Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-15 Thread Marc Weber
Those hashes have been introduced somewhen after ghc 6.12 to make the
dependency hell easier which existed with cabal. Eg if you have

A  B  C  D and you cabal had to recompile A and B because you tried
installing yet another package C and D are stale because A,B it
depends on are gone. To detect this case hashes were introduced.
Usually chances were high that things just worked. But don't forget
that it could have been also you reinstalling the dev version of B
not changing version number. That could lead to bugs which are hard to
find if you don't recompile C and D.

Now what does it mean in your case? Try installing everything without
hydra and retry - it may be the case that A,B were built by hydra, but C 
is what you're trying to build locally.

I don't know exactly how ghc/cabal calculates those hashes, so I may be
wrong. But it very much looks like such a problem.

How to rebuild everything from source? Got to the definition of that ghc
version, then add a dummy env var such as


and retry. That FORCE_REBUILD should cause nix rebuilding everything
from source. Report if this solved the issue. If it does we should
document it on the wiki till somebody has time to find a real fix for

Of course you can try waiting for additional replies, too.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-15 Thread Andres Loeh
 But dependency hell was not gone.

 pipes-core-0.1.0: dependency base-
 doesn't exist (ignoring)
 pipes-core-0.1.0: dependency
 categories-1.0.3-e9ab00168a7d0fdacafd64b31a5e1100 doesn't exist (ignoring)
 pipes-core-0.1.0: dependency
 lifted-base-0.1.1-51e1520336adbfccd889e58e684c89a1 doesn't exist
 pipes-core-0.1.0: dependency
 monad-control- doesn't exist
 pipes-core-0.1.0: dependency
 transformers- doesn't exist
 pipes-core-0.1.0: dependency void-0.5.6-2a27beac32f0c526d6cb6dc79bccfbd9
 doesn't exist (ignoring)

 What I don't understand, are the hashes. Where are they from and how to
 solve theese dependency problems?

All these are just warnings hence the (ignoring) and completely
normal and harmless. You'll notice you get similar messages for other
Haskell packages as well.

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-15 Thread Andres Loeh
 After rechecking found, that installing `pipes-core` package didn't install
 `categories` package, .nix file for which I added also. When I installed
 `categories`, it worked. Is it a bug? `Categories` package is mentioned in
 dependencies in pipes-core/default.nix

From your description, I don't fully understand what went wrong, but
it sounds like something that shouldn't happen. Usually, if you
install a Haskell package via nix-env, all its Haskell dependencies
end up in the user environment, too. Do you have a sequence of
commands that demonstrates the problem, so that I can try to reproduce

nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-15 Thread Daniel Hlynskyi
There were theese lines in the end of ghc-pkg output log:

 The following packages are broken, either because they have a problem
listed above, or because they depend on a broken package.

And yes, I tried to load Control.Pipes in ghci. It worked not.

Now I solved this problem with manual `categories` install. I suppose, you
haven't noticed any problems, so the question is partly closed (I have to
do pull request to nixpkgs with appropriate patch)

2012/8/15 Andres Loeh

 Thanks, haven't tried it yet, but ...

  7. nixpkgs$ ghc-pkg check

 ... the output of ghc-pkg check for the wrapped GHC is possibly a
 bit suspicious. Have you tried

 $ ghci -package pipes-core

 $ ghci -package categories

 Do these work or not?


nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-14 Thread Patrick Wheeler
I do not know if this is canonical method, but I clone the git repo

cabal2nix cabal://package-version 
.../nixpkgs/pkg/development/libraries/haskell/pakcage/(default |

default.nix if you do not need multiple versions.

Add the following to nixpkgs/top-level/haskell-packages.nix

package = callPackage ../development/libraries/haskell/package {  };

You may need to override some packages in { }, an attribute set, at
the end of the line. An example case when this is needed is if the
package depends on the zlib compression library in the pkgs attribute
set.  The local Haskell zlib attribute(used to install Haskell
bindings fro the zlib compression library) shadows the pkgs
zlib(compression library) so you need to tell the package to use the
zlib from pkgs not the zlib from the current attribute set.


package = callPackage ../development/libraries/haskell/package {
  zlib = pkgs.zlib;

Haskell packages with dashes in the name usually should be transformed
to camel case so:
parsing-combinators - parsingCombinators

Otherwise the nix file will fail to parse.

Then I do a test install nix-env -iA
nixpkgs.haskellPackages.package. Run tests and enjoy, or commit code
and preform a pull request.

Hopefully someone who has more experience fills in an holes and
corrects my mistakes.


On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Daniel Hlynskyi wrote:
 Hello. I'm trying to create an installable package for `pipes-core` Hackage

 But got in troubles.

 1. I used cabal2nix, but failed on installing the .nix file. After googling
 some time, I've done `nix-env -f all-packages.nix -iA
 haskellPackages.pipesCore`, so I've got package locally. But it had not
 registered the package, log with reasons
 Manual registration with `ghc-pkg register` helped not. I don't know what to
 do now.

 2. How can I contribute to nixpkgs with this package? The main question is -
 how can I TEST my contribution, when I get it?

 nix-dev mailing list

Patrick Wheeler
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-14 Thread Marc Weber
This is the most recent howto Haskell page:
talking about how to use the Haskell packages which are packaged by
official nixpkgs.

My personal solution which is an alternative called hack-nix
allows you to install the package by adding a single line:

pipesCore = exeByName { name = pipes-core; };

See latest commit:

For that repository to work you also have to use the
experimental/hack-nix branch found at which
adds some additional knowledge about core packages of each ghc version
required by the brute force hack-nix solver.

However if you use it as dependency for a different target executable
its likely that running hack-nix --build-env will just succeed.

If it does not just ping me on irc or by mail

I'll write a nice wiki article now.

Marc Weber
nix-dev mailing list

Re: [Nix-dev] [Hackage] How to install Hackage package, not presented in nixpkgs, locally?

2012-08-14 Thread Daniel Hlynskyi

 2012/8/14 Daniel Hlynskyi

 2012/8/14 Patrick Wheeler

 Then I do a test install nix-env -iA
 nixpkgs.haskellPackages.package. Run tests and enjoy, or commit code
 and preform a pull request.

 I have problem with this part. How to test packages if my nix-env doesn't
 know anything about git cloned repo? It says error: attribute `nixpkgs' in
 selection path `nixpkgs' not found

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