Any Wolves fans reading this who were at Old Trafford on Tuesday night may like 
to post a comment or two to clear up a mystery.

When defending his radical decision to rest all 10 outfield players from the 
victory against Spurs four days 
 Mick McCarthy said he had some sympathy if fans were disappointed but hoped 
they would understand his reasoning. So the question is: do they? Do Wolves 
fans really not mind trooping up to Manchester on a cold, rainy night and 
paying £40 or so to watch the reserves get trounced? And would they, as 
McCarthy trusts will be the case, forgive everything if the club manages to 
stay up at the end of the season?

Part of the reason for asking is that midway through the second half the away 
fans struck up a chant of "We want our money back". In the press room 
afterwards, opinion was divided about how this should be presented to news 
desks. Clearly, a team sending out the stiffs to lose 3-0 to Manchester 
United<> and being attacked 
by their own supporters for offering poor value for money makes a good story, 
one that virtually writes its own headline. Yet it was not at all clear the 
Wolves fans were attacking their own team.

They remained good humoured all night and seemed to enjoy themselves despite 
the disappointment, mocking the United support, predicting the locals would 
soon be following Chelsea or Manchester City, and proudly proclaiming they 
supported their local team. Even at the end they were singing both the team's 
name and McCarthy's, so it was hard to say they were angry or even discontented.

I actually thought the "We want our money back" chants were ironically aimed at 
United, because neither the Old Trafford atmosphere nor the home performance 
were anything to write home about and the away supporters had just been 
chanting "What a waste of money" at the mostly unimpressive Dimitar Berbatov. 
While it was worth mentioning, it was not necessarily a case of Angry Wolves 
Fans Turn On McCarthy, even though that story was clearly there to be written.

One imagines angry Wolves fans will soon be turning on McCarthy if anything 
goes wrong on Sunday against Burnley, the "winnable" fixture for which the 
manager is saving his senior players, though if I am wrong and supporters were 
genuinely annoyed at Old Trafford please write in and let me know. All I can 
say is it didn't sound like it.

A crowd of more than 73,000, paying the sort of prices Premier 
League<> grounds charge these 
days, certainly has a right to be annoyed when what looks like an intriguing 
fixture - bearing in mind Wolves' sensational result at the weekend - turns 
into a meaningless reserve match devoid of any excitement or interest. In the 
old days there used to be firm rules about this sort of thing, both to protect 
the interests of paying spectators and to keep the competition honest so that 
Chelsea or Arsenal, say, could not complain United were given the points too 

McCarthy said he didn't hear any objections from United when he gamely but 
unwisely gave Chelsea an easy victory by attempting to play 3-5-2 against them, 
though that is not really the point. Wolves are at Arsenal in April next year, 
at a stage of the season when they are likely to be fighting for every point 
and unlikely to be picking their matches. Should McCarthy's players battle for 
a draw at the Emirates, for example, and those two dropped points make the 
difference between Arsenal finishing inside or outside the top four, what 
Wolves did at Old Trafford will not be easily forgiven in London.

A team's levels of energy and application vary throughout the season in 
response to the exact challenge at hand, everyone understands that. But it 
still ought to be recognisable as the same team, even if listless one week and 
motivated the next. Ten changes is just too many, especially after such a 
splendid win on Saturday.

The trouble is that the old rules were formulated in the days when squads were 
considerably smaller and everyone knew to within a position or two what 
comprised each club's best team. Younger readers may find this hard to imagine, 
but in the dim and distant past football supporters could not only rhyme off 
the names of their own club's first team, they could do so for most of the rest 
of the division as well. So you knew when you were being short changed.

You might be disappointed on occasion if United turned up without George Best 
or Liverpool without John Barnes, but you would be familiar with the deputies. 
If teams turned up with half a dozen or more players you had never heard of 
they would be in trouble, because they would literally be playing their 
reserves, and reserves in the old day were not potential substitutes but a 
lower level of competition altogether.

Reserves in that sense hardly exist any more. Champions League squads, Carling 
Cup teams, seven substitutes and the dreaded rotation have blurred all the old 
boundaries, and McCarthy was within his rights to describe his Old Trafford 
side as drawn from his first-team squad. It may even have been his strongest 
side, there is no way of knowing. It wasn't his first team, though, not by a 
long chalk. McCarthy says he will be justified if Wolves stay up at the end of 
the season, though for the 73,000 who paid to watch a non-event at Old 
Trafford, that's too long a wait. Longer even than the match itself.

Jim Parkes
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Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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