[Numpy-discussion] Indexing structured masked arrays with multidimensional fields; what with fill_value?

2015-12-01 Thread Gerrit Holl

usually, a masked array's .fill_value attribute has ndim=0 and the
same dtype as the data attribute:

In [27]: ar = array((0, [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], 0.0),
dtype="int, (2,3)float, float")

In [28]: arm = ma.masked_array(ar)

In [29]: arm.fill_value.ndim
Out[29]: 0

In [31]: arm.fill_value.dtype
Out[31]: dtype([('f0', 'https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/6723

What should numpy do instead?  In pull request 6728, I propose to
change the behaviour so that arm["f1"].fill_value is set to
arm.fill_value["f1"].flat[0].  This is an arbitrary and somewhat
ad-hoc solution.  If I have chosen to set arm.fill_value["f1"] to
something else, such as array([[1., 2., 3.], [4., 5., 6.]]), then the
rest of my fill_value is lost.  I don't know if this might lead to
problems.  Does it matter?  See also

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[Numpy-discussion] ANN: SfePy 2015.4

2015-12-01 Thread Robert Cimrman

I am pleased to announce release 2015.4 of SfePy.


SfePy (simple finite elements in Python) is a software for solving systems of
coupled partial differential equations by the finite element method or by the
isogeometric analysis (preliminary support). It is distributed under the new
BSD license.

Home page: http://sfepy.org
Mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/sfepy-devel
Git (source) repository, issue tracker, wiki: http://github.com/sfepy

Highlights of this release

- basic support for restart files
- new type of linear combination boundary conditions
- balloon inflation example

For full release notes see http://docs.sfepy.org/doc/release_notes.html#id1
(rather long and technical).

Best regards,
Robert Cimrman on behalf of the SfePy development team


Contributors to this release in alphabetical order:

Robert Cimrman
Grant Stephens
NumPy-Discussion mailing list