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2007-12-13 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava

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[ns] kindly help me with the simulation of Sinkholes Attacks (ad-hoc network) on ns-2

2006-01-20 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava

Ashutosh Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:dear all ,
   I am supposed to simulate the Sinkhole attack (made on 
Ad-Hoc Networks) . As i am quite new to  ns-2 programming I am unable to do so 
.The main problem is that how do we create routing tables for the different 
nodes in the ad-hoc network (or Mobile Network)  and then how can we 
represent the sending of information from a compromised node that it has the 
shortest route for a number of nodes . Kindly helpme 
  out as I am stuck badly here .Any sort of inputs are welcome .I am also 
including a definition of the sinkhole attacks at the bottom .

Expecting  a quick relief .
Sinkhole attacks 
  By carrying out a sinkhole attack, a compromised node tries to attract the 
data to itself from all neighboring nodes. Since this would give access to all 
data to this node, the sinkhole attack is the basis for many other attacks 
likes eavesdropping or data alteration. Sinkhole attacks make use of the 
loopholes in routing algorithms of ad hoc networks and present themselves to 
adjacent nodes as the most attractive partner in a multihop route. Even though 
by definition nodes on the network layer of an ad hoc network are equal, 
sinkhole attacks might be very effective on application level, where nodes may 
have different roles. This means, that as stated  the effect of sinkhole 
attacks on networks with centralized entities can be especially grave, because 
by impersonating the centralized node or its neighbors, the adversary can get 
access to the biggest part of the data flowing through the network.

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[ns] Fwd: please help me to simulate attacks on the Ad-hoc networks

2006-01-13 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava

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[ns] please help me to simulate attacks on the Ad-hoc networks

2006-01-11 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava

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[ns] please help me to simulate attacks on the Ad-hoc networks

2006-01-11 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava


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[ns] please help me to simulate attacks on the Ad-hoc networks

2006-01-11 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava

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[ns] please help me to simulate attacks on the Ad-hoc networks

2006-01-09 Thread Ashutosh Srivastava

   Dear all ,  
 For a project I  need immediate help . 
Actually I have to simulate some attacks(on ns-2
)possible in the Ad-hoc networks:  
1) sink-hole 
2) worm-hole 
3) Sybil attack 
4) Rushing attack 
5) Denial-of-Service and Flooding 
6) Black Hole
  What these terms mean , for this purpose
I am attaching a document containing basic  terms and 
definitions .Please , it would be very kind of you if
you can send me the simulation scripts for any of
these (on ns-2) and also the method to run them .Also
, let me know if there is any software to run ns-2 on
Windows XP
   I am unable to simulate these attacks
because I don't know how to use ns-2(rightnow I am
running out of time).
 I shall be very obliged if you will help me out
.Also , I am attaching a document
regarding the way I want the output statistics , this
paper contains information about the Denial of Service
attacks but nowhere the scripts have been provided for
Desperately awaiting your kind
 With best
Ashutosh Srivstava

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