[nox-dev] routing.cc

2012-01-04 Thread
Hello all:
Recently i look through the routing.cc and come across a problem . 
Anyone who knows something , please tell me, thank you very much.
In my opinion, the routing.cc should offer the function like this: 
Given the Routeid 'id' which defined in routing.hh, and calculates the path 
between source datapath and destination datapath which defined in struct 
'Routeid', then accroding to this calculated path, encapsulate to openflow 
message(conbtroller/switch message) for each datapath on the path , send to 
openflow switchs and write into flow table entry.
   But i am not sure which function(s) offer(s) the function of calculating 
path.Maybe it is get_route() function defined in routing.cc, here is the codes:
Routing_module::get_route(const RouteId id, RoutePtr route) const
RouteMap::const_iterator rte = shortest.find(id);  // return a const 
element reference to this key 'id' in hash_map  //
if (rte == shortest.end()) {
if (id.src == id.dst) {
route.reset(new Route());
route-id = id;
return true;
return false;
route = rte-second;   
return true;
Does the element  refer to the key id  in hash_map contain the path, which i 
accroding to this line  'route = rte-second'. Is it right?  If you know, 
please help me, thank you very much again~
Best Wishes


Junuary 4, 2012 

nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] something about the working mechanism of NOX

2011-12-30 Thread
 Hi all:
   I'm a new comer of NOX, and want to know the mechanism of NOX, so i see 
the codes of hub.cc at the beginning. There are some questions that  perplex me 
for a long time which i list as follows.
  1)  if (buffer_id == UINT32_MAX) {  
size_t data_len = pi.get_buffer()-size();
size_t total_len = pi.total_len;
if (total_len == data_len) {
send_openflow_packet(pi.datapath_id, *pi.get_buffer(),
OFPP_FLOOD, pi.in_port, true);
} else {
/* Control path didn't buffer the packet and didn't send us
 * the whole thing--what gives? */
lg.dbg(total_len=%zu data_len=%zu\n, total_len, data_len);
  There codes are in src/nox/coreapps/hub/hub.cc file. what is the function of 
them?do they effect the function of hub.cc if remove ?
   2) what is the difference between int send_openflow_command() and int 
send_openflow_packet() which defined in src/nox/component.hh. I know both are 
used for interacting with OF switch.
3)The type of controller/switch message contains OFPT_PACKET_OUT and 
OFPT_FLOW_MOD. I think both of them are used to add/delete/modify flow table 
entry in OF switch, am i right? I don't know what is the difference even if 
refer to openflow-spec-1.0.0
   would you like to tell me? Thank you very much, look forward to hear from 
 Best Wishes

  Wang Jian

 Saturday, December 31, 
nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] does openflow dedicated switch surpport layer 3 processing

2011-12-05 Thread
Hi Murphy:
I am confused about a question about OpenFlow dedicated switch for a long 
time.The following is my testing network topology:
PC1 and PC2 can ping each other successfully if they have the same net id, and 
can't ping successfully if they don't.
Does OpenFlow dedicated switch only surpport layer 2 processing when run the 
command : nox_core -v -i ptcp:6633 discovery topology authenticator routing? I 
think it has no ability of forwarding if disconnects to NOX. I just want to 
know how to achieve layer 3 processing with OpenFlow dedicated switch and NOX. 
Would you please help me even some advice,thank you very much~
   Another question,how to make the topo update timely which you can see from 
NOX GUI , the topo can display the whole network topo when run the command: 
./nox_core monitoring discovery topology trackhost_pktin. But it can't update 
timely when a host leave from the network. How to solve this problem? I am 
sorry to post it again as the question may be overloaded. Thank you~
By the way, i have solved the disconnecting problem via adding a 1G 
ethernet switch beween them yesterday.Because the netfpga only surpports 1G 
transporting speed,but the max speed which the openwrt surpports is 100M.
Best Wishes

  Wang Jian

 Tuesday, December 6,2011


inline: 截图4.png___
nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] does openflow dedicated switch surpport layer 3 processing

2011-12-05 Thread
Hi Murphy:
Thank you very much for your detailed reply.  The PC1 and PC2 can ping each 
other successfully when they are on the same subnet. The layer 3 proceesing 
which i refered last email means that the PC1 and PC2 can also ping each other 
successfully when they are not on the same subnet. In fact, they can not 
communicate with each other on my test network when on different subnet. 
At last,i wonder whether attachments can be received by your mailbox. If 
they can, i'll send them with the email together.
Best Wishes 

  Wang Jian

 Tuesday, December 6,2011

在 2011-12-06 11:04:04,Murphy McCauley jam...@nau.edu 写道:
Responses inline.

On Dec 5, 2011, at 6:42 PM, 王健 wrote:

Hi Murphy:
I am confused about a question about OpenFlow dedicated switch for a long 
time.The following is my testing network topology:
PC1 and PC2 can ping each other successfully if they have the same net id, and 
can't ping successfully if they don't.

I assume you mean if they're on the same subnet?

Does OpenFlow dedicated switch only surpport layer 2 processing when run the 
command : nox_core -v -i ptcp:6633 discovery topology authenticator routing?

Well, routing tries to install exact match flows whenever possible, if I recall 
correctly.  This includes L3 headers too when possible.  But it's not exactly 
L3 *processing*.

I think it has no ability of forwarding if disconnects to NOX.

There are things that can be done to help with communication when NOX is 
disconnected, but none of them are done here.  Certainly the usual model is 
that your controller stays connected to your switches.

I just want to know how to achieve layer 3 processing with OpenFlow dedicated 
switch and NOX. Would you please help me even some advice,thank you very much~

What kind of layer 3 processing are you talking about?

   Another question,how to make the topo update timely which you can see from 
NOX GUI , the topo can display the whole network topo when run the command: 
./nox_core monitoring discovery topology trackhost_pktin. But it can't update 
timely when a host leave from the network. How to solve this problem? I am 
sorry to post it again as the question may be overloaded. Thank you~

Well, there's no real way to tell when a host leaves.  So right now, it's 
decided by timeout.  You could try reducing the timeout, but that increases the 
chance that a quiet host may be judged to be leaving when it's actually just 

I have suggested that we ARP-ping hosts occasionally to see if they're still 
there or not.  If a host NEVER responds to an ARP-ping, fall back to the 
timeout behavior.  This hasn't yet been implemented, though, as far as I know.

By the way, i have solved the disconnecting problem via adding a 1G 
ethernet switch beween them yesterday.Because the netfpga only surpports 1G 
transporting speed,but the max speed which the openwrt surpports is 100M.
Best Wishes

  Wang Jian

 Tuesday, December 6,2011

-- Murphy

nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] how to display network topology timely

2011-12-01 Thread
Hi all:
  I have a question to consult you. The NOX GUI can display a whole network 
topology when run the command: ./nox_core -v -v -i ptcp:6633 monitoring 
discovery topology trackhost_pktin. But it cann't update timely when a host 
leave from network, in other words, the host is still in the network topology 
which you can see in NOX GUI. I think it may be lack of some component when run 
the command, am i right? Which one to be used and how to get it? would you like 
to tell me, thank you very much~
Best Wishes



December 2,2011

At 2011-11-29 03:01:56,Murphy McCauley jam...@nau.edu wrote:
I think the attachment is being scrubbed. Maybe you can send an image?

Though offhand, I don't know what I can tell you.  What do mean by unreachable? 
 Devices connected to the netfpga switch can't ping devices connected to the 
openwrt switch?  What NOX components are you running?

-- Murphy

On Nov 25, 2011, at 12:09 AM, 王健 wrote:

Hi Murphy:
 Thank you for your last reply , your suggest is right. Recently i built a 
openflow network,you can see the topology in the attachment. The connection 
between openflow switch(netfpga) and openwrt(openflow wireless) is unreachable, 
i mark it in blue. What's wrong with it, would you like to give me some advice 
for solving this problem,thank you very much! if there is something else you 
want to know, please tell me.
Best Wishes

 n bsp;Wang Jian

 Friday, November 25, 2011   

topology v1.1.docx

nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] import error

2011-11-16 Thread
Hello everyone:
 I am a newcomer of python, and encountered a import error recently. This 
code is from nox.netapps.spanning_tree import spanning_tree in the  
mobilevms.py file. when run the command : ./nox_core -v -v -i ptcp:6633 
the error is:00081|nox|ERR:Cannot change the state of 'mobilevms' to INSTALLED:
'mobilevms' ran into an error:
cannot import a Python module 'nox.netapps.mobilevms.mobilevms':
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./nox/netapps/mobilevms/mobilevms.py, line 46, in module
from nox.netapps.spanning_tree.spanning_tree import*
  File ./nox/netapps/spanning_tree/spanning_tree.py, line 27, in module
from nox.coreapps.messenger.pyjsonmsgevent import JSONMsg_event
  File ./nox/coreapps/messenger/pyjsonmsgevent.py, line 25, in module
_pyjsonmsgevent = swig_import_helper()
  File ./nox/coreapps/messenger/pyjsonmsgevent.py, line 21, in 
_mod = imp.load_module('_pyjsonmsgevent', fp, pathname, description)
ImportError: ./nox/coreapps/messenger/_pyjsonmsgevent.so: undefined symbol: 
vigil::JSONMsg_event::JSONMsg_event(vigil::core_message const*)

I  try to use from nox.netapps.spanning_tree.spaning_tree   import*  instead 
of the previous code, but also the same error. What's wrong with it, would you 
like to tell me, thank you very much~
additionally, the component of spanning_tree is normal when run the command: 
./nox_core -v -v -i ptcp:6633 spanning_tree and the JSONMsg_event is really 
in the file of pyjsonmsgevent.py.
best wishes

wang jian

Wednesday ,November 

nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] how to add the components of mobilevms to NOX destiny

2011-10-27 Thread
Maybe i don't express my problem clearly, so i describe it more detailed. I 
got the source code of  mobilevms compoments(a folder) from 
http://www.openflow.org/wk/index.php/Mobile_VMs for NOX 0.4, now i want to 
transplant them to NOX destiny. The source code of mobilevms compoments is 
beyond 10M, so i can not add it to attachment, sorry for this.
How can I deal with this problem. For example i need convert the meta.xml  
to meta.json(anything else to modify?) and copy the mobilevms folder to 
nox/src/nox/netapps directory. This problem has confused me for a long time. 
Anyone who can give me a integral and detailed steps for it. Thank you very 
much, look forward to reply from you even a little bit advice~
best wishes

  wang jian

Friday October 28,2011

nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] meta.xml converts to meta.json

2011-10-26 Thread
hello,everyone. I am a new comer of openflow, now i want to use the mobilevms 
app, but my branch of NOX is destiny, i need to convert the meta.xml to 
meta.json, because the old version of NOX uses meta.xml to describe the 
compenents, but the NOX destiny uses meta.json to describe the compenents. i 
also konw that the nox-convert-meta.py script(in src/scripts) is meant for 
doing this, but i do not konw how to use it , anyone who can help me,thank you 
very much. It is better to show the output of the meta.json for mobilevms.The 
attachment is meta.xml file for mobilevms. Look forward to hear form you~
 best  wishes
wang jian
   on Wednesday 
, Ocotober 26, 2011?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
components:components xmlns:components=http://www.noxrepo.org/components.xsd;
nox-dev mailing list

[nox-dev] how to add the components of mobilevms to NOX destiny

2011-10-26 Thread
 to be there will be created automatically when you build
So only copy the folder you downloaded into nox/src/nox/netapps(delete it 
from nox/build/src/nox/netapps)

On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 7:41 PM, 王健wangjian2008_12...@126.com wrote:

 Thank you very much for your help, this is my first time to ask a question on 
NOX,  you give me confidence to finish this experiment.
   I downloaded the source code of nox-0.40-with-mobilevms 
fromhttp://www.openflow.org/wk/index.php/Mobile_VMs. Now i want to use its 
mobilevms code on my NOX(destiny), so i follow the steps on nox 
   First i copy the folder mobilevms in nox-0.40-with-mobilevms/src/nox/netapps 
to the specified path(src/nox/netapps) indicated by the website.  But there are 
two paths, one is nox/src/nox/netapps, the other is nox/build/src/nox/netapps. 
As i do not sure which it is, so i copy the folder to both. At then i use the 
meta.json you sended to me to replace the meta.xml. Next step i switch to nox 
directory and run the command:  ./boot.sh
the terminal shows: automake: cannot open  
build/src/nox/netapps/mobilevms/../../../Make.vars: no such file or directory
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1
then i go on and run: cd build/
the terminal shows: config.status: error: cannot find input file: 
i also go on and run:  
make -j
it shows:automake-1.11: cannot open  
build/src/nox/netapps/mobilevms/../../../Make.vars: no such file or directory
make: *** [../Makefile.in] error 1
I don't know where it is wrong, could you please give me some suggests, thank 
you very very much, look forward to hear form you~
best wishes

wang jian

 Thursday  October  27, 2011 br   

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