[Numpy-discussion] dtype truth value

2006-09-23 Thread Matthew Brett

Forgive my ignorance, but why is this?

In [1]:from numpy import *

In [2]:if not dtype('f8'):
   ...:print 'Truth value is no'
Truth value is no



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Re: [Numpy-discussion] general version of repmat?

2006-09-23 Thread Bill Baxter

Here's a new version of 'reparray'.

I tested the previous version against 'repmat' for the 2d case and
found it to be as much as 3x slower in some instances.  Ick.  So I
redid it using the approach repmat uses -- reshape() and repeat()
rather than concatenate().  Now it's very nearly as fast as repmat for
the 2-d case.

def reparray(A, tup):
   if numpy.isscalar(tup):
   tup = (tup,)
   d = len(tup)
   c = numpy.array(A,copy=False,subok=True,ndmin=d)
   shape = list(c.shape)
   n = c.size
   for i, nrep in enumerate(tup):
   if nrep!=1:
   c = c.reshape(-1,n).repeat(nrep,0)
   dim_in = shape[i]
   dim_out = dim_in*nrep
   shape[i] = dim_out
   n /= dim_in
   return c.reshape(shape)

The full file with tests and timing code is attached.

One thing I noticed while doing this was that repmat doesn't preserve
subclasses.  Which is funny considering 'mat' is part of the name and
it only works on 2-d arrays.  Using asanyarray() instead of asarray()
in the first line should fix that.

import numpy

def reparray(A, tup):
Repeat an array the number of times given in the integer tuple, tup.

Similar to repmat, but works for arrays of any dimension.
reparray(A,(m,n)) is equivalent to repmat(A,m,n)

If tup has length d, the result will have dimension of max(d, A.ndim).
If tup is scalar it is treated as a 1-tuple.

If A.ndim  d, A is promoted to be d-dimensional by prepending new axes.
So a shape (3,) array is promoted to (1,3) for 2-D replication,
or shape (1,1,3) for 3-D replication.
If this is not the desired behavior, promote A to d-dimensions manually
before calling this function.

If d  A.ndim, tup is promoted to A.ndim by appending 1's to it.  Thus
for an A.shape of (2,3,4,5), a tup of (2,2) is treated as (2,2,1,1)

 a = array([0,1,2])
array([0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2])
array([[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]])
array([[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2],
   [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]])
array([[[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]],

   [[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]]])

See Also:
   repmat, repeat

if numpy.isscalar(tup):
tup = (tup,)
d = len(tup)
c = numpy.array(A,copy=False,subok=True,ndmin=d)
shape = list(c.shape)
n = c.size
for i, nrep in enumerate(tup):
if nrep!=1:
c = c.reshape(-1,n).repeat(nrep,0)
dim_in = shape[i]
dim_out = dim_in*nrep
shape[i] = dim_out
n /= dim_in
return c.reshape(shape)

def _reparray_alt(A, tup):
Alternate implementation of reparray, that turns out to be slower.

if numpy.isscalar(tup):
tup = (tup,)
d = len(tup)
A = numpy.array(A,copy=False,subok=True,ndmin=d)
for i,k in enumerate(tup):
A = numpy.concatenate([A]*k, axis=i)
return A

def _test():
a = numpy.array([0,1,2])
b = numpy.array([[0,1,2],[3,4,5]])
c = numpy.array([[[0,1,2],[3,4,5]]])
d = numpy.array([[[0,1,2]],[[3,4,5]]])
shapes = [(1,1),(2,1),(1,2),(2,2),(2,3),(3,2)]
# double check results against repmat
for s in shapes:
r = reparray(b,s)
r0 = numpy.repmat(b,s[0],s[1])
assert( numpy.all(r == r0) )

shapes += [(1,),(2,),(1,1,1),(2,1,1),(1,2,1),(1,1,2),(1,2,2),(2,1,2),(2,2,1),(2,2,2)]
# cross check results between implementations
for arr in (a,b,c,d):
for s in shapes:
r = reparray(arr,s)
r0 = _reparray_alt(arr,s)
assert( numpy.all(r == r0) )

def speed_compare():
from timeit import Timer

print '10x10 replication of 2x2'
N = 1
t0 = Timer(c = repmat(a,10,10),import numpy; repmat=numpy.repmat; a=numpy.ones((2,2)))
print 'repmat: \t', t0.timeit(number=N)
t1 = Timer(c = _reparray_alt(a,(10,10)),import numpy; from __main__ import _reparray_alt; a=numpy.ones((2,2)))
print 'reparray v0:\t', t1.timeit(number=N)
t2 = Timer(c = reparray(a,(10,10)),import numpy; from __main__ import reparray; a=numpy.ones((2,2)))
print 'reparray v1:\t', t2.timeit(number=N)

print '2x2 replication of 100x100'
N = 1000
t0 = Timer(c = repmat(a,2,2),import numpy; repmat=numpy.repmat; a=numpy.ones((100,100)))
print  'repmat: \t', t0.timeit(number=N)
t1 = Timer(c = _reparray_alt(a,(2,2)),import numpy; from __main__ import _reparray_alt; a=numpy.ones((100,100)))
print  'reparray v0:\t', t1.timeit(number=N)
t2 = Timer(c = reparray(a,(2,2)),import numpy; from __main__ import reparray; a=numpy.ones((100,100)))
print  'reparray v1:\t', t2.timeit(number=N)

print '10x10 replication of 50x50'
N = 100
t0 = Timer(c = repmat(a,10,10),import numpy; repmat=numpy.repmat; a=numpy.ones((50,50)))
print  'repmat: \t', t0.timeit(number=N)
t1 = Timer(c = _reparray_alt(a,(10,10)),import numpy; from __main__ import _reparray_alt; a=numpy.ones((50,50)))

Re: [Numpy-discussion] dtype truth value

2006-09-23 Thread Travis Oliphant
Matthew Brett wrote:

 Forgive my ignorance, but why is this?

 In [1]:from numpy import *

 In [2]:if not dtype('f8'):
...:print 'Truth value is no'
 Truth value is no

Truth value of user-built Python objects is tested by looking at:

1) __nonzero__ method is called to determine truth value.
2) sequence or mapping behavior (then the length is used.  If the length 
is greater than 0, then True, otherwise it's False.

For data-type objects, there is no __nonzero__ method, but it does have 
mapping behavior so that fields can be extracted from a data-type 
using mapping notation.   The length of the data-type is the number of 
defined fields.

Therefore, if the data-type has no defined fields, it's length is 0 and 
it's truth value is False.

So, you can think of the test as

if dtype(...):
   print Data-type has fields:
   print Data-type does not have fields:


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Re: [Numpy-discussion] dtype truth value

2006-09-23 Thread Matthew Brett
 So, you can think of the test as

 if dtype(...):
print Data-type has fields:
print Data-type does not have fields:

Thank you as ever for your very clear and helpful explanation,



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