NYCwireless met with the City to talk about using lamp posts.

the response was that they would consider a proposal, as long as it wasn't prime real estate - there is a possibility we could get no-cost use of lampposts, but only if its something that they can show has no commercial value (otherwise the city would get sued by the people who paid for franchises). and its still not a given, but there seemed to be support.

this was partly the basis of my inquiry for contacts in low-income neighborhoods. i'm envisioning a rooftop mesh with repeaters down on lampposts to cover a large district.

any other interesting projects that could take advantage of these locations please step forward.... however, we will only present serious efforts that have dedicated people involved to the city... i don't want to blow our goodwill w/ them by proposing something and then not following through.

On Aug 1, 2004, at 10:07 AM, Jim Thompson wrote:

On Jul 29, 2004, at 10:50 AM, Jacob Farkas wrote:


The MTA is proposing a fare hike on unlimited ride cards, taxes always seem to rise, and this proposal is a commercial effort by companies seeking to extend their own coverage area, and probably provide for pay wi-fi service.

Other municipalities deemed it worthy to invest in a free wireless infrastructure in an effort to encourage and attract businesses.

What never ceases to amaze me is the seemingly persistent effort by businesses looking to make a buck off of wi-fi services.

WiFi (no hyphen) is just the latest move by businesses to exploit their 'location', or that their customers are trapped I don't remember the bues in NYC, but lotsa busses have ads on them, which you get to endure (read). Airports, hotels, etc are the same way.

(The difference is, of course, that you paid to ride the bus, not read the ads.)

If the hotels and airports could find a way, they'd charge you to use your cell phone too. Some airports have, and this is what 'Concourse Communications Group' (CCG, who are the entity who installed WiFi in the Port Athority airports (and the WTC, nuff said)

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