[ns] CRCN simulation problems modified

2012-04-03 Thread Khaled Elmishad

I only modified that mobility&traffic file is also empty.

Using sudo java -jar CRCN.jar
Output results appeared in the terminal
good -when clicking buttons(start sim,confirm) in CRCN

But the problems appeared as follows:

 1] (nam, tr, mobility&traffic) files are empty

 2] tcl outut file when excuting
it using terminal tells me 

(_o3 cmd line 1)

invoked from within

"_o3 cmd add-channel 0 _o13"

invoked from within

"catch "$self cmd $args"

invoked from within

"if [catch "$self cmd $args"
ret] {

set cls [$self info class]

global errorInfo

set savedInfo $errorInfo

error "error when calling class
$cls: $args" $..."

(procedure "_o3" line 2)

(SplitObject unknown line 2)

invoked from within

"$ns_ add-channel $i $chan_($i)"

("for" body line 2)

invoked from within

"for {set i 0} {$i <
$val(channum) } {incr i} {

$ns_ add-channel $i $chan_($i)


(file "test1.tcl" line

 3] Throughput graph is empty
while terminal shows me 


Process exitValue: 0 

 4] Interference graph is empty while
terminal shows me 

Can't open file ITfile! 

java.io.FileNotFoundException: ITfile
(No such file or directory) 

Using: Ubuntu 11.10 with ns2.31 
crcn patch installed

gnu plot installed and upgradedjava is installed and upgraded

Kindly waiting your reply soon.
Thanks for your time and conisderation.

 Sincerely,Khaled Elmishad  

Senior Student, Communication Engineering ASU-CHEP


[ns] CRCN simulation problems

2012-04-03 Thread Khaled Elmishad

Using sudo java -jar CRCN.jar
Output results appeared in the terminal
good -when clicking buttons(start sim,confirm) in CRCN

But the problems appeared as follows:

 1] (nam and tr) files are empty

 2] tcl outut file when excuting
it using terminal tells me 

(_o3 cmd line 1)

invoked from within

"_o3 cmd add-channel 0 _o13"

invoked from within

"catch "$self cmd $args"

invoked from within

"if [catch "$self cmd $args"
ret] {

set cls [$self info class]

global errorInfo

set savedInfo $errorInfo

error "error when calling class
$cls: $args" $..."

(procedure "_o3" line 2)

(SplitObject unknown line 2)

invoked from within

"$ns_ add-channel $i $chan_($i)"

("for" body line 2)

invoked from within

"for {set i 0} {$i <
$val(channum) } {incr i} {

$ns_ add-channel $i $chan_($i)


(file "test1.tcl" line

 3] Throughput graph is empty
while terminal shows me 


Process exitValue: 0 

 4] Interference graph is empty while
terminal shows me 

Can't open file ITfile! 

java.io.FileNotFoundException: ITfile
(No such file or directory) 

Using: Ubuntu 11.10 with ns2.31 
crcn patch installed

gnu plot installed and upgradedjava is installed and upgraded

Kindly waiting your reply soon.
Thanks for your time and conisderation.

 Sincerely,Khaled Elmishad  

Senior Student, Communication Engineering ASU-CHEP


[ns] installation problem

2012-04-03 Thread sindhu balaraman

dear all
   i had installed ns-2.34 in fedora 13 but i get the following when i
execute my tcl script.please help it is urgent
[root@localhost allinone]# ns simw.tcl
num_nodes is set 2
invalid command name "-llType"
while executing
"-llType $val(ll) \
(file "simw.tcl" line 157)
[root@localhost allinone]#

with regards

[ns] ns2.35 Lion OS exception

2012-04-03 Thread Ahmed Hesham

Dear All,
please help with the following error as I fail to install ns2
I use mac os X 10.7 (lion) on a processor i7

I installed xcode with the command line tools to be able to install ns2 but i 
received the following exception during installation
o libotcl otcl.omake: o: No such file or directorymake: [libotcl] Error 1 
(ignored)rm -f libotclgcc -o otclsh  -g -O2 -I. 
-I/Users/ahesham/ns-allinone-2.35/include -I/include  otclAppInit.c \ -L. 
-lotcl -L/Users/ahesham/ns-allinone-2.35/lib -ltk8.5 
-L/Users/ahesham/ns-allinone-2.35/lib -ltcl8.5 -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXext -lX11  
-lmUndefined symbols for architecture x86_64:  "_CFLocaleCopyCurrent", 
referenced from:  _TclpSetVariables in libtcl8.5.a(tclUnixInit.o)  
"_CFLocaleGetIdentifier", referenced from:  _TclpSetVariables in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclUnixInit.o)  "_CFStringGetCString", referenced from:  
_TclpSetVariables in libtcl8.5.a(tclUnixInit.o)  "_CFRelease", referenced from: 
 _TclpSetVariables in libtcl8.5.a(tclUnixInit.o)  _Tcl_FinalizeNotifier 
in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources 
in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  "_CFStringCreateWith!
 CString", referenced from:  _Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  "_CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier", referenced 
from:  _Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  "_CFBundleCopyBundleURL", referenced from:  
_Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  
"_CFURLCopyLastPathComponent", referenced from:  
_Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  
"_CFStringCompare", referenced from:  
_Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  
"_CFURLCreateCopyAppendingPathComponent", referenced from:  
_Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  
"_CFBundleCreate", referenced from:  
_Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  
"_CFBundleCopyResourceURL", referenced from:  
_Tcl_MacOSXOpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  !
 "_CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation", referenced from:  _Tcl_MacOSX
OpenVersionedBundleResources in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXBundle.o)  
"_CFRunLoopGetCurrent", referenced from:  _Tcl_InitNotifier in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopSourceCreate", referenced from:  
_Tcl_InitNotifier in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_kCFRunLoopCommonModes", 
referenced from:  _Tcl_InitNotifier in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
_Tcl_ServiceModeHook in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopAddSource", 
referenced from:  _Tcl_InitNotifier in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
_TclMacOSXNotifierAddRunLoopMode in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
"_CFRunLoopObserverCreate", referenced from:  _Tcl_InitNotifier in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopAddObserver", referenced from:  
_Tcl_InitNotifier in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
_TclMacOSXNotifierAddRunLoopMode in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
"_CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent", referenced from:  _Tcl_SetTimer in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_Sleep in l!
 ibtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_ServiceModeHook in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate", referenced 
from:  _Tcl_SetTimer in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_Sleep in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopTimerGetNextFireDate", referenced 
from:  _Tcl_Sleep in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
"_kCFRunLoopDefaultMode", referenced from:  _Tcl_Sleep in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_WaitForEvent in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopRunInMode", referenced from:  
_Tcl_Sleep in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_WaitForEvent in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopSourceSignal", referenced from:  
_NotifierThreadProc in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_AlertNotifier 
in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopWakeUp", referenced from:  
_NotifierThreadProc in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _Tcl_AlertNotifier 
in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopTimerCreate", !
 referenced from:  _Tcl_ServiceModeHook in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNot
ify.o)  "_CFRunLoopAddTimer", referenced from:  _Tcl_ServiceModeHook in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  _TclMacOSXNotifierAddRunLoopMode in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate", referenced from:  
_Tcl_FinalizeNotifier in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
"_CFRunLoopObserverInvalidate", referenced from:  _Tcl_FinalizeNotifier in 
libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  "_CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate", referenced from:   
   _Tcl_FinalizeNotifier in libtcl8.5.a(tclMacOSXNotify.o)  
"___CFConstantStringClassReference", referenced from:  CFStrin