Bls: Bls: [nonamanis] becanda dikit ya ....

2009-05-07 Terurut Topik jhon_arrow arrow
y iy... laaa...Dari: Rakhmat Syuria Kepada: nonamanis2@yahoogroups.comTerkirim: Rabu, 6 Mei, 2009 18:06:53Topik: Bls: [nonamanis] becanda dikit ya orang aja
 doyan apa lagi ni monyet heee...Dari: gue gue Kepada: nonamanis2@yahoogroups.comTerkirim: Rabu, 29 April, 2009 15:11:14Topik: [nonamanis] becanda dikit ya jangan terlalu serius becanda dikit bleh dong .salam,










are resized in order to maintain format consistency.They are, 
however, sent in their own 

Internal Virus Database is out of date..Checked 
by AVG - Version: 8.5.278 / 
Virus Database: 270.11.4/1978 - Release Date: 03/01/09 

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Bls: [nonamanis] becanda dikit ya ....

2009-05-06 Terurut Topik Rakhmat Syuria
orang aja doyan apa lagi ni monyet heee...Dari: gue gue Kepada: nonamanis2@yahoogroups.comTerkirim: Rabu, 29 April, 2009 15:11:14Topik: [nonamanis] becanda dikit ya jangan terlalu serius becanda dikit bleh dong .salam,










are resized in order to maintain format consistency.They are, 
however, sent in their own 

Internal Virus Database is out of date.Checked 
by AVG - Version: 8.5.278 / 
Virus Database: 270.11.4/1978 - Release Date: 03/01/09 

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legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this 
email in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroy this 
email.You may not use, disclose or copy this email or its attachments in any 
way.Any opinions expressed in this email are those of the author and are not 
necessarily those of the Fonterra Co-operative 
Group. can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out
Bersenang-senang di Yahoo! Messenger dengan semua temanTambahkan mereka dari email atau jaringan sosial Anda sekarang!
Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat.Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!