"Question 6:
In your opinion, which network faces the biggest security risks today:  
the small office with multiple power users or large corporation with a 
large LUA base?
Answer 6:
The unmanaged networks. I have seen very well managed and very secure 
networks in both small and large organizations, and I have seen poorly 
managed and very insecure networks in both as well. It is not really a 
matter of size but of how much time and effort is put into the security 
aspects of it. One of the largest weaknesses seems to be training. 
Security today is about end-points. The attacks are against people 
[emphasis mine] far more prevalent than those against technology and 
vulnerabilities. We need to, as an industry, understand how to push the 
security out to the assets that we are trying to protect."

Another great article by Jesper:


Eric Eskam
The contents of this message are mine personally and do not reflect any 
position of the U.S. Government
"The human mind treats a new idea the same way the body treats a strange 
protein; it rejects it."
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