Re: NPNY: 3121 - The Ongoing Debate

2006-07-14 Thread Kelly Salaam
This project is very good and I think people weren't surprised and are 
enjoying the songs, videos and performances. I think there is no way to 
project the success of the project.

Moderator: Let's see where Kelly is today...

Hmmm Okkk looks like the Focus Hope center in Detroit, MI.
Focus Hope
1355 Oakman Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48238

Or it could be 1400 Oakman Blvd, looks like they a few buidlings.  -Derek

Purple Funk Lover !!! [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  This reminds me of when I 1st 
started REALLY listenin' 2 Prince. Hip Hop was
dyin' 2 me and the song My Name Is Prince was the 1 song that had me sit
down and actually listen 2 P's lyrics and then the slow jams moved me and
that's all she wrote. Jam Of The Year Miami had me sold. I had NEVER seen so
many beautiful WoMen in 1 spot and they weren't wearin' baggy jeans and
large hoop earrings @ the time.

Thanx every1 4 U'r input, this is the spot !!!

Michael Byrdsong wrote:
If you like all of the tracks on the album... great for you! If you
are only feeling some of the tracks... that is cool too. But neither
of our opinions have the power to define the music for all. What I
love about 3121 and many if not all of Prince's albums (and music in
general), is that there is something for everyone.

Because an individual dislikes 1 or more tracks doesn't make those
tracks (or the album) crap, half crap, or any other adjective of
disapproval. It simply means that this individual has not been moved
by those tracks. I personally love 3121's first track and a couple
others that some people think won't interest most. I also tend to not
be moved by one or two other tracks that are well liked by some
others on the list. The Dance was once on my list of songs that i
didn't particularly care for, but lately that song has moved into my
favored list.

Heck, I can't stomach to listen to Shakira's new track with Wyclef
Jean. But it seems that some folks out there think that it is hot.

Michael B

On Apr 3, 2006, at 6:41 PM, Purple Funk Lover !!! wrote:

 Cool D... Somebody on the list were just TEARIN' up 3121 and sayin'
 this or
 that about the music. I was talkin' about people/Fam like that. As
 I said b4
 there R a few songs on this or that album that takes some GROWIN'
 time 4 me
 2 get used 2 it. Just like LoveSexy isn't 1 of my favorite albums
 but my
 wife LOVES it. 1 of my favorite P albums is Emancipation. Mainly
 that was the 2nd Prince album I bought (1st one was the O(+ album)
 and I
 was going thru some emotional time back in 96. We can all agree 2
 but I'm not gonna sit here and say this or that song sucks or that
 it's crap
 or some other odious term we can think of. I'LL just say it isn't
 my cup
 of tea but I'm feelin' U. I always respect U'r oppinion my
 brotha... :-)

 few lame
 songs nobody likes. Just be your a fan doesn't mean you have to be a
 brainwashed follower devoted to whatever is thrown at you.

 Many times in the last few years said Prince should put out a
 commercial hit to remind people the still exists. Also, to help him
 these one off deals. Eventually he is going to wear out all his
 and nobody is going to want to put out his half crap albums. -Derek

 Purple Funk Lover !!! wrote:
 I'll give U that D... Now may I RETORT: I feel where U'r comin'
 from and
 I've been listenin' 2 Prince Music since 1996 almost religiously
 and there
 R a few tracks that I'm like What was he thinkin' when he made
 this. I'm
 in2 collectin' boots so if U know about Big Tall Wall U'll know
 I'm comin from. I'm not sure who said it but I've read/heard some1 say
 Prince needed 2 make a COMMERCIALLY successful album and 3121 hits
 mark, as we see with the RAVE reviews it has been gettin.

 I like the FUNK numbers Prince does becuz I'm 37 and I remember what
 Funk used 2 sound like and there aren't 2 many artist (musicians) I
 out there. P's music is in my ear 99% of the day. I work @ a Internet
 Based Real Estate company and I can jam my Purple Funk all day if I
 2. Yes, we R entitled 2 our oppinions and all but I look @ each
 album and
 each track as a journey in itself.

 Calling it crap doesn't get any brownie points with me but if we're
 FANS of the Music and then the man it's all good. Like U said he
 ain't God
 but he's been given a GIFT by God, from my point of view...

 songs nobody likes. Just be your a fan doesn't mean you have to be a
 brainwashed follower devoted to whatever is thrown at you.

 Many times in the last few years said Prince should put out a
 commercial hit to remind people the still exists. Also, to help him
 these one off deals. Eventually he is going to wear out all his
 and nobody is going to want to put out his half crap albums. -Derek

 Lockhart, Daryle [GSM] wrote:
 Agreed. To think that just because we're Prince fans we have to
 love everything he does is ridiculous. He's a dude who makes
 music, not God. A lot of the music is good. A 

Re: NPNY: Man Of The Week: Prince

2006-07-12 Thread Kelly Salaam
Musicology   Diamond   Congrats

Moderator: WTF is that supposed to mean?!  -Derek

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  well informed articleI liked it

In a message dated 6/5/2006 4:03:05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

Just got word that Prince is Man Of The week. They have a 3
page article on him. Haven't had a chance to read it yet.

Read, Comment, let me know what you think

NeW NeW PoWeR NeW YoRk

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Re: NPNY: Rosie Gaines Post New Track

2006-06-29 Thread Kelly Salaam

Moderator: Kelly, Do I have to tell the Doctors to take away your 
internet access again?  -Derek

Derek [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Just a quick heads up. Rosie Gaines has 
posted new track on her Mypsace.
It's called Take A Chance. I am really digging some of the stuff she put
so far more then Tamar crap. Looking forward to Rosie's next release.

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Re: NPNY: Review of Prince's Late Night Concert -

2006-06-29 Thread Kelly Salaam
Is there a deeper, more creative video planned than could happen, much to my 
   ya know, fear and astonishment if yaw''ll do some sort of scary Urban 
sitting down knee thing for the Beautiful, Loved and Blessed? Prince , I LOVE 
You, but will you please let Puffy play the beautiful one? and you the villain. 
 Storyboards are important.

Moderator: Wow I am speechless... I have never in my life read anything 
so incoherent in my life. Are you a related to George Bush?  -Derek

   Click here: Inside Prince's Secret Late Night Concert -

Some idea of what went on last night. Just found this by accident.

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Re: NPNY: Purple Rain this saturday

2006-06-26 Thread Kelly Salaam
Fury video was on BET Jazz.  MTV nexT?

Moderator: Seriously Kelly is there a way to to convince you to at least 
change the subject of the email before you post one of your random 
threads? Example this one should have read Fury on BET Jazz

MTV does not look like it has an plans to play Fury. It has been on all 
its other channels.  -Derek

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