[ns] Post analysis of energy related trace file

2008-09-09 Thread samira . niafar

Hello ns-users

I want to analyse an energy related trace file and i work with AWK.
but it doesn't deal with energy. I have a tcl file which i want to
caculate the "end
to end delay" and "throughput" and "energy consumption" through it.
when i set the mac type as 802.11 it works with AWK and give me the
"end to end delay"and "thorughput". but when i change the mac type to
smac it doesn't work even on calculating "end to end delay"and
"throughput". I use the following tcl file.

Thanks in advance
Samira Niafar

 # run SMAC in a 5-nodes multihop network with DSR routing

set opt(chan)   Channel/WirelessChannel
set opt(prop)   Propagation/TwoRayGround
set opt(netif)  Phy/WirelessPhy
set opt(mac)Mac/802_11 ;# MAC type
#set opt(mac)Mac/SMAC
set opt(ifq)Queue/DropTail/PriQueue
set opt(ifq)CMUPriQueue
set opt(ll) LL
set opt(ant)Antenna/OmniAntenna
set opt(x)  600  ;# X dimension of the topography
set opt(y)  600   ;# Y dimension of the topography
set opt(ifqlen) 50;# max packet in ifq
set opt(seed)   0.0
set opt(tr) smac2.tr   ;# trace file
set opt(rp) DSR
set opt(filters)GradientFilter
set opt(nn) 14;# how many nodes are simulated
set opt(stop)   300.0;# simulation time
set opt(syncFlag)   1 ;# is set to 1 when SMAC
uses sleep-wakeup cycle
set opt(selfConfigFlag) 1  ;# is set to 0 when SMAC uses user
configurable schedule start time
set opt(initialenergy)  1000
set opt(energymodel)EnergyModel ;
set opt(radiomodel) RadioModel;
set opt(receivepower)   0.281838   ;# Receiving Power
set opt(transmitpower)  0.281838;# Transmitting Power
set opt(idlepower)  0.281838   ;# Idle Power
set opt(sleeppower) 2.81838e-4  ;# sleep power
set opt(transitionpower)  0.0563676;# transition power
set opt(transitiontime)   0.005;# transition time

#set interval1.0
#set appTime1 42.0;# in seconds
#set appTime2 44.0;# in seconds
#set stopTime100;# in seconds

# =
# Other default settings

#LL set mindelay_50us
#LL set delay_   25us
#LL set bandwidth_   0 ;

Agent/Null set sport_   0
Agent/Null set dport_   0

Agent/CBR set sport_0
Agent/CBR set dport_0

Agent/TCPSink set sport_0
Agent/TCPSink set dport_0

Agent/TCP set sport_0
Agent/TCP set dport_0
Agent/TCP set packetSize_   512

Queue/DropTail/PriQueue set Prefer_Routing_Protocols1

# unity gain, omni-directional antennas
# set up the antennas to be centered in the node and 1.5 meters above it
Antenna/OmniAntenna set X_ 0
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Y_ 0
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Z_ 1.5
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gt_ 1.0
Antenna/OmniAntenna set Gr_ 1.0

# Initialize the SharedMedia interface with parameters to make
# it work like the 914MHz Lucent WaveLAN DSSS radio interface

Phy/WirelessPhy set CPThresh_ 10.0
#Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 1.50990e-07
#Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 4.80696e-07
Phy/WirelessPhy set CSThresh_ 1.559e-10
Phy/WirelessPhy set RXThresh_ 3.652e-10 ;# Receiving Threshold
Phy/WirelessPhy set Rb_ 2*1e6
Phy/WirelessPhy set Pt_ 0.2818
Phy/WirelessPhy set freq_ 914e+6
Phy/WirelessPhy set L_ 1.0

# SMAC settings
Mac/SMAC set syncFlag_ 1; # sleep wakeup cycles
Mac/SMAC set dutyCycle_ 90

#ErrorModel set rate_ 0.1

#proc UniformError {} {
 #   global

 #   set errObj [new ErrorModel]
  #  $errObj unit packet
   # return $errObj

# create simulator instance
set ns_[new Simulator]
set tracefd [open $opt(tr) w]
$ns_ use-newtrace
$ns_ trace-all $tracefd
set nf [open out03.nam w]
$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $nf 600 600

set f0 [open out03.tr w]

set wtopo [new Topography]
$wtopo load_flatgrid $opt(x) $opt(y)

# $ns_ set WirelessNewTrace_ ON
create-god $opt(nn)

# define topology

# Create God

# define how node should be created

# node setting

   $ns_ node-config -adhocRouting $opt(rp) \
 -llType $opt(ll) \
 -macType $opt(mac) \
 -ifqType $opt(ifq) \
 -ifqLen $opt(ifqlen) \
 -antType $opt(ant) \
 -propType $opt(prop) \
 -phyType $opt(netif) \
 -channelType $opt(chan) \
 -topoInstance $wtopo \

Re: [ns] Introduce delay in passing packet to Link Layer

2008-07-16 Thread samira . niafar


Although there is a field delay_ in the parent class MAC which simulates the
MAC computational overhead, it is not used for any simulation in ll or
mac-802.11. So if a MAC layer overhead needs to be simulated, the delay_ field
needs to be inserted at 2 places:

{ simulating the send down overhead in transmit(): replacing

downtarget_->recv(p->copy(),this) to

s.schedule( sometimer ,p->copy(),delay_): the sometimer is a Handler or

whose expiring would call the downtarget_->recv();

{ simulating the send up overhead in recvDATA(): replacing

uptarget_->recv(p,(Handler*)0) to
s.schedule( sometimer, p, delay_);

above changes will inserted at mac_802.11.
Samira Niafar
Iran University of Science and Technology

Samira Niafar
Iran University of Science and Technology

[ns] inspect installation problem

2008-07-05 Thread samira niafar

Hello ns-users

I follow these steps to install inspec:

1-uncompress and untar the compressed tar file "inspect-allinone-igd-1.1.1"
and copy that to home as "inspect" directory
2- run "simple-wireless.tcl" in ns-2.31 and get "simple.out" such as written
in manual
3- install inspect via :
cd  /home/inspect
4- set the environment variables to:
Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/inspect/lib/gtkglext/lib/:/home/lib/shplib :
5-put the "simple.out" and "simple.conf" at  < /home/inspect>  path
6- run inspect via below command:
Inspect –t  simple.conf  simple.out
but at the end i have this error:
bash: command not found
please tell me if i have a mistake in one of the previous procedure.

samira niafar

[ns] inspect installation problem

2008-07-05 Thread samira niafar

Hello ns-users

I follow these steps to install inspec:

1-uncompress and untar the compressed tar file "inspect-allinone-igd-1.1.1"
and copy that to home as "inspect" directory

2- run "simple-wireless.tcl" in ns-2.31 and get "simple.out" such as written
in manual

3- install inspect via :

cd  /home/inspect


4- set the environment variables to:

Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/inspect/lib/gtkglext/lib/:/home/lib/shplib :

5-put the "simple.out" and "simple.conf" at  < /home/inspect>  path

6- run inspect via below command:

Inspect –t  simple.conf  simple.out

but at the end i have this error:

bash: command not found

please tell me if i have a mistake in one of the previous procedure.

samira niafar

Re: [ns] how to use/install a new protocol???

2008-06-30 Thread samira niafar


i think this link will be usefull


Samira Niafar

[ns] just for test

2008-06-30 Thread samira niafar