Ralph wrote:

> I've Draft-Folder set to drafts in .mh_profile.  Using at(1) to ‘send
> 42’ fails because `mhpath +`/42 doesn't exist.

Would it succeed with 'send -draftfolder drafts 42'?  Or if your profile
included '-draftfolder drafts' for a 'send' component?

> The man page seems inconsistent.  The default is -nodraftfolder so why
> is Draft-Folder listed under Profile Components as it isn't used?

Yeah, this looks like an unfortuate result of tacking on the draft folder
facility,  It would have been easier to have had that from the beginning.
And only used that, because the old-style simple draft file isn't very
useful with it.

> I'd expect a .mh_profile Draft-Folder to be used by default.

I agree.  But I'm not sure if we want to change it at this point, to
not break existing users' workflows.  For new users, install-mh could
add a "Draft-Folder" component and add a corresponding -draftfolder to
a "send" component.


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