RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-26 Thread Jeremy Phillips
Ditto. I spent a long time doing 12-18 hours/week of travel but never charged 
time for it, just the actual expense. I did work that time into my hourly bill 
rate though.


Jeremy Phillips

From: Brian Desmond []
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 1:56 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Service Travel fees

I look at travel as a cost of doing business. I have never worked for a 
consulting org that charged anything other than actual expenses for travel.

Brian Desmond

c - 312.731.3132

Active Directory, 4th Ed -
Microsoft MVP -

From: Cesare' A. Ramos []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees

Hellos to all.

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.

Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail list 
land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from clients?

To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?

We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not want 
to be unfair to the clients.

Thoughts appreciated..


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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-26 Thread Brian Desmond
I look at travel as a cost of doing business. I have never worked for a 
consulting org that charged anything other than actual expenses for travel.

Brian Desmond

c - 312.731.3132

Active Directory, 4th Ed -
Microsoft MVP -

From: Cesare' A. Ramos []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 9:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees

Hellos to all.

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.

Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail list 
land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from clients?

To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?

We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not want 
to be unfair to the clients.

Thoughts appreciated..


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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

Re: Service Travel fees

2009-03-25 Thread Adam Greene
Just to add one more ... we bill travel time one-way only, at same rate as 
the network labor ...

- Original Message - 
From: "Cesare' A. Ramos" 

To: "NT System Admin Issues" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2009 12:01 AM
Subject: RE: Service Travel fees

Thanks all for your responses.

They have been great.

Mobile: 786-412-1746
BB Pin:  304FD0D1
AIM: cramosMIA
Yahoo: cramosMIA

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Cesare' A. Ramos
Thanks all for your responses.

They have been great.

Mobile: 786-412-1746
BB Pin:  304FD0D1
AIM: cramosMIA
Yahoo: cramosMIA

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Angus Scott-Fleming
On 24 Mar 2009 at 15:46, Jonathan Link  wrote:

> If you're looking to institute a fee for travel time, I do recommend you
> begin including that fee on any invoices, along with a corresponding
> discount if you think the client will balk at the increased costs. It
> illustrates to the client that you value their continued business by
> offering them a discount on services. 

FWIW I have always included any time I worked for the clients on my timelogs, 
along with "(N/C)" if I did't charge them for it.  That way I can always point 
out to them that I already "gave" them XX hours of time this 

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

Re: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Jonathan Link
In my mind, you have charging and you have billing and the two sides are
distinct, especially if you have employees.  I may be reading into this
question based on my own experience and over analyzing, but your question
generally leads to further questions.

I worked for a reseller who charged & billed 1/2 time for travel, and as a
professional I always had an issue with this, because I was essentially
penalized if I had to take a road trip, my production was lower because of
that.  Production was also rated on a dollar basis, not an hours billed
basis.  Meanwhile, we had a hardware tech in house who billed full rate all
day long, because either clients brought in equipment or the network techs
would bring in equipment when it made sense to do so.

In my exprience with a CPA firm, both as a staff accountant and as the IT
expert, I charge all my time attributable to the client's job to the
client.  It is then up to the biller to bill that time out
appropriately.  The biller than has the flexibility to writedown (or
writeup) charges and can bill the client appropriately.  Also, in our time
and billing software we often include notes as to why a task took more or
less time to complete to allow the biller to make informed decisions.

The specific answer to your question, is that we tend to charge clients or
standard rates for travel time.  If an employee is travelling they cannot be
doing other work, which may or may not be chargeable to a client, but the
assumption is that there is always work that is chargeable to the client
(our goal is 95% realization per employee).  The bill may or may not reflect
that when all is said and done.  In certain cases, the invoice will have a
notation to the effect of discount of travel time to show the
writedown/discount amount.

If you're looking to institute a fee for travel time, I do recommend you
begin including that fee on any invoices, along with a corresponding
discount if you think the client will balk at the increased costs.  It
illustrates to the client that you value their continued business by
offering them a discount on services.

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Cesare' A. Ramos wrote:

>  Hellos to all.
> Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.
> Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail
> list land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from
> clients?
> To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?
> We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not
> want to be unfair to the clients.
> Thoughts appreciated..
> --
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> accept responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses
> being passed.
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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread David Lum

No travel fee's but minimum 1 hour billing (although I have been known to 
charge zero if I happen to be in the area and it's a 5 -10 minute fix). I bill 
in 1/4hr increments which could at least partially offset travel if desired 
just by tacking on 15 minutes - not one of my clients would balk at that. I 
have one client that's 65 miles each way, they get one hour minimum fee but 
still no travel costs. Shoot at current tax rates I get a $65 tax break just 
for driving out and back. Gorgeous drive too, but I digress...

Billing could also accommodate travel costs but it still comes down to the 
customer paying for it in some fashion. "No travel fees but $125/hr" or 
"$120/hr but travel fees will be added" is kind of same-same.

Emergencies are handled simply by still no travel fee, but hourly costs are 
155% of regular hourly pricing.
(Desk) 971.222.1025 // (Cell) 503.267.9764
From: Erik Goldoff []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 8:19 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Service Travel fees

minimum one hour , so if I travel for 15 minutes, solve their issue in 15 
minutes, bill for one hour  ( I bill in half hour increments )
Emergency ( Top Priority ) travel for rescue I bill for actual time in transit 
if it's  either after hours, or at the cost of other clients scheduled 
non-priority work

Erik Goldoff

IT  Consultant

Systems, Networks, & Security

From: Cesare' A. Ramos []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees
Hellos to all.

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.

Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail list 
land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from clients?

To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?

We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not want 
to be unfair to the clients.

Thoughts appreciated..


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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread gsweers
We charge a 30.00 travel fee to clients within 30 miles of home base.
Outside of that we just charge time to and from the client.  Of course
if you establish contracts with them for prepaid service or monthly
recurring fees we waive travel fees in most cases.


From: Cesare' A. Ramos [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees


Hellos to all.


Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.


Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in
e-Mail list land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel
to and from clients?


To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?


We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do
not want to be unfair to the clients.


Thoughts appreciated..




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anti-virus programs, it does not accept responsibility for any damage
whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed.

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Oliver Marshall
We bill it at time, with higher tariffs on 0.5 time. So a 30 min drive time is 
billed at .5 hours to normal clients, 0.25 hours to higher rate clients.

However we tend not to charge at all and use this as a negotiating point when 
signing up new clients.

G2 Support
Network Support : Online Backups : Server Management

From: Erik Goldoff []
Sent: 24 March 2009 15:19
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Service Travel fees

minimum one hour , so if I travel for 15 minutes, solve their issue in 15 
minutes, bill for one hour  ( I bill in half hour increments )
Emergency ( Top Priority ) travel for rescue I bill for actual time in transit 
if it's  either after hours, or at the cost of other clients scheduled 
non-priority work

Erik Goldoff

IT  Consultant

Systems, Networks, & Security

From: Cesare' A. Ramos []
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees
Hellos to all.

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.

Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail list 
land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from clients?

To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?

We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not want 
to be unfair to the clients.

Thoughts appreciated..


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company. Although IDF operates anti-virus programs, it does not accept 
responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed.

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~ <>  ~

Re: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Angus Scott-Fleming
On 24 Mar 2009 at 7:49, Cesare' A. Ramos  wrote:

> Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail
> list land: What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from
> clients? 

If I'm onsite for over one hour I don't charge travel time, otherwise I bill 
travel at the regular hourly rate.  My rate sheet says two hours, but unless 
the client is a royal PITA I waive the fee for 1 hr+.

> To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?
> We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not
> want to be unfair to the clients. 

I should probably start adding it, but in these down times you have to be 
careful. That said, even plumbers in Tucson charge travel time.

I've seen several rate sheets where the first hour is billed at a higher rate.

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
~   ~

RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Erik Goldoff
minimum one hour , so if I travel for 15 minutes, solve their issue in 15
minutes, bill for one hour  ( I bill in half hour increments )
Emergency ( Top Priority ) travel for rescue I bill for actual time in
transit if it's  either after hours, or at the cost of other clients
scheduled non-priority work

Erik Goldoff

IT  Consultant

Systems, Networks, & Security 



From: Cesare' A. Ramos [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees

Hellos to all.


Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.


Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail
list land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from


To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?


We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not
want to be unfair to the clients.


Thoughts appreciated..




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RE: Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread John Aldrich
I can tell you that what we pay for our AS/400 service is just regular time
($125/hour.) However, they charge from the moment they leave the office
until they get back to the office, so for us, it's 2 additional hours every
time we have an on-site visit from our AS/400 guys. Our phone vendor charges
about $100, plus a fuel surcharge every time they come out.




From: Cesare' A. Ramos [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Service Travel fees


Hellos to all.


Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.


Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail
list land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from


To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?


We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not
want to be unfair to the clients.


Thoughts appreciated..





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Service Travel fees

2009-03-24 Thread Cesare' A. Ramos
Hellos to all.

Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday thus far.

Have a question for all service providers and clients out there in e-Mail list 
land:  What are you currently paying or charging for travel to and from clients?

To the clients out there, what would you find unreasonable to pay?

We are currently evaluating this to add to our service invoices but do not want 
to be unfair to the clients.

Thoughts appreciated..


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you have received this e-Mail in error please notify the sender via returned 
e-Mail. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-Mail are 
solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the 
company. Although IDF operates anti-virus programs, it does not accept 
responsibility for any damage whatsoever that is caused by viruses being passed.

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~ Finally, powerful endpoint security that ISN'T a resource hog! ~
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