
I would like to use of the product integral (a curly \prod-like symbol which is 
to \prod what \int is to \sum) in Context. There is a LaTeX package (not 
official) available from Richard Gill's website 
(http://www.math.uu.nl/people/gill/, all the way at the bottom), which supplies 
a .sty file with the following contents:

\DeclareFontShape{U}{ProdInt}{m}{n}{<-> prodint}{}
\DeclareMathSymbol{\prodi}{\mathop}{Prodint}{80}    %80 prodinttext
\DeclareMathSymbol{\Prodi}{\mathop}{Prodint}{82}    %82 prodintdisplay
\DeclareMathSymbol{\PRODI}{\mathop}{Prodint}{84}    %84 prodintbig

It also supplies a bunch of fontfiles, i.e. prodint.{afm,pfa,pfb,tfm}, and a 
map file prodint.map. As you can see, the package supplies three commands: 
\prodi, \Prodi and \PRODI, corresponding to three sizes.

My question(s): how can I define similar commands (I'm guessing 
\definemathsymbol would be required) to use this symbol in Context? Is it 
possible to use the fontfiles supplied in the LaTeX package or should Texfont 
be used to enable the symbol in Context?



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