Hi All,

If Julia's link does not work, then try adding .htm immediately after 
the word 'news' - it worked for me,


>----Original Message----
>From: julia....@nspipes.co.uk
>Date: 17/01/2010 21:07 
>To: "nSP group"<nsp@cs.dartmouth.edu>
>Subj: [NSP]  Changes at recent NPS meeting
>These may be found at:
>Anyone wishing to discuss it should please do so on the NPS list 
(details available 
>from me - offlist), 
>not this one, so that non-members are not inconvenienced.
>To get on or off this list see list information at

2009: A year in review - http://www.tiscali.co.uk/2009

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