[Numpy-discussion] using numpy.argmax to index into another array

2012-10-31 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)
Hello Everybody,

I have the following problem that I would be interested in finding an 
easy/elegant solution to.
I've got it working, but my solution is exceedingly clunky and I'm sure that 
there must be a 
better way.

Here is the (boiled-down) problem:

I have 2 different 3-d array, shaped (4,4,4), a and b

I can find the max values and location of those max values in a in the 0-th 
using max and argmax resulting in a 4x4 matrix.  So far, very easy.

I then want to find the values in b that correspond to the maximum values in 
This is where I got stuck.

Below find the sample code I used (pretty clumsy stuff ...)
Can somebody show a better (less clumsy) way of finding bmax
in the code excerpt below?

 a = numpy.random.randint(0, high=15, size=(4,4,4))
 b = numpy.random.randint(0, high=15, size=(4,4,4))
 amax = a.argmax(axis=0)

 idx2 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
 idx1 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
 idx_all = (amax.flatten(), numpy.array(idx1), numpy.array(idx2))

 bmax = b[idx_all].reshape(4,4)

array([[[ 7,  1,  7, 10],
[11,  5,  9,  0],
[13,  1, 13, 14],
[ 4, 13,  4,  7]],

   [[ 2, 11,  4,  5],
[ 6, 12, 14,  9],
[ 0,  4,  5, 14],
[13,  5,  3,  4]],

   [[ 1,  4,  5,  4],
[ 7, 13,  1, 11],
[ 9,  2, 10,  4],
[ 3,  4, 10, 13]],

   [[14,  6,  7,  1],
[ 8,  0,  8,  2],
[ 6,  8,  7, 12],
[ 4,  9,  0, 12]]])
array([[3, 1, 0, 0],
   [0, 2, 1, 2],
   [0, 3, 0, 0],
   [1, 0, 2, 2]])
array([[[ 4,  2,  3,  2],
[ 9,  6,  1,  4],
[ 1, 10, 13, 11],
[10,  8,  1, 10]],

   [[ 3, 13,  7,  7],
[ 4,  7,  9,  7],
[ 3, 13, 10, 10],
[13,  8, 14,  6]],

   [[14, 10, 13,  6],
[13,  2, 12, 12],
[ 9,  6,  3,  8],
[ 0,  7,  8, 11]],

   [[12, 10,  3,  0],
[11,  7,  0,  4],
[ 9,  7, 11, 12],
[ 7, 12,  1,  1]]])
 bmax = b[idx_all].reshape(4,4)
array([[12, 13,  3,  2],
   [ 9,  2,  9, 12],
   [ 1,  7, 13, 11],
   [13,  8,  8, 11]])


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] record arrays initialization

2012-05-03 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)
 Message: 6
 Date: Thu, 3 May 2012 10:00:11 -0700
 From: Keith Goodman kwgood...@gmail.com
 Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] record arrays initialization
 To: Discussion of Numerical Python numpy-discussion@scipy.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Kevin Jacobs jac...@bioinformed.com
 bioinfor...@gmail.com wrote:
 The cKDTree implementation is more than 4 times faster than the brute-force
 T = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(targets)
 In [11]: %timeit foo1(element, targets) ? # Brute force
 1000 loops, best of 3: 385 us per loop
 In [12]: %timeit foo2(element, T) ? ? ? ? # cKDTree
 1 loops, best of 3: 83.5 us per loop
 In [13]: 385/83.5
 Out[13]: 4.610778443113772
 Brute force plus cython beats cKDTree for knn with k=1 and Euclidean distance:
I[5] targets = np.random.uniform(0, 8, (5000, 7))
I[6] element = np.arange(1, 8, dtype=np.float64)
I[7] T = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(targets)
I[8] timeit T.query(element)
1 loops, best of 3: 36.1 us per loop
I[9] timeit nn(targets, element)
1 loops, best of 3: 28.5 us per loop
 What about lower dimensions (2 instead of 7) where cKDTree gets faster?
I[18] element = np.arange(1,3, dtype=np.float64)
I[19] targets = np.random.uniform(0,8,(5000,2))
I[20] T = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(targets)
I[21] timeit T.query(element)
1 loops, best of 3: 27.5 us per loop
I[22] timeit nn(targets, element)
10 loops, best of 3: 11.6 us per loop
 I could add nn to the bottleneck package. Is the k=1, Euclidean
 distance case too specialized?
 Prototype (messy) code is here:
 For a smaller speed up (~2x) foo1 could use bottleneck's sum or
 squares function, bn.ss().
Thank you everybody for your advice.  I will actually be clustering the
dataset for use in the production code (which must be in Fortran), and using
scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans2 to generate and populate the clusters.  Even though a 
search in Fortran is fast, it will still be too slow for the final code.

But, the kmeans2 clustering isn't perfect in that it doesn't always
give identical results to the brute force search, so I want to do an analysis
of the differences on a test data-set.  


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] timing results (was: record arrays initialization)

2012-05-03 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)
A quick recap of the problem:  a 128x512 array of 7-element vectors (element), 
and a 5000-vector
training dataset (targets).  For each vector in element, I want to find the 
best-match in targets,
defined as minimizing the Euclidean distance.

I coded it up three ways: (a) looping through each vector in element 
individually, (b) vectorizing
the function in the previous step, and coding it up in Fortran.  The heart of 
the find-best-match
code in Python looks like so I'm not doing an individual loop through all 5000 
vectors in targets:

nlen = xelement.shape[0]
nvec = targets.data.shape[0]
x = xelement.reshape(1, nlen).repeat(nvec, axis=0)

diffs = ((x - targets.data)**2).sum(axis=1)
diffs = numpy.sqrt(diffs)
return int(numpy.argmin(diffs, axis=0))

Here are the results:

(a) looping through each vector:  68 seconds
(b) vectorizing this: 58 seconds
(c) raw Fortran with loops:   26 seconds

I was surprised to see that vectorizing didn't gain me that much time, and that 
the Fortran
was so much faster than both python alternatives.  So, there's a lot that I 
don't know about
how the internals of numpy and python work.

Why does the loop through 128x512 elements in python only take an additional 10 
seconds?  What
is the main purpose of vectorizing - is it optimization by taking the looping 
step out of the
Python and into the C-base or something different?

And, why is the Fortran so much faster (even without optimization)?

It looks like I'll be switching to Fortran after all.  


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] timing results (was: record arrays initialization)

2012-05-03 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)

On May 3, 2012, at 10:33 AM, Moroney, Catherine M (388D) wrote:

 A quick recap of the problem:  a 128x512 array of 7-element vectors 
 (element), and a 5000-vector
 training dataset (targets).  For each vector in element, I want to find the 
 best-match in targets,
 defined as minimizing the Euclidean distance.
 I coded it up three ways: (a) looping through each vector in element 
 individually, (b) vectorizing
 the function in the previous step, and coding it up in Fortran.  The heart of 
 the find-best-match
 code in Python looks like so I'm not doing an individual loop through all 
 5000 vectors in targets:
nlen = xelement.shape[0]
nvec = targets.data.shape[0]
x = xelement.reshape(1, nlen).repeat(nvec, axis=0)
diffs = ((x - targets.data)**2).sum(axis=1)
diffs = numpy.sqrt(diffs)
return int(numpy.argmin(diffs, axis=0))
 Here are the results:
 (a) looping through each vector:  68 seconds
 (b) vectorizing this: 58 seconds
 (c) raw Fortran with loops:   26 seconds
 I was surprised to see that vectorizing didn't gain me that much time, and 
 that the Fortran
 was so much faster than both python alternatives.  So, there's a lot that I 
 don't know about
 how the internals of numpy and python work.
 Why does the loop through 128x512 elements in python only take an additional 
 10 seconds?  What
 is the main purpose of vectorizing - is it optimization by taking the looping 
 step out of the
 Python and into the C-base or something different?
 And, why is the Fortran so much faster (even without optimization)?
 It looks like I'll be switching to Fortran after all.  
Actually Fortran with correct array ordering - 13 seconds!  What horrible 
mistake am I making to cause such a slowdown?


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] timing results (was: record arrays initialization)

2012-05-03 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)

On May 3, 2012, at 1:00 PM, numpy-discussion-requ...@scipy.org

 A quick recap of the problem:  a 128x512 array of 7-element vectors 
 (element), and a 5000-vector
 training dataset (targets).  For each vector in element, I want to find the 
 best-match in targets,
 defined as minimizing the Euclidean distance.
 I coded it up three ways: (a) looping through each vector in element 
 individually, (b) vectorizing
 the function in the previous step, and coding it up in Fortran.  The heart 
 of the find-best-match
 code in Python looks like so I'm not doing an individual loop through all 
 5000 vectors in targets:
   nlen = xelement.shape[0]
   nvec = targets.data.shape[0]
   x = xelement.reshape(1, nlen).repeat(nvec, axis=0)
   diffs = ((x - targets.data)**2).sum(axis=1)
   diffs = numpy.sqrt(diffs)
   return int(numpy.argmin(diffs, axis=0))
 Here are the results:
 (a) looping through each vector:  68 seconds
 (b) vectorizing this: 58 seconds
 (c) raw Fortran with loops:   26 seconds
 I was surprised to see that vectorizing didn't gain me that much time, and 
 that the Fortran
 was so much faster than both python alternatives.  So, there's a lot that I 
 don't know about
 how the internals of numpy and python work.
 Why does the loop through 128x512 elements in python only take an additional 
 10 seconds?  What
 is the main purpose of vectorizing - is it optimization by taking the 
 looping step out of the
 Python and into the C-base or something different?
 If you're doing loops in python, python does all sort of magic for you. Type 
 checking is one thing, and one of the simplest things to optimize away if you 
 use cython. If you're writing an expression similar to this
 ((x - targets.data)**2)
 where x and targets.data are vectors, the elements are subtracted and squared 
 elementwise in C instead of in python. So yes, you've got the idea.
 And, why is the Fortran so much faster (even without optimization)?
 Could you show us the code? It's hard to tell otherwise. As Keith Goodman 
 pointed out, if he gets 7.5x with cython, it could be that the Fortran code 
 could be improved as well. Fortran has a reputation of being the gold 
 standard for performance in numerical computation, although one can often be 
 surprised. Picking good algorithms is always more important than the language.

I'd be very curious to know if the Fortran can be improved on a bit further.  
The full scale of the
problem dwarfs what I describe here, so any additional speed I can wring out of 
this would be
very welcome.  

Can somebody give me the numpy for dummies explanation as to what the main 
source of the timing
differences is?  What portion of the calculations is being done in slow 
python that's the 
determining factor for the slowdown?  

Here is the python code:

def single(element, targets):

if (isinstance(element, tuple)):
xelement = element[0]
elif (isinstance(element, numpy.ndarray)):
xelement = element
return FILL

nlen = xelement.shape[0]
nvec = targets.data.shape[0]
x = xelement.reshape(1, nlen).repeat(nvec, axis=0)

diffs = ((x - targets.data)**2).sum(axis=1)
diffs = numpy.sqrt(diffs)
return int(numpy.argmin(diffs, axis=0))

multiple = numpy.vectorize(single)
python_results = multiple(vectors, Target)

where vectors is a 65536*7 array and Target is 5000x7.  So I'm evaluating 5000 
potential choices for each of 65536 vectors.

And here is the Fortran:

matches(:) = -

do iv = 1, nvectors
   min_dist = 9.0
   min_idx  = -
   do it = 1, ntargets
  dvector = targets(:,it) - vectors(:,iv)
  dist = sqrt(sum(dvector*dvector))
  if (dist  min_dist) then
 min_dist = dist
 min_idx  = it
   end do
   matches(iv) = min_idx
end do


NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] record arrays and vectorizing

2012-05-02 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)

Can somebody give me some hints as to how to code up this function
in pure python, rather than dropping down to Fortran?

I will want to compare a 7-element vector (called element) to a large list of 
vectors (called target, and pick out the vector in target that is the 
closest to element
(determined by minimizing the Euclidean distance).  

For instance, in (slow) brute force form it would look like:

element = numpy.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])
target  = numpy.array(range(0, 49)).reshape(7,7)*0.1

min_length = .0
min_index  = 
for i in xrange(0, 7):
   distance = (element-target)**2
   distance = numpy.sqrt(distance.sum())
   if (distance  min_length):
  min_length = distance
  min_index  = i

Now of course, the actual problem will be of a much larger scale.  I will have
an array of elements, and a large number of potential targets.  

I was thinking of having element be an array where each element itself is
a numpy.ndarray, and then vectorizing the code above so as an output I would
have an array of the min_index and min_length values.  

I can get the following simple test to work so I may be on the right track:

import numpy

dtype = [(x, numpy.ndarray)]

def single(data):
return data[0].min()

multiple = numpy.vectorize(single)

if __name__ == __main__:

a = numpy.arange(0, 16).reshape(4,4)
b = numpy.recarray((4), dtype=dtype)
for i in xrange(0, b.shape[0]):
b[i][x] = a[i,:]

print a
print b

x = multiple(b)
print x
What is the best way of constructing b from a?  I tried b = 
numpy.recarray((4), dtype=dtype, buf=a)
but I get a segmentation fault when I try to print b.

Is there a way to perform this larger task efficiently with record arrays and 
vectorization, or
am I off on the wrong track completely?  How can I do this efficiently without 
down to Fortran?

Thanks for any advice,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] record arrays initialization

2012-05-02 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)
Thanks to Perry for some very useful off-list conversation.   I realize that
I wasn't being clear at all in my earlier description of the problem so here it 
in a nutshell:

Find the best match in an array t(5000, 7) for a single vector e(7).  Now scale
it up so e is (128, 512, 7) and I want to return a (128, 512) array of the 
that are the best match for e.  Best match is defined as the minimum 
Euclidean distance.

I'm going to try three ways: (a) brute force and lots of looping in python,
(b) constructing a function to find the match for a single instance of e and
vectorizing it, and (c) coding it in Fortran.  I'll be curious to see the 
performance figures.

Two smaller questions:

A)  How do I most efficiently construct a record array from a single array?
I want to do the following, but it segfaults on me when i try to print b.

vtype = [(x, numpy.ndarray)]
a = numpy.arange(0, 16).reshape(4,4)
b = numpy.recarray((4), dtype=vtype, buf=a)

print a
print b

What is the most efficient way of constructing b from the values of a?  In 
a is (128*512*7) and I want b to be (128, 512) with the x component being a 
7-value numpy array.


B)  If I'm vectorizing a function (single) to find the best match for
a single element of e within t, how do I pass the entire array t into
the function without having it parcelled down to its individual elements?


def single(elements, targets):
nlen = element.shape[0]
nvec = targets.data.shape[0]
x = element.reshape(1, nlen).repeat(nvec, axis=0)

diffs = ((x - targets.data)**2).sum(axis=1)
diffs = numpy.sqrt(diffs)
return numpy.argmin(diffs, axis=0)

multiple = numpy.vectorize(single)
x = multiple(all_elements, target)

where all_elements is similar to b in my first example, and target
is a 2-d array.  The above code doesn't work because target gets reduced
to a single element when it gets down to single and I need to see the whole 
when I'm down in single. 

I found a work-around by encapsulating target into a single object and passing
in the object, but I'm curious if there's a better way of doing this.

I hope I've explained myself better this time around,

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] record arrays initialization

2012-05-02 Thread Moroney, Catherine M (388D)

On May 2, 2012, at 3:23 PM, numpy-discussion-requ...@scipy.org

 A) ?How do I most efficiently construct a record array from a single array?
 I want to do the following, but it segfaults on me when i try to print b.
 vtype = [(x, numpy.ndarray)]
 a = numpy.arange(0, 16).reshape(4,4)
 b = numpy.recarray((4), dtype=vtype, buf=a)
 I prefer not to use record arrays, and stick to structured arrays:
 In [11]: vtype = np.dtype([('x', (np.float, 4))])
 In [12]: a = np.arange(16.).reshape((4,4))
 In [13]: a.view(vtype)
 array([[([0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0],)],
   [([4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0],)],
   [([8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0],)],
   [([12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0],)]],
  dtype=[('x', 'f8', (4,))])

Using structured arrays is making my code complex when I try to call the
vectorized function.  If I stick to the original record arrays, what's the 
best way of initializing b from a without doing an row-by-row copy?  

NumPy-Discussion mailing list