Re: [NTG-context] was: figuretext problem --- is: how to modify (presentation) styles

2004-10-07 Thread Matthias Weber
Thanks Hans, this was most helpful!
I have another question, though:
After looking at various 'built-in' documentation styles I am wondering 
about the best way
to modify one of these. I couldn't find any documentation besides how 
to use the
styles as they are. So, if I want to make (say) the "green style" blue 
and with smaller buttons,
are there setups for this? If yes, do I learn about these by looking at 
the source, or,  if no,
do I copy the source and try my best to mess around with it?

On Oct 7, 2004, at 2:29 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
Matthias Weber wrote:
I was trying to use \startfiguretext to place a second graphics 
within the figuretext. This makes the main graphics disappear:
text text more text
The result should look like
graph1   text
graph1   text
graph1   graph2
graph1   graph2
but graph1 1 doesn't show anymore (not even on another page).
Is this a mistake of mine, should I use something else (tables? -- 
never tried so far),
or a missing feature?
You want the 'impossible': both use the figure floater so the first 
one is forgotten when the second is encountered; tables are a 
solution, or maybe:

\useMPlibrary[dum] \setupcolors[state=start]
  \input ward
  \input hawking
\useMPlibrary[dum] \setupcolors[state=start]
  \input ward
  \input hawking
The new web site is great.  Now that I can see what the
manuals are about, I am condemned to try it all out. It has already 
cost me this afternoon :)
take a look at: details.pdf
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Nightmare after upgrading

2004-10-07 Thread Sun Minchao

Hello Hans,
run into trouble again... yesterday I've upgraded MikTeX to 2.4, 
by the way I've upgraded ConTeXt to the newest version too, but after that I can 
texexec nothing more. I first tried some chinese texts, but texexec always 
 TeXExec 5.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 
 current path readonly : 
E:/Temp  changing to path : 
executable : 
format : cont-en   
source path : 
dummy file : 
inputfile : 
output : 
interface : en  current 
mode : 
TeX run : 1
This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-rc4-2.1 (MiKTeX 
2.4)output format initialized to DVIentering extended 
ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.07  fmt: 2004.10.7  int: 
english  mes: english
systems    : eTeX 
version 201 -> too old (bugs)
language   : language en is 
activesystem : cont-new 
: beware: some patches loaded from 
cont-new.tex!color  : 
palette rollover is availablesystem (E-TEX) : [line 966] system (E-TEX) 
: [line 1021] )system : 
: Context Old 
Macros)system : cont-fil 
: Context File 
Synonyms)system : 
: 12pt rm is loadedlanguage   : patterns 
en->default:default->1->2:2 de->default:default->3->2:2 
fr->default:default->4->2:2 es->default:default->5->2:2 
it->default:default->6->2:2 nl->default:default->7->2:2 
loadedspecials   : tex,postscript,rokicki 
loadedsystem : 
loaded(./test.topspecials   : loading 
definition file 
: loading definition file fdf(D:\CTeX\texmf\tex\context\base\spec-fdf.tex 
 system (E-TEX) : [line 2256] 
\ifcsname  )specials   : fdf 
loaded )specials   : fdf,tpd 
loaded)fonts  : 
needs map file: 
: needs map file: 
original-base.mapsystems    : begin 
file test at line 
: macros of module chinese 
: variant chi is 
: Context Font Macros / Chineseencoding   
: coding chi is 
: coding big5encoding   : coding 
gbk)! Undefined control sequence. \c!richting 
=\v!links \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2->\if 
,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED] \c!richting 
=\v!links , \c!balanceren 
=\v!nee , \c!n =\v!passend ...
\xdogetparameters #1]->\xprocesscommaitem 
,],[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ l.418    
? ! Emergency stop. \c!richting 
=\v!links \xprocesscommaitem #1,#2->\if 
,[EMAIL PROTECTED] \xprocesscommaitem \else \if [EMAIL PROTECTED] \c!richting 
=\v!links , \c!balanceren 
=\v!nee , \c!n =\v!passend ...
\xdogetparameters #1]->\xprocesscommaitem 
,],[EMAIL PROTECTED]@ l.418    
No pages of output.
then I tried some english texts, they can be compiled, but in fact 
nothing has been written to the disk. 
before upgrading I've backup-ed the configurations ( texexec.ini, 
font-chi.tex, cont-system.tex, cont-usr.tex ) and just after extracting new 
files I've put them back, succeeded with "initexmf -u" and a new "texexec 
--make", but context just didn't work, though it worked fine before ( with same 
test files ). I've never thought it could be such a big problem. after 
several unsuccessful tries I decided to restored the old version, but I 
even couldn't go back! it seems that context has kept  "memory" somewhere 
to trace the version changes. after 3 hours tired struggle I've lost all the 
patience and all the hope... I've also heared similar stories from 
other people, but I just wonder how it could be a trouble to upgrade a 
package like context?
Best regards,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] figuretext problem

2004-10-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Matthias Weber wrote:
I was trying to use \startfiguretext to place a second graphics within 
the figuretext. This makes the main graphics disappear:

text text more text
The result should look like

graph1   text
graph1   text
graph1   graph2
graph1   graph2
but graph1 1 doesn't show anymore (not even on another page).
Is this a mistake of mine, should I use something else (tables? -- never 
tried so far),
or a missing feature?
You want the 'impossible': both use the figure floater so the first one 
is forgotten when the second is encountered; tables are a solution, or 

\useMPlibrary[dum] \setupcolors[state=start]
  \input ward
  \input hawking
\useMPlibrary[dum] \setupcolors[state=start]
  \input ward
  \input hawking
The new web site is great.  Now that I can see what the
manuals are about, I am condemned to try it all out. It has already cost 
me this afternoon :)
take a look at: details.pdf
  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] first element in radio field

2004-10-07 Thread Peter Rolf
First of all thanx to Hans and Willi for testing. It seems that I have to
update my (pdf)etex to a newer version. No bug: lucky Hans, unlucky me ;)
Willi Egger wrote:
Hi Peter
I tried your example wit the alpha version:
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2)
ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.2  int: english  mes: english
Indentation as mentioned in your mail I can not see. -- however there 
are three things I do not really understand:

1. Though the frames are turned off for the unselected buttons, there 
are left and righthand lines along the buttonboxes.

a result of \showmakeup (struts?)
2. When pointing on the first botton it turns correctly into the gray 
area but with changing the text into "InAreaX", but this text can not 
be selected in order to have it remaining.

the names are not well choosen
the prefix "X" in the button name means, that this button is inactive 
(X-ing off);
only one button can be active in a radio field

3 When clicking on the second button the contents of the first butten 
changes into the value "NormalX" ...

May be I do not get the idea of the radio-button ...
maybe this is not a good example for learning radio fields :)
Hans Hagen wrote:
Peter Rolf wrote:
Hello all!
This is my first attempt with fields, so I am not sure if this is a bug
in context or my fault :)
Anyway, the first element of my radio field is indented, while the 
elements are ok. This is the case in horizontal and vertical 
I added a minimal example...

ConTeXt  ver: 2004.10.1  fmt: 2004.10.3  int: english  mes: german
systems: pdfTeX version 111 -> please update
systems: eTeX version 201 -> too old (bugs)

it looks ok here, do others have the same problem?
(\showmakeup may not be that handy in such cases)
 > \noindent
 > \vbox{%
 > \field[Button1]
 > \field[Button2]
 > \field[Button3]
 > }
may better be:
\noindent \vbox{\forgetall }


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