[ns] Dropped Packets

2006-07-03 Thread Ibrahim Khalife

Hello All...

I am working on an admission controller. I wrote a pair of .cc and .h file
which are the admission controller. I have done the necessary linking in the
TCL and other c++ modifications.

I am ending up in the trace file having my admission controller packets
being dropped at the node which is sending them. Apparently they have a next
hop value of -2. I have tried changing the packets' next hop value from
within the AODV routing protocol by putting an "if" statement to see when it
receives packets from the admission controller and then putting the correct
next hop value through reading it from the routing table. This has resulted
in a segmentation fault. Can you please advice ??

ps: I don't know how to get the admission controller read the routing table
of AODV of the concerned node from within itself (that is the admission

Best Regards,


[ns] Packet Pair Technique

2006-02-07 Thread Ibrahim Khalife

Hello Everybody

Does anyone have any clue of how to implement the Packet Pair
technique for Bandwith estimation, cause I am kind of stuck on where
to start from.

I actually need this parameter for the calculation of the Expected
Transmission Time (ETT) link metric. I highly appreciate any kind of
help or ideas.

