NYCwireless September Meeting Announcement
All are invited - please re-post everywhere!

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006 at 7:15pm
568 Broadway at Prince St, NE corner
Suite 404
New York, NY 10012
(lobby sign-in required)

*** We have a bunch of free tickets for WIRED's NextFest, taking place from Sept 29-Oct 1. We will be distributing the tickets (worth $15) to any member that attends this month's meeting. If you're not a member yet, please join (only $35), and you will be eligible for a free NextFest? ticket. ***


1. Lise Brenner will talk about PETER STUYVESANT'S GHOST, an art and historical environment project inspired by the rapid cultural and physical changes during the Dutch colonial period in what is now New York City. Using sound as the primary medium of performance, PSG hopes to tap into the visceral response that hearing generates. The overall goal is a rich, many-layered experience of the footprint of Peter Stuyvesant's 17th century farm, known today as 4th Avenue to the East River, and East 4th to 23rd Streets. Events include guided walks, referencing specifically created maps and soundscapes, a daily internet radio broadcast, and a panel discussion. Ryan Holsopple will talk about the technical specifics of the PSG Telephone Tour, which involves sound art and open source telephony.

2. Molly Steenson will talk about her ethnographic research in Bangalore, India, on mobile phone sharing in lower and middle class Indian mobile users. She conducted the study in July-August 2006 while at Microsoft Research India and discovered that unlike countries like Japan and Korea, mobile phones are shared in a variety of ways, regardless of class. She's particularly interested in how this plays out in domestic and urban space.

Molly is a graduate student at the Yale School of Architecture, where she is researching historical precedents for mobile, social interactions in architecture. Previously, she was an associate professor at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in Ivrea, Italy, where she led the Connected Communities research group. Molly has worked for a variety of web and technology companies, including Scient, Razorfish, Phoenix Pop, Netscape and Reuters, and was the co- founder of Maxi, an award-winning webzine in the late 90s. Online, she's at

NYCwireless monthly meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month. They are free, and open to all, RSVP not required.

NYCwireless is a non-profit organization that advocates for, and enables the growth of free, public wireless networks.

Dana Spiegel
Executive Director
+1 917 402 0422

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