Re: [nmh-workers] INCing of email archives

2019-07-25 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Bakul,

> Once in a while I download email archives of some mailing list
> and unpack them using "inc -file ". But more
> than once I have seen that inc gets confused and doesn't
> unpack the whole thing. The cause seems to be a line starting
> with From in some message body.

Then it isn't any of the four mbox formats described at ?

> Ideally inc should look that a "From ..." line is immediately followed
> by header lines.  And if this is not the case, assume it is in the
> message body.

I agree that would be one heuristic to help, but it would also have

From the outset, was clear we failed 42
times: the first on attempting to read faulty input...

> fix() {
>   grep -n '^From .*[^0-9]$' $1 | sed 's/:.*/s|^|>|/' > ,$1
>   if [ -s ,$1 ]; then echo wq >> ,$1; cat ,$1 | ed $1; fi
>   rm ,$1
> }
> This prepends a > to any line beginning with "From "and not
> ending with a digit.

sed -i '/^From .*[^0-9]$/s/^/> /' "${1?}"

Cheers, Ralph.


[nmh-workers] Novel Definition of Deprecation.

2019-07-25 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Ken,

I thought a deprecating a part of nmh meant add the warning it was for
the axe in release N and axing it in release M where M>N.  But commit
adds this to docs/pending-release-notes:

- The generation and verification of Content-MD5 headers is no longer
  performed.  The -check and -nocheck switches to various nmh programs
  that would control this functionality still exist, but are non-functional
  and will be removed in the next release.

That's axing the feature without deprecation and trying to hoodwink the
user that it hasn't happened.  :-(

Either it should be deprecated, or axed in a release without
forewarning.  And if the latter then is that agreement we can do it for
other things too?  After all, many users don't read the release notes
and thus miss the deprecation warnings, or they upgrade several of our
releases in one bound due to their distro, etc., striding differently,
so a feature is effectively axed for them without warning anyway.

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] To/cc decode or not to/cc decode

2019-07-25 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Ken,

> > I may have suggested this before, but shipping a folder of test
> > emails that a user can ‘scan +/usr/share/nmh/...’, etc., as a test
> > of their configuration, along with pre-formatted ‘golden’ output
> > would be an easy way for them to check they've updated to the latest
> > bell and whistle.
> That might be useful, although the classic problem of letting people
> know that such a thing exists is a always an issue.

There's David's context-version check, the FAQ, and this mailing-list's
page and appended signature.

I've been thinking a bit more about this.  A folder of test emails that
can be tested by a installed command available to the user.  That can
either use what it thinks is a good modern configuration so the user can
see what's possible in theory, or the user's configuration so they can
test their set up on a variety of emails.  The former could be built on
the fly based on what commands are installed, e.g. lynx(1) v. links(1).

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] Novel Definition of Deprecation.

2019-07-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
>Either it should be deprecated, or axed in a release without
>forewarning.  And if the latter then is that agreement we can do it for
>other things too?  After all, many users don't read the release notes
>and thus miss the deprecation warnings, or they upgrade several of our
>releases in one bound due to their distro, etc., striding differently,
>so a feature is effectively axed for them without warning anyway.

Sigh.  Ok, you caught me on this one.

But ... in my defense, Content-MD5 is a giant steaming pile of poo
and I would argue strongly that it's good that it's gone.

First, this has been discussed being removed since 2013.  People
have argued that they have a use, and at first I was like, "Ok, sure,
keep it if people are using it".  But ... those arguments upon closer
look don't (IMHO) make a lot of sense.  Here are my arguments for getting
rid of it, from the last time I brought it up:

I mean ... can you muster a good argument to keep it?  I haven't
seen one yet that wasn't kind of vague, "Oh, I think it's good to be
able to check integrity", but since we're the only ones who generate
it or verify it, that doesn't seem enough justification to me.

Now, some people may say, "Oh, leaving it in doesn't harm anything".
Well, having been inside of nmh a lot I feel strongly that this is
wrong.  The INTERNALS of nmh are a mess.  The Content-MD5 support
was embedded at a bunch of weird layers (like in the base64 encoding
and decoding routines), and I understood WHY it was there, but it
makes maintenance a nightmare, because when someone looks at that code
they have to understand what is going on, and that takes time where
they COULD be doing something more useful.  Also, in the future where
I complete the Great Mime Rewrite there's no way I would implement
Content-MD5 (see above for the reasons why).

Okay, fine, I understand your complaint isn't really about the removal
of Content-MD5; your point is that I didn't really follow the normal
rules about deprecating the support and instead I just axed it.  I have
to plead guily there.  But at my sentencing hearing I would argue that
there were mitigating circumstances; namely that Content-MD5 support
is essentially useless and we are better off without it.  Does that
justify getting rid of it without going through the normal deprecation
schedule?  Well, I'll let others decide that.  My thinking was that for
the few users that still have -check in their .mh_profiles they will
hopefully see the change in the release notes and remove those flags.  I
didn't view it as harming anything because the only people who actually
generate or check Content-MD5 headers are nmh users who have -check in
their profiles and having those switches be nonfunctional won't really
change nmh behavior for them.  I have to believe that only a tiny number
of people are actually doing that now.  If you are suggesting that we
just go whole hog and remove the -check and -nocheck flags that now do
nothing ... well, I can live with that.

As for other features ... well, if they are in the same boat as
Content-MD5 then I am fine with treating them the same way (but really,
that'a a special case and I can't think of anything close to that).
Otherwise we should follow a normal depreciation schedule.

I guess in summary: "Yes, Your Honor, I killed Content-MD5, but he had
it coming and I'd do it again!".



Re: [nmh-workers] Novel Definition of Deprecation.

2019-07-25 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Ken,

> > Either it should be deprecated, or axed in a release without
> > forewarning.  And if the latter then is that agreement we can do it
> > for other things too?  After all, many users don't read the release
> > notes and thus miss the deprecation warnings, or they upgrade
> > several of our releases in one bound due to their distro, etc.,
> > striding differently, so a feature is effectively axed for them
> > without warning anyway.
> As for other features ... well, if they are in the same boat as
> Content-MD5 then I am fine with treating them the same way (but
> really, that'a a special case and I can't think of anything close to
> that).  Otherwise we should follow a normal depreciation schedule.

But what about our releases not matching many users' upgrade schedules
so our one-release deprecation notice is of no use to many?  That would
suggest more rapid change could be possible without the wait-a-release
delay.  The alternative is to fudge it by releasing more often so we can
hoodwink them in another way that they were given fair notice.  :-)

Cheers, Ralph.


Re: [nmh-workers] 'dist' in "1 line noninteractive script"

2019-07-25 Thread nmh
Hi Ken:

On Tue 7/23/19 21:44 -0400 Ken Hornstein wrote:
>>   mhannotate=Resent mhaltmsg=~/Mail/sent/bar mhdist=1 send ~/Mail/drafts/foo
>It wouldn't surprise me that the problem is that ~ in mhaltmsg.  Is that
>actually being expanded?  If you run send with -debug, do you maybe
>see a message saying "$mhaltmsg mismatch"?

$ ( set -x ; x=~ true )
+ x=/a/rodmant
+ true

So bash expands ~ before send sees it.

>How annotations work is a bit magical.  send sees that the 'mhannotate'
>variable is set, opens a file descriptor and passes that descriptor down
>to post(8) using the -idanno flag.  Post then writes the address information
>to the anno descriptor (which is a tmp file which has been unlinked)
>and then send(1) reads that file and uses it to construct the annotation.
>But there's a check in sendsbr.c:anno() to make sure the stat() information
>of the filename in mhaltmsg matches what is being passed in as the
>original filename; that will fail silently without -debug if there
>is a mismatch.


I can live without the -annotate working -- it works fine, but not with
David's undocumented -file MSG_PATH.



Re: [nmh-workers] 'dist' in "1 line noninteractive script"

2019-07-25 Thread Valdis Klētnieks
On Thu, 25 Jul 2019 11:09:38 -0500, said:

> On Tue 7/23/19 21:44 -0400 Ken Hornstein wrote:
> >>   mhannotate=Resent mhaltmsg=~/Mail/sent/bar mhdist=1 send 
> >> ~/Mail/drafts/foo
> >
> >It wouldn't surprise me that the problem is that ~ in mhaltmsg.  Is that
> >actually being expanded?  If you run send with -debug, do you maybe
> >see a message saying "$mhaltmsg mismatch"?
> $ ( set -x ; x=~ true )
> + x=/a/rodmant
> + true
> So bash expands ~ before send sees it.

But that may not be true for something that invokes execve() rather than
system(), or a cronjob (which is what started this discussion).

Description: PGP signature

Re: [nmh-workers] Novel Definition of Deprecation.

2019-07-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
>But what about our releases not matching many users' upgrade schedules
>so our one-release deprecation notice is of no use to many?  That would
>suggest more rapid change could be possible without the wait-a-release
>delay.  The alternative is to fudge it by releasing more often so we can
>hoodwink them in another way that they were given fair notice.  :-)

Sigh.  I think we're overthinking this ... there are no good answers.
I'm not so fond of releasing more often when there hasn't been
significant changes (we do have some reasonable bug fixes that have
occured since 1.7.1).  We're going to have users bitten by unexpected
changes, and that's just a fact of life.  I'm fine with the current
"keep for one release" schedule.  We have simply killed without
deprecating some other features along the way that were unused or didn't
make any sense anymore.



Re: [nmh-workers] 'dist' in "1 line noninteractive script"

2019-07-25 Thread nmh
Hi David:

On Tue 7/23/19 22:32 -0400 David Levine wrote:
>> Although above 'send' worked, it
>> would be nice to specify ~/Mail/sent/2022 as say ~/Mail/sent/bar,
>send(1) doesn't care what the message file is named.  After successfully
>sending the message, it will rename the file to, in the case of your example
>above, ~/Mail/sent/,bar (with the default comma backup prefix).


>dist(1) supports a -file switch, but it isn't documented.  We should consider 
>fixing that.

Great / I'm using "-file" now.  

My 1 liner is back to to something like:

dist -whatnowproc ~/Mail/auto_send  -from 'nym moob 
' -to '"nym moob" ' -fcc resent -cc 
myaliasfoo -file ~/Mail/sent/bar
# Adding -annotate does nothing, but I think that is by design / I am 
ok with that.  


$ cat ~/Mail/auto_send
if [ $mhdraft ] ; then
# echo mhdraft: $mhdraft mhaltmsg: $mhaltmsg
# cp "$mhdraft" /tmp/foo
# env
set -x
send -verbose "$mhdraft"
echo $0: OOPS: mhdraft not set >&2
exit 1

$ head -8 /a/rodmant/Mail/distcomps
%<{nmh-from}%|%(void(localmbox))%>%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-From: )
%<{nmh-to}%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-To: )%|Resent-To:%>
%<{nmh-cc}%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-cc: )%|Resent-cc:%>
%<{fcc}%(void(width))%(putaddr Resent-fcc: )%|Resent-fcc:%>



Re: [nmh-workers] 'dist' in "1 line noninteractive script"

2019-07-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
>I can live without the -annotate working -- it works fine, but not with
>David's undocumented -file MSG_PATH.

Oh, huh, that's explicit:

if (file) {
 * Dist a file
anot = false;   /* don't want to annotate a file */

I am neutral if that is a good idea or not.

In theory, though, you should be able to annotate anything when you
call send directly as long as the variables are set correctly.

Okay, I double-checked, and it turns out that's a lie.  For that all
to work you need to set mhfolder and mhmessages.

Huh, I wonder why?  It looks like mhmessages can actually be a LIST of
messages.  I guess you can use "forw" to generate more than one message
to be annotated.  So yeah, the annotations setup currently really is set
up to only work when they are normal messages in MH folders.  Sigh.
That's my "new nmh thing I just learned" for today, I guess.



Re: [nmh-workers] INCing of email archives

2019-07-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
>Once in a while I download email archives of some mailing list
>and unpack them using "inc -file ". But more
>than once I have seen that inc gets confused and doesn't
>unpack the whole thing. The cause seems to be a line starting
>with From in some message body. Ideally inc should look that
>a "From ..." line is immediately followed by header lines.
>And if this is not the case, assume it is in the message body.

Ralph answered this, but let me expand a bit.

The job of inc(1) is to incorporate messages from a 'mail drop' into your
MH mailbox.  Traditionally it handles mbox-style files and POP (it also
does MMDF, but let us not speak of that).

As you can see from the Wikipedia entry Ralph linked to, all of the
various mbox formats use the same scheme: a line beginning with "From
" is the mailbox delimiter (mboxcl and mboxcl2 uses a Content-Length
header; I believe they are officially dead at this point).  The big
differences are in quoting rules.  Unfortunately since we're kind of
locked in to the mbox format in inc(1) at least, changing that would
have some nasty consequences (Ralph gave you an example of a message
that it would break on but I am sure there are others).  I think your
best bet is to preprocess these mailing list archives so they are valid
mbox files.



Re: [nmh-workers] To/cc decode or not to/cc decode

2019-07-25 Thread Ken Hornstein
>I've been thinking a bit more about this.  A folder of test emails that
>can be tested by a installed command available to the user.  That can
>either use what it thinks is a good modern configuration so the user can
>see what's possible in theory, or the user's configuration so they can
>test their set up on a variety of emails.  The former could be built on
>the fly based on what commands are installed, e.g. lynx(1) v. links(1).

Hm, well ... I think notifying the user of that might be tough.  But ...
we DO have the problem where users say, "Hey, this email doesn't look
right" and we first have to figure out what the email contains to try
to determine what is going wrong.  A set of emails that we know the content
of sure would help in debugging that.  I think that would be worthwhile
to put together if you wanted to do that.  It might even help a few
long-time MH/nmh users on this mailing list who somehow manage to keep
munging 8-bit characters in their replies (you know who you are!).

