i am using eurane for ns2.30. i have some question regarding that...

the trace file i got after simulation got no row with stating with 'd' or 's'. 
it have only '+', '-' and 'r'. but there is some resending of data packet which 
i checked. can u please tell me how to analysis this trace file....

i want to how to implement some fading model like reyligh fading model or 
introducing awg noise in this eurane model...

which files should i have to change if i want to change its routing stratigies 
like if i want to introduce hopping in commmunication....

and finally is it possible in eurane to have communication between two mobile 
node through base station...

if u know any thing about this please help me in programming this eurane...
that will be great help...
thanks in advance

harpreet singh

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