Re: [Nut-upsuser] Any word on when the ietf mib will be fixed for liebert?

2009-07-28 Thread Maurice Volaski
Please don't mistake warning messages with (fatal) errors. Starting 
with nut-2.4.0, these messages should only be displayed in debug mode,

so I'm surprised you're seeing them in nut-2.4.1.

It doesn't seem this way from my reading of the source code:

upslogx(LOG_ERR, "[%s] %s: Error in packet: %s",

From what I can tell, that's a regular log message of an error, not a 
debug mode message, which would use either "upsdebugx" or "debug", or 
a warning, which would use upslogx with "LOG_WARNING".

Upon startup, the snmp-ups driver will query the UPS for all the OID's 
the driver supports. The ones which are not supported by the UPS, will

In addition, the errors are continually output to syslog; they don't 
just appear once and stop.

generally result in an error message from the NetSNMP library that is
used. There is nothing we can do about that and it is *not* an error.

Perhaps you could change LOG_ERR to  LOG_WARNING and perhaps you can 
ignore it after the first time it appears.

 > Anyway, now that the script is starting, I'm seeing "failed - got
 > [ERR ACCESS-DENIED]" errors  from upsmon, and I don't know why.

See 'man 8 upsd', 'man 5 upsd.conf' and 'man 5 upsd.users'. This is a
configuration error.

My nut configuration is fine. To troubleshoot this, I had to label 
each one of ACCESS-DENIED errors in the code, and with that, I 
determined that the one involving tcp-wrappers was complaining. It 
appears that local network communication is hard coded with In my /etc/hosts.allow, I just have "ALL:localhost", with 
no TCP wrappers doesn't know or check that they're the 
same, so I once I added it, it started working. :-) Presumably, 
previous versions used localhost.


Maurice Volaski,
Computing Support, Rose F. Kennedy Center
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

Nut-upsuser mailing list

Re: [Nut-upsuser] Any word on when the ietf mib will be fixed for liebert?

2009-07-28 Thread Arjen de Korte

Citeren Maurice Volaski :

This mib used to work, so is there a way to go back to the version  
prior to this one without downgrading the whole package?

yes, only take the snmp-ups driver from the previous working release.

2.2.2 and 2.0.5 also complain but with fewer errors.

Please don't mistake warning messages with (fatal) errors. Starting  
with nut-2.4.0, these messages should only be displayed in debug mode,  
so I'm surprised you're seeing them in nut-2.4.1. If you're not a  
developer, you should *not* run any part of NUT in debug mode unless  
asked for. Don't draw conclusions about *any* debug message if you're  
not familiar with the code base.

Upon startup, the snmp-ups driver will query the UPS for all the OID's  
the driver supports. The ones which are not supported by the UPS, will  
generally result in an error message from the NetSNMP library that is  
used. There is nothing we can do about that and it is *not* an error.  
Generally speaking, over time we will add more OID's to the MIB's,  
which means that you may see more of these 'error messages' after an  
update. This is harmless. It just means that your UPS uses only a  
subset of the full IETF MIB (which is not unusual at all).


Anyway, now that the script is starting, I'm seeing "failed - got  
[ERR ACCESS-DENIED]" errors  from upsmon, and I don't know why.

See 'man 8 upsd', 'man 5 upsd.conf' and 'man 5 upsd.users'. This is a  
configuration error.

I noted that the configuration has changed. It seems ACLs and ACCEPT  
are no longer used and have been replaced with LISTEN, but I have  
set that.

Indeed. Again, see the above manual pages.

Best regards, Arjen
Please keep list traffic on the list

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