Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Robert Elz
Date:18 Jan 2024 23:20:11 -0700
From:"Andy Bradford" 
Message-ID:  <>

  | Ahh, I  didn't read  the fine  print... you said  "mh's default",  but I
  | misunderstood it for "nmh's default".

Yes, I have had the "editor" line in my profile since MH days, (I
have been a user since almost forever) so what nmh did as default
I never knew, which is why I avoided saying that...

I assume the change you indicated happened is to avoid building a
choice of default editors into nmh - prompter is part of the MH
world, so always exists, even though ex/vi is POSIX std, there
really is no guarantee it will exist on every system in the world
(even less for emacs/jove/nano/vim/...) and having "ed" as the default
would simply irritate people.

I hope it is back working like you expected it now.

Another profile entry worth having is

prompter-next: vi
(or perhaps even ed, or horrors, emacs)

There are odd occasions where starting with prompter can be
easier that a real editor, then you just end the prompter session
(send EOF), and when it asks "What now?" you just "e" and then
you get your real editor (prompter-next) to finish.
comp -editor prompter
will do that once you have the "editor" profile entry and so
prompter is no longer the default.


Re: Setting send(1)'s draftfolder breaks mhmail.

2024-01-19 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi David,

> mhmail currently uses a tmp file, always, for the draft.  I think the
> fix should depend on if mhmail has been instructed to use send and
> send has a draftfolder switch in the profile.  In that case it should
> create the draft as a new draft message in the draftfolder, instead of
> as a tmp file.

Or perhaps use -nodraftfolder to cancel any profile setting when send is
being used and carry on as before.  Though I don't know if
-nodraftfolder completely undoes a profile's -draftfolder.

Cheers, Ralph.

Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Discussion of nmh development, and help for new users

Le 2024-01-19 à 09:10, Robert Elz a écrit :

 Date:18 Jan 2024 23:20:11 -0700
 From:"Andy Bradford" 
 Message-ID:  <>

   | Ahh, I  didn't read  the fine  print... you said  "mh's default",  but I
   | misunderstood it for "nmh's default".

Yes, I have had the "editor" line in my profile since MH days, (I
have been a user since almost forever) so what nmh did as default
I never knew, which is why I avoided saying that...

I assume the change you indicated happened is to avoid building a
choice of default editors into nmh - prompter is part of the MH
world, so always exists, even though ex/vi is POSIX std, there
really is no guarantee it will exist on every system in the world
(even less for emacs/jove/nano/vim/...) and having "ed" as the default
would simply irritate people.

Unfortunately, even ed is not on every system, eg. Debian by default has 
vi/ex but not ed.


Trivia: space before '(others)' from 'folder' command

2024-01-19 Thread Discussion of nmh development, and help for new users
On one folder when I run 'folder -pack +x2345678', I get this message:

  x2345678+ has 136 messages  (1-136); cur=22; (others).

.. while on another 'folder -pack +y234567' gets this:

  y234567+ has 522 messages  (1-522);(others).

.. note the weird spacing before '(others)' in the second.  I'm guessing
this is (line 613 of ./nmh/uip/folder.c on master, I think) because
'folder' and 'folders' ?maybe? share the same binary and the extra
'curmsgdigits + 6' spacing is to keep columns aligned in 'folders'
output.  Possibly this could be conditional on the 'all' flag which gets
turned on if the command name ends in 's'?


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 15:10:26 +0700:

> Yes, I have had the "editor" line in my profile since MH days, (I have
> been a user since  almost forever) so what nmh did  as default I never
> knew, which is why I avoided saying that...

>From looking  at the past sources  it used to  use a C macro  defined in

#define DEFAULT_EDITOR "vi"

I'm  curious  now  how  many  installations   of  nmh  do  not  have  vi
available... that being said, I do know Linux based OS developers make a
lot  of strange  decisions  about what  is  in the  "base"  OS, so  it's
entirely possible that vi may not exist in some flavors of Linux.

How  many non-POSIX  systems is  nmh running  on?

> I hope it is back working like you expected it now.

It is now, thanks.  I was able to figure out that EOT  was what ended my
experience with prompter  and changed the default  editor in .mh_profile
and then I  could just use "edit  vi" at the "What  now?" prompt. That's
how  I  composed my  original  email  starting  this thread.  It  wasn't
completely foreign  (being a long-time Unix  user I assumed it  was just
reading stdin and EOT would end it), just unexpected.

I suppose I could set EDITOR but I've never had to on OpenBSD.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Ralph Corderoy
Hi Andy,

> I suppose I could set EDITOR but I've never had to on OpenBSD.

POSIX says EDITOR used by more(1) and crontab(1) defaults to vi if not
set.  But for mailx(1), the default is unspecified unless it's an XSI
system when it's ed.  mailx's default for VISUAL is vi, XSI or not.

That's based on the section-1p man pages here.

Cheers, Ralph.

Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread doug dougwellington . com
Sorry for the off-topic reply, but the mention of OpenBSD took me back.  I 
probably have a dozen OpenBSD shirts.  (I doubt I can fit in them anymore LOL!) 
 I have a pile of CDs of OpenBSD and FreeBSD releases.  When I started my last 
job in 2000, the first thing I did was fix the company email server.  I ran 
FreeBSD with Postfix on a Compaq rack mount server.  (So much easier than!)  I had an uptime of over three years at one point.  Boy are those 
days gone.

I just received a copy of Kernighan's Unix A History and a Memoir.  While I 
knew most of the stories already, it was fun to see some pictures I hadn't seen 
before, and reading it took me back to those heady Doctor Dobb's and 
Microcornucopia days of my computer career youth...

 on behalf of Andy 
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 7:28 AM
To: Robert Elz 
Subject: Re: Where is my editor?

Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 15:10:26 +0700:

> Yes, I have had the "editor" line in my profile since MH days, (I have
> been a user since  almost forever) so what nmh did  as default I never
> knew, which is why I avoided saying that...

>From looking  at the past sources  it used to  use a C macro  defined in

#define DEFAULT_EDITOR "vi"

I'm  curious  now  how  many  installations   of  nmh  do  not  have  vi
available... that being said, I do know Linux based OS developers make a
lot  of strange  decisions  about what  is  in the  "base"  OS, so  it's
entirely possible that vi may not exist in some flavors of Linux.

How  many non-POSIX  systems is  nmh running  on?

> I hope it is back working like you expected it now.

It is now, thanks.  I was able to figure out that EOT  was what ended my
experience with prompter  and changed the default  editor in .mh_profile
and then I  could just use "edit  vi" at the "What  now?" prompt. That's
how  I  composed my  original  email  starting  this thread.  It  wasn't
completely foreign  (being a long-time Unix  user I assumed it  was just
reading stdin and EOT would end it), just unexpected.

I suppose I could set EDITOR but I've never had to on OpenBSD.


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Ken Hornstein
>Thus said Robert Elz on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 12:30:08 +0700:
>> That's "prompter" - has always been mh's default.
>Not always:
>Looks like it was changed in 1.8 (if I read that correctly).
>I wasn't aware of "prompter" before, thanks for the education.

I was curious and went back and looked.  This was apparantly prompted
(pun intended) by Fedora packaging and was discussed in this email
thread, which, oddly enough Andy, you DID participate in:

Like many threads involving ancient greybeards, it kind of devolved into
a discussion about the "true" vi and how vim wasn't vi enough, but I guess
part of this change is my fault since I went back and dug around to find
out the original behavior of MH, which was to use "prompter" (the
details are a little more complicated):

And the consensus of everyone was prompter was fine as a default.  Also,
Andy, you later said in that thread:

  Under what conditions will this change? I have neither EDITOR/VISUAL nor
  profile  settings for  editor, but  maybe that  won't matter  because my
  usage patterns will never invoke prompter?

  Right now, when I run comp from the command line, I get a vi editor with
  with components in it. Is this where prompter comes in?

  Sounds like I might  have to add something to my  profile now after this
  change is made to avoid prompter.

David replied to you and said:

  Yes, it does.  Add this to your profile to preserve your current behavior:
  Editor: vi

I'm not dragging you because it was almost 6 years ago and I forgot until
now that I made that change, much less everything behind it.  But to be
fair, we did have a reasonable discussion about this change (that it
seems we all forgot about).


Re: Trivia: space before '(others)' from 'folder' command

2024-01-19 Thread Ken Hornstein
>.. note the weird spacing before '(others)' in the second.  I'm guessing
>this is (line 613 of ./nmh/uip/folder.c on master, I think) because
>'folder' and 'folders' ?maybe? share the same binary and the extra
>'curmsgdigits + 6' spacing is to keep columns aligned in 'folders'
>output.  Possibly this could be conditional on the 'all' flag which gets
>turned on if the command name ends in 's'?

Yeah, that is exactly why it happens.  Honestly it doesn't personally
bother me, but what do others think?


Re: Where is my editor?

2024-01-19 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Ken Hornstein on Fri, 19 Jan 2024 16:45:18 -0500:

> Like many  threads involving ancient  greybeards, it kind  of devolved
> into a discussion about the "true" vi and how vim wasn't vi enough

It wouldn't  be a good  devolution if it didn't  involve vi vs  emacs or
another editor!

> And the consensus of everyone was prompter was fine as a default. lso,
> Andy, you later said in that thread:
>   Sounds like  I might have to  add something to my  profile now after
>   this change is made to avoid prompter.

Now that you quote it, I definitely remember saying it.

And as  I most recently  hinted, I  still don't have  EDITOR/VISUAL set;
I've now set the editor in the mh profile.

> But to be fair, we did  have a reasonable discussion about this change
> (that it seems we all forgot about).

Yes, indeed we  did. Thanks for reminding me. It's  amazing that it only
took  6 years  for me  to finally  get impacted  by the  results of  the
discussion! Watch out debian, if you think you have stable releases that
live on forever, watch out for nmh as a contender.
