Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread YvesDM
On 11/9/06, Arjen de Korte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
YvesDM wrote:>> Are you absolutely sure that the UPS is connected to /dev/ttyS0? For>> 'upstype=7' the signals for 'on battery' and 'low battery' are -CTS and>> -DCD (both zero). I wouldn't be surprized at all if this is the same as
>> nothing connected to the port you're monitoring (although I can't test>> that right now).> The machine kept rebooting, even with no serial cable to the UPS> connected anymore, so I guess that's a yes?
I would say that if it doesn't make a difference whether the serialcable is attached or not, that would be a safe bet, yes. I just checkedwith genericups monitoring a serial port without anything connected and
as expected, it showed LB OB (low battery and on battery), which wouldforce a system shutdown had upsmon been running:So, this might have happened here :-)[...]
> That proliant server has a serial A and a serial B RS232, I took serial A.If you have a serial loopback plug (or a breakout box), you could checkif you can access that port, but looking at your past replies I fear
that you even don't know what I'm talking about right now (no punintended). I'm not familiar with proliant servers, so I can't offer muchmore help here.[...]As you feared, I have no idea... 
 >> Lesson #3: You really, REALLY, shouldn't experiment with a UPS on a live
>> system... :-)> Yes, Easy to say when the system is already operational. I didn't have> that much choice.Disconnecting a UPS from a live server and testing it at a separateworkstation is a MUST if you're not absolutely sure the configuration is
correct. I would never use an UPS on a production system without doublechecking that monitoring works. Otherwise your investment gives you afalse sense of security.Yes I know, the ups gives me some kind of secure feeling when I'm around and awake, but there it ends of course.
That's why I started looking for a solution to make this more easy for me.If I remove the ups in front of the server I feel even less secure then now (as we all know murphy)But anyway, I will do it in a free day next week and test things out on a spare proliant server I 'm lucky to have right now.
Bottom line is that a UPS should make a power loss to your systempredictable, it can't prevent it always, so you MUST check if that
works. Even when monitoring the status of the UPS works, you must stillmake sure the system shuts down cleanly and reboots when power returns.There is no better way to guarantee that, than to yank the mains cable
from the UPS and see what happens (at a convenient time, that is).Yes, I know, but I'm scared to screw my raid during unclean shutdowns.
>> When in doubt, it is always better to follow the instructions from the>> genericups man page under the chapter 'TESTING COMPATIBILITY' to prevent>> inadvertent shutdowns of your system.
> Yes, I guess you're right, but I start to get sick of it.You have every reason to. You expected something to work (and if yourUPS indeed would have used the SafeNet software, it would, or else give
you an error message that the configuration was not OK) and instead itis giving you all sorts of trouble. Please complain to the company thatsold you the UPS (or better yet, to Sweex for providing incorrectinformation on their website).
I  definately will complain to sweex!  I will ask them to send me the manage software for linux.As they claim on their website it's supported.
> As I said before this is a live system and I can't mess with it to much.> I really hope someone can give me the link I 'm missing here.> Otherwise it's better to stop waisting my time on that ups and look for
> another one better supported. MGE?If it should 'just work' and you don't find enjoyment in trying to makeit work, do yourself a favor and indeed swap it for one that is bettersupported by the manufacturer (MGE indeed comes to mind, since they
officially sponsor NUT).Don't get me wrong. I enjoy searching for things and trying to make things work the right way. I would never use opensource if I didn't enjoy this, would I?But this time it's just to critical and I'm to much in a rush to get this working.
> Suggestions from recent models working without problems are welcome.> I use the stable debian package, nut 
2.0.1-4That version is already quite old, we're at 2.0.4 already, with 2.0.5lurking just around the corner.Yes I know, but I tried to keep the system as much as possible with the stable brand. 
But If it wouls solve my problems I could of course grab nut from unstable or testing. 
Kind regards,ArjenI wish to thank you for the time you spent writing those answers and explaining this to me. It's very appreciated, tnx! Again, if anyone can recommend me an easy-setup MGE ups 
with nut I'll be glad to hear.
Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread Arjen de Korte
Udo van den Heuvel wrote:

>> So what is your upsdrvctl problem?
>> Are we talking the same UPS here?
> I have a Sweex, 800VA or so?

That is a totally different one than the Sweex 1000VA one (that shippes
with UPSmart software). Please bear in mind that Sweex is basically
rebranding stuff they buy from OEMs. So by just looking at the box (or
even the typenumber on the box), you still don't know what you're
actually getting.

Since I already had written the SafeNet driver, I thought I would buy
another Sweex 500VA UPS that listed the same software as for the 1000VA.
Much to my dismay, only the manual still mentioned SafeNet, but the
software that came with it was totally different and incompatible to the
previous version.

>> If yes, I wish I knew !
> Maybe try the source to see what the function does that is mentioned in
> the error?

No need to, it is not compatible. The 800VA and 1000VA versions are made
by different OEMs. I bet your 800VA UPS didn't come with UPSmart.

Best regards,

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread Arjen de Korte
YvesDM wrote:

>> Are you absolutely sure that the UPS is connected to /dev/ttyS0? For
>> 'upstype=7' the signals for 'on battery' and 'low battery' are -CTS and
>> -DCD (both zero). I wouldn't be surprized at all if this is the same as
>> nothing connected to the port you're monitoring (although I can't test
>> that right now).
> The machine kept rebooting, even with no serial cable to the UPS
> connected anymore, so I guess that's a yes?

I would say that if it doesn't make a difference whether the serial
cable is attached or not, that would be a safe bet, yes. I just checked
with genericups monitoring a serial port without anything connected and
as expected, it showed LB OB (low battery and on battery), which would
force a system shutdown had upsmon been running:

# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED] genericups
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ttyS1
driver.parameter.upstype: 7
driver.version: 2.0.3
driver.version.internal: 1.31
ups.mfr: CyberPower
ups.model: Power99
ups.status: LB OB

(Shame on me, even I'm not using the lastest NUT version)

> How can I be absolutely sure it's connected to /dev/ttyS0?

I don't know. The trouble with contact closure type UPSes is, there is
no way to determine if the correct UPS is connected and in many cases,
no way to check if something is connected at all. Short of a couple of
ones that support serial PnP (I know of at least APC has a model that
does), but that's not used by NUT (should be handled at a different level).

> That proliant server has a serial A and a serial B RS232, I took serial A.

If you have a serial loopback plug (or a breakout box), you could check
if you can access that port, but looking at your past replies I fear
that you even don't know what I'm talking about right now (no pun
intended). I'm not familiar with proliant servers, so I can't offer much
more help here.


>> Lesson #3: You really, REALLY, shouldn't experiment with a UPS on a live
>> system... :-)
> Yes, Easy to say when the system is already operational. I didn't have
> that much choice.

Disconnecting a UPS from a live server and testing it at a separate
workstation is a MUST if you're not absolutely sure the configuration is
correct. I would never use an UPS on a production system without double
checking that monitoring works. Otherwise your investment gives you a
false sense of security.

Bottom line is that a UPS should make a power loss to your system
predictable, it can't prevent it always, so you MUST check if that
works. Even when monitoring the status of the UPS works, you must still
make sure the system shuts down cleanly and reboots when power returns.
There is no better way to guarantee that, than to yank the mains cable
from the UPS and see what happens (at a convenient time, that is).

>> When in doubt, it is always better to follow the instructions from the
>> genericups man page under the chapter 'TESTING COMPATIBILITY' to prevent
>> inadvertent shutdowns of your system.
> Yes, I guess you're right, but I start to get sick of it. 

You have every reason to. You expected something to work (and if your
UPS indeed would have used the SafeNet software, it would, or else give
you an error message that the configuration was not OK) and instead it
is giving you all sorts of trouble. Please complain to the company that
sold you the UPS (or better yet, to Sweex for providing incorrect
information on their website).

> As I said before this is a live system and I can't mess with it to much.
> I really hope someone can give me the link I 'm missing here.
> Otherwise it's better to stop waisting my time on that ups and look for
> another one better supported. MGE?

If it should 'just work' and you don't find enjoyment in trying to make
it work, do yourself a favor and indeed swap it for one that is better
supported by the manufacturer (MGE indeed comes to mind, since they
officially sponsor NUT).

> Suggestions from recent models working without problems are welcome.
> I use the stable debian package, nut 2.0.1-4

That version is already quite old, we're at 2.0.4 already, with 2.0.5
lurking just around the corner.

Kind regards,

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread YvesDM
On 11/9/06, Arjen de Korte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> [ups_name]>> driver = genericups>> upstype = 7>> port = /dev/ttyS0>> desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS"> Ok, I tried this.> The driver was loaded and. the server shutdown immediately.
Lesson #1: Always first test whether the driver is producing good results(you must be able to read the status from your UPS correctly), beforeusing it to shutdown a system.I thought I was doing this . I didn't expect the thing would ever shutdown when it's on power cord.
I'm new to all this UPS stuff. And gee I like it from the first date!> I had to attach a screen and a keyboard to the server and boot it in
> single user mode to disable nut in /etc/default/Lesson #2: Unless you're sure of #1, don't put NUT in scripts that arestarted automatically to prevent deadlocks... :-)Right, my mistake 
[...]> This gives me:>>  radius1:/var/log# ls -l /dev/ttyS0
> crw-rw  1 root dialout 4, 64 2005-02-26 07:39 /dev/ttyS0>> So, I guess not good. What is the correct chown?> chown root:nut /dev/ttyS0 ?>> Could this be the reason of the instant shutdown?
No, not really. When the genericups driver fails to lock the serial port(because of wrong permissions or it is locked by another process) it willfail to startup.Are you absolutely sure that the UPS is connected to /dev/ttyS0? For
'upstype=7' the signals for 'on battery' and 'low battery' are -CTS and-DCD (both zero). I wouldn't be surprized at all if this is the same asnothing connected to the port you're monitoring (although I can't test
that right now).The machine kept rebooting, even with no serial cable to the UPS connected anymore,so I guess that's a yes? How can I be absolutely sure it's connected to /dev/ttyS0?That proliant server has a serial A and a serial B RS232, I took serial A.
Note that the genericups driver is not able to detect whether or notsomething is connected to the port it is monitoring, unlike many other
(somewhat) smarter protocols that are used by other drivers. This is dueto the limitations of the contact closure protocol used, not by thedriver.> I don't want this to happen again. (radius)
Lesson #3: You really, REALLY, shouldn't experiment with a UPS on a livesystem... :-)Yes, Easy to say when the system is already operational. I didn't have that much choice.
When in doubt, it is always better to follow the instructions from thegenericups man page under the chapter 'TESTING COMPATIBILITY' to preventinadvertent shutdowns of your system.Yes, I guess you're right, but I start to get sick of it. 
As I said before this is a live system and I can't mess with it to much.I really hope someone can give me the link I 'm missing here.Otherwise it's better to stop waisting my time on that ups and look for another one better supported.
MGE? Suggestions from recent models working without problems are welcome. I use the stable debian package, nut 2.0.1-4 
Kind regards,ArjenTnx for all help and suggestions,Yves
Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread Udo van den Heuvel
YvesDM wrote:
> So what is your upsdrvctl problem?
> Are we talking the same UPS here?

I have a Sweex, 800VA or so?

> If yes, I wish I knew !

Maybe try the source to see what the function does that is mentioned in
the error?

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread YvesDM
On 11/9/06, Udo van den Heuvel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
YvesDM wrote:> On 11/8/06, *Udo van den Heuvel* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:>> Try Powermust.
>>> radius1:/etc/nut# cat ups.conf> # Network UPS Tools: example ups.conf> #> user = nut>> [ups_name]> driver = powermust> port = /dev/ttyS0
> desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS" radius1:/etc/nut# /etc/init.d/nut start> Starting Network UPS Tools: (upsdrvctl failed) upsd upsmon.> radius1:/etc/nut#
I see:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# service ups restartStopping UPS monitor:  [  OK  ]Stopping upsd: [  OK  ]Shutting down powermust:   [  OK  ]
Starting powermust: Network UPS Tools - Mustek PowerMust UPS driver 1.1(2.0.3)Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003, 2004Mustek PowerMust UPS, or compatible, detected.   [  OK  ]
Starting upsd: Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.3Connected to UPS [myups]: powermust-ttyS1Synchronizing...done   [  OK  ]Starting UPS monitor (master): Network UPS Tools upsmon 
2.0.3UPS: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (master) (power value 1)Using power down flag file /etc/killpower   [  OK  ]So what is your upsdrvctl problem?
Are we talking the same UPS here?If yes, I wish I knew !
Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread Udo van den Heuvel
YvesDM wrote:
> On 11/8/06, *Udo van den Heuvel* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > wrote:
> Try Powermust.
> radius1:/etc/nut# cat ups.conf
> # Network UPS Tools: example ups.conf
> #
> user = nut
> [ups_name]
> driver = powermust
> port = /dev/ttyS0
> desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS"
> radius1:/etc/nut# /etc/init.d/nut start
> Starting Network UPS Tools: (upsdrvctl failed) upsd upsmon.
> radius1:/etc/nut#

I see:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# service ups restart
Stopping UPS monitor:  [  OK  ]
Stopping upsd: [  OK  ]
Shutting down powermust:   [  OK  ]
Starting powermust: Network UPS Tools - Mustek PowerMust UPS driver 1.1
Carlos Rodrigues (c) 2003, 2004

Mustek PowerMust UPS, or compatible, detected.
   [  OK  ]
Starting upsd: Network UPS Tools upsd 2.0.3
Connected to UPS [myups]: powermust-ttyS1
   [  OK  ]
Starting UPS monitor (master): Network UPS Tools upsmon 2.0.3
UPS: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (master) (power value 1)
Using power down flag file /etc/killpower

   [  OK  ]
So what is your upsdrvctl problem?

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread Arjen de Korte

>> [ups_name]
>> driver = genericups
>> upstype = 7
>> port = /dev/ttyS0
>> desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS"
> Ok, I tried this.
> The driver was loaded and. the server shutdown immediately.

Lesson #1: Always first test whether the driver is producing good results
(you must be able to read the status from your UPS correctly), before
using it to shutdown a system.

> I had to attach a screen and a keyboard to the server and boot it in
> single user mode to disable nut in /etc/default/

Lesson #2: Unless you're sure of #1, don't put NUT in scripts that are
started automatically to prevent deadlocks... :-)


> This gives me:
>  radius1:/var/log# ls -l /dev/ttyS0
> crw-rw  1 root dialout 4, 64 2005-02-26 07:39 /dev/ttyS0
> So, I guess not good. What is the correct chown?
> chown root:nut /dev/ttyS0 ?
> Could this be the reason of the instant shutdown?

No, not really. When the genericups driver fails to lock the serial port
(because of wrong permissions or it is locked by another process) it will
fail to startup.

Are you absolutely sure that the UPS is connected to /dev/ttyS0? For
'upstype=7' the signals for 'on battery' and 'low battery' are -CTS and
-DCD (both zero). I wouldn't be surprized at all if this is the same as
nothing connected to the port you're monitoring (although I can't test
that right now).

Note that the genericups driver is not able to detect whether or not
something is connected to the port it is monitoring, unlike many other
(somewhat) smarter protocols that are used by other drivers. This is due
to the limitations of the contact closure protocol used, not by the

> I don't want this to happen again. (radius)

Lesson #3: You really, REALLY, shouldn't experiment with a UPS on a live
system... :-)

When in doubt, it is always better to follow the instructions from the
genericups man page under the chapter 'TESTING COMPATIBILITY' to prevent
inadvertent shutdowns of your system.

Kind regards,

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread YvesDM
PS Some logfiles from the instant shutdowns:The ups was NOT running on battery power. Nov  9 14:37:16 radius1 genericups[1640]: Startup successfulNov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1641]: /etc/nut/upsd.conf is world readable
Nov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1641]: Connected to UPS [ups_name]: genericups-ttyS0Nov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1641]: /etc/nut/upsd.users is world readableNov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1642]: Startup successful
Nov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsmon[1644]: Startup successfulNov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1642]: Connection from  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1642]: Client 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] logged into UPS [ups_name]Nov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsmon[1645]: UPS [EMAIL PROTECTED] battery is lowNov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsmon[1645]: UPS [EMAIL PROTECTED] on batteryNov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsd[1642]: Client 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] set FSD on UPS [ups_name]Nov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsmon[1645]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdownNov  9 14:37:16 radius1 upsmon[1645]: Auto logout and shutdown proceeding
Nov  9 14:37:21 radius1 upsd[1642]: Host disconnected (read failure)Nov  9 14:37:27 radius1 upsd[1642]: Signal 15: exitingNov  9 14:37:27 radius1 genericups[1640]: Signal 15: exiting
Nov  9 14:40:22 radius1 kernel:   groups: 01Nov  9 14:40:22 radius1 kernel:    groups: 01 02Nov  9 14:40:22 radius1 kernel:   groups: 02Nov  9 14:40:22 radius1 kernel:    groups: 02 01Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 genericups[1640]: Startup successful
Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1641]: /etc/nut/upsd.conf is world readableNov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1641]: Connected to UPS [ups_name]: genericups-ttyS0Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1641]: /etc/nut/upsd.users is world readable
Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1642]: Startup successfulNov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsmon[1644]: Startup successfulNov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1642]: Connection from  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1642]: Client 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] logged into UPS [ups_name]Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsmon[1645]: UPS [EMAIL PROTECTED] battery is lowNov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsmon[1645]: UPS [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 on batteryNov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsd[1642]: Client [EMAIL PROTECTED] set FSD on UPS [ups_name]Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsmon[1645]: Executing automatic power-fail shutdown
Nov  9 14:40:27 radius1 upsmon[1645]: Auto logout and shutdown proceedingNov  9 14:40:32 radius1 upsd[1642]: Host disconnected (read failure)Nov  9 14:40:39 radius1 upsd[1642]: Signal 15: exiting

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread YvesDM
On 11/9/06, Arjen de Korte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> radius1:/etc/nut# /lib/nut/genericups -a ups_name> Network UPS Tools - Generic UPS driver 1.30 (2.0.1)> No upstype set - see help text / man page!The last line should ring a bell, don't you think so?
Yes so I've tried man nut :-)  Honestly, you didn't read the genericups man page, did you? You can't
specify an upstype like this (the correct way is explained in the manpage).See above...ok now I did. 
In short, each configuration parameter in this file should be on aseparate line, like the following:[ups_name]driver = genericupsupstype = 7port = /dev/ttyS0desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS"
Ok, I tried this.The driver was loaded and. the server shutdown immediately.I had to attach a screen and a keyboard to the server and boot it in single user modeto disable nut in /etc/default/ 
Also make sure that NUT is able to access the serial port, so you may want
to check permissions:ls -l /dev/ttyS0This gives me: radius1:/var/log# ls -l /dev/ttyS0crw-rw  1 root dialout 4, 64 2005-02-26 07:39 /dev/ttyS0So, I guess not good. What is the correct chown? 
chown root:nut /dev/ttyS0 ? Could this be the reason of the instant shutdown? I don't want this to happen again. (radius)     
Kind regards,ArjenPS  Please keep the mailinglist posted. Others may benefit from problems(and solutions) you have with configuring NUT to get your UPS working.Of course.Many tnx
Nut-upsuser mailing list

[Nut-upsuser] Fwd: UPSD filling message log

2006-11-09 Thread John Crisp

I have NUT installed and running quite happily with a APC Smart 1000 
UPS  on a CENTOS4 based SME V7 server (

Installed versions are as follows :


I realise these are not the latest versions but everything is fine 
apart from messages flooding /var/log/messages every minute as follows :

Nov  9 11:08:01 esmith upsd[9923]: Connection from
Nov  9 11:08:01 esmith upsd[9923]: Client on logged out
Nov  9 11:09:00 esmith upsd[9923]: Connection from
Nov  9 11:09:00 esmith upsd[9923]: Client on logged out

The configuration files look standard. Does anyone have any idea how to 
prevent these messages ?

B. Rgds
John Crisp

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Sweex 1000VA UPS

2006-11-09 Thread Arjen de Korte
> radius1:/etc/nut# /lib/nut/genericups -a ups_name
> Network UPS Tools - Generic UPS driver 1.30 (2.0.1)
> No upstype set - see help text / man page!

The last line should ring a bell, don't you think so?

> radius1:/etc/nut# /lib/nut/genericups upstype=7 -a ups_name
> Network UPS Tools - Generic UPS driver 1.30 (2.0.1)
> No upstype set - see help text / man page!

Honestly, you didn't read the genericups man page, did you? You can't
specify an upstype like this (the correct way is explained in the man

> My ups.conf looks like this:
> radius1:/etc/nut# cat ups.conf
> # Network UPS Tools: example ups.conf
> #
> user = nut
> [ups_name]
> driver = genericups upstype=7
> port = /dev/ttyS0
> desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS"

In short, each configuration parameter in this file should be on a
separate line, like the following:

driver = genericups
upstype = 7
port = /dev/ttyS0
desc = "Sweex 1000VA UPS"

Also make sure that NUT is able to access the serial port, so you may want
to check permissions:

ls -l /dev/ttyS0

Kind regards,

PS  Please keep the mailinglist posted. Others may benefit from problems
(and solutions) you have with configuring NUT to get your UPS working.
Eindhoven - The Netherlands
Key fingerprint - 66 4E 03 2C 9D B5 CB 9B  7A FE 7E C1 EE 88 BC 57

Nut-upsuser mailing list