Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-08 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 11:41 AM, william ratcliff
 Will Cython be compatible with OpenMP?  I tried with weave some time back
 and failed miserably.  Has anyone tried with ctypes?

As far as I know cython has no explicit OpenMP support, but it *may*
be possible to get it to generate the proper directives, using similar
tricks to those that C++ wrapping uses:

Note that this is just an idea, I haven't actually tried to do it.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-08 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Joris,

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 8:10 AM, Joris De Ridder

  Thanks. I've a few questions concerning the objections against ctypes.
  It's part of the Python standard library, brand new from v2.5, and it
  allows creating extensions. Disregarding it, requires therefore good
  arguments, I think. I trust you that there are, but I would like to
  understand them better.  For ctypes your extensions needs to be
  compiled as a shared library, but as numpy is moving towards Scons
  which seem to facilitate this quite a lot, is this still a difficulty/
  objection? Secondly, looking at the examples given by Travis in his
  Numpy Book, neither pyrex nor ctypes seem to be particularly user-
  friendly concerning Numpy ndarrays (although ctypes does seem slightly
  easier). From your email, I understand it's possibly to mediate this
  for Cython. From a technical point of view, would it also be possible
  to make ctypes work better with Numpy, and if yes, do you have any
  idea whether it would be more or less work than for Cython?

As Chris B. said,  I also think that ctypes and cython are simply
different, complementary tools.  Cython allows you to create complete
functions that can potentially run at C speed entirely, by letting you
bypass some of the more dynamic (but expensive) features of python,
while retaining a python-like sytnax and having to learn a lot less of
the Python C API.  Ctypes is pure python, so while you can access
arbitrary shared libraries, it won't help you one bit if you need to
write new looping code and the execution speed in pure python isn't
enough.  At that point if ctypes is your only tool, you'd need to
write a pure C library (to the pure Python C API, with manual memory
management included) and access it via ctypes.

The point we're trying to reach is one where most of the extension
code for numpy is Cython, to improve its long-term maintainability, to
make it easier for non-experts in the C API to contribute 'low level'
tools, and to open up future possibilities for fast code generation.
I don't want to steal Travis' thunder, but I've heard him make some
very interesting comments about his long term ideas for novel tools to
express high-level routines in python/cython into highly efficient
low-level representations,  in a way that code written explicitly to
the python C API may well make very difficult.

I hope this (Travis' ideas teaser and all :) provides some better
perspective on the recent enthusiasm regarding cython, as a tool
complementary to ctypes that could greatly benefit numpy and scipy.
If it doesn't it just means I did a poor job of communicating, so keep
on asking.  We all really want to make sure that this is something
where we reach technical consensus; the fact that Sage has been so
successful with this approach is a very strong argument in favor (and
they've done LOTS of non-trivial work on cython to further their
goal), but we still need to ensure that the numpy/scipy community is
equally on board with the decision.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-08 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Robin,

On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I hadn't seen the link Ondrej provided, although the 40 hour week
  seems to be a Python/PSF requirement. Prior to posting I had checked
  the Google information, where they say the time commitment depends on
  both the scope of your project and the requirements of your mentoring
  organisation. They also say they have had successful applicants in
  previous years from full-time students at non-US universities (who
  don't get a summer break), so I thought it might be possible for me to
  be considered. I also asked in #gsoc where I was advised 20 hours per
  week would be a good baseline, again depending on the project.

  Of course, I hope to contribute to Numpy/Scipy anyway - but this
  scheme would be a great way to kick-start that.

  I look forward to seeing Numpy/Scipy accepted as a mentor organisation
  this year anyway, even if I am unable to take part.

I don't want to mislead anyone because I'm not directly involved with
the actual mentoring, so forgive any confusion I may have caused.  My
current understanding is that we just don't have the time and
resources right now for numpy/scipy to be a separate mentor
organization, and thus we'd go in under the PSF umbrella.  In that
case, we'd probably be bound to the PSF guidelines, I imagine.

I offered to get the ball rolling on the cython idea because time is
tight and at the Sage/Scipy meeting there was  lot of interest on this
topic from everyone present.  But the actual mentoring will need to
come from others who are much more directly involved with cython and
numpy at the C API level than myself, so I'll try not to answer
anything too specifically on that front to avoid spreading


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Fernando Perez
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 3:13 PM, Joris De Ridder

  On 06 Mar 2008, at 19:15, Fernando Perez wrote:
   is an evolved version of Pyrex (which is used by numpy and scipy) with
   lots of improvements.  We'd like to position Cython as the preferred
   way of writing most, if not all, new extension code written for numpy
   and scipy,  as it is easier to write, get right, debug (when you still
   get it wrong) and maintain than writing to the raw Python-C API.

  Could you explain a bit more why you think this is the best path to
  Pyrex is kind of a dialect, so your extension modules would be nor
  python nor C, but a third language. Is this indeed easier to maintain?
  When you would like to use legacy C code for an extension, would you
  rewrite it in Cython? What are Cython's advantages compared to ctypes?

Chris B gave what I think is a good reply to this, but feel free to
ask if you have further questions.  I think it's important that we
reach some consensus on why this a good idea on technical grounds
without anyone feeling like the decision is made opaquely in some back
room, so please raise any doubts or concerns you may still have, and
we'll do our best to address them.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Fernando Perez
Hi Robin,

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:48 PM, Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any student interested in this should quickly respond on the list;
 such a project would likely be co-mentored by people on the Numpy and
 Cython teams, since it is likely to require expertise from both ends.


  I would like to register my keen interest in applying for Numpy/Scipy
  GSoC project. I am a first year PhD student in Computational
  Neuroscience and my undergraduate degree was in Mathematics.

  I have been using Numpy and Scipy for my PhD work for a few months now
  and have been building up to trying to contribute something to the
  project - I am keen to get more substantial real world programming
  experience... The projects described involving Cython definitely
  interest me, although I don't yet have a sufficient understanding of
  the Python C-API and Pyrex/Cython to gauge how demanding they might

  As a PhD student in the UK I don't have any official summer vacation,
  so I wouldn't be able to work full time on the project (I also have a
  continuation report due just before the GSoC final deadline which is a
  bit annoying). However I currently work 20 hours per week part time
  anyway, so I'm confident that I could replace that with GSoC and still
  keep up with my studies.

  I would be keen to chat with someone (perhaps on the IRC channel)
  about whether my existing programming experience and availability
  would allow me to have a proper crack at this.

  I understand that first organisations apply (deadline 12th March) with
  some suggested projects, and then towards the end of the month
  students can apply to accepted organisations, either for the suggested
  project or their own ideas. I'd love to see Numpy/Scipy apply as an
  organisation with these projects (and perhaps some others) so that
  interested students like myself can apply.

As Ondrej pointed out, the expectation is a full-time commitment to
the project.  Other than that it sounds like you might be able to
participate, and it's worth noting that this being open source, if you
just have some free time and would like to get involved with an
interesting project, by all means pitch in.  Even if someone picks up
an 'official' project, there's plenty to be done on the cython/numpy
front for more than one person.

Perhaps it's not out of place to mention that many people have made
solid contributions for years to open source projects without monetary
compensation, and still see value in the activity.  If you can spend
the time on it, you may still find many rewards out of the work.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 07.03.2008, at 09:59, Fernando Perez wrote:

 I doubt it's much better, and that's part of the point of the project:
 to identify the problems and fix them once and for all.  Getting
 anything fixed in pyrex was hard due to a very opaque development
 process, but Cython is part of the Sage umbrella and thus enjoys a
 very open and active development community.  Furthermore, they are
 explicitly interested in improving the Cython numpy support, and are
 willing to help along if this project goes forward.

This is very good news in my opinion. Pyrex and Cython are already  
very useful tools for scientific computing. They lower the barrier to  
writing extension modules significantly (compared to writing directly  
in C), and they permit a continuous transition from a working Python  
prototype to an efficient extension module. I have been writing all  
my recent extension modules using Pyrex, and I definitely won't go  
back to C. If Cython gets explicit array support, it would become an  
even more useful tool for the NumPy community.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Fernando Perez
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 1:17 AM, Konrad Hinsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 07.03.2008, at 09:59, Fernando Perez wrote:

   I doubt it's much better, and that's part of the point of the project:
   to identify the problems and fix them once and for all.  Getting
   anything fixed in pyrex was hard due to a very opaque development
   process, but Cython is part of the Sage umbrella and thus enjoys a
   very open and active development community.  Furthermore, they are
   explicitly interested in improving the Cython numpy support, and are
   willing to help along if this project goes forward.

  This is very good news in my opinion. Pyrex and Cython are already
  very useful tools for scientific computing. They lower the barrier to
  writing extension modules significantly (compared to writing directly
  in C), and they permit a continuous transition from a working Python
  prototype to an efficient extension module. I have been writing all
  my recent extension modules using Pyrex, and I definitely won't go
  back to C. If Cython gets explicit array support, it would become an
  even more useful tool for the NumPy community.

Thanks for your feedback and support of the idea, Konrad.

I just realized that I forgot to include this message that W. Stein
(sage lead) sent me, which I think presents many of these points very
nicely and may be useful in this discussion.



-- Forwarded message --
From: Dag Sverre Seljebotn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 2:54 PM
Subject: [Cython] Thoughts on numerical computing/NumPy support

Since Robert mentioned NumPy in relation with adding operator support I
 thought about sharing my more thoughts about NumPy - I'm very new to
 Cython so I guess take it for what it is worth - however what I've seen
 so far looks so promising for me that I might want to spend some time in
 a few months working on implementing some of this, which perhaps may
 make my thoughts more intereseting :-)

 Currently, Cython is mostly geared towards wrapping C code, but it is
 also an excellent foundation for being a numerical tool - but the rough
 edges are still prohibitive. A few relatively small steps (in terms of
 man-hours needed) would improve the situation a lot I think - not
 perfect, but perhaps in a few years we can have something that will
 finally kill FORTRAN :-)

 Three suggestions comes briefly here, if anyone's interested and it is
 not already discussed and decided I might flesh them out in PEP-style
 in the coming month?

 Note that a) is what is important for me, b) and c) is just something I
 throw along...

 a) numpy.ndarray syntax candy. Really, what one should implement is
 syntax support for PEP-3118:

 Because this protocol will be shared between NumPy, PIL etc. in Python 3
 it could make sense to simply have native/hard-coded support for this
 aspect without necesarrily making it a generic operator feature, and one
 can then use the same approach as will be needed for buffers in Python 3
 for NumPy in Python 2?

 Example (where array is considered a new, Cython-native type that will
 have automatic conversion from any NumPy arrays and Python 3 buffers):

 def myfunc(array2, unsigned char arr):
   arr[4, 5] = 10

 might be translated to the equivalent of the currently legal:

 def myfunc(numpy.ndarray arr):
   if arr.nd != 2 or arr.dtype != numpy.dtype(numpy.uint8):
 raise ValueError(Must pass 2-dimensional uint8 array.)
   cdef unsigned char* arr_buf = unsigned char*[4 * arr.strides[0] + 5 * arr.strides[1]] = 10

 (Probably caching the strides in local variables etc.). That should do
 as a first implementation -- it is always possible to be more
 sophisticated, but this little will allow NumPyers to simply dive in.
 Specifically, the number of dimensions must be declared first and only
 direct access in that many dimensions are allowed. Slices etc. should be
 less important (they can be done on the Python object instead).

 Moving on from here, one should probably instead define bufferinfo from
 PEP-3118 and make it say

 def myfunc(bufferinfo arr):
   if arr.ndim != 2 or arr.format != B) or arr.readonly:
 raise ValueError(Must pass writeable 2-dimensional buffer with
 format 'B'.)

 with automatic conversion from NumPy arrays to bufferinfo.

 b) Allow numpy types? Basically, make it possible to say cdef uint8
 myvar, at least for in-function-variables that is not interfacing with
 C code, so that for numerical use one doesn't need to learn C. This can
 be in addition, so it should not break existing code, though I can
 understand resentment against the idea as well.

 c) Probably controversial: More Pythonic syntax. A syntax for decoration
 of function arguments is decided upon (at least in Python 3), so to
 align with that one could allow for stuff like

 def myfunc(a: uint8, b: array(2, uint8), c: int = 10):
   d: ptr(int) = 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Joris De Ridder

On 07 Mar 2008, at 10:02, Fernando Perez wrote:

 Chris B gave what I think is a good reply to this, but feel free to
 ask if you have further questions.  I think it's important that we
 reach some consensus on why this a good idea on technical grounds
 without anyone feeling like the decision is made opaquely in some back
 room, so please raise any doubts or concerns you may still have, and
 we'll do our best to address them.

Thanks. I've a few questions concerning the objections against ctypes.  
It's part of the Python standard library, brand new from v2.5, and it  
allows creating extensions. Disregarding it, requires therefore good  
arguments, I think. I trust you that there are, but I would like to  
understand them better.  For ctypes your extensions needs to be  
compiled as a shared library, but as numpy is moving towards Scons  
which seem to facilitate this quite a lot, is this still a difficulty/ 
objection? Secondly, looking at the examples given by Travis in his  
Numpy Book, neither pyrex nor ctypes seem to be particularly user- 
friendly concerning Numpy ndarrays (although ctypes does seem slightly  
easier). From your email, I understand it's possibly to mediate this  
for Cython. From a technical point of view, would it also be possible  
to make ctypes work better with Numpy, and if yes, do you have any  
idea whether it would be more or less work than for Cython?


P.S. I had some problems with bounces, sorry if this message appears  
more than once.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Robin
On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Robin,

  As Ondrej pointed out, the expectation is a full-time commitment to
  the project.  Other than that it sounds like you might be able to
  participate, and it's worth noting that this being open source, if you
  just have some free time and would like to get involved with an
  interesting project, by all means pitch in.  Even if someone picks up
  an 'official' project, there's plenty to be done on the cython/numpy
  front for more than one person.

  Perhaps it's not out of place to mention that many people have made
  solid contributions for years to open source projects without monetary
  compensation, and still see value in the activity.  If you can spend
  the time on it, you may still find many rewards out of the work.


I hadn't seen the link Ondrej provided, although the 40 hour week
seems to be a Python/PSF requirement. Prior to posting I had checked
the Google information, where they say the time commitment depends on
both the scope of your project and the requirements of your mentoring
organisation. They also say they have had successful applicants in
previous years from full-time students at non-US universities (who
don't get a summer break), so I thought it might be possible for me to
be considered. I also asked in #gsoc where I was advised 20 hours per
week would be a good baseline, again depending on the project.

Of course, I hope to contribute to Numpy/Scipy anyway - but this
scheme would be a great way to kick-start that.

I look forward to seeing Numpy/Scipy accepted as a mentor organisation
this year anyway, even if I am unable to take part.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Christopher Barker
Joris De Ridder wrote:
 Thanks. I've a few questions concerning the objections against ctypes.  

It's not so much an abjection (I think), but the fact that pyrex/Cython 
really are different beasts, with different goals.

  For ctypes your extensions needs to be
 compiled as a shared library,

The compiling isn't the key issue -- you're right, that's not too big a 
deal, and Scons helps.

If your goal is primarily to wrap existing C code, then ctypes is a good 
option. But if you are trying to write new code as extension modules, 
then Cython helps with that a lot. You do need to get C, but you don't 
actually have to write functional stand-alone C code.

 neither pyrex nor ctypes seem to be particularly user- 
 friendly concerning Numpy ndarrays 

True, though it looks like one of the goals of Cython is to make it more 
user-friendly to numpy arrays -- I'm really looking forward to that.

I suppose an example might be in order here - does anyone have a small, 
but not trivial, example of an extension that could be done with both 
Ctypes and Cython that we could examine?

By the way, I know Greg Ewing was asked about better support for numpy 
arrays in Pyrex, and he said I'm *definitely* not going to
re-implement C++ templates! -- is there talk of creating a way to write 
extensions that could operate on numpy arrays of arbitrary type with Cython?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread william ratcliff
Will Cython be compatible with OpenMP?  I tried with weave some time back
and failed miserably.  Has anyone tried with ctypes?


On Fri, Mar 7, 2008 at 12:50 PM, Christopher Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Joris De Ridder wrote:
  Thanks. I've a few questions concerning the objections against ctypes.

 It's not so much an abjection (I think), but the fact that pyrex/Cython
 really are different beasts, with different goals.

   For ctypes your extensions needs to be
  compiled as a shared library,

 The compiling isn't the key issue -- you're right, that's not too big a
 deal, and Scons helps.

 If your goal is primarily to wrap existing C code, then ctypes is a good
 option. But if you are trying to write new code as extension modules,
 then Cython helps with that a lot. You do need to get C, but you don't
 actually have to write functional stand-alone C code.

  neither pyrex nor ctypes seem to be particularly user-
  friendly concerning Numpy ndarrays

 True, though it looks like one of the goals of Cython is to make it more
 user-friendly to numpy arrays -- I'm really looking forward to that.

 I suppose an example might be in order here - does anyone have a small,
 but not trivial, example of an extension that could be done with both
 Ctypes and Cython that we could examine?

 By the way, I know Greg Ewing was asked about better support for numpy
 arrays in Pyrex, and he said I'm *definitely* not going to
 re-implement C++ templates! -- is there talk of creating a way to write
 extensions that could operate on numpy arrays of arbitrary type with


 Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

 Emergency Response Division
 NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
 7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
 Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception

 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-07 Thread Jon Wright
Christopher Barker wrote:
 By the way, I know Greg Ewing was asked about better support for numpy 
 arrays in Pyrex, and he said I'm *definitely* not going to
 re-implement C++ templates! -- is there talk of creating a way to write 
 extensions that could operate on numpy arrays of arbitrary type with Cython?

Don't forget that one of the advantages of having data type information 
is that you can choose an algorithm accordingly. For example, large 
arrays of the smaller integer types can be efficiently sorted using 
histograms. The idea separating the algorithm from the datatype means 
that (ultra-fast-optimised) things like blas, fftw etc become quite hard 
to program.

This is straying far from the discussion of a summer of code project, 
which seemed like a great idea.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Fernando Perez
 Hi all,

 after the Scipy/Sage Days 8 meeting, we were all very impressed by the
 progress made by Cython.  For those not familiar with it, Cython:

 is an evolved version of Pyrex (which is used by numpy and scipy) with
 lots of improvements.  We'd like to position Cython as the preferred
 way of writing most, if not all, new extension code written for numpy
 and scipy,  as it is easier to write, get right, debug (when you still
 get it wrong) and maintain than writing to the raw Python-C API.

 A specific project along these lines, that would be very beneficial
 for numpy could be:

 - Creating new matrix types in cython that match the cvxopt matrices.
 The creation of new numpy array types with efficient code would be
 very useful.

 - Rewriting the existing ndarray subclasses that ship with numpy, such
 as record arrays,  in cython.  In doing this, benchmarks of the
 relative performance of the new code should be obtained.

 Another possible project would be the addition to Cython of syntactic
 support for array expressions, multidimensional indexing, and other
 features of numpy.  This is probably more difficult than the above, as
 it would require fairly detailed knowledge of both the numpy C API and
 the Cython internals, but would ultimately be extremely useful.

 Any student interested in this should quickly respond on the list;
 such a project would likely be co-mentored by people on the Numpy and
 Cython teams, since it is likely to require expertise from both ends.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Christopher Barker
Fernando Perez wrote:
  after the Scipy/Sage Days 8 meeting, we were all very impressed by the
  progress made by Cython. 

cool stuff!

  A specific project along these lines, that would be very beneficial
  for numpy could be:

Is there any way to set this up as a possible Google Summer of Code 
project? I don't suppose numpy.scipy is an officially listed project, is it?


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
NOAA/NOS/ORR(206) 526-6959   voice
7600 Sand Point Way NE   (206) 526-6329   fax
Seattle, WA  98115   (206) 526-6317   main reception

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Pierre GM
On Thursday 06 March 2008 13:15:27 Fernando Perez wrote:
  - Rewriting the existing ndarray subclasses that ship with numpy, such
  as record arrays,  in cython.  In doing this, benchmarks of the
  relative performance of the new code should be obtained.

I remember having huge difficulties trying to implement ndarray subclasses in 
vanilla Pyrex, to the extent that I gave up that approach. Does it work 
better in Cython (I haven't tried it yet) ?
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Robin
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Any student interested in this should quickly respond on the list;
   such a project would likely be co-mentored by people on the Numpy and
   Cython teams, since it is likely to require expertise from both ends.


I would like to register my keen interest in applying for Numpy/Scipy
GSoC project. I am a first year PhD student in Computational
Neuroscience and my undergraduate degree was in Mathematics.

I have been using Numpy and Scipy for my PhD work for a few months now
and have been building up to trying to contribute something to the
project - I am keen to get more substantial real world programming
experience... The projects described involving Cython definitely
interest me, although I don't yet have a sufficient understanding of
the Python C-API and Pyrex/Cython to gauge how demanding they might

As a PhD student in the UK I don't have any official summer vacation,
so I wouldn't be able to work full time on the project (I also have a
continuation report due just before the GSoC final deadline which is a
bit annoying). However I currently work 20 hours per week part time
anyway, so I'm confident that I could replace that with GSoC and still
keep up with my studies.

I would be keen to chat with someone (perhaps on the IRC channel)
about whether my existing programming experience and availability
would allow me to have a proper crack at this.

I understand that first organisations apply (deadline 12th March) with
some suggested projects, and then towards the end of the month
students can apply to accepted organisations, either for the suggested
project or their own ideas. I'd love to see Numpy/Scipy apply as an
organisation with these projects (and perhaps some others) so that
interested students like myself can apply.



My nick on IRC is 'thrope' and I try to hang out in there most of the
time I am online. I am also on Google Talk at this email address.
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Ondrej Certik
On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 9:48 PM, Robin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:15 PM, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Any student interested in this should quickly respond on the list;
 such a project would likely be co-mentored by people on the Numpy and
 Cython teams, since it is likely to require expertise from both ends.


  I would like to register my keen interest in applying for Numpy/Scipy
  GSoC project. I am a first year PhD student in Computational
  Neuroscience and my undergraduate degree was in Mathematics.

  I have been using Numpy and Scipy for my PhD work for a few months now
  and have been building up to trying to contribute something to the
  project - I am keen to get more substantial real world programming
  experience... The projects described involving Cython definitely
  interest me, although I don't yet have a sufficient understanding of
  the Python C-API and Pyrex/Cython to gauge how demanding they might

  As a PhD student in the UK I don't have any official summer vacation,
  so I wouldn't be able to work full time on the project (I also have a
  continuation report due just before the GSoC final deadline which is a
  bit annoying). However I currently work 20 hours per week part time
  anyway, so I'm confident that I could replace that with GSoC and still
  keep up with my studies.

Just a note, that the usual commitment is 40 hours/week, i.e. a full
time job. See e.g.:

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Joris De Ridder

On 06 Mar 2008, at 19:15, Fernando Perez wrote:
 is an evolved version of Pyrex (which is used by numpy and scipy) with
 lots of improvements.  We'd like to position Cython as the preferred
 way of writing most, if not all, new extension code written for numpy
 and scipy,  as it is easier to write, get right, debug (when you still
 get it wrong) and maintain than writing to the raw Python-C API.

Could you explain a bit more why you think this is the best path to  
Pyrex is kind of a dialect, so your extension modules would be nor  
python nor C, but a third language. Is this indeed easier to maintain?  
When you would like to use legacy C code for an extension, would you  
rewrite it in Cython? What are Cython's advantages compared to ctypes?



Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Numpy/Cython Google Summer of Code project idea

2008-03-06 Thread Christopher Barker
I'm not a pyrex/Cython expert, but

Joris De Ridder wrote:
 Pyrex is kind of a dialect, so your extension modules would be nor  
 python nor C, but a third language.


 Is this indeed easier to maintain?  

yes, because while you can write C extensions in C, you need to use the 
quite complex Python/C api, and get all sorts of things like reference 
counting, etc right too -- that is hard.

Also, with Cython, you can quite easily mix Python and C in one place, 
so you truly only need to put the performance intensive bits in Cython 
specific code.

 When you would like to use legacy C code for an extension, would you  
 rewrite it in Cython?

no -- you can call regular old C from Cython, so you can use it to write 
wrappers, too.

 What are Cython's advantages compared to ctypes?

for ctypes, you also avoid the wrapping code, but your C code needs to 
be compiled as a library, and can't use python types directly, which is 
more limiting.

I think Cython is easier for someone not very experienced in C, and no 
harder for someone who is.


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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