
From: Dennis Rogov 
Sent: Friday, February 29, 2008 5:57 PM
To: 'NT System Admin Issues'
Cc: 'MS-Exchange Admin Issues'
Subject: exchange 2003 issue 


            Hi guys I have been working with Microsoft Support and I am
begging to feel they don't know how to address my issues. 


Here is the low down I started to receive flood of alerts in my event
viewer ID 8026 

I reached out to Microsoft who told me that my exchange is not
communicating with my GC server. The only changes that I have done are
that I loaded Sp2 on the global catalog server. Foreshadowing 3 days
later working around the clock with Microsoft they finally pin pointed
that there is an issue with my default GC had me select another one
which didn't do much it still kept issuing event ID 8026. Today
Microsoft Exchange engineer had me go into my mail server properties
remove the global Catalog manually and select only one GC catalog server
that didn't have Sp2 loaded and remove all of the other Global Catalog.
This fixed worked well for 5 hours and then right before I was about to
leave the office flood of errors 8026 came back. This is driving me
crazy and I don't see any way that Microsoft is helping me out. 


Any suggestion from anyone? 



Dennis Rogov

Senior Network Analyst 
THE Peer GROUP an informed medical communications company 

379 thornall street, 12th floor  | edison, nj 08837 usa

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