[ns] help with sensor network simulation problem!!

2006-07-21 Thread xuminglu

Hi,ns2 users:
  I am just start using ns2 to simulate sensor networks. It only 
requires support sensor data modeling, querying, updating etc 
operation. Is it possibile to simulate them wtih ns2-29 basic version? 
I didn't see a place to modeling sensor datas in ns2, does anyone can 
provide some guide?
 For nlr extension, the difference with basic ns2 version is that it 
sopport phenom(CO...), but what if I want to store specific sensor value
(such as temperature)? How to extend to support this?

Appreciate any help!


[ns] help on simulating sensor networks

2006-07-21 Thread xuminglu

Hi,ns2 users:
  I am just start using ns2 to simulate sensor networks. It only 
requires support sensor data modeling, querying, updating etc 
operation. Is it possibile to simulate them wtih ns2-29 basic version? 
I didn't see a place to modeling sensor datas in ns2, does anyone can 
provide some guide?
 For nlr extension, the difference with basic ns2 version is that it 
sopport phenom(CO...), but what if I want to store specific sensor value
(such as temperature)? How to extend to support this?

Appreciate any help!


[ns] Problem on large number of wireless nodes display on NAM

2006-08-08 Thread xuminglu

  I am using ns2-29 to simulate wireless networks. I created 256 nodes 
and there mobility file. But I only see 215 nodes of them. Where are 
other nodes? I checked the .nam file and only see 215 nodes recorded. 
Is there any size limitation in .nam file? I spend long time in it. Pls 
give some help.

 # =
# Main Program
# ==

set ns_ [new Simulator]
set tracefd [open dqt.tr w]
$ns_ trace-all $tracefd
set namtrace [open semme12.nam w]
$ns_ namtrace-all-wireless $namtrace $val(x) $val(y)
set topo   [new Topography]
$topo load_flatgrid $val(x) $val(y)
create-god $val(nn)
#set god_ $val(nn)
#$god_ off
#$god_ allow_to_stop
#$god_ num_data_types 1

# configure  node 
$ns_ node-config \
   -adhocRouting $val(rp) \
 -llType $val(ll) \
 -macType $val(mac) \
 -ifqType $val(ifq) \
 -ifqLen $val(ifqlen) \
 -antType $val(ant) \
 -propType $val(prop) \
 -phyType $val(netif) \
 -topoInstance $topo \
 -channelType $val(chan) \
 -agentTrace ON \
 -routerTrace ON \
 -macTrace OFF \
 -movementTrace OFF

for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn)} {incr i} {
set node_($i) [$ns_ node]
   $node_($i) random-motion 0
   $ns_ initial_node_pos $node_($i) 25

# Provide initial (X,Y, for now Z=0) co-ordinates for mobilenodes
$node_(0) set X_ 1
$node_(0) set Y_ 1

$node_(250) set X_ 2121
$node_(250) set Y_ 2986
$node_(251) set X_ 2333
$node_(251) set Y_ 2986
$node_(252) set X_ 2545
$node_(252) set Y_ 2986
$node_(253) set X_ 2757
$node_(253) set Y_ 2986
$node_(254) set X_ 2969
$node_(254) set Y_ 2986
$node_(255) set X_ 3181
$node_(255) set Y_ 2986
#setdest format is "setdest   "
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(0) setdest 1 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(1) setdest 213 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(2) setdest 425 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(3) setdest 637 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(4) setdest 849 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(5) setdest 1061 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(6) setdest 1273 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(7) setdest 1485 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(8) setdest 1697 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(9) setdest 1909 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(10) setdest 2121 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(11) setdest 2333 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(12) setdest 2545 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(13) setdest 2757 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(14) setdest 2969 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(15) setdest 3181 1 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(16) setdest 1 200 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.01 "$node_(17) setdest 213 200 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(248) setdest 1697 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(249) setdest 1909 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(250) setdest 2121 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(251) setdest 2333 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(252) setdest 2545 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(253) setdest 2757 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(254) setdest 2969 2986 50.0"
$ns_ at 0.02 "$node_(255) setdest 3181 2986 50.0"

# setup UDP connections to data collection point, and attach sensor apps
set null_0 [new Agent/Null]
$ns_ attach-agent $node_(255) $null_0
for {set i 0} {$i < 255} {incr i} {
  set udp_($i) [new Agent/UDP]
  $ns_ attach-agent $node_($i) $udp_($i)
  set cbr_($i) [new Application/Traffic/CBR]
  $cbr_($i) set packetSize_ 512
  $cbr_($i) set interval_ 4.0
#  $cbr_($i) set random_ 1
  $cbr_($i) set maxpkts_ 1
  $cbr_($i) attach-agent $udp_($i)
  $ns_ connect $udp_($i) $udp_($i)
  $ns_ at 5.0 "$cbr_($i) start"

#Tell nodes when the simulation ends
for {set i 0} {$i < $val(nn) } {incr i} {
  $ns_ at 10 "$node_($i) reset";
$ns_ at 10.1 "stop"
$ns_ at 10.1 "puts \"NS EXITING...\" ; $ns_ halt"
proc stop {} {
global ns_ tracefd namtrace
$ns_ flush-trace
close $tracefd
close $namtrace

#Begin command line parsing
puts "Starting Simulation..."
$ns_ run

[ns] Help: scheduler going backwards in time...problem

2006-08-24 Thread xuminglu

   I made some modification on gpsr routing protocol and trying to do 
some simulation on cbr traffic. When I run the tcl script, an error 
occured like this:
ns: scheduler going backwards in time from from 20.05 to 0.00

  Actually I manipulated the GPSR packet and do triangle routing. Each 
path use standard gpsr. I was wondering if it is related that the 
packet is somehow changed(but I didn't change it, all I do is to change 
the source and destination address)?

Does anybody has experience on this error?


Re: [ns] Help: scheduler going backwards in time...problem

2006-08-25 Thread xuminglu

Hi, all:
  I found that on the trace file, only 20.0 seconds id recorded. The 
program is actually stuck in scheduler.cc file and cann't get out. Is 
it a timer related problem? Any clue?

Have nice weekend!

> Hello:
>I made some modification on gpsr routing protocol and trying to do
> some simulation on cbr traffic. When I run the tcl script, an error 
> occured like this:
> ns: scheduler going backwards in time from from 20.05 to
> 0.00
>   Actually I manipulated the GPSR packet and do triangle routing.
> Each 
> path use standard gpsr. I was wondering if it is related that the 
> packet is somehow changed(but I didn't change it, all I do is to
> change 
> the source and destination address)?
> Does anybody has experience on this error?
> Thanks
> robin 