[ns] node that has the maximum number of packets

2009-06-16 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed

Hello everyone

can somebody help me to determine the node that is mostly active which means
that the node that has sent and received the maximum number of packets ??
please I need an urgent helpp


[ns] tcl and c linkage

2009-06-16 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed

can somebody help me to link c code into my tcl file. I mean I want to take
the value of variable in aodv.cc and use it in my tcl file. I have searched
alot but I have lost
can somebody explain it to me in simple manner

[ns] number of packets sent and received at each mobile node

2009-06-07 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed

Hello everyone
Can somebody help me to determine the number of packets sent and received at
each mobile node at particular time. I'm using AODV routing protocol

please if you can help me, please do

Thanks in advance

[ns] ns2 error when writing make in the shell command

2009-06-06 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed


I need your help! Iam working in network project ( ad hoc network) and I
need to do some changes in aodv.cc and then writing the make command in the
shell but when I write the command the following error occurs

Makefile:168: *** commands commence before first target.  Stop.

can somebody help me


[ns] how can I get number of nodes in the communication range????

2009-06-06 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed

hello every one

is there is ns2 command to check that if two mobile nodes in the
communication range??? how can do it

thanks alot

[ns] problem in calculating mobility and connectivity of mobile node

2009-06-06 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed


Iam working now in network project ( adhoc network) and Iam using ns2 to
simulate this project but I have several problems:

1- how can I get the mobility of each mobile node?
2- how can I get the number of links connected to each mobile node?

can you help me please ASAP


[ns] plzzzzzzzzzzzzz hlppppppppppppp

2009-06-05 Thread Fatma Al-Rashed


I have project in network and I need to simulate it using ns2 and Iam new to

ns2. My project is about adhoc network and I have problem in determine

 number of links connected to mobile node ( connectivity of node).

can somebody help me to calculate the number of links to a node in ns2.

please if somebody know to get this number help me ASAP

thanks in advance