Antwort: Re: [NTG-context] Interactive things and exact placement of graphics

2005-10-13 Thread Jessica Holle


thanks for your answer :-)
These tipps will help a lot and answers a piece of my questions.
With metafun I produced a graphic an the text comes in with \framed
like its described in metafun and this works fine.
The exact positioning is a problem but it works, not total like my
suggestions, with a table.

I've read mwidget and I have a question. Is it possible to mak a
goto to a exact site in my document? I've read of next, previous and
other documents but can I say something like "goto page 5 of the
document" ?

thx Jessica

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] font scaling in typescripts

2005-10-13 Thread Thomas A. Schmitz
This may be a bug, or I may be missing something... I have defined a  
typescript for my Adobe Garamond, and I want Courier as the monotype  
font accompanying it. Since Courier is a bit too big compared to  
Garamond, I want to scale it down, so I have this line in my  
typescript (yes, I have adapted my own Courier, I have given up on  
all the changes in names etc. in the latest teTeX releases):

  \definefontsynonym [Courier] [texnansi-Courier sa  
0.9]  [encoding=texnansi]

This works almost perfectly; Courier is scaled exactly like I want  
it. There's one small problem: the first occurrence of monotype in  
the document will print "sa 0.9 at 12.0pt" just before the passage in  
monotype. This happens only once in the document, but it doesn't look  
very nice. Bug or feature?



ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Continuous chapter numbering

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Münster
On Thu, 13 Oct 2005, Randall Skelton wrote:

> I have a technical manual setup in ConTeXt whereby the manual itself is a
> ConTeXt 'project' and each chapter is a different component. Within this, I
> need to group some chapters together so these grouped chapters are products..
> Thus, I have:
> project: MyManual
> component: Chapter 1
> component: Chapter 2
> component: Chapter 3
> product: Example 1
> component: Chapter 4
> component: Chapter 5
> product: Example 2
> component: Chapter 6
> component: Chapter 7
> product: Example 3
> component: Chapter 8
> component: Chapter 9

Hello Randall,

it's considered, that the project-file contains only setup-commands and a
list of products, but no commands, that generate directly output.

When you compile a product, the referenced project-file gets included in
some manner, so every product of the project will inherit the same setups.
Compiling the project-file is seldom useful. It will generate all products
in one file.

Consider just, that one product is one document, and a component is a kind
of "sub-document" for example a chapter. And the project-file is just a
list of documents, that should inherit some common setups.

I suggest the following structure:

project: MyManual
 product: the manual
  component: Chapter 1
  component: Chapter 2
  component: Chapter 3
  component: Chapter 4
  component: Chapter 5
  component: Chapter 6
  component: Chapter 7
  component: Chapter 8
  component: Chapter 9
 product: Example 1
  component: title page for example 1
  component: Chapter 4
  component: Chapter 5
 product: Example 2
  component: title page for example 2
  component: Chapter 6
  component: Chapter 7
 product: Example 3
  component: title page for example 3
  component: Chapter 8
  component: Chapter 9

I hope, this helps.
Cheers, Peter

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Continuous chapter numbering

2005-10-13 Thread Randall Skelton
Hi all,I have a technical manual setup in ConTeXt whereby the manual itself is a ConTeXt 'project' and each chapter is a different component.  Within this, I need to group some chapters together so these grouped chapters are products.  Thus, I have:
project: MyManual  component: Chapter 1  component: Chapter 2  component: Chapter 3  product: Example 1 component: Chapter 4 component: Chapter 5  product: Example 2 component: Chapter 6
 component: Chapter 7  product: Example 3
 component: Chapter 8
 component: Chapter 9  ...Is there a way to have the chapter numbers be continuous rather than resetting at the beginning of each product?  I have already disabled product numbers in a setupheader command but I'm stumped at how to make the chapter numbers continuous.  I've tried playing with "incrementnumber=file" but I'm not sure this appropraite... any hints here would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks!Randall\setuphead  [part]  [textcommand=\MyPartText,   textstyle={\switchtobodyfont[Titling, 11pt]\sc},   placehead=yes,   color=black,   number=no,   page=right,
   continue=no,   header=empty,   distance=0pt,   before=\setups{part:before},   after=\setups{part:after}]\setuphead[Topic,chapter]  [    numbercommand=\MyChapterNumberText,    incrementnumber=prj_thesis,
    textcommand=\MyChapterText,    textstyle={\switchtobodyfont[Titling, 11pt]\sc},    color=black,    number=yes,    page=right,    continue=no,    header=empty,    distance=0pt,    before=\vbox to 3cm\bgroup,
    after=\vss\egroup  ]
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] saving cell content in macro

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Münster
how could I save the cell of a table in a macro?
I tried the following, but it does not work:



\NC 123 \NC 456 \NC\AR

Test: \MyValue


TIA for any help, Peter

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] spreadsheet

2005-10-13 Thread Peter Münster

I would like to do some spreadsheet like calculations with ConTeXt. Before
using the same package, I've used once upon a time with LaTeX (realcalc), I
would like to know, if there are already some macros for calculations in
ConTeXt, or if you could recommend some method, how to do that.

FYI my old LaTeX-file:

\input{realcalc}% on CTAN
  20.33 & \\
  20.3 & \\
  20 & \\
  14.46 &

Cheers, Peter

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Interactive things and exact placement of graphics

2005-10-13 Thread Willi Egger

Hi Jessica,

If you have to superimpose text over the picture(s) then layers are the 
way to go.
For what you want may be you could use the fieldstack-mechanism (see 
metafun manual). - I do not know however how this will work with layers.
To include interactive links in the text there is a command 
In order to jump to a different document you could use 
\useexternaldocument[reference in this document][name of external 
file][comments], which you can use as follows:
\goto{My external file}[reference in this document::]. More information 
on this subject can be found in the manual mwidget.pdf
A good source for solutions can be the presentation-styles delivered 
with the Context distro, Hans uses often pieces of Metapost within them.

I hope this gives you a clue ...


Jessica Holle wrote:


I have some questions again. :-)
I want to draw a figure with metafun and place this on an exact
place like x=3cm,y=4cm. This figure  will be build of some figures
which I draw with Metafun. In which way I do this? Whith layers? How
should it looks like? Get some small layer with only one figure
together in a big layer?

And when I've build this graphic I want to put text into it and the
whole graphic should be interactive. I want to lay a hyperlink over
this to the web or another page in my document. Is this possible and
in which way?

thx jessica

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Re: MathML: Please ignore ⁡

2005-10-13 Thread Duncan Hothersall
> Salvete,
>  I just started to think about using ConTeXt on XML input files, so I've
> got a question which should be easy to answer:  My MathML source
> generates presentation code which includes ⁡ between a
> function symbol and its arguments.  I get a black rectangle for that;
> I'd like ConTeXt to ignore this character, where do I define it as
> “nothing”?

This is the hex unicode reference for the entity ⁡ which is already
defined in xtag-mml.tex as nothing ({}) via its expansion into

So the problem seems to be in arriving at ⁡ from ⁡. I'm not
sure how to do that, but in the meantime you can define ⁡
explicitly using:

\defineXMLentity [x02061] {}

I think there is a mapping mechanism though, since a lot of Unicode is
supported natively; perhaps the vector to which ⁡ belongs hasn't been
completed yet.

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Interactive things and exact placement of graphics

2005-10-13 Thread Jessica Holle


I have some questions again. :-)
I want to draw a figure with metafun and place this on an exact
place like x=3cm,y=4cm. This figure  will be build of some figures
which I draw with Metafun. In which way I do this? Whith layers? How
should it looks like? Get some small layer with only one figure
together in a big layer?

And when I've build this graphic I want to put text into it and the
whole graphic should be interactive. I want to lay a hyperlink over
this to the web or another page in my document. Is this possible and
in which way?

thx jessica

ntg-context mailing list