Re: [Numpy-discussion] best way of speeding up a filtering-like algorithm

2018-03-29 Thread Jaime Fernández del Río
Hi Catherine,

One problem with sliding window algorithms is that the straightforward
approach can be very inefficient. Ideally you would want to not recompute
your windowed quantity from all points in the window, but to reuse the
result from an overlapping window and only take into account the points
that have changed in the sliding of the window. In your case this can be
efficiently done using a summed area table
. Consider these two
auxiliary functions:

def summed_area_table(array):
rows, cols = array.shape
out = np.zeros((rows + 1, cols + 1), np.intp)
np.cumsum(array, axis=0, out=out[1:, 1:])
np.cumsum(out[1:, 1:], axis=1, out=out[1:, 1:])
return out

def windowed_sum_from_summed_area_table(array, size):
sat = summed_area_table(array)
return (sat[:-size, :-size] + sat[size:, size:] - sat[:-size, size:] -
sat[size:, -size:])

Using these, you can compute npoints and nsnowice for all points in your
input nsidc array as:

mask_coastline = nsidc == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED
mask_not_coastline = ~mask_coastline
mask_snowice = (nsidc >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (nsidc <= NSIDC_FRESHSNOW)
nsnowice = windowed_sum_from_summed_area_table(mask_snowice, 2*radius + 1)
npoints = windowed_sum_from_summed_area_table(mask_not_coastline, 2*radius +

>From here it should be more or less straightforward to reproduce the rest
of your calculations. As written this code only handles points a distance
of at least radius from an array edge. If the edges are important to you,
they can also be extracted from the summed area table, but the expressions
get ugly: it may be cleaner, even if slower, to pad the masks with zeros
before summing them up. Also, if the fraction of points that are in
mask_coastline is very small, you may be doing way too many
unnecessary calculations.

Good luck!


On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 3:36 AM Moroney, Catherine M (398E) <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following sample code (pretty simple algorithm that uses a
> rolling filter window) and am wondering what the best way is of speeding it
> up.  I tried rewriting it in Cython by pre-declaring the variables but that
> didn’t buy me a lot of time.  Then I rewrote it in Fortran (and compiled it
> with f2py) and now it’s lightning fast.  But I would still like to know if
> I could rewrite it in pure python/numpy/scipy or in Cython and get a
> similar speedup.
> Here is the raw Python code:
> def mixed_coastline_slow(nsidc, radius, count, mask=None):
> nsidc_copy = numpy.copy(nsidc)
> if (mask is None):
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc_copy == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
> else:
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(mask & (nsidc_copy ==
> for (irow0, icol0) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
> rows = ( max(irow0-radius, 0), min(irow0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[0]) )
> cols = ( max(icol0-radius, 0), min(icol0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[1]) )
> window = nsidc[rows[0]:rows[1], cols[0]:cols[1]]
> npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
> nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window <=
> True, False).sum()
> if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>  nsidc_copy[irow0, icol0] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
> return nsidc_copy
> and here is my attempt at Cython-izing it:
> import numpy
> cimport numpy as cnumpy
> cimport cython
> cdef int NSIDC_SIZE  = 721
> cdef int NSIDC_NO_SNOW = 0
> cdef int NSIDC_ALL_SNOW = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_FRESHSNOW = 103
> cdef int NSIDC_PERMSNOW  = 101
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW  = 1
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_HIGH = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED = 252
> cdef int NSIDC_SUSPECT_ICE = 253
> def mixed_coastline(cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc, int
> radius, int count):
>  cdef int irow, icol, irow1, irow2, icol1, icol2, npoints, nsnowice
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc2 \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(NSIDC_SIZE, NSIDC_SIZE), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] window \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(2*radius+1, 2*radius+1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  nsidc2 = numpy.copy(nsidc)
>  idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc2 == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
>  for (irow, icol) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
>   irow1 = max(irow-radius, 0)
>   irow2 = min(irow+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   icol1 = max(icol-radius, 0)
>   icol2 = min(icol+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   window = nsidc[irow1:irow2, icol1:icol2]
>   npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, T

Re: [Numpy-discussion] best way of speeding up a filtering-like algorithm

2018-03-29 Thread Chris Barker
one other note:

As a rule, using numpy array operations from Cython doesn't buy you much,
as you discovered. YOu need to use numpy arrays as n-d containers, and
write the loops yourself.

You may want to check out numba as another alternative -- it DOES optimize
numpy operations.


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 5:56 PM, Moroney, Catherine M (398E) <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following sample code (pretty simple algorithm that uses a
> rolling filter window) and am wondering what the best way is of speeding it
> up.  I tried rewriting it in Cython by pre-declaring the variables but that
> didn’t buy me a lot of time.  Then I rewrote it in Fortran (and compiled it
> with f2py) and now it’s lightning fast.  But I would still like to know if
> I could rewrite it in pure python/numpy/scipy or in Cython and get a
> similar speedup.
> Here is the raw Python code:
> def mixed_coastline_slow(nsidc, radius, count, mask=None):
> nsidc_copy = numpy.copy(nsidc)
> if (mask is None):
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc_copy == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
> else:
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(mask & (nsidc_copy ==
> for (irow0, icol0) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
> rows = ( max(irow0-radius, 0), min(irow0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[0]) )
> cols = ( max(icol0-radius, 0), min(icol0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[1]) )
> window = nsidc[rows[0]:rows[1], cols[0]:cols[1]]
> npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
> nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window <=
> True, False).sum()
> if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>  nsidc_copy[irow0, icol0] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
> return nsidc_copy
> and here is my attempt at Cython-izing it:
> import numpy
> cimport numpy as cnumpy
> cimport cython
> cdef int NSIDC_SIZE  = 721
> cdef int NSIDC_NO_SNOW = 0
> cdef int NSIDC_ALL_SNOW = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_FRESHSNOW = 103
> cdef int NSIDC_PERMSNOW  = 101
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW  = 1
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_HIGH = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED = 252
> cdef int NSIDC_SUSPECT_ICE = 253
> def mixed_coastline(cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc, int
> radius, int count):
>  cdef int irow, icol, irow1, irow2, icol1, icol2, npoints, nsnowice
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc2 \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(NSIDC_SIZE, NSIDC_SIZE), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] window \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(2*radius+1, 2*radius+1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  nsidc2 = numpy.copy(nsidc)
>  idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc2 == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
>  for (irow, icol) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
>   irow1 = max(irow-radius, 0)
>   irow2 = min(irow+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   icol1 = max(icol-radius, 0)
>   icol2 = min(icol+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   window = nsidc[irow1:irow2, icol1:icol2]
>   npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
>   nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window
>   True, False).sum()
>   if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>nsidc2[irow, icol] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
>  return nsidc2
> Thanks in advance for any advice!
> Catherine
> ___
> NumPy-Discussion mailing list


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/OR&R(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] best way of speeding up a filtering-like algorithm

2018-03-29 Thread Chris Barker
sorry, not enough time to look closely, but a couple general comments:

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 5:56 PM, Moroney, Catherine M (398E) <> wrote:

> I have the following sample code (pretty simple algorithm that uses a
> rolling filter window) and am wondering what the best way is of speeding it
> up.  I tried rewriting it in Cython by pre-declaring the variables but that
> didn’t buy me a lot of time.  Then I rewrote it in Fortran (and compiled it
> with f2py) and now it’s lightning fast.

if done right, Cython should be almost as fast as Fortran, and just as fast
if you use the "restrict" correctly (which I hope can be done in Cython):

> But I would still like to know if I could rewrite it in pure
> python/numpy/scipy

you can use stride_tricks to make arrays "appear" to be N+1 D, to implement
windows without actually duplicating the data, and then use array
operations on them. This can buy a lot of speed, but will not be as fast
(by a factor of 10 or so) as Cython or Fortran

for and example in 1D

> or in Cython and get a similar speedup.
see above -- a direct port of your Fortran code to Cython should get you
within a factor of two or so of the Fortran, and then using "restrict" to
let the compiler know your pointers aren't aliased should get you the reset
of the way.

Here is an example of a Automatic Gain Control filter in 1D, iplimented in
numpy with stride_triks, and C and Cython and Fortran.

Note that in that example, I never got C or Cython as fast as Fortran --
but I think using "restrict" in the C would do it.



> Here is the raw Python code:
> def mixed_coastline_slow(nsidc, radius, count, mask=None):
> nsidc_copy = numpy.copy(nsidc)
> if (mask is None):
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc_copy == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
> else:
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(mask & (nsidc_copy ==
> for (irow0, icol0) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
> rows = ( max(irow0-radius, 0), min(irow0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[0]) )
> cols = ( max(icol0-radius, 0), min(icol0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[1]) )
> window = nsidc[rows[0]:rows[1], cols[0]:cols[1]]
> npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
> nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window <=
> True, False).sum()
> if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>  nsidc_copy[irow0, icol0] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
> return nsidc_copy
> and here is my attempt at Cython-izing it:
> import numpy
> cimport numpy as cnumpy
> cimport cython
> cdef int NSIDC_SIZE  = 721
> cdef int NSIDC_NO_SNOW = 0
> cdef int NSIDC_ALL_SNOW = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_FRESHSNOW = 103
> cdef int NSIDC_PERMSNOW  = 101
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW  = 1
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_HIGH = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED = 252
> cdef int NSIDC_SUSPECT_ICE = 253
> def mixed_coastline(cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc, int
> radius, int count):
>  cdef int irow, icol, irow1, irow2, icol1, icol2, npoints, nsnowice
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc2 \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(NSIDC_SIZE, NSIDC_SIZE), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] window \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(2*radius+1, 2*radius+1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  nsidc2 = numpy.copy(nsidc)
>  idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc2 == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
>  for (irow, icol) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
>   irow1 = max(irow-radius, 0)
>   irow2 = min(irow+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   icol1 = max(icol-radius, 0)
>   icol2 = min(icol+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   window = nsidc[irow1:irow2, icol1:icol2]
>   npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
>   nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window
>   True, False).sum()
>   if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>nsidc2[irow, icol] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
>  return nsidc2
> Thanks in advance for any advice!
> Catherine
> ___
> NumPy-Discussion mailing list


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division

Re: [Numpy-discussion] best way of speeding up a filtering-like algorithm

2018-03-29 Thread Stuart Reynolds
Install snakeviz to visualize what’s taking all the time.

You might want to check out numba.jit(nopython) for optimizing specific

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 9:10 PM Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz <> wrote:

> It looks like you are creating a coastline mask (or a coastline mask +
> some other mask), and computing the ratio of two quantities in a
> particular window around each point. If your coastline covers a
> sufficiently large portion of the image, you may get quite a bit of
> mileage using an efficient convolution instead of summing the windows
> directly. For example, you could use scipy.signal.convolve2d with
> inputs being (nsidc_copy != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED), (nsidc_copy ==
> NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW & nsdic_copy == NSIDC_FRESHSNOW) for the frst array,
> and a (2*radius x 2*radius) array of ones for the second. You may have
> to center the block of ones in an array of zeros the same size as
> nsdic_copy, but I am not sure about that.
> Another option you may want to try is implementing your window
> movement more efficiently. If you step your window center along using
> an algorithm like flood-fill, you can insure that there will be very
> large overlap between successive steps (even if there is a break in
> the coastline). That means that you can reuse most of the data you've
> extracted. You will only need to subtract off the non-overlapping
> portion of the previous window and add in the non-overlapping portion
> of the updated window. If radius is 16, giving you a 32x32 window, you
> go from summing ~1000 pixels per quantity of interest, to summing only
> ~120 if the window moves along a diagonal, and only 64 if it moves
> vertically or horizontally. While an algorithm like this will probably
> give you the greatest boost, it is a pain to implement.
> If I had to guess, this looks like L2 processing for a multi-spectral
> instrument. If you don't mind me asking, what mission is this for? I'm
> working on space-looking detectors at the moment, but have spent many
> years on the L0, L1b and L1 portions of the GOES-R ground system.
> - Joe
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 9:43 PM, Eric Wieser
>  wrote:
> > Well, one tip to start with:
> >
> > numpy.where(some_comparison, True, False)
> >
> > is the same as but slower than
> >
> > some_comparison
> >
> > Eric
> >
> > On Wed, 28 Mar 2018 at 18:36 Moroney, Catherine M (398E)
> >  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I have the following sample code (pretty simple algorithm that uses a
> >> rolling filter window) and am wondering what the best way is of
> speeding it
> >> up.  I tried rewriting it in Cython by pre-declaring the variables but
> that
> >> didn’t buy me a lot of time.  Then I rewrote it in Fortran (and
> compiled it
> >> with f2py) and now it’s lightning fast.  But I would still like to know
> if I
> >> could rewrite it in pure python/numpy/scipy or in Cython and get a
> similar
> >> speedup.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Here is the raw Python code:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> def mixed_coastline_slow(nsidc, radius, count, mask=None):
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> nsidc_copy = numpy.copy(nsidc)
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> if (mask is None):
> >>
> >> idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc_copy == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
> >>
> >> else:
> >>
> >> idx_coastline = numpy.where(mask & (nsidc_copy ==
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> for (irow0, icol0) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> rows = ( max(irow0-radius, 0), min(irow0+radius+1,
> >> nsidc_copy.shape[0]) )
> >>
> >> cols = ( max(icol0-radius, 0), min(icol0+radius+1,
> >> nsidc_copy.shape[1]) )
> >>
> >> window = nsidc[rows[0]:rows[1], cols[0]:cols[1]]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> >> False).sum()
> >>
> >> nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window
> <=
> >>
> >> True, False).sum()
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
> >>
> >>  nsidc_copy[irow0, icol0] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> return nsidc_copy
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> and here is my attempt at Cython-izing it:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> import numpy
> >>
> >> cimport numpy as cnumpy
> >>
> >> cimport cython
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_SIZE  = 721
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_NO_SNOW = 0
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_ALL_SNOW = 100
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_FRESHSNOW = 103
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_PERMSNOW  = 101
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW  = 1
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_HIGH = 100
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED = 252
> >>
> >> cdef int NSIDC_SUSPECT_ICE = 253
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> cdef int MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD = 6
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> def mixed_coastline(cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc, int
> >> radius, int count):
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  cdef int irow, icol, irow1, irow2, icol1, icol2, npoints, nsnowice
> >>
> >>  cde

Re: [Numpy-discussion] best way of speeding up a filtering-like algorithm

2018-03-28 Thread Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz
It looks like you are creating a coastline mask (or a coastline mask +
some other mask), and computing the ratio of two quantities in a
particular window around each point. If your coastline covers a
sufficiently large portion of the image, you may get quite a bit of
mileage using an efficient convolution instead of summing the windows
directly. For example, you could use scipy.signal.convolve2d with
inputs being (nsidc_copy != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED), (nsidc_copy ==
NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW & nsdic_copy == NSIDC_FRESHSNOW) for the frst array,
and a (2*radius x 2*radius) array of ones for the second. You may have
to center the block of ones in an array of zeros the same size as
nsdic_copy, but I am not sure about that.

Another option you may want to try is implementing your window
movement more efficiently. If you step your window center along using
an algorithm like flood-fill, you can insure that there will be very
large overlap between successive steps (even if there is a break in
the coastline). That means that you can reuse most of the data you've
extracted. You will only need to subtract off the non-overlapping
portion of the previous window and add in the non-overlapping portion
of the updated window. If radius is 16, giving you a 32x32 window, you
go from summing ~1000 pixels per quantity of interest, to summing only
~120 if the window moves along a diagonal, and only 64 if it moves
vertically or horizontally. While an algorithm like this will probably
give you the greatest boost, it is a pain to implement.

If I had to guess, this looks like L2 processing for a multi-spectral
instrument. If you don't mind me asking, what mission is this for? I'm
working on space-looking detectors at the moment, but have spent many
years on the L0, L1b and L1 portions of the GOES-R ground system.

- Joe

On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 9:43 PM, Eric Wieser
> Well, one tip to start with:
> numpy.where(some_comparison, True, False)
> is the same as but slower than
> some_comparison
> Eric
> On Wed, 28 Mar 2018 at 18:36 Moroney, Catherine M (398E)
>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have the following sample code (pretty simple algorithm that uses a
>> rolling filter window) and am wondering what the best way is of speeding it
>> up.  I tried rewriting it in Cython by pre-declaring the variables but that
>> didn’t buy me a lot of time.  Then I rewrote it in Fortran (and compiled it
>> with f2py) and now it’s lightning fast.  But I would still like to know if I
>> could rewrite it in pure python/numpy/scipy or in Cython and get a similar
>> speedup.
>> Here is the raw Python code:
>> def mixed_coastline_slow(nsidc, radius, count, mask=None):
>> nsidc_copy = numpy.copy(nsidc)
>> if (mask is None):
>> idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc_copy == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
>> else:
>> idx_coastline = numpy.where(mask & (nsidc_copy ==
>> for (irow0, icol0) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
>> rows = ( max(irow0-radius, 0), min(irow0+radius+1,
>> nsidc_copy.shape[0]) )
>> cols = ( max(icol0-radius, 0), min(icol0+radius+1,
>> nsidc_copy.shape[1]) )
>> window = nsidc[rows[0]:rows[1], cols[0]:cols[1]]
>> npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
>> False).sum()
>> nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window <=
>> True, False).sum()
>> if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>>  nsidc_copy[irow0, icol0] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
>> return nsidc_copy
>> and here is my attempt at Cython-izing it:
>> import numpy
>> cimport numpy as cnumpy
>> cimport cython
>> cdef int NSIDC_SIZE  = 721
>> cdef int NSIDC_NO_SNOW = 0
>> cdef int NSIDC_ALL_SNOW = 100
>> cdef int NSIDC_FRESHSNOW = 103
>> cdef int NSIDC_PERMSNOW  = 101
>> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW  = 1
>> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_HIGH = 100
>> cdef int NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED = 252
>> cdef int NSIDC_SUSPECT_ICE = 253
>> def mixed_coastline(cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc, int
>> radius, int count):
>>  cdef int irow, icol, irow1, irow2, icol1, icol2, npoints, nsnowice
>>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc2 \
>> = numpy.empty(shape=(NSIDC_SIZE, NSIDC_SIZE), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] window \
>> = numpy.empty(shape=(2*radius+1, 2*radius+1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>>  nsidc2 = numpy.copy(nsidc)
>>  idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc2 == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
>>  for (irow, icol) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
>>   irow1 = max(irow-radius, 0)
>>   irow2 = min(irow+radius+1, 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] best way of speeding up a filtering-like algorithm

2018-03-28 Thread Eric Wieser
Well, one tip to start with:

numpy.where(some_comparison, True, False)

is the same as but slower than



On Wed, 28 Mar 2018 at 18:36 Moroney, Catherine M (398E) <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have the following sample code (pretty simple algorithm that uses a
> rolling filter window) and am wondering what the best way is of speeding it
> up.  I tried rewriting it in Cython by pre-declaring the variables but that
> didn’t buy me a lot of time.  Then I rewrote it in Fortran (and compiled it
> with f2py) and now it’s lightning fast.  But I would still like to know if
> I could rewrite it in pure python/numpy/scipy or in Cython and get a
> similar speedup.
> Here is the raw Python code:
> def mixed_coastline_slow(nsidc, radius, count, mask=None):
> nsidc_copy = numpy.copy(nsidc)
> if (mask is None):
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc_copy == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
> else:
> idx_coastline = numpy.where(mask & (nsidc_copy ==
> for (irow0, icol0) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
> rows = ( max(irow0-radius, 0), min(irow0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[0]) )
> cols = ( max(icol0-radius, 0), min(icol0+radius+1,
> nsidc_copy.shape[1]) )
> window = nsidc[rows[0]:rows[1], cols[0]:cols[1]]
> npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
> nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window <=
> True, False).sum()
> if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>  nsidc_copy[irow0, icol0] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
> return nsidc_copy
> and here is my attempt at Cython-izing it:
> import numpy
> cimport numpy as cnumpy
> cimport cython
> cdef int NSIDC_SIZE  = 721
> cdef int NSIDC_NO_SNOW = 0
> cdef int NSIDC_ALL_SNOW = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_FRESHSNOW = 103
> cdef int NSIDC_PERMSNOW  = 101
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW  = 1
> cdef int NSIDC_SEAICE_HIGH = 100
> cdef int NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED = 252
> cdef int NSIDC_SUSPECT_ICE = 253
> def mixed_coastline(cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc, int
> radius, int count):
>  cdef int irow, icol, irow1, irow2, icol1, icol2, npoints, nsnowice
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] nsidc2 \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(NSIDC_SIZE, NSIDC_SIZE), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  cdef cnumpy.ndarray[cnumpy.uint8_t, ndim=2] window \
> = numpy.empty(shape=(2*radius+1, 2*radius+1), dtype=numpy.uint8)
>  nsidc2 = numpy.copy(nsidc)
>  idx_coastline = numpy.where(nsidc2 == NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED)
>  for (irow, icol) in zip(idx_coastline[0], idx_coastline[1]):
>   irow1 = max(irow-radius, 0)
>   irow2 = min(irow+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   icol1 = max(icol-radius, 0)
>   icol2 = min(icol+radius+1, NSIDC_SIZE)
>   window = nsidc[irow1:irow2, icol1:icol2]
>   npoints = numpy.where(window != NSIDC_COASTLINE_MIXED, True,
> False).sum()
>   nsnowice = numpy.where( (window >= NSIDC_SEAICE_LOW) & (window
>   True, False).sum()
>   if (100.0*nsnowice/npoints >= count):
>nsidc2[irow, icol] = MISR_SEAICE_THRESHOLD
>  return nsidc2
> Thanks in advance for any advice!
> Catherine
> ___
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