Re: notmuch-search not excluding excluded tags

2024-05-21 Thread erik colson
David Bremner  writes:

> It might matter how you are setting notmuch-search-hide-excluded. It
> is buffer-local (that changed recently, I think) so you need to either
> use customize or setq-default.


Thanks for the hint, but tried setting the var with setq-default, but
still same issue.. :

  notmuch-search-hide-excluded is a variable defined in ‘notmuch-lib.el’.
  Its value is nil
  Original value was t
  Local in buffer *notmuch-saved-tree-1week and unread*; global value is t
  Hide mail tagged with a excluded tag.

erik colson - T:0475.83.75.66
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Woluwelaan 8 - 1831 Diegem
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Re: notmuch-search not excluding excluded tags

2024-05-20 Thread erik colson
David Bremner  writes:

> Richard Stanton  writes:
>> I have spam and trash defined as excluded tags for notmuch searches and when 
>> I run (at the command line) the command
>> notmuch search tag:unread
>> I get a list of unread messages that does *not* include unread spam or trash 
>> emails. But when I put the following into my *scratch* buffer and execute it:
>> (notmuch-search “tag:unread”)
>> I now get ALL unread messages, including those tagged as spam or trash. Am I 
>> missing something?


I recently upgraded from an older version in which excluded tags in the
notmuch config were nicely hidden.  Now I have exactly the same problem
as Stanton described.  I can see notmuch-search-hide-excluded is set
globally to t, but in every search buffer it seems to be set to nil.  I
can't figure what code I should change for thi to work as before..

erik colson - T:0475.83.75.66
BEAVER NV/SA - BE0417.279.944
Woluwelaan 8 - 1831 Diegem
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Re: notmuch release 0.37 now available

2022-08-22 Thread erik colson
Awesome!  Thank you!
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blacklisting a contact

2022-07-01 Thread erik colson

I use notmuch from emacs and would like to automatically add senders
email adresses to a blacklist list.  The wanted behavior is as follows:

- I add a tag 'blacklist' to mails received from undesired persons
- somehow add mail senders in 'blacklist' tagged mails to a database of
  undesirable contacts
- notmuch automatically tags emails received from those senders as

Has somebody already coded something like this?

erik colson
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Re: sexp and strings

2022-06-13 Thread erik colson
Michael J Gruber  writes:

> (Until then there is copr mjg/notmuch-sfsexp at your own risk ;))

how could I possibly overlook that repo !
thanks a lot !!!
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Re: sexp and strings

2022-06-13 Thread erik colson
Michael J Gruber  writes:

> That search works without the macro, but not as a macro: notmuch
> computes an empty `Query()` for this (as per `NOTMUCH_DEBUG_QUERY=1`).
> I'm not sure whether this is intended or an artefact of the
> implementation, since both the macro and the regex need
> expansion/evaluation before being fed to xapian, and the order
> matters.
> Defining `D=(macro (dossier) ((tag ,dossier)))` and calling it with
> `(D (rx d))` works, btw (but is not what you want, obviously), so
> something tells me lazy evaluation of macros is not completely lazy ;)

Thanks for checking this out Michael.  I decided to write an emacs lisp
function which I keybind and which prompts for the variable, and then
launches notmuch-search with that:

(defun ec/notmuch-search-dossier ()
  "Zoek mails van een dossier"
   (let* ((dossier (read-no-blanks-input "Dossier:"))
  (zoek (concat "tag:/" dossier "/")))
  (notmuch-search zoek nil nil nil nil

This works like a charm ;) Well, I am of course open to enhancement

Also I upgraded my OS to fedora36 and now I use the standard notmuch
package instead of compiling it myself.  So I don't have sexp support
anymore and therefor I am moving the squeries I added to my notmuch
config into emacs lisp functions.

erik colson
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sexp and strings

2022-06-12 Thread erik colson

I would like to define a squery in my notmuch configuration which would
ease a query I often use.  The query is


where d are decimal numbers.
Now I would like to shorten this to

  D d

wherefor I was thinking of using a macro like:

  D=(macro (dossier) ((tag (regex ,dossier

But this doesn't seem to do the job.
Any ideas how I can achieve this ?

erik colson
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Re: contact instead of (to or from)

2022-06-10 Thread erik colson
Michael J Gruber  writes:

> notmuch config set squery.Contact '(macro (x) (or (from ,x) (to ,x)))'

This . is . awesome !!  Thank you for opening my eyes on sexp queries !
erik colson
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contact instead of (to or from)

2022-06-09 Thread erik colson

Coming from mu4e I loved the query "contact" which includes "to" or
"from" the contact in the results.
Is there something equivalent in notmuch?

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Re: marking multiple messages to tag

2022-06-08 Thread erik colson
Hi David,

The idea of using a intermediate "marked" tag should work.  Albeit there
is a risk other messages are already marked and will therefor be tagged
too.  My idea would be to add an alert if the user is marking a first
message in the current selection _and_ there is already a message
(somewhere else) marked.
I think that should not be difficult to add your solution.  I'll try
this out maybe next weekend ;)

thanks !
erik colson
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marking multiple messages to tag

2022-06-07 Thread erik colson

Coming from mu4e I am missing a feature to mark several messages in a
search before applying a tag them.  I know I can apply a tag to a region
of messages but in this case I would like to select messages while
skipping some messages.
Is this possible in notmuch/emacs ?

erik colson
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Re: searching to doesn't support regexes ?

2022-05-27 Thread erik colson
David Bremner  writes:

> I guess someone(TM) should transfer [1] to the FAQ in the wiki. 
> [1]:

Thank you for the fast information !

erik colson
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searching to doesn't support regexes ?

2022-05-27 Thread erik colson

I am kinda surprised that searching "to:" doesn't support regexes when
"from:" does.
Is there any particular reason for this?
erik colson
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Re: moving mail to another maildir based on tags and renaming files

2022-05-24 Thread erik colson
David Bremner  writes:

> There is in fact the "notmuch dump" command. I recommend everyone who
> invests (human) effort in tagging uses it regularly. The output is much
> smaller than the notmuch database.

awesome! thx
erik colson
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Re: moving mail to another maildir based on tags and renaming files

2022-05-24 Thread erik colson
"inwit"  writes:

> Yeah, that is correct. But it proved trickier than it seemed to me (thus the
> safeMove2 attempt). 

Yes, I have seen that

> I must confess that I've holding this tag/folder scheme for over a year now, 
> and
> that I'm more and more inclined to reduce the amount of folders that I keep
> (I've recently fused 3 or 4 of my biggest folders into Archive, for example).
> I'm trying to reduce my use of portable devices, and the truth is that search
> engines offered by webmail are slowly getting better, so I feel less exposed 
> by
> not having my mail ranged in folders. I guess the whole tag-based paradigm is
> also settling down on my mind, although I still feel that its nowadays a bit 
> odd
> to rely on a single local copy instead of a cloud-based solution. For this 
> last
> problem, there have been some interesting developments recently that I need to
> investigate (precisely, the nmbug evolution).

I have 1000+ mailboxes linked to projects.  Every project gets a number
and every 'subject' in the project gets its own subfolder.  Take that
down 20+ years and you get 1000+ folders ;)

With notmuch my idea is to bundle the subfolders in the mainfolder so
that would roughly divide the mailboxes by at least 5.  With notmuch the
subfolders are definitely to be tags.  I want to keep the folder for
every project to at least have some kind of fallback in case the notmuch
database gets corrupt..  That is my most important fear with notmuch ;)

I was thinking if notmuch offers some kind of 'dump' for the database,
so it can eventually be restored ?

> Anyway, notmuch rocks. :)

quite a lot, in fact !
erik colson
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Re: moving mail to another maildir based on tags and renaming files

2022-05-24 Thread erik colson
João Pedro  writes:

> Best regards (and sorry for the long mail),

Hi João,

Thanks for all the explanations and your config!  I will tend to script,
things in fish but meanwhile your code does help a lot!

erik colson
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Re: moving mail to another maildir based on tags and renaming files

2022-05-23 Thread erik colson
"inwit"  writes:

> If you have questions, do ask!

Do I understand correctly that I only have to remove the U=... part from
the filename when moving a message?  That seems so easy I hardly believe
it ;)

erik colson
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moving mail to another maildir based on tags and renaming files

2022-05-23 Thread erik colson

I would like to move mails selected by a notmuch query
(i.e. "tag:movethismailtobox-ThisBox") to *ThisBox*
I need this to somewhat still have usable access through my phone IMAP

I am actually using afew already, but as I have 1000+ mailboxes it is
unmaintainable to create the rules manually.

So I am thinking to either modify the afew-configuration file with
another script (=not nice) or either write a script myself.

It wouldn't be very difficult to generate the necessary
  notmuch search --output=files ... | xargs mv ...
but, there is a catch: I use isync to synchronize my mails with my IMAP
server and therefor I must rename every message file when moving it.  As
I am not enough aware of maildir and IMAP servers, I am pretty ignorant
to what the new filename should be.

So I wanted to check if somebody else already wrote some
bash/perl/whatever script which handles this ?

erik colson
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Re: wildcards with path or folder

2016-12-18 Thread Erik Colson
Steven Allen  writes:

> You're probably looking for `path:path/to/folder/**` (e.g. `path:Archive/**`).
> Documentation:
> * man 7 notmuch-search-terms
> *

Hi Steven,

Thank you for your answer.  I tried the usage of path with wildcards,
but it does only recursively report messages in a real directory tree.

I'm using dovecot maildir.  So the folder hierarchy is _not_ saved as
phisical directory tree but as multiple directories inside the root
maildir directory.

So for this folder hierarchy:
   - SUB1
   - SUB2

I have following directories inside maildir:

The path:.MAIN1/** will not go down inside subfolders SUB1 and SUB2.

Is there any way to achieve this ?

erik colson
notmuch mailing list

wildcards with path or folder

2016-12-18 Thread Erik Colson

How can I select all mails which are in a certain mail folder or
subfolders of it ?

erik colson
notmuch mailing list

encoding problem with Emacs notmuch.el

2011-02-26 Thread Erik Colson

I installed notmuch with the notmuch.el interface.
Works well except for an encoding problem.
In the *notmuch-search- buffer, encoding is wrong. This is also true for
the article buffers.

Look at this screenshot which shows the problem.
-- next part --
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Please note that entering accentuated chars in the *notmuch-hello*
buffer works correctly and searches are executed correctly.

Any ideas ?

erik colson

encoding problem with Emacs notmuch.el

2011-02-26 Thread Erik Colson

I installed notmuch with the notmuch.el interface.
Works well except for an encoding problem.
In the *notmuch-search- buffer, encoding is wrong. This is also true for
the article buffers.

Look at this screenshot which shows the problem.
Please note that entering accentuated chars in the *notmuch-hello*
buffer works correctly and searches are executed correctly.

Any ideas ?

erik colson
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