[ns] Traffic generation to analyse performance of 802.15.4

2006-10-27 Thread kelvin lim


Could anyone advice me how to generate the traffic for analysis. Basically, 
i've generated a mobility file based on ocean movement and it last for 
24hrs. Not sure what and how traffic pattern can be generated. Appreciate 
for any advice, thanks.


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[ns] sensor node configuration

2006-10-27 Thread antonis antoniou

> Hello for all,
>   Can you give me the tcl script of wireless sensor node configuration? 
>   Best Regards.

[ns] sensor node configuration

2006-10-27 Thread zitouni rafik

Hello for all,
  Can you give me the tcl script of wireless sensor node configuration? 
  Best Regards.

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[ns] How do you Drop packets!

2006-10-27 Thread g_fnoor

  Hi everyone!
I need to implement aggregation on the wireless sensor network, so for
starters i just want to drop all the packets but one, when i receive
them, and just send one packet forward. I think i need to change the
mac-tdma.cc file for that, but i'm not too sure. Can any of you please
help me in my dilemma. Also if you can tell me how would i drop
packets? Should i just free the packet?
 Thank you very much in advance for all the help.

Thanking you


[ns] How rerun the following simulation with different settings of the delay

2006-10-27 Thread Bilal AbuQadous

Dear ns-users,

I need your help to reduce my efforts. I need automatic way to change the

let's assume I need to get the performance of the following design for
different values of the delays between the nodes:

set opt(start0) 0
set opt(start1) 100
set opt(stop)  101.0

# creats simulater object
set ns   [new Simulator]

## traceing  ##
set tracTF[open TCP.tr w]
set nf  [open TCPflavor.nam w]

$ns trace-all $tracTF
$ns namtrace-all $nf

set TCPs   [$ns node]
set TCP_BS [$ns node]
set TCPr   [$ns node]

$ns duplex-link $TCPs $TCP_BS 10mb 0ms DropTail
$ns make-lan "$TCP_BS $TCPr" 2mb 150ms LL Queue/DropTail Mac

set tcpw  [new Agent/TCP/WestwoodNR]
set sinkw  [new Agent/TCPSink]

$ns attach-agent $TCPs $tcpw
$ns attach-agent $TCPr $sinkw

$ns connect $tcpw $sinkw

set ftp1 [new Application/FTP]

$ftp1 attach-agent $tcpw

$ns at $opt(start0) "$ftp1 start"
$ns at $opt(start1) "$ftp1 stop"

$ns at $opt(stop).1 "$TCPs reset";
$ns at $opt(stop).1 "$TCP_BS reset";
$ns at $opt(stop).1 "$TCPr reset";
$ns at $opt(stop).0001 "record"
$ns at $opt(start5).001 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns halt"
$ns at $opt(start5).001 "stop"

proc stop {} {
global ns nf tracTF
$ns flush-trace

#close tracTF
close $nf
exit 0
proc record {} {
global   sinkw

# get an instance of the simulater
set ns [Simulator instance]

set bww[$sinkw set bytes_]
puts "***"
puts "throughput is: [expr $bww/100*8]"
puts "***"
puts "Starting Simulation..."
$ns run

the previous code gives me the throughput for just one case  I need to
make dynamic changes for the delay (150ms) in:

$ns make-lan "$TCP_BS $TCPr" 2mb 150ms LL Queue/DropTail Mac ….. such as 0,
10, 20, 30 ….., 150  and register the throughput of each case (delay )

your help is appreciated

best regards

[ns] how to use a timer in network layer ?

2006-10-27 Thread Bilel Romdhani

i m simulating ad hoc networks with ns2.27 and i want to modify the priority
of each flow every second, my question is :
can i and how use a timer in network layer ? or have you another solution!


[ns] Inserting a Delay Module in MAC

2006-10-27 Thread Bahman Kalantari Sabet

Hi everyone,

I would like to insert a timer in the NetIF of my node so that every packet
going up towards the MAC and down towards the channel is held for a certain
"delay_" time.

This is to simulate an 802.11 network and analyse the RTS,CTS,ACK frames.
In other words, making sure that all these packets go through this delay.

Where should I start and what should I do?



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[ns] Mesh Networking 802.11s with ns-2.28

2006-10-27 Thread Shahatha

hi all,
  I am using ns-2.28, i want to simulate and analyse Mesh Networking with 
  did any one work with it or can give some tips ?
  how can i configre a BaseStation with one wireless-channel to multi-Channel, 
or how to change the wire-link into wirelss-link?
  thanks in advance

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[ns] linked lists in ns Problem

2006-10-27 Thread Bilel Romdhani

hi the list,
i created my own linked list (in priqueue.cc) but there is a problem : there
is always a node in the list wich has all valu equal to "0". where did ns
make the initialisation? or how can i eliminate it!


[ns] TKN 802.11e with RTS/CTS

2006-10-27 Thread michelenuti

Hi ns-useres,
I would like to know how can I add RTS/CTS to the TKN 802.11e model for NS2_26.

I've tried by setting
RTSTHhereshold_ 0, but my simulation abort telling me something like:


I really need to know if it is possible to do it and how.

Thank you very much,
Michele Nuti

[ns] simulation of multicast protocol in adhoc networks

2006-10-27 Thread Anjali Arora

hi all
  can anyone suggest me, how can i simulate multicast protocols in ad hoc 
  thanks in advance.

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