Howie Wang wrote:
1. A String[] HitDetails.getValues(String field) method that
returns an array of the values. The current only returns a
single string, and Lucene indexes can have multiple values
per field.

That sounds useful. Please submit a patch against the trunk attached to a bug report.

2. In, put in a field (parentURL) for the URL of the page that
contains the link. Right now it seems we just have the links themselves
and we can't backtrack where they come from. Being able to backtrack
through the links is handy for doing something like categorization. For
example, you see that all the links are coming from a page about poodles,
so you might categorize the linked page as a poodle page. It might also
come in handy for doing something like a Google TrustRank scoring, where
you penalize certain sites if they're a known link farm, or boost them if they're
from some place respected like DMOZ.

This would certainly be useful functionality. The link db has changed substantially in the current trunk and there is no longer a class named Link. This has been replaced with Inlink and Outlink. Have a look at the trunk and see if what you need isn't already there.

3. Get sorting to work on multiple fields. Lucene already works on
multiple fields so it shouldn't be difficult to get this working. Just
change the places where is passes down String field so that it
accepts an array. The sort fields could be read from the query
string in order:


This would also be useful.  Please submit a patch against the trunk.



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