Re: [NTG-context] \setMPtext value

2003-06-03 Thread Nigel King
> this is because context keeps your text confidential -)
>  \expanded{\setMPtext{...}{\getvalue{...}}}
> will give you a for-your-eyes only copy
> Hans

Confidentially it works like a dream

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] No MP graphics after installation under MikTeX

2003-06-03 Thread Sytse Knypstra
Dear ConTeXt users,

I tried to (re)install ConTeXt under MikTeX in the following way, but a 
simple test file with a flowchart and a MP graphic gave me the texts of the 
flowchart only. Can anybody give me advice?
Thank you in advance,

Sytse Knypstra

These are the steps I took:

0. Perl has already been installed; MS-DOS path contains a.o.
1. Remove old MikTeX through the Control Panel.
   Delete old localtexmf and texmf directories
2. Install MikTeX 2.2 (large). The localtexmf and texmf trees are generated.

3. Remove ConTeXt files through the MikTeX Package Manager.

4. Unzip in c:\localtexmf

5. Unzip in c:\localtexmf\context\perltk

6. Copy texexec.rme to texexec.ini
   Add a % before: set  TeXShell  to  tetex
   Uncomment: % set  TeXShell  to  miktex
7. Copy runperl.exe to texexec.exe, fdf2tan.exe, fdf2tex.exe, makempy.exe, 
mptopdf.exe, texfind.exe, texfont.exe, texshow.exe,

9. Open a MS-DOS window and go to directory c:\localtexmf\context\perltk.
   Run texexec --verbose. This gives an overview of the settings.
10. In the file pdftex.cfg in the directory c:\texmf\pdftex\config I add:
11. In the directory c:\localtexmf\tex\context\user copy the file 
cont-sys.rme to cont-sys.tex and add:
\setupoutput [pdftex]
Uncomment the following lines:
\runMPgraphicstrue  and
Now the following lines are active:
\setupoutput [pdftex]
\protect \endinput

12. In c:\texmf\miktex\config we find the file miktex.ini
Under the heading [ConTeXt] add:
Under [pdfeTeX] add:
13. Regenerate de filename database through MikTeX - Options.

14. In the MS-DOS window go to the directory c:\localtexmf\miktex\fmt and run:
texexec --make en nl metafun mptopdf
Copy the file metafun.mem to c:\localtexmf\miktex\mem
15. Maybe redundant:  regenerate the MikTeX filename database.

16. A simple testfile  with a short text, a flowchart and a metafun graphic
does not generate the graphics, but the texts only.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] No MP graphics after installation under MikTeX

2003-06-03 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Sytse Knypstra wrote:

SK> 2. Install MikTeX 2.2 (large). The localtexmf and texmf trees are generated.

BTW there's a more recent MiKTeX (2.3).

SK> 12. In c:\texmf\miktex\config we find the file miktex.ini
SK>  Under the heading [ConTeXt] add:
SK>  pool_size=100
SK>  write18=enable

The problem is that the write18 setting is not seen by MiKTeX
if put under a format-specific section :( Rather, in
texexec.ini change the TeXPassString for MiKTeX to

for  miktex  set  TeXPassString to  --alias=context --enable-write18

SK>  Under [pdfeTeX] add:
SK>  openout_any=a
SK>  shell_escape=t
SK>  allow_multiple_suffixes=f

(That's web2c syntax ... remove those lines.)

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

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