix store IIUC.

networking.defaultMailServer = import ../secret/smtp.nix;

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] bfa328: First programs extracted from go-packages: deis an...

2016-06-09 Thread Rushmore Mushambi
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: bfa32800c3df6dd3a8e23bd239ec102173407249
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/development/go-modules/libs.json
A pkgs/development/tools/deis/default.nix
A pkgs/tools/misc/gawp/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  First programs extracted from go-packages: deis and gawp

  Commit: 5c2628a7049841b152b304443e7a364f60e1768b
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/tools/misc/gawp/default.nix
A pkgs/tools/misc/gawp/deps.json

  Log Message:
  When using common deps include only specified packages, not all set

  Commit: 81f3092e1168ef3f149031fca5acd78009acd2e5
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/go-modules/generic/default.nix
M pkgs/development/go-modules/libs.json
M pkgs/development/tools/deis/default.nix
A pkgs/development/tools/deis/deps.json
M pkgs/tools/misc/gawp/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Reusing go libs in deis build

  Commit: dfe1064b4e49fcda317021e183e85e419b33b473
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/tools/misc/asciinema/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  asciinema: top level pkgs extracted from goPackages

  Commit: dbf48cd10baf816d1ce48829f169a531165a8f2d
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/tools/misc/fzf/default.nix
A pkgs/tools/misc/fzf/deps.json
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  fzf: application extracted from goPackages

  Commit: 89a256e463403dab84d89b1bc4563c6b95951383
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/go-modules/libs.json
A pkgs/servers/interlock/default.nix
A pkgs/servers/interlock/deps.json
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  interlock: extracted from goPackages

  Commit: 387246080b2cd9675d7fcdab3ad528a4048842b5
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/go-modules/libs.json
A pkgs/tools/misc/mongodb-tools/default.nix
A pkgs/tools/misc/mongodb-tools/deps.json
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  mongodb-tools: extracted from goPackages

  Commit: e5b9d23de7c4687fc0356c14cf5105d1cc809178
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/tools/networking/flannel/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  flannel: extracted from goPackages

  Commit: ece0626593674e4962a432ee685df54917adaa0b
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/applications/version-management/git-lfs/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  git-lfs: extracted from goPackages

  Commit: ce81a8a65dcc7209159fcd35bf1fc703e2ec56aa
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/go-modules/libs.json
A pkgs/tools/filesystems/go-mtpfs/default.nix
A pkgs/tools/filesystems/go-mtpfs/deps.json
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix
M pkgs/top-level/go-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  go-mtpfs: extracted from goPackages

  Commit: 977f23ca37d4381d3cdc97b437f9fb7b0e03740d
  Author: Kamil Chmielewski 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi Kevin,

I'm very curious how you setup sensitive information using deployment.keys
This still seems like the best option to do this, but I failed to get it

Could you be so kind to post a small example, showing how you define the
keys and use them in functions that generate eg. a config file?

Kind regards,


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:30 PM Kevin Cox  wrote:

> On 09/06/16 10:21, 4levels wrote:
> > Hi Nix Devs,
> >
> > I've tried using the deployment.keys but that seems to be only there for
> > user accounts and not for custom configurations.  As I need multiple
> > keys for each platform (eg. symfony, wordpress - cipher, key, database
> > password, admin user password etc etc) it seems that deployment.keys
> > will not work for this purpose.
> >
> I don't know what you mean by "only there for user accounts". I use
> deployment.keys for most of the things you describe and it works fine.
> > I'm now resorting to using builtins.readFile and creating separate files
> > for the passwords in a folder I can then encrypt with git-crypt.
> > This way I'm also able to use conflicting nix characters in the
> > passwords as well.
> This seems like a different issue. Are you talking about keeping the
> keys private in the configuration or on the server (or both)?
> Although for keeping the keys private in the config I use git-crypt as
> well. I have a directory called "secrets" that I store the files in.
> Some I keep as text files and read using `builtins.readFile` and some I
> leave as nix expressions and simply import them.
> >
> > As a last question here I was wondering if there's a way to strip
> > trailing newlines when reading files with builtins.readFile as my IDE
> > keeps adding a newline at the end of each file when saving.  I'll post a
> > new message here for this request as this is not relevant in this topic
> >
> Text files have newlines at the end 😉
> You can use lib.removeSuffix to drop that newline if it's a problem.
> Hope that helps, Kevin
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] Failed: Hydra job nixpkgs:trunk:tarball on x86_64-linux

2016-06-09 Thread Hydra Build Daemon

The status of Hydra job ‘nixpkgs:trunk:tarball’ (on x86_64-linux) has changed 
from "Success" to "Failed".  For details, see


This may be due to 5 commits by Joachim Fasting , Nikolay 
Amiantov , Ryan Mulligan  or Thomas Tuegel 

Go forth and fix it.


The Hydra build daemon.
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 4d2cf4: qt56: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1

2016-06-09 Thread Thomas Tuegel
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 4d2cf4baaccf093a63b7e76793bffdc339f2379d
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/fetchsrcs.sh
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/srcs.nix

  Log Message:
  qt56: 5.6.0 -> 5.6.1

  Commit: c9ffb7e5f9dcd63773498eebc4db2dc2bba6a9a7
  Author: Thomas Tuegel 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/fetchsrcs.sh
M pkgs/development/libraries/qt-5/5.6/srcs.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge branch 'qt-5.6'

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/edc36a0091c6...c9ffb7e5f9dc___
nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] use builtins.readFile and strip trailing newline

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi Vladimir,

I was just reading strings.nix, removeSuffix seems indeed the best
candidate, thanks for confirming this!

Kind regards,

Erik aka 4levels

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:32 PM Vladimír Čunát  wrote:

> On 06/09/2016 04:24 PM, 4levels wrote:
> > 'd like to know if there's an easy way to strip off the trailing newline
> > from a file read with builtins.readFile.
> lib.removeSuffix "\n"
> --Vladimir
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] use builtins.readFile and strip trailing newline

2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
On 06/09/2016 04:24 PM, 4levels wrote:
> 'd like to know if there's an easy way to strip off the trailing newline
> from a file read with builtins.readFile.

lib.removeSuffix "\n"


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Kevin Cox
On 09/06/16 10:21, 4levels wrote:
> Hi Nix Devs,
> I've tried using the deployment.keys but that seems to be only there for
> user accounts and not for custom configurations.  As I need multiple
> keys for each platform (eg. symfony, wordpress - cipher, key, database
> password, admin user password etc etc) it seems that deployment.keys
> will not work for this purpose.

I don't know what you mean by "only there for user accounts". I use
deployment.keys for most of the things you describe and it works fine.

> I'm now resorting to using builtins.readFile and creating separate files
> for the passwords in a folder I can then encrypt with git-crypt.
> This way I'm also able to use conflicting nix characters in the
> passwords as well.

This seems like a different issue. Are you talking about keeping the
keys private in the configuration or on the server (or both)?

Although for keeping the keys private in the config I use git-crypt as
well. I have a directory called "secrets" that I store the files in.
Some I keep as text files and read using `builtins.readFile` and some I
leave as nix expressions and simply import them.

> As a last question here I was wondering if there's a way to strip
> trailing newlines when reading files with builtins.readFile as my IDE
> keeps adding a newline at the end of each file when saving.  I'll post a
> new message here for this request as this is not relevant in this topic

Text files have newlines at the end 😉

You can use lib.removeSuffix to drop that newline if it's a problem.

Hope that helps, Kevin

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-dev] use builtins.readFile and strip trailing newline

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi Nix Devs,

In a related question to have my sensitive info separated from the normal
NixOps configuration files, I am reading the passwords, keys, ciphers, ...
from separate files (which are encrypted with git-crypt).

My IDE (webstorm) keeps adding a trailing newline when saving these files.
I know I can disable this behaviour in the IDE, but just to be sure I'd
like to know if there's an easy way to strip off the trailing newline from
a file read with builtins.readFile.

Kind regards,

Erik aka 4levels
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi Nix Devs,

I've tried using the deployment.keys but that seems to be only there for
user accounts and not for custom configurations.  As I need multiple keys
for each platform (eg. symfony, wordpress - cipher, key, database password,
admin user password etc etc) it seems that deployment.keys will not work
for this purpose.

I'm now resorting to using builtins.readFile and creating separate files
for the passwords in a folder I can then encrypt with git-crypt.
This way I'm also able to use conflicting nix characters in the passwords
as well.

As a last question here I was wondering if there's a way to strip trailing
newlines when reading files with builtins.readFile as my IDE keeps adding a
newline at the end of each file when saving.  I'll post a new message here
for this request as this is not relevant in this topic

Kind regards and thank you again for your support!

Erik aka 4levels

On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 12:29 PM 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> thank you for your replies!
> The thing is, I seem not to be able to merge at the level I need, at the
> hostname level that is.
> I mean, I need to have a file with the combined sets to be used by NixOps.
> There is an mapAttrsRecursive function in attrsets.nix that sounds like it
> does what I need.
> Currently I'm more inclined to go the deployment.keys way as pointed out
> by Tomasz
> I'll keep you posted here..
> Kind regards, your support and engagements are fantastic!
> Erik
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 12:23 PM Tomasz Czyż  wrote:
>> Probably some function from
>> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/attrsets.nix could be
>> useful to merge them.
>> 2016-06-09 11:19 GMT+01:00 zimbatm :
>>> @dario: that doesn’t work recursively. { a = { x = 3; } } // { a = { y
>>> = 4; } produces { a = { y = 4 }; }
>>> ​
>>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 10:44 Dario Bertini  wrote:
 {a=1;}// {b=2;}
 {a=1; b=2;}

 Is this enough to help you?

 On 9 June 2016 10:31:07 BST, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
 >thank you for your swift reply!
 >I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in
 >network.nix config.
 >What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
 >So if I have in one file
 >servers.nix: {
 >  vm01 = {
 >services.symfony.platforms = {
 >  database = {
 >username = "www";
 >  };
 >  };
 >and in the other
 >keys.nix: {
 >  vm01 = {
 >services.symfony.platforms = {
 >  database = {
 >password = "12345678";
 >  };
 >  };
 >So they become one when building:
 >  vm01 = {
 >services.symfony.platforms = {
 >  database = {
 >username = "www";
 >password = "12345678";
 >  };
 >  };
 >Kind regards,
 >On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
 >> Hi,
 >> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is
 >suggest a
 >> workaround:
 >> In keys.nix:
 >> {
 >>   database_password = "12345678";
 >> }
 >> In network.nix:
 >> let
 >>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
 >> {
 >>   vm01 = {
 >> { config, pkgs, ... }:
 >> {
 >>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password =
 >>   ..
 >> }
 >>   }
 >> }
 >> ​
 >> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
 >>> Hi Nix Devs,
 >>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a
 >>> expression used by NixOps.
 >>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
 >>> {
 >>>   vm01 =
 >>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
 >>> {
 >>>   deployment = {
 >>> targetHost = "";
 >>>   };
 >>>   ...
 >>> }
 >>> }
 >>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a
 >>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
 >>> {
 >>>   vm01 =
 >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
 >>> {
 >>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
 >>> database = {
 >>>   username = "www";
 >>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
 >>> };
 >>>   ...
 >>> }
 >>> }
 >>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
 >>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same
 >structure so
 >>> the files can be merged.
 >>> In keys.nix I currently h

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] edc36a: grsecurity: 4.5.6-201606051644 -> 4.5.7-2016060808...

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: edc36a0091c61cc60d3607d5e73ad22e078f8307
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-grsecurity-4.5.nix
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/patches.nix

  Log Message:
  grsecurity: 4.5.6-201606051644 -> 4.5.7-201606080852

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] b54fa1: zsnes: add desktop item

2016-06-09 Thread Nikolay Amiantov
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: b54fa1e351074531628178cd4da7dccc7c334824
  Author: Ryan Mulligan 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/misc/emulators/zsnes/default.nix

  Log Message:
  zsnes: add desktop item

add desktop item so zsnes can be used without the terminal
add icons

  Commit: 2f1b3557477874c277f5dd99f128807f13393ea3
  Author: Nikolay Amiantov 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/misc/emulators/zsnes/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #15983 from ryantm/zsnes

zsnes: add desktop item

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/20c2ce4954d4...2f1b35574778___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] f1d757: build-support/grsecurity: simplify the grsecurityO...

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/release-16.03
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: f1d7572a5fb8f327ca74307fe9e2722008e774ca
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/build-support/grsecurity/default.nix

  Log Message:
  build-support/grsecurity: simplify the grsecurityOverrider

Adding inputs required by gcc plugins to the ambient environment is sufficient.

(cherry picked from commit 27035365ec98f839fa92c1807c36be967446e1a1)

Fixes the build error: https://hydra.nixos.org/build/36725847/nixlog/1/raw

  Commit: 0e0bb8a1738ab454bf8d94bc3c3b1c08cd1012c5
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/build-support/grsecurity/default.nix

  Log Message:
  grsecurity: simplify preConfigure

(cherry picked from commit 39db90eaf60999db2ffd13668b4619a2d57f76ad)

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/d6c4dc1094b1...0e0bb8a1738a___
nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Peter Simons
Hi Anthony,

 > I know you didn't ask for feedback [...].

I'm always happy to get feedback!

 > If the top priority is receiving bug fixes, then keeping an LTS-4,
 > LTS-5, LTS-6, etc. that tracks the most recent minor version makes
 > sense.

You seem to be saying that keeping an old major release like LTS-4
around would somehow help us receive more bug fixes, but I can't see how
that would be true. According to git://github.com/fpco/lts-haskell.git,
the last time any LTS-4 update occurred was on 2016-01-18 -- almost half
a year ago. Surely, there have been point updates that fix bugs between
then and now, but LTS-4 does not seem to receive them, no? That is
because no-one maintains LTS-4. Stackage has moved on to LTS-5, or
rather: LTS-6 by now.

So how exactly do we receive more bug fixes by distributing LTS-4?

 > You say, "Stackage does not "maintain" any of its LTS releases," but
 > the minor releases are precisely the offered maintenance.

The thing is just that minor releases occur only for the latest major
release. LTS-6 has minor release at the moment, but LTS-5, LTS-4, etc.
do not! I agree that it would make sense to continue to distribute LTS-4
if there were further minor releases to come out for that package set.
But there won't be any. As far as Stackage is concerned, LTS-4 is dead.

 > Furthermore, there is no reason a new LTS-5 release can not be issued
 > after the first release of LTS-6.

Sure, this *could* happen and it would be great! Then we'd have a real
long-term supported package set that would be worth-while to distribute.

 > The cultural prominence of Stackage means that the need for security
 > fixes to older versions can actually be promulgated because Stackage
 > has users.

I am sorry, but I have no idea what that sentence means.

 > For a modest application, specifying a particular Stackage release is
 > a concise way of freezing Haskell dependencies.

In Nix, we can solve these things by tagging a specific version of
Nixpkgs and sticking to that. Not only will that freeze the Haskell
dependencies, but it will also freeze all other dependencies, too.

 > A typical Stackage definition is about 70KB.

Huh? That's not what I am seeing in git://github.com/fpco/lts-haskell.git:

   $ ls -lh lts-6.2.yaml
   -rw-r--r-- 1 simons users 4.7M Jun  6 11:58 lts-6.2.yaml

 > Nix definitions require nearly 10x that space is unfortunate, but I
 > had expected a Nix solution to this issue rather than giving up on
 > versions altogether.

Oh, come on. I wrote a very long and detailed explanation of *why* we
give up on tracking Hackage, and to boil that whole article down to "it
was using too much disk space" is just silly.

Best regards,

nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 8eb439: Merge #16043: kernel: 4.4.11 -> 4.4.12

2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
  Branch: refs/heads/release-16.03
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 8eb439701ef881260ab8a29326c4c266445f92a0
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.4.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #16043: kernel: 4.4.11 -> 4.4.12

(cherry picked from commit f9310c2eee39939cdb6a14e0b50c2139cebf4c08)

  Commit: e61983e6a58505086e963709bee1575a90804f1a
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.1.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #16044: kernel: 4.1.20 -> 4.1.25

(cherry picked from commit c0895be3ee664dc558641c6654b8c11625c15364)

  Commit: d6c4dc1094b1865f5d7ac84618a8599b45ea9d4d
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.6.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #16045: kernel: 4.6.0 -> 4.6.1

(cherry picked from commit 20c2ce4954d4ef67dc77cd773ee95e6d36784d01)

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/dd06c4e52bb5...d6c4dc1094b1___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] f3ebf1: kernel: 4.1.20 -> 4.1.25

2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: f3ebf1376284629b3da9ed57774a31ae79a7ec53
  Author: Tim Steinbach 
  Date:   2016-06-07 (Tue, 07 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.1.nix

  Log Message:
  kernel: 4.1.20 -> 4.1.25

  Commit: a57cbf6546ddf226a4ea3201fd72d260c7154d3e
  Author: Tim Steinbach 
  Date:   2016-06-07 (Tue, 07 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.4.nix

  Log Message:
  kernel: 4.4.11 -> 4.4.12

  Commit: 269b7d30a7ab049bd6dd0bb575f6cd9e4a601425
  Author: Tim Steinbach 
  Date:   2016-06-07 (Tue, 07 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.6.nix

  Log Message:
  kernel: 4.6.0 -> 4.6.1

  Commit: f9310c2eee39939cdb6a14e0b50c2139cebf4c08
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.4.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #16043: kernel: 4.4.11 -> 4.4.12

  Commit: c0895be3ee664dc558641c6654b8c11625c15364
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.1.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #16044: kernel: 4.1.20 -> 4.1.25

  Commit: 20c2ce4954d4ef67dc77cd773ee95e6d36784d01
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.6.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #16045: kernel: 4.6.0 -> 4.6.1

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/e52194f17d15...20c2ce4954d4___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] dd06c4: io: 2013.12.04 -> 2015.11.11

2016-06-09 Thread Rahul Gopinath
  Branch: refs/heads/release-16.03
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: dd06c4e52bb54171237eca8c6f113f1d550c7c13
  Author: Rahul Gopinath 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/interpreters/io/default.nix

  Log Message:
  io: 2013.12.04 -> 2015.11.11

Updating IO language to latest version

(cherry picked from commit c860de987d5eb97a2c8d41e9e1a311c3cf988988)

This also fixes the build

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] c860de: io: 2013.12.04 -> 2015.11.11

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: c860de987d5eb97a2c8d41e9e1a311c3cf988988
  Author: Rahul Gopinath 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/interpreters/io/default.nix

  Log Message:
  io: 2013.12.04 -> 2015.11.11

Updating IO language to latest version

  Commit: e52194f17d15b484fdfdf625fbe4cba759739920
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/interpreters/io/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16061 from vrthra/io

io: 2013.12.04 -> 2015.11.11

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/cbca34b1a769...e52194f17d15___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 140e48: ffmpeg: 2.8.5 -> 3.0

2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 140e48f3c1986f8bb5820e9a9bef394b3908ac62
  Author: Andrew Kelley 
  Date:   2016-03-16 (Wed, 16 Mar 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/development/libraries/ffmpeg/3.0.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  ffmpeg: 2.8.5 -> 3.0

  Commit: 9876769698037d9eddac3bc136bfcf207a72ec9c
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/libraries/ffmpeg/3.0.nix

  Log Message:
  ffmpeg_3: 3.0 -> 3.0.2

  Commit: 9bf611414740807312d05d8f782a02a471fe8e1e
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  ffmpeg: use 2 as the default for now

  Commit: cbca34b1a769004181b1a1c0db56e42b45495d72
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/development/libraries/ffmpeg/3.0.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge #13977: ffmpeg: add 3.0 version

I made the default not change for now.

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/35f177fcc990...cbca34b1a769___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 4bc528: shadowsocks-libev: 2.4.6 -> 2.4.7

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 4bc528ce280d3a2e65ee3937949f4b8793928615
  Author: Jinjing Wang 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/tools/networking/shadowsocks-libev/default.nix

  Log Message:
  shadowsocks-libev: 2.4.6 -> 2.4.7

  Commit: 35f177fcc990b9b6d6ef5f0cfcdd10c5deeed6fd
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/tools/networking/shadowsocks-libev/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #15951 from nfjinjing/shadowsocks-libev

shadowsocks-libev: 2.4.6 -> 2.4.7

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/376ba5f17f81...35f177fcc990___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 376ba5: dnscrypt-proxy service: update resolver list

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 376ba5f17f81a33be8ee6db6b43bd2b08e5a2491
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M nixos/modules/services/networking/dnscrypt-proxy.nix

  Log Message:
  dnscrypt-proxy service: update resolver list

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 3b28b5: enlightenment: 0.20.8 -> 0.20.9

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 3b28b5673b67670ee61212f2043ef641c7d70dc6
  Author: José Romildo Malaquias 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/desktops/enlightenment/enlightenment.nix

  Log Message:
  enlightenment: 0.20.8 -> 0.20.9

  Commit: 687fff86c11602c8f0478791789559248ef0fd3d
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/desktops/enlightenment/enlightenment.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16087 from romildo/upd.enlightenment

enlightenment: 0.20.8 -> 0.20.9

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/7a29c403fd14...687fff86c116___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 8f4755: kernel: 4.5.5 -> 4.5.6

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 8f4755a0ae4d70577a62238f93ddf4849755212c
  Author: Tim Steinbach 
  Date:   2016-06-07 (Tue, 07 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.5.nix

  Log Message:
  kernel: 4.5.5 -> 4.5.6

  Commit: 7a29c403fd14ebfd6c4839bd281ac126abd4d828
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/os-specific/linux/kernel/linux-4.5.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16046 from NeQuissimus/kernel456

kernel: 4.5.5 -> 4.5.6

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/b9428a45768e...7a29c403fd14___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 35c544: factor: disable build on i686-linux

2016-06-09 Thread Joachim Fasting
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 35c544e6d4e685af7d3ef5cfc4294c094199e57f
  Author: Rahul Gopinath 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/compilers/factor-lang/default.nix

  Log Message:
  factor: disable build on i686-linux

The factor language should be built only on x86_64 machines.

  Commit: b9428a45768e5b03469f36e39ab7a4178a0d37a4
  Author: Joachim Fasting 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/compilers/factor-lang/default.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16089 from vrthra/factor

factor: disable build on i686-linux

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/31f4a9b5590f...b9428a45768e___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 31f4a9: xfce.thunar: patch to avoid error

2016-06-09 Thread obadz
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 31f4a9b5590fdef5412f13e16888d2fa94f6f5f7
  Author: obadz 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/desktops/xfce/core/thunar-build.nix

  Log Message:
  xfce.thunar: patch to avoid error

«the desktop file … is in an insecure location»
which pops up when invoking desktop files that are
symlinks to the /nix/store

this error was added by this commit:


«Only allow direct execution of desktop files in an
XDG directory and if they are executable.»

nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] wordpress

2016-06-09 Thread stewart mackenzie
Ah I see this: https://nixos.org/wiki/Wordpress

I'll need to override the src of wordpress with my own version of wordpress.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi all,

thank you for your replies!
The thing is, I seem not to be able to merge at the level I need, at the
hostname level that is.
I mean, I need to have a file with the combined sets to be used by NixOps.

There is an mapAttrsRecursive function in attrsets.nix that sounds like it
does what I need.

Currently I'm more inclined to go the deployment.keys way as pointed out by

I'll keep you posted here..

Kind regards, your support and engagements are fantastic!


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 12:23 PM Tomasz Czyż  wrote:

> Probably some function from
> https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/attrsets.nix could be
> useful to merge them.
> 2016-06-09 11:19 GMT+01:00 zimbatm :
>> @dario: that doesn’t work recursively. { a = { x = 3; } } // { a = { y =
>> 4; } produces { a = { y = 4 }; }
>> ​
>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 10:44 Dario Bertini  wrote:
>>> {a=1;}// {b=2;}
>>> Yields
>>> {a=1; b=2;}
>>> Is this enough to help you?
>>> On 9 June 2016 10:31:07 BST, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >Hi,
>>> >
>>> >thank you for your swift reply!
>>> >I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in
>>> >the
>>> >network.nix config.
>>> >
>>> >What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
>>> >sets?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >So if I have in one file
>>> >servers.nix: {
>>> >  vm01 = {
>>> >services.symfony.platforms = {
>>> >  database = {
>>> >username = "www";
>>> >  };
>>> >};
>>> >  };
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >and in the other
>>> >keys.nix: {
>>> >  vm01 = {
>>> >services.symfony.platforms = {
>>> >  database = {
>>> >password = "12345678";
>>> >  };
>>> >};
>>> >  };
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >So they become one when building:
>>> >{
>>> >  vm01 = {
>>> >services.symfony.platforms = {
>>> >  database = {
>>> >username = "www";
>>> >password = "12345678";
>>> >  };
>>> >};
>>> >  };
>>> >}
>>> >
>>> >Kind regards,
>>> >
>>> >Erik
>>> >
>>> >On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Hi,
>>> >>
>>> >> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is
>>> >suggest a
>>> >> workaround:
>>> >>
>>> >> In keys.nix:
>>> >>
>>> >> {
>>> >>   database_password = "12345678";
>>> >> }
>>> >>
>>> >> In network.nix:
>>> >>
>>> >> let
>>> >>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
>>> >> {
>>> >>   vm01 = {
>>> >> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> >> {
>>> >>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password =
>>> >secrets.database_password;
>>> >>
>>> >>   ..
>>> >> }
>>> >>   }
>>> >> }
>>> >>
>>> >> ​
>>> >>
>>> >> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Hi Nix Devs,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a
>>> >nix
>>> >>> expression used by NixOps.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
>>> >>> {
>>> >>>   vm01 =
>>> >>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
>>> >>> {
>>> >>>   deployment = {
>>> >>> targetHost = "";
>>> >>>   };
>>> >>>   ...
>>> >>> }
>>> >>> }
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a
>>> >nix
>>> >>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
>>> >>> {
>>> >>>   vm01 =
>>> >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> >>> {
>>> >>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
>>> >>> database = {
>>> >>>   username = "www";
>>> >>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
>>> >>> };
>>> >>>   ...
>>> >>> }
>>> >>> }
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
>>> >>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same
>>> >structure so
>>> >>> the files can be merged.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> In keys.nix I currently have
>>> >>> {
>>> >>>   vm01 = {
>>> >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> >>> {
>>> >>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
>>> >>>   ..
>>> >>> }
>>> >>>   }
>>> >>> }
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
>>> >>> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like
>>> >"the
>>> >>> attribute password does not exist"
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I
>>> >define
>>> >>> in my deploy are being merged correctly.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
>>> >>> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with
>>> >branches (or
>>> >>> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge
>>> >binary
>>> >>> files (it simply replaces them).
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Kind regards!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Erik aka 4levels
>>> >>>
>>> >> ___
>>> >>> nix-dev mailing list
>>> >>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>>> >>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mail

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Tomasz Czyż
Probably some function from
https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/lib/attrsets.nix could be
useful to merge them.

2016-06-09 11:19 GMT+01:00 zimbatm :

> @dario: that doesn’t work recursively. { a = { x = 3; } } // { a = { y =
> 4; } produces { a = { y = 4 }; }
> ​
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 10:44 Dario Bertini  wrote:
>> {a=1;}// {b=2;}
>> Yields
>> {a=1; b=2;}
>> Is this enough to help you?
>> On 9 June 2016 10:31:07 BST, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >
>> >thank you for your swift reply!
>> >I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in
>> >the
>> >network.nix config.
>> >
>> >What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
>> >sets?
>> >
>> >
>> >So if I have in one file
>> >servers.nix: {
>> >  vm01 = {
>> >services.symfony.platforms = {
>> >  database = {
>> >username = "www";
>> >  };
>> >};
>> >  };
>> >}
>> >
>> >and in the other
>> >keys.nix: {
>> >  vm01 = {
>> >services.symfony.platforms = {
>> >  database = {
>> >password = "12345678";
>> >  };
>> >};
>> >  };
>> >}
>> >
>> >So they become one when building:
>> >{
>> >  vm01 = {
>> >services.symfony.platforms = {
>> >  database = {
>> >username = "www";
>> >password = "12345678";
>> >  };
>> >};
>> >  };
>> >}
>> >
>> >Kind regards,
>> >
>> >Erik
>> >
>> >On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is
>> >suggest a
>> >> workaround:
>> >>
>> >> In keys.nix:
>> >>
>> >> {
>> >>   database_password = "12345678";
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> In network.nix:
>> >>
>> >> let
>> >>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
>> >> {
>> >>   vm01 = {
>> >> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> >> {
>> >>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password =
>> >secrets.database_password;
>> >>
>> >>   ..
>> >> }
>> >>   }
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> ​
>> >>
>> >> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Hi Nix Devs,
>> >>>
>> >>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a
>> >nix
>> >>> expression used by NixOps.
>> >>>
>> >>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
>> >>> {
>> >>>   vm01 =
>> >>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
>> >>> {
>> >>>   deployment = {
>> >>> targetHost = "";
>> >>>   };
>> >>>   ...
>> >>> }
>> >>> }
>> >>>
>> >>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a
>> >nix
>> >>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
>> >>> {
>> >>>   vm01 =
>> >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> >>> {
>> >>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
>> >>> database = {
>> >>>   username = "www";
>> >>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
>> >>> };
>> >>>   ...
>> >>> }
>> >>> }
>> >>>
>> >>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
>> >>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same
>> >structure so
>> >>> the files can be merged.
>> >>>
>> >>> In keys.nix I currently have
>> >>> {
>> >>>   vm01 = {
>> >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> >>> {
>> >>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
>> >>>   ..
>> >>> }
>> >>>   }
>> >>> }
>> >>>
>> >>> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
>> >>> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like
>> >"the
>> >>> attribute password does not exist"
>> >>>
>> >>> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I
>> >define
>> >>> in my deploy are being merged correctly.
>> >>>
>> >>> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
>> >>>
>> >>> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
>> >>> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with
>> >branches (or
>> >>> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge
>> >binary
>> >>> files (it simply replaces them).
>> >>>
>> >>> Kind regards!
>> >>>
>> >>> Erik aka 4levels
>> >>>
>> >> ___
>> >>> nix-dev mailing list
>> >>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>> >>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >___
>> >nix-dev mailing list
>> >nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>> >http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
>> --
>> Sent from mobile. Please excuse my brevity.
>> ___
>> nix-dev mailing list
>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev

Tomasz Czyż

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] cc174b: pidgin: simplify using the wrapped version

2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: cc174b3d556945eff999efe44ab18dd7b3e99f76
  Author: Vladimír Čunát 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/applications/networking/instant-messengers/pidgin/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/aliases.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  pidgin: simplify using the wrapped version

Now only the `pidgin` attribute is exposed and it's wrapped based on
whether the `plugins` parameter is overridden.

Discussion: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/8999#issuecomment-224851642

nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread zimbatm
@dario: that doesn’t work recursively. { a = { x = 3; } } // { a = { y = 4;
} produces { a = { y = 4 }; }

On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 10:44 Dario Bertini  wrote:

> {a=1;}// {b=2;}
> Yields
> {a=1; b=2;}
> Is this enough to help you?
> On 9 June 2016 10:31:07 BST, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >thank you for your swift reply!
> >I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in
> >the
> >network.nix config.
> >
> >What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
> >sets?
> >
> >
> >So if I have in one file
> >servers.nix: {
> >  vm01 = {
> >services.symfony.platforms = {
> >  database = {
> >username = "www";
> >  };
> >};
> >  };
> >}
> >
> >and in the other
> >keys.nix: {
> >  vm01 = {
> >services.symfony.platforms = {
> >  database = {
> >password = "12345678";
> >  };
> >};
> >  };
> >}
> >
> >So they become one when building:
> >{
> >  vm01 = {
> >services.symfony.platforms = {
> >  database = {
> >username = "www";
> >password = "12345678";
> >  };
> >};
> >  };
> >}
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >
> >Erik
> >
> >On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is
> >suggest a
> >> workaround:
> >>
> >> In keys.nix:
> >>
> >> {
> >>   database_password = "12345678";
> >> }
> >>
> >> In network.nix:
> >>
> >> let
> >>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
> >> {
> >>   vm01 = {
> >> { config, pkgs, ... }:
> >> {
> >>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password =
> >secrets.database_password;
> >>
> >>   ..
> >> }
> >>   }
> >> }
> >>
> >> ​
> >>
> >> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Nix Devs,
> >>>
> >>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a
> >nix
> >>> expression used by NixOps.
> >>>
> >>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
> >>> {
> >>>   vm01 =
> >>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
> >>> {
> >>>   deployment = {
> >>> targetHost = "";
> >>>   };
> >>>   ...
> >>> }
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a
> >nix
> >>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
> >>> {
> >>>   vm01 =
> >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
> >>> {
> >>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
> >>> database = {
> >>>   username = "www";
> >>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
> >>> };
> >>>   ...
> >>> }
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
> >>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same
> >structure so
> >>> the files can be merged.
> >>>
> >>> In keys.nix I currently have
> >>> {
> >>>   vm01 = {
> >>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
> >>> {
> >>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
> >>>   ..
> >>> }
> >>>   }
> >>> }
> >>>
> >>> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
> >>> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like
> >"the
> >>> attribute password does not exist"
> >>>
> >>> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I
> >define
> >>> in my deploy are being merged correctly.
> >>>
> >>> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
> >>>
> >>> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
> >>> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with
> >branches (or
> >>> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge
> >binary
> >>> files (it simply replaces them).
> >>>
> >>> Kind regards!
> >>>
> >>> Erik aka 4levels
> >>>
> >> ___
> >>> nix-dev mailing list
> >>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
> >>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___
> >nix-dev mailing list
> >nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
> >http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
> --
> Sent from mobile. Please excuse my brevity.
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 10c87e: haskellPackages.timezone-series: Add support for t...

2016-06-09 Thread Peter Simons
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 10c87e69b4ab04a499be1a54bca1b8548f657d63
  Author: Maciek Starzyk 
  Date:   2016-06-08 (Wed, 08 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix
A pkgs/development/haskell-modules/patches/timezone-series.patch

  Log Message:
  haskellPackages.timezone-series: Add support for time-1.6 - applied patch 

  Commit: 0158d124bd32346c43e1aab6777b94ca82325db4
  Author: Maciek Starzyk 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix
R pkgs/development/haskell-modules/patches/timezone-series.patch

  Log Message:
  haskellPackages.timezone-series: Download patch instead of checking it into 

  Commit: dc6f1cf4b3b513d9761d725b5acefb270e67f587
  Author: Peter Simons 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16080 from mstarzyk/timezone-series

haskellPackages.timezone-series: Add support for time-1.6 - applied p…

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/109096247a20...dc6f1cf4b3b5___
nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 109096: php56: update to 5.6.22

2016-06-09 Thread Eelco Dolstra
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 109096247a20ed1141f1f373cd41c1674027c7f1
  Author: Eelco Dolstra 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/interpreters/php/default.nix

  Log Message:
  php56: update to 5.6.22

(cherry picked from commit 72b4009367257c2447aac89d5f34f2421bbc88dc)

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 72b400: php56: update to 5.6.22

2016-06-09 Thread Eelco Dolstra
  Branch: refs/heads/release-16.03
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 72b4009367257c2447aac89d5f34f2421bbc88dc
  Author: Eelco Dolstra 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/interpreters/php/default.nix

  Log Message:
  php56: update to 5.6.22

nix-commits mailing list

[Nix-dev] wordpress

2016-06-09 Thread stewart mackenzie

I see there's a wordpress package:

There are no available wordpress attributes.

How do I install wordpress?

Kind regards
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Bas van Dijk
On 9 June 2016 at 08:54, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the servers.nix 
> and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like "the attribute 
> password does not exist"

What's the output of: 'nixops info' for your deployment?

> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the 
> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with branches (or 
> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge binary 
> files (it simply replaces them).

I'm also using git-crypt to secure my secrets. I would suggest not
encrypting the full nix expression but just the actual secret like:

services.symfony.platforms.database.password = builtins.readFile

then encrypt everything under ./secrets.


nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Dario Bertini
{a=1;}// {b=2;} 
{a=1; b=2;} 

Is this enough to help you? 

On 9 June 2016 10:31:07 BST, 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>thank you for your swift reply!
>I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in
>network.nix config.
>What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
>So if I have in one file
>servers.nix: {
>  vm01 = {
>services.symfony.platforms = {
>  database = {
>username = "www";
>  };
>  };
>and in the other
>keys.nix: {
>  vm01 = {
>services.symfony.platforms = {
>  database = {
>password = "12345678";
>  };
>  };
>So they become one when building:
>  vm01 = {
>services.symfony.platforms = {
>  database = {
>username = "www";
>password = "12345678";
>  };
>  };
>Kind regards,
>On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is
>suggest a
>> workaround:
>> In keys.nix:
>> {
>>   database_password = "12345678";
>> }
>> In network.nix:
>> let
>>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
>> {
>>   vm01 = {
>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> {
>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password =
>>   ..
>> }
>>   }
>> }
>> ​
>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Nix Devs,
>>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a
>>> expression used by NixOps.
>>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
>>> {
>>>   vm01 =
>>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   deployment = {
>>> targetHost = "";
>>>   };
>>>   ...
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a
>>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
>>> {
>>>   vm01 =
>>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
>>> database = {
>>>   username = "www";
>>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
>>> };
>>>   ...
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
>>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same
>structure so
>>> the files can be merged.
>>> In keys.nix I currently have
>>> {
>>>   vm01 = {
>>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
>>>   ..
>>> }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
>>> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like
>>> attribute password does not exist"
>>> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I
>>> in my deploy are being merged correctly.
>>> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
>>> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
>>> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with
>branches (or
>>> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge
>>> files (it simply replaces them).
>>> Kind regards!
>>> Erik aka 4levels
>> ___
>>> nix-dev mailing list
>>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
>nix-dev mailing list

Sent from mobile. Please excuse my brevity.
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels
Hi Tomasz,

that is indeed the case: all these configuration values are being used to
generate different config files (for eg. a symfony project, or a wordpress
site, etc etc) and they do appear in /nix/store

I was not really aware of the security concerns here, but if
deployment.keys can be an attribute set, I'll definitely try implementing
that instead!

Thank you for the pointer, I'll keep you posted here...

Kind regards,


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:36 AM Tomasz Czyż  wrote:

> I'm not 100% sure as I'm pretty new to nixops, but probably if you put
> credentials like that, they can end up in /nix/store.
> As someone explained to me before, probably the only good way at the
> moment to do that is to use deployment.keys.
> Can anyone confirm that?
> 2016-06-09 10:31 GMT+01:00 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> thank you for your swift reply!
>> I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in the
>> network.nix config.
>> What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
>> sets?
>> So if I have in one file
>> servers.nix: {
>>   vm01 = {
>> services.symfony.platforms = {
>>   database = {
>> username = "www";
>>   };
>> };
>>   };
>> }
>> and in the other
>> keys.nix: {
>>   vm01 = {
>> services.symfony.platforms = {
>>   database = {
>> password = "12345678";
>>   };
>> };
>>   };
>> }
>> So they become one when building:
>> {
>>   vm01 = {
>> services.symfony.platforms = {
>>   database = {
>> username = "www";
>> password = "12345678";
>>   };
>> };
>>   };
>> }
>> Kind regards,
>> Erik
>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is suggest a
>>> workaround:
>>> In keys.nix:
>>> {
>>>   database_password = "12345678";
>>> }
>>> In network.nix:
>>> let
>>>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
>>> {
>>>   vm01 = {
>>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = 
>>> secrets.database_password;
>>>   ..
>>> }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> ​
>>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
 Hi Nix Devs,

 I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a
 nix expression used by NixOps.

 I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
   vm01 =
 { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
   deployment = {
 targetHost = "";

 Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a nix
 expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
   vm01 =
 { config, pkgs, ... }:
   services.symfony.platforms = {
 database = {
   username = "www";
   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */

 I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
 separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same structure so
 the files can be merged.

 In keys.nix I currently have
   vm01 = {
 { config, pkgs, ... }:
   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";

 I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
 servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like "the
 attribute password does not exist"

 I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I define
 in my deploy are being merged correctly.

 Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?

 The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
 platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with branches (or
 git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge binary
 files (it simply replaces them).

 Kind regards!

 Erik aka 4levels

>>> ___
 nix-dev mailing list

>> ___
>> nix-dev mailing list
>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
> --
> Tomasz Czyż
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread Tomasz Czyż
I'm not 100% sure as I'm pretty new to nixops, but probably if you put
credentials like that, they can end up in /nix/store.
As someone explained to me before, probably the only good way at the moment
to do that is to use deployment.keys.

Can anyone confirm that?

2016-06-09 10:31 GMT+01:00 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> thank you for your swift reply!
> I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in the
> network.nix config.
> What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute
> sets?
> So if I have in one file
> servers.nix: {
>   vm01 = {
> services.symfony.platforms = {
>   database = {
> username = "www";
>   };
> };
>   };
> }
> and in the other
> keys.nix: {
>   vm01 = {
> services.symfony.platforms = {
>   database = {
> password = "12345678";
>   };
> };
>   };
> }
> So they become one when building:
> {
>   vm01 = {
> services.symfony.platforms = {
>   database = {
> username = "www";
> password = "12345678";
>   };
> };
>   };
> }
> Kind regards,
> Erik
> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is suggest a
>> workaround:
>> In keys.nix:
>> {
>>   database_password = "12345678";
>> }
>> In network.nix:
>> let
>>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
>> {
>>   vm01 = {
>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> {
>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = 
>> secrets.database_password;
>>   ..
>> }
>>   }
>> }
>> ​
>> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Nix Devs,
>>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a nix
>>> expression used by NixOps.
>>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
>>> {
>>>   vm01 =
>>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   deployment = {
>>> targetHost = "";
>>>   };
>>>   ...
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a nix
>>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
>>> {
>>>   vm01 =
>>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
>>> database = {
>>>   username = "www";
>>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
>>> };
>>>   ...
>>> }
>>> }
>>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
>>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same structure so
>>> the files can be merged.
>>> In keys.nix I currently have
>>> {
>>>   vm01 = {
>>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>>> {
>>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
>>>   ..
>>> }
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
>>> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like "the
>>> attribute password does not exist"
>>> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I define
>>> in my deploy are being merged correctly.
>>> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
>>> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
>>> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with branches (or
>>> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge binary
>>> files (it simply replaces them).
>>> Kind regards!
>>> Erik aka 4levels
>> ___
>>> nix-dev mailing list
>>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev

Tomasz Czyż
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread 4levels

thank you for your swift reply!
I'd like to avoid to literally mention all sensitive config params in the
network.nix config.

What would be the "normal" procedure to recursively merge 2 attribute sets?

So if I have in one file
servers.nix: {
  vm01 = {
services.symfony.platforms = {
  database = {
username = "www";

and in the other
keys.nix: {
  vm01 = {
services.symfony.platforms = {
  database = {
password = "12345678";

So they become one when building:
  vm01 = {
services.symfony.platforms = {
  database = {
username = "www";
password = "12345678";

Kind regards,


On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 11:23 AM zimbatm  wrote:

> Hi,
> I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is suggest a
> workaround:
> In keys.nix:
> {
>   database_password = "12345678";
> }
> In network.nix:
> let
>   secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
> {
>   vm01 = {
> { config, pkgs, ... }:
> {
>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = 
> secrets.database_password;
>   ..
> }
>   }
> }
> ​
> On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nix Devs,
>> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a nix
>> expression used by NixOps.
>> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
>> {
>>   vm01 =
>> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
>> {
>>   deployment = {
>> targetHost = "";
>>   };
>>   ...
>> }
>> }
>> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a nix
>> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
>> {
>>   vm01 =
>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> {
>>   services.symfony.platforms = {
>> database = {
>>   username = "www";
>>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
>> };
>>   ...
>> }
>> }
>> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
>> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same structure so
>> the files can be merged.
>> In keys.nix I currently have
>> {
>>   vm01 = {
>> { config, pkgs, ... }:
>> {
>>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
>>   ..
>> }
>>   }
>> }
>> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
>> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like "the
>> attribute password does not exist"
>> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I define
>> in my deploy are being merged correctly.
>> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
>> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
>> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with branches (or
>> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge binary
>> files (it simply replaces them).
>> Kind regards!
>> Erik aka 4levels
> ___
>> nix-dev mailing list
>> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
>> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] 51a726: factor-lang: Init at 0.98

2016-06-09 Thread Rushmore Mushambi
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: 51a7260fba63167bd17d58631fa0991029521841
  Author: Rahul Gopinath 
  Date:   2016-06-08 (Wed, 08 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/development/compilers/factor-lang/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  factor-lang: Init at 0.98

Factor is a concatenative, stack-based programming language.

  Commit: 3871831b37ec94cbbae89863de7da0b21090f4b6
  Author: Rushmore Mushambi 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
A pkgs/development/compilers/factor-lang/default.nix
M pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #16059 from vrthra/factor

factor-lang: Init at 0.97

Compare: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/compare/fcb0023e8030...3871831b37ec___
nix-commits mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] NixOps - merge config files

2016-06-09 Thread zimbatm

I don’t know where you are getting this error. All I can do is suggest a

In keys.nix:

  database_password = "12345678";

In network.nix:

  secrets = import ./keys.nix {};in;
  vm01 = {
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
  services.symfony.platforms.database.password = secrets.database_password;



On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 07:54 4levels <4lev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Nix Devs,
> I'm having some difficulties separating sensitive information from a nix
> expression used by NixOps.
> I keep the server config in a separate file, servers.nix:
> {
>   vm01 =
> { config, pkgs, nodes, ... }:
> {
>   deployment = {
> targetHost = "";
>   };
>   ...
> }
> }
> Currently I have all relevant software config for each server in a nix
> expression platforms.nix as follows (where vm01 is the hostname):
> {
>   vm01 =
> { config, pkgs, ... }:
> {
>   services.symfony.platforms = {
> database = {
>   username = "www";
>   /* password = "1234567" -> moved to keys.nix */
> };
>   ...
> }
> }
> I want to remove the sensitive info from this file and put it in a
> separate nix expression, eg. keys.nix, maintaining the same structure so
> the files can be merged.
> In keys.nix I currently have
> {
>   vm01 = {
> { config, pkgs, ... }:
> {
>   services.symfony.platforms.database.password = "12345678";
>   ..
> }
>   }
> }
> I've modified my nixops deploy to have keys.nix loaded after the
> servers.nix and platforms.nix files, but I keep getting errors like "the
> attribute password does not exist"
> I must be overlooking something obvious as all the other files I define in
> my deploy are being merged correctly.
> Can anyone advise me on how to achieve this?
> The underlying reason is that I'm using git-crypt to encrypt the
> platforms.nix file, but this makes it impossible to work with branches (or
> git logs) etc. as the whole file is encrypted and git cannot merge binary
> files (it simply replaces them).
> Kind regards!
> Erik aka 4levels
> ___
> nix-dev mailing list
> nix-dev@lists.science.uu.nl
> http://lists.science.uu.nl/mailman/listinfo/nix-dev
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread zimbatm
It might make sense to create an external repo (nix-hackage?) with the
stackage releases and it's own release.nix. That way it can evolve
independently from nixpkgs and not clobber the main repo. It can also offer
it's own binary cache as a service to haskell developers. You might even be
able to join forces with the stackage guys on that front.

In the main nixpkgs, add a link to the latest version of the nix-hackage.
Then remove all the packages from haskellPackages; remove all the libraries
and place the executable programs in the normal pkgs/ hierarchy. If all the
programs are pre-compiled users won't have to download nix-hackage. That
way it keeps nixpkgs small and executables can evolve independently from
the stackage releases (I definitely had times where I wanted the latest
version of `stack`).

On Thu, 9 Jun 2016 at 09:17 Oliver Charles  wrote:

> I pin my Haskell packages by using fetchFromGitHub with a specific nixpkgs
> revisions, and then import the result. The only downside is the Haskell
> packages linking against things like OpenSSL as you say wouldn't get
> patched.
> On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, 8:58 p.m. Teo Klestrup Röijezon, 
> wrote:
>> So there will no longer be a way to pin Haskell dependencies? That's a
>> bit annoying. I can understand the desire to keep security-critical
>> packages like OpenSSL and user-facing tools like git-annex up to date, but
>> at the same time there are many non-critical dependencies that I wouldn't
>> want to go back and patch my one-off deployments for updates of.
>> The old way is/was certainly not perfect, but at least it provided a
>> mostly-stable target that I could pretty much forget about after deployment.
>> On 8 June 2016 at 13:34, Peter Simons  wrote:
>>> Fellow Haskell Hackers,
>>> once the LTS 7.x package set comes out, I intend to make the following
>>> changes in "master":
>>>  - All haskell.packages.lts.* package sets will disappear.
>>>  - haskellPackages will loosely follow the most recent LTS release,
>>> where "loosely" means that we'll honor the mandated version bounds for
>>> libraries but tend to ignore them for executables.
>>> Nixpkgs has shipped every single LTS Haskell version ever released as
>>> well as an up-to-date copy of the Stackage Nightly package set for the
>>> last 9 months or so, and during that time we've gained insights that
>>> suggest this practice is an ineffective use of our resources [1].
>>> 1. It's pointless to distribute LTS Haskell version x after the release
>>> of version x+1.
>>> Stackage does not "maintain" any of its LTS releases. Rather, the
>>> Stackage volunteers compile a list of package versions, test and verify
>>> them to the best of their abilities, release that list, and then they
>>> never touch it again. For example, there won't be any update to LTS
>>> Haskell 5.4. That update comes in the form of a new package set called
>>> LTS 5.5. So if LTS 5.4 happens to recommend a package that has a serious
>>> problem, then that problem will remain there forever. So what is the
>>> point of distributing LTS 5.4 after the release of 5.5? Apparently,
>>> Stackage intends LTS 5.5 to *replace* the previous version, so isn't
>>> that what we should do, too?
>>> Furthermore, a major release like LTS Haskell 5.x receives no updates
>>> either after LTS 6.x has comes out, so by the same logic there is no
>>> point in distributing LTS 5.x after LTS 6.x has become available.
>>> Contrary to what the name suggests, LTS versions have no guaranteed
>>> lifetime or support cycle. Stackage does not offer any "long-term
>>> support" in the sense distributions use the word. "Releases" are merely
>>> names for tested snapshots of a project that essentially follows a
>>> rolling release model.
>>> 2. Following LTS strictly may deprive us of important security updates.
>>> Whether a package update goes into a minor LTS release or not depends on
>>> whether that update increments the first or second segment of its
>>> version number. 6.1.1 -> 6.1.2 will make it, but 6.1.1 -> 6.2 won't.
>>> That is a pretty good rule based on the assumption that all LTS
>>> contributors follow it, which -- as you will have guessed -- is not the
>>> case. The tool git-annex, for example, uses version numbers that have
>>> only two levels: .. Due to that scheme, git-annex updates
>>> aren't considered for minor LTS releases, which means that security
>>> relevant fixes don't reach LTS users until the next major LTS release
>>> [2].
>>> 3. Stackage Nightly is not a stable package set.
>>> Our main package set, haskellPackages, corresponds to Stackage Nightly.
>>> We made that choice assuming that it would guarantee us a good mixture
>>> of a stable user experience on one hand and an up-to-date packages on
>>> the other. Recent experience has shown, however, that Stackage Nightly
>>> *will* break some of its packages knowingly on the occasion: the Nightly
>>> package set recently moved to 


2016-06-09 Thread Vladimír Čunát
On 06/09/2016 10:17 AM, Andreas Herrmann wrote:
>> IIRC its' conditioned on $NIX_ENFORCE_NO_NATIVE exactly in order
>> not to be filtered out when run outside a nix builder. IMO that's a
>> good default. Hydra isn't the only reason; many devs use remote
>> builds or nix-copy-closure.
> How would you nix-copy-closure something that was compiled outside of
> nix? Maybe, we're talking about different things. What I mean is
> using a GCC that was built by Nix directly on the command-line

You seem to have missed my main point, so let me be more clear.

1) Outside nix builder $NIX_ENFORCE_NO_NATIVE is *not* active unless you
explicitly set it, i.e. -march=native *is* passed to the underlying GCC.
I re-tested that now by reading code and using (2).

2) If you set NIX_DEBUG=1 those omission won't be silent:
skipping impure path -march=native

(Yes, in this case it's not very friendly to call it a path.)


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] Stackage Support Will Be Discontinued

2016-06-09 Thread Oliver Charles
I pin my Haskell packages by using fetchFromGitHub with a specific nixpkgs
revisions, and then import the result. The only downside is the Haskell
packages linking against things like OpenSSL as you say wouldn't get

On Wed, 8 Jun 2016, 8:58 p.m. Teo Klestrup Röijezon, 

> So there will no longer be a way to pin Haskell dependencies? That's a bit
> annoying. I can understand the desire to keep security-critical packages
> like OpenSSL and user-facing tools like git-annex up to date, but at the
> same time there are many non-critical dependencies that I wouldn't want to
> go back and patch my one-off deployments for updates of.
> The old way is/was certainly not perfect, but at least it provided a
> mostly-stable target that I could pretty much forget about after deployment.
> On 8 June 2016 at 13:34, Peter Simons  wrote:
>> Fellow Haskell Hackers,
>> once the LTS 7.x package set comes out, I intend to make the following
>> changes in "master":
>>  - All haskell.packages.lts.* package sets will disappear.
>>  - haskellPackages will loosely follow the most recent LTS release,
>> where "loosely" means that we'll honor the mandated version bounds for
>> libraries but tend to ignore them for executables.
>> Nixpkgs has shipped every single LTS Haskell version ever released as
>> well as an up-to-date copy of the Stackage Nightly package set for the
>> last 9 months or so, and during that time we've gained insights that
>> suggest this practice is an ineffective use of our resources [1].
>> 1. It's pointless to distribute LTS Haskell version x after the release
>> of version x+1.
>> Stackage does not "maintain" any of its LTS releases. Rather, the
>> Stackage volunteers compile a list of package versions, test and verify
>> them to the best of their abilities, release that list, and then they
>> never touch it again. For example, there won't be any update to LTS
>> Haskell 5.4. That update comes in the form of a new package set called
>> LTS 5.5. So if LTS 5.4 happens to recommend a package that has a serious
>> problem, then that problem will remain there forever. So what is the
>> point of distributing LTS 5.4 after the release of 5.5? Apparently,
>> Stackage intends LTS 5.5 to *replace* the previous version, so isn't
>> that what we should do, too?
>> Furthermore, a major release like LTS Haskell 5.x receives no updates
>> either after LTS 6.x has comes out, so by the same logic there is no
>> point in distributing LTS 5.x after LTS 6.x has become available.
>> Contrary to what the name suggests, LTS versions have no guaranteed
>> lifetime or support cycle. Stackage does not offer any "long-term
>> support" in the sense distributions use the word. "Releases" are merely
>> names for tested snapshots of a project that essentially follows a
>> rolling release model.
>> 2. Following LTS strictly may deprive us of important security updates.
>> Whether a package update goes into a minor LTS release or not depends on
>> whether that update increments the first or second segment of its
>> version number. 6.1.1 -> 6.1.2 will make it, but 6.1.1 -> 6.2 won't.
>> That is a pretty good rule based on the assumption that all LTS
>> contributors follow it, which -- as you will have guessed -- is not the
>> case. The tool git-annex, for example, uses version numbers that have
>> only two levels: .. Due to that scheme, git-annex updates
>> aren't considered for minor LTS releases, which means that security
>> relevant fixes don't reach LTS users until the next major LTS release
>> [2].
>> 3. Stackage Nightly is not a stable package set.
>> Our main package set, haskellPackages, corresponds to Stackage Nightly.
>> We made that choice assuming that it would guarantee us a good mixture
>> of a stable user experience on one hand and an up-to-date packages on
>> the other. Recent experience has shown, however, that Stackage Nightly
>> *will* break some of its packages knowingly on the occasion: the Nightly
>> package set recently moved to GHC 8.0.1, but a handful of libraries and
>> applications blocked that (desirable) update. At that point one would
>> expect people to postpone the compiler update, but what happened instead
>> is that the troublemakers were simply removed from Stackage [3].
>> Now, that is a perfectly legitimate decision to make, it just had the
>> unfortunate side effect of breaking all those builds for users of
>> Nixpkgs in the process, so arguably following Stackage Nightly with our
>> main package set might be a bad idea.
>> 4. Stackage does not provide a stable users experience for Nixpkgs.
>> Stackage releases come out only after a complete test build of all
>> packages has succeeded. Unfortunately, those tests don't always catch
>> all issues we might run into, because we compile packages in a different
>> environment. Stackage builds on Travis-CI using 64-bit Ubuntu Linux with
>> static linking. Our builds run on all kinds of Linuxes and


2016-06-09 Thread Andreas Herrmann
Thanks for your response.

On Wednesday 08 June 2016 22:54:04 Vladimír Čunát wrote:
> On 06/08/2016 04:14 PM, Andreas Herrmann wrote:
> > Especially, when being run outside of a nix-builder.
> IIRC its' conditioned on $NIX_ENFORCE_NO_NATIVE exactly in order not to
> be filtered out when run outside a nix builder. IMO that's a good
> default. Hydra isn't the only reason; many devs use remote builds or
> nix-copy-closure.
How would you nix-copy-closure something that was compiled outside of nix?
Maybe, we're talking about different things. What I mean is using a GCC that 
was built by Nix directly on the command-line

$ gcc -O3 -march=native -o thing thing.c

Or, through some build-system:

$ make

> If you do want -march or -mtune in mkDerivation, you may either set
> NIX_ENFORCE_NO_NATIVE = false; [...]
Sure, and I'm glad that it's an easy fix.
What I'm taking issue with is that it was a quiet change, and that I'm not 
notified in any way that part of my compiler flags are being ignored. I only 
found out by chance when looking at the disassembly of some executable while 
profiling and optimizing. I noticed that there were no AVX instructions to be 
found, even though they where generated before with -march=native.

My suggestion would be to add a warning. That would seem to work well for both 
cases: If you're cross-compiling or remote building then you probably don't 
want to set -march=native and a notification would help to fix these cases. If 
you're compiling on the target machine and want automatic architecture specific 
optimization then -march=native is there specifically for that purpose. It 
being silently ignored is, IMHO, surprising and unexpected behavior and not 
really helpful.

> [...] or even better, specify it explicitly,
> e.g. -march=btver1
Well, I think, whether that's better or not depends on the use case. If you 
have different targets but can compile directly on the target then why not use 
the automatic detection? That way it's one thing less to worry about.

Again, I agree that removing -march=native is a good thing on Hydra. It makes 
sense to me as the default behavior when building things with nix. It's 
certainly better than unexpected breakage after a nix-copy-closure. But, I 
think in any case the user should be notified.

Best, Andreas
nix-dev mailing list

[Nix-commits] [NixOS/nixpkgs] fcb002: haskellPackages.intero: fix tests (thanks @rvl)

2016-06-09 Thread obadz
  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
  Commit: fcb0023e8030074f140c69013a6b339880cd24de
  Author: obadz 
  Date:   2016-06-09 (Thu, 09 Jun 2016)

  Changed paths:
M pkgs/development/haskell-modules/configuration-common.nix

  Log Message:
  haskellPackages.intero: fix tests (thanks @rvl)

nix-commits mailing list