Re: [Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

2009-02-10 Thread Marco Chiappero
Arjen de Korte ha scritto:
> It's funny that you mention MGE PSP here, since except for the  
> shutdown timer (reason explained in the FAQ), NUT already provides  
> *all* functionality it has (including shutdown based on charge and  
> runtime). What you may be missing is the fact that this requires  
> setting values on the UPS through the 'upsrw' command to control the  
> level when the UPS will decide the battery is low.

As far as I remember in PSP there are two different regulations, battery 
charge level that triggers system shutdown and battery charge level that 
set the "low battery" state. I suppose it uses the first one that 
occurs. If I'm not wrong.

> What we currently  
> don't have, is multiple decision levels, but this is something that  
> will be dealt with through the use of virtual UPS devices that are  
> accessible through the regular interface.

Ok, I've understood now, sorry for not understanding before. It's 
definitely a good idea, the best one, that solves all these aspects.
I think you answered all my questions, thank you. And sorry for being 

Marco Chiappero

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

2009-02-10 Thread Arjen de Korte
Citeren Marco Chiappero :

>> Please elaborate here, because as far as I know we already have this
>> (the 'upsd' server).
> Please read the last mail from Gabor, his idea it's really close to
> mine. To me clients have to be as "stupid" as possible (requiring almost
> no configuration) and simply obey to commands issued by the server. This
> means that clients shutdown configuration has to be done on the machine
> controlling the UPS(es). This way it is the server (connected to the
> UPS) that allows someone to use the UPS it owns for the time it
> considers fine, it is not a client that tells the server how much it
> wants to stay up (a slave upsmon works this way, right?).

If you run the upsmon master on the same box as the upsd server, all  
upsmon slaves connected to the same UPS will shutdown at the same time  
as the upsmon master. So effectively, you already have a centralized  
setup if you configure things properly. There is absolutely no need to  
run 'upssched' on every client if they should all go down at the same  
time, just run it on the master and you'll be fine. The only thing  
that remains is that we need different 'virtual' UPSes that can be  
shutdown at different battery.(charge|runtime) levels and you have  
pretty much exactly what Gabor describes.

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

2009-02-10 Thread Arjen de Korte
Citeren Marco Chiappero :

> This would be useful too, but I would be happy enough just having
> different shutdown moments based on timer|charge|runtime as apcupsd and
> MGE's psp[1] do natively (and as it should be)!

It's funny that you mention MGE PSP here, since except for the  
shutdown timer (reason explained in the FAQ), NUT already provides  
*all* functionality it has (including shutdown based on charge and  
runtime). What you may be missing is the fact that this requires  
setting values on the UPS through the 'upsrw' command to control the  
level when the UPS will decide the battery is low. What we currently  
don't have, is multiple decision levels, but this is something that  
will be dealt with through the use of virtual UPS devices that are  
accessible through the regular interface.

>> In that case, put these scripts on a network drive. They don't have to
>> live in /etc/ups (or whatever is compiled in).
> Obviously you can do it, but it's not a much better solution. Having to
> set up a file server to accomplish what, in my opinion, NUT should do
> natively it's certainly not a solution.

That depends a lot on your configuration. If you already have many  
more or less identical clients on your system, chances are that this  
file server will already source the configuration for these systems. I  
know of quite a couple of large installations where NUT is used where  
this is the case and this is quite a workable setup.


> 1) different shutdown criteria

We already have that if the UPS supports it. If it doesn't support it,  
we don't and won't do that. There is far too much crappy UPS hardware  
around to add this for units that don't support this natively.

> 2) different shutdown time points

This will be added but is currently lacking development time and attention.

> 3) automatic restart management / automatic programmable outlet power on

We won't add #2 without #3.

> The third is not required for implementing points 1 and 2.

Not at all. Without this, unattended shutdowns are just not an option,  
which is the base of NUT.

> The first one is absolutely the most important and already present in any UPS
> tool I've seen.

See above. For devices that support this, NUT already has this. If I  
remember correctly you have a MGE Evolution 650 and I know that this  
is supported (for a couple of releases already).

What is much more important than the issues you raise, is the fact  
that configuration of NUT is much too complicated at the moment. Many  
people simply give up because of the overwhelming amount of  
configuration required to setup simple monitoring of their UPS.

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

2009-02-10 Thread Arjen de Korte
Citeren Gabor Gombas :

> The first step would be to have a _central_ way to manage when to shut a
> specific class of clients down. Having to muck with upssched scripts on
> every client just does not scale. IMHO the clients should just say
> "hello, I'm of class X" when logging into the UPS, and it should be
> upsd's job to say "clients of class X start to shut down NOW, everyone
> else wait".

This would still require configuration on the part of the clients to  
set the class. But I agree with the fact that this should be managed  
in a centralized way. I intend to do this by adding 'virtual' UPS  
devices that clients can connect to in the usual manner. By doing so,  
the interface to existing client applications (not only the ones we  
provide) remains intact. So something like (actual UPS) (virtual UPS)

In this case, clients can connect to either of the above (or more than  
one), which will look to them as a 'real' UPS. All the power  
sequencing would be handled on the server, including the decision to  
shutdown a certain virtual UPS. Doing so effectively means that from  
the moment this is added, all existing clients can start using this.

> Being able to turn clients that were logged in to the UPS when their
> shutdown was ordered back on is the next logical step after the above,
> but for a start I'd be happy with the shutdown part.

Noted. If you're not already subscribed to the nut-upsdev mailinglist,  
please do so, since usually changes like the above will be announced  
there first.

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

2009-02-10 Thread Marco Chiappero
Arjen de Korte ha scritto:
> Citeren Marco Chiappero :
>>> And "centralized" is a very important keyword here; having
>>> to modify upssched scripts on dozens of machines when the plan changes
>>> is a real PITA.
>> I agree, and that's the reason why I said there is a need for a
>> director. It takes care about settings and actions, clients should only
>> obey and possibly show UPS informations. It's also a metter of role: the
>> system managing the UPS is the only one that should decide and control
>> who can keep running and for how long, not the server administrator (and
>> maybe you're not even the server owner or admin)!
>> This should also make the powershare feature easier to implement since
>> the computer controlling the UPS knows everything.
> Please elaborate here, because as far as I know we already have this  
> (the 'upsd' server).

Please read the last mail from Gabor, his idea it's really close to 
mine. To me clients have to be as "stupid" as possible (requiring almost 
no configuration) and simply obey to commands issued by the server. This 
means that clients shutdown configuration has to be done on the machine 
controlling the UPS(es). This way it is the server (connected to the 
UPS) that allows someone to use the UPS it owns for the time it 
considers fine, it is not a client that tells the server how much it 
wants to stay up (a slave upsmon works this way, right?).
Ok, how to achive this? Writing two different programs, client and 
server, is an idea, but we can think of something more modular: an 
hardware layer (eg. nutupsdrv), a communication and "action 
maker"/execution layer, and a decision layer managing shutdown orders.
So, on the client side just the second layer is needed, it takes care of 
speaking with the server (for UPS readings too [1]) and executing 
shutdown and/or notify commands received by the server. Note that on 
this side you have to configure just a few settings.
On the server side we need all the stack of components, the decision 
maker on top of the communication and execution layer, in turn on top of 
the hardware layer. The decision layer reads the configuration file(s) 
containing shutdown policies for all the machines (or group of machines) 
it can assume to control, and then, when needed, it passes orders to the 
lower layer. Again on the server side, the communication and execution 
layer dispatches informations between the hardware, the "brainless" 
clients and the "brain" itself. Note that this layer can be the same on 
both clients and server.
Let's suppose we already powered down some clients and power is back, 
the mean layer (which is on top of the hardware) notify the event to the 
upper decision layer, this one orders to start an action such as 
executing script or restoring power on a specific programmable outlet, 
maybe after some time or when enough charge is reached.
If "low battery" level is reached, then we trigger shutdown for everyone 
is still up.

Well, I'm not experienced and maybe it's not a good approach, but I like 
it. You can think it's better to have clever clients as it is now, but 
at this moment upsmon is lacking the features already discussed.

However, just considerations and comments are welcome.

Marco Chiappero

[1] The server can offer some services or information to the clients.

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] ordered shutdown

2009-02-10 Thread Marco Chiappero
Arjen de Korte ha scritto:

[waking up from shutdown before battery exhaustion]
> With whatever strategy you use, you need to be able to send some kind  
> of command (power on, WOL magic, whatever) at the right time.

Yeah, but I can't see any real difficulty. What does NOTIFTCMD stand 
for? Maybe the server (if client aware) could let the user choose some 
more options or predefined actions, shouldn't be difficult to implement.
I can't see why this solution is worse than having to deal with upssched 
and its script, which I consider much a dirty hack.

> Shutting  
> down is 'easy' when there is one point in time where you can decide to  
> shutdown whatever is connected (what we have now) possibly with some  
> kind of sequencing and then power cycle the UPS. What people are  
> asking now, is to have multiple decision moments


> and for each one you  
> must guarantee that you're able to return to the normal state with as  
> little impact on other systems.

This would be useful too, but I would be happy enough just having 
different shutdown moments based on timer|charge|runtime as apcupsd and 
MGE's psp[1] do natively (and as it should be)!
Maybe there is a person in front of the computer you powered down, that 
can switch it on. Why not to let the people choose the strategy they prefer?

> In that case, put these scripts on a network drive. They don't have to  
> live in /etc/ups (or whatever is compiled in). 

Obviously you can do it, but it's not a much better solution. Having to 
set up a file server to accomplish what, in my opinion, NUT should do 
natively it's certainly not a solution.

To sum up, in priority order:
1) different shutdown criteria
2) different shutdown time points
3) automatic restart management / automatic programmable outlet power on

The third is not required for implementing points 1 and 2. The first one 
is absolutely the most important and already present in any UPS tool 
I've seen.

Beyond these requests, I believe a better design is required to address 
some other needs, discussed in the previous mails, but I know that it is 
something that, first of all, you should feel it's right, and it's not 
always possible to modify a project. However I like to discuss about 
these ideas.

Just my opinion.

Marco Chiappero

[1] Yes, a normal user can choose pointing and clicking, while upssched 
is considered a complicated option for nerds.

Nut-upsuser mailing list