Hi Abu,

By default, NS2 is deterministic. If you would like to run NS2 in
randomized scenarios, you need to execute

$defaultRNG seed <n>

prior to "$ns run", where <n> is an integer. If <n> is zero, NS2 will
use the current time and counter as a seed for random number generator.
By default, <n> is set to "1", meaning every run would generate the
same result. You may manually change the seed (e.g., 2, 3, 4, and so
on), or set it to zero.

I also posted the details on my blog at


For more information about Random Number Generators, see Chapter 12 in
the following book from Springer:

T. Issaraiyakul and E. Hossain, "Introduction to Network Simulator
NS2", Springer 2008.

You may also find the following website useful:

Best Wishes,

On 9/18/2009, "abu shahriar" <azmshahr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I am in trouble with randomizing ns run by seeding defaultRNG or ns-random.
>Can anyone help me about how to randomize runs? I am using a wired network

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