[PATCH] News for mark read handling

2014-11-13 Thread markwalters1...@gmail.com


here is the news for the unread handling changes. Please feel free to
tweak as my net access is very erratic currently.

Best wishes


 NEWS |   10 ++
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 8d7ed0a..d8a4222 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -45,6 +45,16 @@ Use the `j` key to access saved searches from anywhere in 
   with the default saved searches `j i` from anywhere in notmuch will
   bring up the inbox.

+Improved handling of the unread tag
+  notmuch now marks an open message read (i.e., removes the unread
+  tag) if point enters the message at any time in a show buffer
+  regardless of how point got there (mouse click, cursor command, page
+  up/down, notmuch commands such as n,N etc). This fixes various
+  anomalies or bugs in the previous handling. Additionally it is
+  possible to customize the mark read handling by setting
+  `notmuch-show-mark-read-function` to a custom function.
 Expanded default saved search settings

   The default saved searches now include several more common searches,

[PATCH v3 2/2] search: Support automatic tag exclusions

2012-01-19 Thread markwalters1...@gmail.com

> >   So I'd like to suggest replacing all occurences of "auto_exclude_tags"
> >   with "search_exclude_tags" (and simply "exclude_tags" in the args to
> >   `_config_get_list' and `_config_set_list', of course).
> You are technically correct, the best kind of correct.  I'd completely
> missed this pattern.  This should get fixed ASAP, while this feature
> still has limited adoption.

I would actually like make a different suggestion: extend
auto_exclude_tags to notmuch-show as well. I was quite surprised to see
my deleted (ie hidden rather than actually deleted) messages return when
viewing a thread.

Best wishes
