Hi Remi, Remi VANNIER wrote: > Hi all, > > Most questions on these mailing list are left unanswered. Either > people answer directly to the authors, which is a pity, because these > answers could be of some use to others or there are other places I > don't know where you can actually get answers.
Or, there are no answers. Many people on this list do cutting-edge research which means that there are no straight answers. Typical example, there might not exist an implementation of ad-hoc routing protocol XYZ because only five people in the world know about it, and they use OMNET. However, I believe there are other reasons for questions not being answered as well. These URLs should be read before posting questions. http://www.isi.edu/nsnam/ns/ns-faq.html http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html The latter one exists in a number of translations. This might be useful for people (like myself) not using English as their mother tounge. Take care, -- Mats Folke, M.Sc., Lic.Eng. Research Engineer Ericsson AB Office: +46 10 7171385 Ericsson Research Fax: +46 920 99621 P.O. Box 920 Mobile: +46 76 1271385 SE-971 28 LuleƄ