Re: RUNAS Command

2001-09-28 Thread Gareth Campling


Found in my Archives posted on NTSYSADMIN ISSUES LAST WEEK

You can use Runas on the command line:

C:\WINNT\system32\runas.exe /user:domain_name\administrator c:\path\app.EXE

You will be prompted for the password

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday, September 28, 2001, 9:50:56 PM, you wrote:

NI Hey All
NI Does anyone know if the RUNAS command can be run from a script or batch
NI file.  I want to be able to deploy software to W2K workstations using a
NI login script.  I have successfully accomplished this using the SU utility in
NI Ron

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Re[2]: 500 message limit [FYI]

2001-09-27 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Stephen,

I think its the lyris is set to allow a maximum of 500 posts to the
mailing list on in any 23hrs 59mins period.

Maybe Stu can answer this and then ppl will stop asking. :p

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, September 27, 2001, 7:46:51 AM, you wrote:

SB Are you sure about that?  I got one of the same error messages from the
SB list server and I hadn't posted anything to the list for weeks previously.

SB On Wed, 26 Sep 2001, Kevin Miller wrote:

 No it is not total messages. It is messages sent from this one guy.

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Re: Ghost 2002 Suggestions

2001-09-27 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Roger,

Install 1 machine, use sysprep on the windows 2000 cd and then shut it
down make a ghost image and then copy the image to the other compaq /
dell machines and  run ghost again (remember the hardware has to be
very similar, can't remember of the top of my head what can't change
but hopefully your systems are the same)

When the machine reboots with the new ghost image u will be prompted
with the mini setup wizard - for computer name, workgroup/domain,
password etc etc.

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, September 27, 2001, 4:00:49 PM, you wrote:

RA Hey all,
RA My supervisors would like us to push Windows 2000 Images to Dells,
RA Compaqs, and HPs down to our users' desktops.  The problem is we're not AD
RA so I can't use RIS.  We got a suggestion to use Ghost for this purpose.  My
RA question is can I make an image on Ghost 2002 of a Dell and push it to a
RA Compaq without getting a BSOD because of the IDE Configurations, can Ghost
RA redetect the devices and then just add it to the registry or something.
RA Also will it prompt me for a name for the machine to have instead of using a
RA duplicate?  I just wanted to check if Ghost has this functionality before we
RA invest and waste money.

RA Thanks
RA Roger Ali

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Re: Scheduling NT Server Reboots

2001-09-26 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Matthew,

run it on Task Scheduler with the appropriate switches so it does it
without prompting,

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Wednesday, September 26, 2001, 6:27:42 PM, you wrote:

MO I have been looking around, hoping to find a way to do automatic reboots to
MO an NT server.  I heard there was a reboot program on the NT Resource Kit,
MO and after purchasing it found out that the particular program has to be
MO manually run and activated, but it does reboot any manchine on the network.

MO How can I force the reboot of a server at say 10:00 pm every weekday night?

MO Matthew Oppermann
MO Systems Admin
MO Symbiotics, Inc.

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ERD on Windows 2000 (was : Blue screen (ntoskrnl))

2001-09-23 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi all

Come across a stumbling block wonder if anyones got any ideas,
on windows 2000 rdisk don't exist, as ERD is built into NTBackup, and
looking thru the help file for ntbackup theres no command prompt
switches that can be used for ERD making only backup and restore,

Does anyone know if its possible to automate ntbackup to make a ERD
either to A: or directory using command line switches so it could be
used in this way.

Any ideas appreciated.

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saturday, September 22, 2001, 11:57:48 PM, you wrote:

CS As long as the rdisk /s works on W2K it will work. Here's the scripts:

CS Each Sunday night at 0 dark thirty, this bath file runs:
CS @echo off
CS REM Created by Steve Clark - Clark Systems Support, LLC
CS REM to automatically backup the registry and such
CS REM Copies to \\server\drivers\erd\%computername%
CS REM Date: 2/17/00
CS %windir%\system32/rdisk /s-
CS if not exist d:\drivers\winnt\erd\%computername% md
CS d:\drivers\winnt\erd\%computername%
CS copy %windir%\repair\*.* d:\drivers\winnt\erd\%computername%\
CS The one time per month, I email the zip files to myself using BLAT
CS REM This will email the ERD for all 
CS REM servers at office
CS REM Created 6/10 by Steve Clark - Clark Systems Support, LLC
CS d:\drivers\winnt\erd\pkzip.exe d:\drivers\winnt\erd\
CS d:\drivers\winnt\erd\server\*.*
CS c:\blat\blat c:\blat\erd.txt -s ERD's for office -t [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CS -attach d:\drivers\winnt\erd\
CS It may not be the prettiest solution but I now have the ERD's in my office,
CS on the backup tape as well as on a different server than the source. 

CS Steve Clark
CS Clark Systems Support, LLC
CS AVIEN Charter Member
CS Who's watching your network?
CS 301-610-9584 voice
CS 240-465-0323 Efax

CS -Original Message-
CS From: Clark, Steve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
CS Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 6:50 PM
CS To: Clark, Steve
CS Subject: RE: Blue screen (ntoskrnl)

CS Hi Steve

CS Is the batch process for win2k ? if so could you please send it over
CS to me, thanks  in advance

CS Gareth

CS Nice - welcome to the new company!

CS I've got a batch process to create ERD's automatically if you're interested.

CS Steve Clark
CS Clark Systems Support, LLC
CS AVIEN Charter Member
CS 301-610-9584 voice
CS 240-465-0323 Efax

CS -Original Message-
CS From: Stephen Moreau [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
CS Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 6:46 PM
CS To: NT System Admin Issues
CS Subject: Re: Blue screen (ntoskrnl)

CS Thanks for the info but I recently took over these servers (the admin
CS before me quit) and he didn't maintain the erd.  I tried the emergency
CS repair process and told the process to look on the harddrives but it
CS didn't work.




Re: Blue screen (ntoskrnl)

2001-09-22 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Stephen,

Why not use ERD Disk and boot from cd use repair mode and let it fix
the problem for yourself ?

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saturday, September 22, 2001, 11:22:28 PM, you wrote:

SM One of my servers died today - blue screen stating:
SM IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL...blahblah..ntoskrnl.exe

SM Can I create a dual boot system then copy the new ntoskrnl.exe file from
SM the new install and replace the ntoskrnl.exe file in the old install?

SM All suggestions/ideas greatly appreciated.

SM Steve


Re: Disk Usage

2001-09-21 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Michael,

Think this is what you our looking for.

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, September 20, 2001, 11:51:39 PM, you wrote:

MB Does anyone have any tools that will allow me to see which applications
MB are using the harddrives on my server? The server should be idle and the
MB hardrives are chugging away. Help

MB Michael Brubaker
MB Vice President Tel: (321) 631-8073 Fax: (321) 632-8769 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MB International InterConnect
MB 297 Barnes Blvd.
MB Rockledge, FL 32955


Re: Free Virus scanning.

2001-09-21 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Victor,

mcafee run a serivce its not free but theres a 30 day trial if i am
correct, sorry can't find url atm should have it on.

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday, September 21, 2001, 12:50:42 PM, you wrote:

VF Are the services offered by HouseCall, Trend Micro's free online 
VF virus scanner, at, 
VF reliable and unquestionable?

VF Are there any others of the same type (i.e. free, reliable and
VF unquestionable)?

VF Thanks,

VF Victor Fernandes


Re: Remote Administration

2001-09-21 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Shannon,

take a look at

its a superb product, quick and fast and reliable, quite cheap as well

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Friday, September 21, 2001, 1:38:13 PM, you wrote:

SS I am needing to get a solution in place today to connect W2K Pro workstation
SS via the internet to a W2K Server (not advanced server). The external user
SS need to have control of the box enought to run SQL Enterise Manager and have
SS access to all administrative task (Event log, etc..) I have heard some
SS things about Remote Admin in 2000?? I would rather not have to use
SS PC-Anywhere but if it's the fastest solution I may use it for now. I also am
SS sitting behind a Check Point FW1 version 4.1. This is what is stopping me
SS from just using MS's VPN client. It will not pass it. Many say that it will
SS but we have tried everything we can find and nothing has worked. I have got
SS FW1 SecureRemote client working on the FW, but we are not sure what to do
SS after we make the connection. It just sits there. I configured the SSO with
SS domain and user name, but saw no change in access. Any help would be
SS appreciated. If more info is needed please let me know.

SS Thanks,



win2000 dialup problem

2001-09-20 Thread Gareth Campling


Just recently keep getting this error on a dialup connection a ISP
(56K modem)

Goes thru handshaking , and verfying User details

then drops line with

  1. The specified port is not connected.

is this a ISP related problem which i think it is or a local problem ?

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ Stay safe ppl, be kind to your neighbours. ]

Re: WORST EVER VIRUS (CNN announced)

2001-09-20 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Sabrina,

All i can say is stu ban this thread please before it gets out of

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thursday, September 20, 2001, 9:18:13 PM, you wrote:

   A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by 
   as the most destructive ever! 
   This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by McAfee and no
   yet been developed. This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the
   disk, where vital information for its Functioning are stored.  This 
   acts in the following manner: 
   It sends itself automatically to all contacts on your list with the 
   A Virtual  Card for You.  As soon as the supposed virtual card is 
   the computer freezes so that the user has to reboot. When the 
   keys or the reset button are pressed, the virus destroys Sector 
   permanently destroying the hard disk. 
   Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused panic in New York, 
   according to news broadcast by CNN. This alert was received by an 
   of Microsoft itself. So don't open any mails with subject: 
   A Virtual Card for You. As soon as you get the mail, delete it.

SS This email with all information contained herein or attached hereto may
SS contain confidential and/or privileged information intended for the
SS addressee(s) only.  If you have received this email in error, please contact
SS the sender and immediately delete this email in its entirety and any
SS attachments thereto..


Re: Port Scanner

2001-09-17 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Paul,

hope this helps

Program title.. Netscantools Pro 2000/1
Publisher.. Northwest Performance Software Inc.
URL for more info..

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Monday, September 17, 2001, 5:45:04 PM, you wrote:

PA Hello All,
PA Does anybody know of some good port scanners. I have one but it seems to
PA cause conflicts with virus scanners so i am looking for an alternative.
PA Mainly I would like it to have the ability to scan ports thru a selected
PA ranger as well as scan hosts in a particular ip range. Any help would be
PA appreciated. TIA!!
PA ?

windows 2000 Backup program

2001-09-12 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi group

i'm confused on this one, got a windows 200 machine with 2
drives both drives having 2 paritions, trying to back up 5.5GB of data
from HD2 to a partition on HD1 that has 7.7GB free space using
NTBackup so that i can use convert.exe on hd2 and convert it to a NTFS
drive as its fat32 at the moment, but when i run the backup it gets to
about 4.5GB and says out of space on target device, but as my maths
can see its got plenty of space ? any answers would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

win2k login script help

2001-09-12 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi all

  sorry for the newbie approach on this question but never touched
  login scripts has anyone got any links for a howto approach, ? just
  searching MS now but its grinding at a snail pace atm, so i thought
  turn to u lot out here  

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: NewYork Terrorist Attack

2001-09-11 Thread Gareth Campling

deepest sympathys to everyone involved in this tragic day. can anyone
in the states elaberate on the rumours on UK TV about a 4th airplane ?
and US military to shoot down ? , all i can say is i hope it is pure

Best wishes to all

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: NewYork Terrorist Attack (Whats the state of things in the UK answer)

2001-09-11 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi David,

ALl financial is shut down, goverment is operating in meetings,
quite a bit is closed to free up, phone lines, power for the city.

Other than that not much, *rumored on tv that were getting all armed
forces ready to assist whereever needed*.

Tony Blair PM. was in a conference and heading back to london to start
the next stage of things, will post more when we hear.

Best Wishes to all


Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 5:11:19 PM, you wrote:

DNP What is the state of things in the UK ?

DNP -Original Message-
DNP From: Bryan Chapman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
DNP Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:49
DNP To: NT System Admin Issues
DNP Subject: Re: NewYork Terrorist Attack

DNP May I add my sympathys to everyone affected by this. Thinking of you from
DNP the UK



DNP Do You Yahoo!?

DNP Get your free address at


Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: Tool to clean Registry

2001-09-11 Thread Gareth Campling

Hi Jesse,


Is that what you where thinking off.. ?

Best regards,
 Gareth, MCP   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 5:35:57 PM, you wrote:

JEG I'm not sure as to where I found it before, but there is a tool called
JEG RegClean that I recall using earlier this year for similar situation.

JEG Jesse E. Gardner, MCP
JEG P.O. Box 11431
JEG Columbia, SC 29211
JEG (803)216-0119
JEG (803)216-0921 fax
JEG (803)361-4361 cell