No I missed it, but just googled Andy with some interesting results.
Not sure if you like the interview below from 2008..
Dr Andrew Parker: The Bible got everything right
Dr Andrew Parker, 41, is a biologist at Oxford University. His latest book, The
Genesis Enigma: Why The Bible Is Scientifically Accurate, claims the story of
Genesis matches the history of the universe so accurately it could only have
been written with divine intervention.
( 34 )
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Have you proved the existence of God?
I don't think I've proved the existence of God. I've proved there is space in
the universe where God might exist.
It would be quite a scoop.
Well, yes. But if I find evidence there isn't a God then as a scientist that
would satisfy me too.
Isn't this another example of religion masquerading as science?
Absolutely not. I devoted most of my early career to science and leaned toward
being an atheist. That's changed during the writing of this book, which
revealed surprising parallels between Genesis and the scientific history of the
universe. Not only is the sequence of events in Genesis scientifically correct
but some of the events themselves are really quite precise, which would have
been impossible for a human to know at that time. You have to conclude that
either the author made extremely lucky guesses or something strange was going
on: divine inspiration.
That's a massive leap, isn't it?
To say there's something mysterious going on is probably not too great a leap.
What I reveal is something beyond human intelligence, beyond testing with
scientific equipment.
In Genesis, God creates the earth in six days, makes man out of dust and
there's no mention of the Big Bang. If it was written with God's help, why is
so much wrong?
It's the authors adding their artistic interpretation, shoehorning the facts
into the type of story people would be able to understand.
You say the second 'Let there be light...' refers to the evolution of the eye
but you edited out the rest of the line, which clearly refers to the Sun, Moon
and stars. There's no mention in Genesis of the evolution of the eye.
Um, OK. I'll probably have a look at this in more detail again. The first page
of the Bible doesn't spell out the eye but it doesn't spell out any of the
science in detail.
Your argument seems full of holes.
I would say it's the best guess with the best fit.
Is there any real evidence, or just speculation?
If you want to say it's 100 per cent evidence for God, no. With this book,
there might be indirect evidence - it's the strongest evidence for the
existence of God I've come across. I'm not sure how you would describe it.
Well, that's an opinion and that's something I'm interested in. I'm not trying
to fool anyone. I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this.
Are science and religion irreconcilable?
The atheist movement argues that with science there's no more room for
religion. So you either have faith in religion with no rational backing
whatsoever or you follow science - and science dictates there's no room for
God, which isn't true. There are things beyond our realm we can't solve with
You say creationism is harmful to both religion and science. Why?
Creationism is totally unfounded. It is as dangerous as fundamentalism in other
Creationists say evolution and the Big Bang are just theories. What do you
The problem with calling them theories is that anything can be called a theory.
It doesn't suggest the probability of it being right. On probability, you have
creationism at something like 0.0001 per cent and evolution at 99. per cent
so it's not fair to put them in the same category.
You criticise atheism because you think it's disturbing to believe there's no
God or heaven. Just because those things might be comforting doesn't make them
true, does it?
No. But what I'm saying is that if the evidence doesn't necessarily point one
way or another, perhaps we're better off with religion
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Sent: Tuesday, 4 January 2011 9:44 PM